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Silent Fly

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Everything posted by Silent Fly

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='98159' date='Dec 3 2007, 02:26 PM']Channels / presets /patches ? .. er Not sure what the correct term for them is but so that A7 has one effect and A8 has a diffferent one. ...[/quote] In the Zoom's manual they are called "patch". [quote name='OldGit' post='98159' date='Dec 3 2007, 02:26 PM']Guess I should RTFM, again, then [/quote] It sounds a good plan [quote name='OldGit' post='98159' date='Dec 3 2007, 02:26 PM']So it should allow me to turn everything off and then just add in the single effect?[/quote] Yes but you cannot add directly a single effect on-the-fly. You can write a patch with a single effect and then to bypass the unit you can: - write a patch with no effects and then switch between the two - press the two foot switches at the same time (page 10) - use an external switch (page 22, section 3 and page 34) - or use an external bypass box or a line selector (e.g. Boss LS-2) If create the patch with just one effect is what you want to achieve, it is described at page 14, section 2 of the user manual: "To switch an effect module on and off". Good luck with the Zoom b2.1u - it is a great unit.
  2. I assume that by "on separate [i]channels[/i]" you mean separate [i]presets[/i]. As far as I can remember the Zoom B2.1u's User Manual is not too bad. Did you read it carefully? What you want to achieve sounds quite straight forward.
  3. [quote name='dr.funk' post='98013' date='Dec 3 2007, 11:27 AM']Thanks for the review, I remember looking at this ages ago and thinking it had some great sounds, good to hear some bass specific clips though [/quote] I am glad you found the review interesting. It is shame that AdrenaLinn III is not as popular as other units. Probably because it is not supported by the same marketing budgets that other companies spend to promote their units. If exacly the same unit had "Boss" or "Digitech" on it, it would sell like hot cakes. I may be totaly wrong but I don't think the UK distributor does much to promote the unit either. Personaly, I think it is an excellent unit for bass. Apart from the quality of the sounds, I like compact size. I put it in my pedalboard and it is roughly the size of two boss pedals. If it wasn't for the compressor and for the lack of a phaser (you can kind of get away with a twicked flanger though) I wouldn't probably need anything else.
  4. Keep it! Fantastic pedal.
  5. [quote name='fretmeister' post='97344' date='Dec 1 2007, 07:05 PM']With the USA prices so good at the moment I was thinking of getting a new drive pedal. I've been thinking about the MXR Blowtorch, The Tech 21 Bass driver DI etc but wht else is there to look at? It must have a blend with the clean signal, but other than that I'm open to suggestions. ta muchly![/quote] I suggest you an AdrenaLinn III - Fantastic multi-fx + drum machine. Excellent saturation/distortions/overdrive/fuzz/... I prefer the Tech 21 Para Driver to the BDDI - in a way it is similar but I like it more.
  6. [i]Are mutli-effects fundamentally flawed...?[/i] Not necessarily - it depends what you expect. Some people never bypass and use a preset with just compression that works as "normal/clean" sound. Usually in the multi-fx units I had I always used preset 0 as "clean" (no effects) and preset 99 (or whatever is the last one) as mute (master=0). In the Zoom B2.1u, if I remember correctly, it is possible to connect an external switch for total bypass. The AdrenaLinn III that I reviewed [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9116"]here[/url] allow the user to assign the desidered function to the footswitches so for instance, the right switch can be the bypass. So, providing that lack of direct bypass is a flaw (some would say [i]system feature[/i] ), the answer is "some are, some aren't".
