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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. Agh, if this was a 5-er I'd have your arm off!
  2. Well, it seems Apple wasn't able to offer any help either. I managed to get it to fix itself in the end - not entirely sure what the operative step was, but in case it helps anyone else, I reinstalled Logic again, de-racked and factory reset the interfaces again, checked they both worked individually (had to dig out my old laptop for the FW connection!) and then went through the ADAT connection process again, checked they were all seen and working in MixControl, and then connected back up to Logic and presto, there we go - no more problems.
  3. Well - as expected, no difference. I was able to force an error message by resetting the interfaces whilst connected to Logic - it was something about the sample buffer, but adjusting it made no difference. I’ll get back to Apple again.
  4. Well, tried Focusrite who were really helpful but concluded it was probably a Logic issue. Tried Apple support and their advice has been to update the OS (!). Given it's a brand new laptop and I don't have any wildly expensive plugins I'm going to give it a try, if only to say 'I told you so' to them.
  5. Thanks - hadn't seen that, so will give it a try.
  6. Yep, it's 10.7.4. I see there's a new update out so I may update it and see if that helps.
  7. Thanks - it’s a 14” MBP M1 Pro (which I think is 2021 in their model speak but which is brand new)and I’m assuming it’s at least Logic 10.7.4 as it was a factory install.
  8. Snap - great minds. Have just done exactly that and it works fine. Reaper sees the interface, monitoring is fine, recording, plugins etc all work as they should. I’m pretty sure it’s Logic. What’s interesting is as soon as Logic is loaded, the interfaces in Mix Control suddenly lose their sync lock. I wonder if it’s using a relatively old interface with brand new Logic, though it is a class-compliant interface so should be fine! In an ideal world I’d take it into the Apple Store for advice but the interfaces are all racked up so it’d be a massive pain!
  9. So I recently decided to buy a new Macbook and in the process decided to buy Logic. On my previous MBP I've been using Reaper, but thought I'd finally make the jump. I have a Saffire and a gen 1 Scarlett which are connected via ADAT and which Reaper saw fine. However, although Logic 'sees' it/them, I can't a) get it to record any sound and b) play anything back. Part of this I am sure is the accursed Mix Control intermediary software. When I turn on the interfaces with no USB connection, I can hear the mics/inputs fine (including the Saffire ones) etc via direct monitoring on the Scarlett headphone output. However, when I connect to the laptop, load Logic, then even if I shut it down and disconnect, I can't hear anything until I reset the interfaces in Mix Control. After connection, none of the Mix Control faders show any input, though the input on the interfaces themselves are still registering a signal. Signal is shown in Mix Control before connection though. In Logic, the settings I have are: Input/Output - Scarlett 18i20 Output - channels 9/10 (which are the Scarlett stereo return channels) Core audio is selected, and in the system preferences the Scarlett is selected as the audio device. The main stereo output track in Logic is pointed to 9/10. Each of the single tracks is pointed to the stereo output. Recording is armed, and track monitoring is selected. By way of comparison, a more 'simple' 2in/2out interface sees inputs and outputs in Logic fine. Any ideas gratefully received!
  10. Yep, I use a second screen for editing so less crucial for me.
  11. I've just gone from a 2012 MBP i7 w 16GB to a new 14" MBP M1 Pro and it's night and day. What would take the 2012 3 - 4 hours to render is done in minutes, if not seconds. I went for the 14" over the newer 13" M2 as it performed better in testing, but if it's only for occasional stuff you could get away with the new/a refurb Air, which is pretty much on a part with the 2022 13" MBP performance wise.
  12. I tried this a while back using my pedalboard and preamp into a GSS Baby Sumo, but I could never get satisfactory results. I think you need to ensure that the signal is at the correct level for the power amp to 'see'. My issue was despite using a preamp and an active bass, the signal level was too low. I'll have a look and see if I can find the thread because there were a couple of choices mentioned on that which might be useful. In the end I just went back to pedals + amp. Another option if you haven't spent the £££ already might be pedals and preamp into powered speaker, rather than power amp + cab. You can then run a cab sim etc which would give you the option of changing your cab sound as well.
  13. Yep, they do, and doing rather well I think.
  14. Well, looking at what has been done to Premier, it does look very much 'business as usual' - no immediate attempt to cut products down (and indeed there's new 'premium' products having been launched, including a anniversary limited edition £1,499 snare drum), so hopefully it'll be the same with Eden.
  15. I haven't seen anything here