  7. [i][b]Roger Linn Design AdrenaLinn III[/b][/i] [i][b]Disclaimer[/b] I tested the unit with the current firmware 3.0.0. Further updates my change substantially the behaviour or performance of the unit. These are my personal opinion and reflect my personal experience. You are strongly advised to try AdrenaLinn III before buying it.[/i] [b]Introduction[/b] AdrenaLinn is fundamentally a sound processor designed for guitar. From version III Adrenalinn includes some bass-specific functionality. AdrenaLinn has been designed by Roger Linn (and others). Roger Linn is not only a first class engineer but also an experienced musician – and the AdrenaLinn shows this. Every time I explored a new functionality I realized that there is a reason why things are implemented in a certain way. Every decision that has been taken designing AdrenaLinn is the decision of a musician that know what he needs instead of an engineer that has no contact with the real world. AdrenaLinn III can perform 3 main functions: - Multi-effect - Amp modeller (40 models) - Drum Machine What makes AdrenaLinn unique is that the drum machine can control the behaviour of the multi-effect. The link between drums and multi effect doesn’t have to be used. Nothing stops the user for using multi-fx and drums separately. You can for instance use multi-fx without even go near the drum machine (or vice versa). AdrenaLinn III has 200 presets – all user editable. The good news is that for the first time I tried a multi-fx unit the factory preset are actually good. You can plug your guitar and use them. Not all of them are suitable for bass but at least they are preset that a musician can use without spending hours (or days) trying to produce some reasonable sound. [b]*** Multi-effect[/b] The multi-effect section of the Adrenalinn consists in 4 modules: - MOD FX (modulation and filter effects) - COMPRESSOR - DELAY - REVERB [b]* MOD FX[/b] MOD FX can be set to several possible effects. For every effect there are one or more variations: [b]Tremolo (variations: Classic, pulse, random,…)[/b] Tremolo like many other effects in AdrenaLinn III can be customized more than in usual multi-fx units. Practically everything that defines the effect can be controlled. For the tremolo, it is possible to control: - the shape of the modulation (LFO wave). It can set as pulse control (i.e. like an on-off switch), sine wave (i.e. very smooth), triangular, sawtooth or random. - the speed as an absolute value (e.g. 60 pulses per sec), as a fraction/multiple of the beat of the drum machine (e.g. a pulse every 2/4 or 2 pulses ever 1/4) or controlled by MIDI synch. - the depth of the modulation (i.e. the ration between modulated and “clean” signal) - the event that triggers the modulation (Modulation Source): drum machine, audio envelope (i.e. how loud you play) and many others. Fortunately, you don’t have to think to all these parameters every time you decided you want to use an effect. Once you select a variation Adrenalinn III takes care of setting the parameters for you. Moreover, variation 1 is always selected by default. As variation 1 corresponds always to the more common settings for every effect, it is likely that what you selected will sound ok. The sound quality of the tremolo itself is excellent. It just modulates the sound without adding any coloration or distortion. It is not a sophisticated effect but it does what is supposed to do well. [b]Filter Tremolo (variations: Low-pass, wah, Sawtooth,…)[/b] It should probably be called “rhythmic or pulsing filter”. It is similar to Tremolo but instead of changing the volume it changes the tone of the instrument. As with the Tremolo there are several parameters that can be changed. You can for instance change the base frequency of the modulated low pass filter so only the notes above a certain point are affected. An interesting setting is with the frequency relatively high so only harmonics are affected but fingered notes pass through the effect untouched. [b]Flanger/Chorus (7 variations: Flanger, Chorus, Sweep notch filter, Phaser…)[/b] I don’t like flangers very much but the sound of the flangers of the Adrenalinn is very solid and with all the parameters available I cannot think to a flanger sound that cannot be created easily. Chorus is excellent. At least it sounds as good as my MXR M-134. Again, flexibility is the keyword but even using the standard values, Adrenalinn delivers choruses that are deep and natural. Phaser is not the phaser we all know. I asked Roger Linn Design about it and they answered: “[i]The effect you're looking for is called ‘phase shift’ and doesn't exist in the AdrenaLinn III. True phase shift creates the sound of (usually) 3 notch filters sweeping up and down across the frequency spectrum. What we call phaser is actually a single notch filter so it's a much more subtle effect. I've just changed the manual for future printings so as not to cause this confusion in future[/i]”. In a nutshell do not expect to get a MXR Phase 90 sound because you will not get it. All multi-fx I know have a phaser and I am surprised that a phaser is not available in the AdrenaLinn III. If you need a phaser sound, you will need to use and external unit. A phaser might be implemented in future updates but there is no guarantee it will - don’t hold your breath. [b]Rotary (2 variations)[/b] It simulates rotary speakers creating a sound that sounds a little bit like tremolo and “filtered tremolo” combined. It is a great effect especially when is used with a mix fx-dry with just a little bit of effect. [b]Vibrato (3 variations: Slow, Medium, note-triggered)[/b] It is subtle change the pitch. It has more or less the same controls of the Vibrato effect (LFO wave, …). It is not an effect that I see applied to bass but I am sure someone has already found a creative application of it. Vibrato is implemented well by AdrenaLinn III the only problem I found is the on variation 3 (note-triggered) it produces a very annoying distortion. [b]Random filter (6 variations)[/b] With this effect, AdrenaLinn III changes the frequency of the filter changes randomly. It is similar to the Filter Tremolo with a random LFO but the effect is more wah-like. It is a very interesting effect. Because the variations occur at a fixer rate, even when you hold a note, there is a natural groove that comes out directly from the sound processing. I believe this is a unique feature of the AdrenaLinn. The quality of the sound itself is excellent and like many other effects of this unit, it is very well implemented. [b]Random flanger (3 variations)[/b] Same idea of the Random filter but in this case the AdrenaLinn uses a Flanger instead of a filter. [b]Tremolo Sequence (20 pre-programmed sequences, 1 user sequence)[/b] This effect is similar to the classic tremolo but the volume changes accordingly to defined or user patterns. With the tremolo effect, the volume changes accordingly to a specific control LFO wave. For example, if you select a sine wave the volume changes following the sine wave. As the sine wave is a smooth wave, the volume changes smoothly. With this effect, the volume is controlled by a sequence of 32 values that are aligned in a 2 bars sequence. There are 20 preset sequences and a user sequence for every preset. Although it is an interesting affect, I don’t see it as a great affect for typical bass guitar playing. It is probably more suitable for bass-solo compositions - Michael Manring springs to mind. [b]Filter Sequence (20 pre-programmed sequences 1 user sequence)[/b] It is similar to Tremolo Sequence but it is filter a where the tone changes accordingly to predefined or user patterns. [b]Arpeggiator sequence (20 pre-programmed sequences, 1 user sequence)[/b] To use the user manual words: “this effect pushes the weird/cool level to the limit”. In practice it is similar to the Filter Sequence but the filter accentuates specific notes using the usual 2 bars patterns. It is an interesting idea but frankly it is a little bit too weird for me. I don’t see myself playing with an effect that moves the notes under my feet. I am sure some people disagree and find this effect useful but to me it is a little bit too much. [b]Autofilter (12 variations)[/b] It is what we usually call auto-wah. As in all the other effects, it highly customizable. I like variation 1 (auto lowpass filter). With a little bit of tweaking I managed to find a sound that is reasonably similar to my MXR bass auto Q. Extra funky sounds that can be modified to be extra-weird if you want. [b]Talk box (7 variations)[/b] It simulates the talk box effect. It is not an effect that I see applied heavily to bass guitar but with a little bit of tweaking I managed to find some interesting sound. I wouldn’t buy AdrenaLinn III for this effect alone but it can be interesting. [b]Volume Envelope (2 variations)[/b] It modifies the attack of the notes creating a slow rise in volume as if the bass was played with a bow. [b]Auto Pan (6 variations)[/b] It changes the position of the sound between right and left channel. It can be automated using sine, triangular… waves or random. [b]Wah pedal (it works only with external midi pedal)[/b] I haven’t tried this effect because I don’t have my FCB1010 available but I expect it would behave like the Autofilter with external control. [b]Fixed filter (6 variations)[/b] It can be setup a low-pass filter, band-pass filter, notch filter, high-pass filter. In spite to what it might appear, I don’t find these filters very useful for bass. The low-pass filter can be used to get very dark tones and the notch filter can be use to get rid of some resonances but this is about all you can do with it. It cannot be used to shape the sound like you would do with a classic parametric EQ but it is more a “special effect” filter where you take away frequencies from the sound. [b]Fixed Flanger (5 variations)[/b] It is a flanger that doesn’t change with time. I don’t see any interesting application of this effect but I am sure that someone out there has found an interesting use for it. [b]Sci-Fi (5 variations)[/b] A collection of weird special effects. [b]* COMPRESSOR[/b] Compared to other effects, the compressor of AdrenaLinn III is quite basic: it has three parameters: on/off, level and volume. Sadly, the compressor of AdrenaLinn III does not work well with bass guitar. For some reason, the release time is too fast. Especially with slap, you can clearly hear the compressor increasing the output shortly after the note has been hit. This creates an annoying pump effect that makes the compressor totally unusable. It is a shame because compression is probably the most important effect for bass guitar. I am surprised that Roger Linn Design didn’t spend more time in fine tuning this part of AdrenaLinn III. If you decide to buy an AdrenaLinn III, don’t count on the internal compressor – you will need an external one. [b]* DELAY[/b] The delay can be set from 0 to 2.8 sec or from 0 to 700msec if the reverb is on. Equally, if you set the delay higher than 700msec, the reverb it turned off automatically. The delay of AdrenaLinn III is clear and transparent and it is at least at the same standard of other major brands. [b]* REVERB[/b] I really like the reverb of the AdrenaLinn III. In spite to the simple controls, compared to my Boss RV-5 the AdrenaLinn sounds more organic and natural. The notes are more musical and tight. Not a huge difference but I like the AdrenaLinn more. [b]*** Amp modeller[/b] I tried all 40 models and I really like them. Compared to the PODxt models, they have fewer controls, don’t simulate some vintage amp that nobody ever tried and don’t have any microphone simulation but, to my ears, they sound better. They are musical and personally, this is all I need. I don’t know if the Ampeg SVT simulation is close to the original (it probably is) but quite frankly, I don’t care. With my PODxt I always had the problem that with the cabinet model I couldn’t get rid of a subtle ambient effect probably related to the microphone simulation. With the AdrenaLinn III the amp sound like you put your head in front of the cabinet. If you are into distortion, AdreanLinn has more distortion variations then you probably ever need. The Ampeg SVR and the Acoustic 360 models saturate nicely and smoothly. If this is not enough distortion for you, you can knock yourself out with some heavy distortions from the Fuzz Tone stomp model or the Soldano SLO-100. [b]*** Drum Machine[/b] For every preset of the multi-fx, AdrenaLinn associates a drumbeat of the drum machine. In other words, when you change preset, AdrenaLinn changes the drumbeat. The automatic change of drumbeat number can be removed so you can keep the drums fixed and change just the multi-fx preset. The drums sounds are reasonably good. I wouldn’t define them fantastic but if you need fantastic sounds you can always connect an external drum machine to the AdrenaLinn using a MIDI cable. The programming is limited to 4 voices but for composing and general usage is adequate. Again, if you need more, connect an external MIDI module to the AdrenaLinn. [b]Construction[/b] The construction is quite good. The box is made of solid metal and the footswitches are solid and responsive. It is not a unit that can stand extreme abuse though. If you are use to jump on your pedal board, I suggest you buy an external midi foot controller and keep the AdrenaLinn safe near your amp. The AdrenaLinn III needs 9 volt / 500mA to work but the polarity is inverted compared to Boss pedals. If you plan to use the same power supply you use with your other pedals, you will need and adaptor. If you need only limited control of the unit during your performance, the two foot switches allow you to manage the unit enough to change preset, turn on/off the drums machine and perform an auxiliary function like total bypass. The buttons are ok but I would have liked more solid ones. They are probably adequate for normal use but I would treat them gently. The knobs are the right size but unfortunately they come off from the unit quite easily. Nothing that a tiny touch of glue cannot fix but it would have been nice if they put a little more attention to it. There is only one thing that I cannot understand. Why on earth the names of the parameters are printed white on grey background. Some parameters are printed 1mm tall. Unless you have the eyesight of a falcon they are impossible to see in an environment that is less then perfectly illuminated. Moreover, some buttons are black on black background. Again, why? How about… white buttons or white background. It is a very simple detail but it makes a big difference in usability. The thing I like more of the AdrenaLinn is its size and shape. I may sound a little bit conformist but I prefer small rectangular shaped units instead of effects shaped like beans or guitars that have the size of a little airplane. AdrenaLinn is pedal board friendly. It is roughly 185mm x 120mm and it fits almost every pedal board. AdrenaLinn comes with four pretty big rubber feet that I would liked not attached to the unit leaving the user the option of attach them or use something else (e.g. velcro). [b]Ease of Use[/b] In these days of web enabled phones, iPhones and colour display even on dishwashers, the user interface of the AdrenaLinn remind me a little bit the IBM punch cards used until the mid-‘70. The parameters are accessible using a matrix where the coordinates are highlighted by leds. For today’s standards is a very primitive interface but unexpectedly I end up likening it. Passed the first hour or so of initial shock, everything starts to make sense. There is no hi-resolution display that shows a small picture of the model of the amp you selected but on the other side the location of every parameter is clearly visible. You don’t have to think where in the complex menu structure is the Delay Time. You can see it (or better you would if only was printed in black on white). If you don’t like the user interface, Sound Tower sells a PC/Mac editor the AdrenaLinn III. It is a nice piece of software but you have to pay $39.95 USD (GBP 19.37) to have it. This surprises me. Almost every sound processor or synthesizer sold today has a PC-based editor. I understand that Roger Linn Design is a small company and that cannot afford to develop a software editor and give it way for free but at least a simplified version with a chargeable upgrade would have been useful for users that can’t or don’t want learn an unusual user interface. [b]Sound Quality[/b] Overall the sound quality is excellent. I never noticed a loss in bass or high frequencies when effects are activated. Flangers and choruses sound full and clear and when combined with reverbs they generate beautiful rich sound textures. [b]MIDI[/b] Perhaps because one of the engineers is [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Smith_(engineer)"]Dave Smith[/url] the MIDI implementation is great. AdrenaLinn III can used to generate MIDI sync (you control your sequencer using the AdrenaLinn) or it can receive MIDI sync (you control the AdrenaLinn with your PC/Mac or sequencer). The main parameters of the AdrenaLinn III can be controlled via MIDI describing [i]in the unit[/i] how a specific message will effect the unit. It means that instead of re-programming your midi controller in order to send the “right” messages, you can program the AdrenaLinn and tell it what to do when a given message arrives. Because of the clever MIDI implementation, the unit can be configured to operate like a collection of stop boxes. If you own a FCB1010 for instance, you can setup your configuration to have the upper row of the FCB1010 of to control the preset number and the lower row to turn on/off the single effects. [b]Live usage[/b] I read on the net a few comments about the problem of using AdrenaLinn live. In real life you have a drummer playing and the AdrenaLinn needs to work in-sync with the drummer. With AdrenaLinn III is quite easy send the click to a drummer. Using the MIX/SET OUT function, it is possible setup the AdrenaLinn to send the bass sound on the left channel and the drums on the left channel. Once you setup the AdrenaLinn in this way, simply connect your amp to the left channel of the AdrenaLinn and send the right channel of the headphones output to the drummer. Before the song starts, tap at least 4 times on the right footswitch. When you press the left foot switch, the drummer will start to receive the drumbeat. If your guitar player has an AdrenaLinn you can connect the two AdrenaLinn with a MIDI cable. In this way the entire band will be synchronized. [b]Customer Support[/b] Second to none. I sent a few email to Roger Linn Design and in a very short time I received a very clear and complete answer from Roger Linn himself. Try to do the same thing with Roland, Line6 or Digitech and see if the person in charge of the unit (or the owner of the company) answers. [b]Overall Rating[/b] I recommend AdrenaLinn III to the bass players that need a small unit that delivers very good sounds. It is also an excellent tool for composing or practicing thanks to the drum machine and the creative multi-fx section. I wouldn’t replace it with my current pedal board though. I would be happy to replace my MXR Stereo Chorus and my RV-5 with the AdrenaLinn III but the lack of a usable compressor restricts the use of the AdrenaLinn as an auxiliary effect. [b]Price[/b] USA: US$375 (GBP 182, Euro 253) UK: GBP 220 (US$ 454, Euro 306) Germany: Euro 369 (US$ 547, GBP 265) [b]Pros[/b] Excellent sounds. Very good MIDI implementation. Size and shape. Unique integrated drum machine with synchronized effects [b]Cons[/b] Compressor Hard to read panel Buttons/knobs [b]Sample index[/b] 00:00 Tremolo 00:35 Filtered tremolo + rev 00:57 Chorus 01:15 Random Filter 01:41 Random Filter + distortion 02:11 Auto-Wah 02:42 Rev+Chorus 03:22 SVT Saturation 03:48 Soldano Distortion 04:17 Compressor (no other effects)
  8. I recommend the EBS MultiComp. [url="http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs"]http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs[/url]
  9. [quote name='Sibob' post='92894' date='Nov 22 2007, 05:39 PM']Hurrow Mr Bwix! Ummm, I'm looking for a replacement for my Aphex Punch Factroy, probably the EBS MultiComp, but i think i would miss the DI out of the PF. To effect the DI signal from my head, could i place the EBS in the FX loop? Or does it have to be in-line for the best results? Cheers Si[/quote] Interesting question... In [i]theory [/i]a compressor should be first however I have my EBS Multicomp and it is in the middle of my affects chain. A few weeks ago I bought an EBS OctaBass and following the Octabass instructions I put: Bass->MultiComp->Octabass->EQ->MXR bass auto Q->... The sound was good but the octaver could not track the bass properly. I moved the Octabass first: Bass->Octabass->MultiComp->EQ->MXR bass auto Q->... and it tracked beautifully. After a while I noticed that everytime I turned on the [i]MXR bass auto Q[/i], the last effect of the chain (Aphex Xciter) started to clip. So I decided to move the MultiComp down: Bass->Octabass->MXR bass auto Q->EQ->MultiComp->Chorus-Reverb->Xciter->Amp It works great. No more clipping. In a nutshell: rules give you just a starting point. Try different combination and you may end up with a unique but very effective configuration. Regarding putting the Multicomp in the effect loop, it depends how your effect loop works. You can try but the signal might be a little bit too high. Moreover, if the master volume control is before the SEND output, the compressor would receive a signal that change amplitude when you turn up/down the volume. It might be what you look for but in practice, the compression would depend on how loud you amp is and not on how hard you hit the strings. I hope this helps. Silent Fly
  10. I recommend you the [b][url="http://www.ebs.bass.se/2007/multicomp.htm"]EBS MultiComp[/url][/b]. It also has the "TubeSim" function that adds some tube-like warmth if this is what you are looking for. [url="http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs"]http://www.ev-b.com/compressors.html#ebs[/url]
  11. [quote name='Fretless Bass' post='91902' date='Nov 20 2007, 11:13 PM']Does anybody know what type of voltage converter adaptor u would need to operate a usa bass pod xt (bean)? Would a UK bass pod xt power supply also work? seen this adaptor on Maplin but not sure how many watts the bass pod xt is [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ITAG=SPEC&ModuleNo=31899&doy=20m11#spec"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ITAG=S...;doy=20m11#spec[/url][/quote] You may find this usefull: [url="http://line6.com/support/entry!default.jspa?categoryID=45&externalID=4269&fromSearchPage=true"]http://line6.com/support/entry!default...SearchPage=true[/url] Silent Fly
  12. I am selling the [b]DC-Brick[/b] that I bough from Higgie a few weeks ago. The reason is that I re-arranged my pedalboard and I don't need one anymore. It has the US adaptor, but it works with 240v without a transformer. I will include the US to UK plug adaptor. (SOLD)
  13. Silent Fly


    I migh have been mentioned before but Bass Player reviewed some overdrives pedals a while ago: [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/story.aspx?content_id=24670"]http://www.bassplayer.com/story.aspx?content_id=24670[/url] This is the list of the pedals reviewed: [list] [*]Ashdown Drive Plus [*]Boss ODB-3 Bass Overdrive [*]Bixonic Expandora Exp-2000R [*]Chunk Systems Brown Dog [*]Digitech Bass Driver [*]DNA Analogic Bd-1 Bass Dragger [*]EBS ValveDrive [*]Frantone Electronics Bassweet [*]Fulltone Bass-Drive Mosfet [*]Gallien-Krueger Diesel Dawg [*]HAO RR-1 Rust Ride Bass Driver [*]Homebrew Electronics Hematoma [*]Ibanez Phat-Hed PD7 [*]MXR Bass Blow Torch [*]Nobels ODR-B Bass Overdrive [*]Prescription Electronics Depth Charge [*]Roger Mayer Voodoo-Bass [*]Tech 21 XXL Bass Edition [*]T. Rex Bass Juice [*]T.C.Electronic Vintage Bass Distortion [*]Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth [/list] Silent Fly
  14. Silent Fly


    Hi, I was wondering... has anybody here tried the [url="http://www.rogerlinndesign.com/products/adrenalinn3/adrenalinn3.shtml"]Adrenalinn III[/url]? It looks a very cool multi/effect but I have no idea how it would sound with a bass Silent Fly
  15. [quote name='BassManKev' post='86509' date='Nov 10 2007, 04:07 PM']i have a diago showman for sale if there is any interest[/quote] Thanks for your offer BassManKev. The Diago Showman looks a nice pedalboard but unfortunately it is little bit too big for me. Silent Fly
  16. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='85821' date='Nov 9 2007, 10:34 AM']I've got a flightcase warehouse one pretty much identical to the spec of this one, except without the rubber feet on the bottom. It is very solid and well put together, but it weighs a bloody ton, especially full of pedals - i think mine has 14 or 15 pedals in at the minute.[/quote] Accordingly to the web site the GB01 is 8 kg (empty of course) - as you said "a bloody ton" The Diago Gigman is 4 kg - which is good. On the other side, my amp (Markbass F1) weighs 2.1 kg - half the weigh of an empty pedalboard...
  17. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='85695' date='Nov 8 2007, 10:01 PM']I have to say, I got a bit weary of Diago boards... the one I bought had the carpet bit coming off COMPLETELY after carefully un-sticking a couple of pedals. There was barely any glue on it. Also, the internal dimensions were less than stated, 1.5cm (W) and 0.5cm (H and D) which ended up making a big difference... That said, James called me promptly apologising and offering to make it up, he would have taken it back and refunded me or sent a new one for no postal costs, I'm sure, but I decided to just keep it and fix it myself, as otherwise it's pretty well built... I'm just living with the wah ripping the foam interior of the lid, because of that bit of height missing... Just so you can imagine, double side tape and some tiny drops of super glue made the carpet hold better than the way it came, still going strong that way, so you can see how terribly glued it came if double sided tape does a better job! I think I would give those Spiders a go this time...[/quote] I hope your board was just a glitch in the Diago's boards production. Reading other comments on this forum it would appear that the quality is actually quite good. It is good that they offered to do their best to sort out the problem. Silent Fly
  18. The [url="http://www.diago.co.uk"]diago[/url] look very nice! What do you think about these: [url="http://www.spider-engineering.co.uk/music/typeproducts2.asp?id=3878-4748"]<a href="http://www.spider-engineering.co.uk/music/typeproducts2.asp?id=3878-4748" target="_blank">http://www.spider-engineering.co.uk/music/...sp?id=3878-4748[/url]</a> or these: [url="http://www.nspcases.co.uk/shop/index.php?productID=153"]<a href="http://www.nspcases.co.uk/shop/index.php?productID=153" target="_blank">http://www.nspcases.co.uk/shop/index.php?productID=153[/url]</a>
  19. Hi, Yesterday I was in [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denmark_Street"]Denmark Street[/url] and a saw a couple of Stagg pedalboards (model UPC-535 and UPC-688 at [url="http://www.staggmusic.com"]www.staggmusic.com[/url]). They looked ok but I can't say I was impressed by the quality... on the other side the [url="http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/P/100695/UPC-535"]price[/url] on the net is quite good. I was wondering if you have any experience with similar models (or other brands, DIY...) Thanks, Silent Fly [i]P.S. Although I have being playing for +20 years this is my first pedalboard.[/i]
  20. Hello Nick, Thanks for the interesting links. Good news: the 4 matched 2N5952 JFET [url="http://banzaieffects.de/2N5952-matched-transistors-pr-16283.html"]are not a problem[/url]! I also managed to find very clear instructions about [url="http://smallbox.zeonhost.com/projects/tooling/index.html"]how to paint the box[/url]. Silent Fly
  21. [quote name='nick' post='83670' date='Nov 4 2007, 07:59 PM'](...) What effect do you fancy building?[/quote] I was thinking about a phaser and the "Script 90 Phaser" (aka MXR 90 + depth control) sounds a good choice. I agree that £40 it is a little bit pricey considering the cost of the components + hardware. On the other side, the MXR Phase 90, depending on the flavour, costs between £55 and £96 (thomann prices) and it is without the depth control. I may end up buying only the PCB. For £6.50 it is more than reasonable. I am not sure where I am going to get 4 matched 2N5952 JFET though
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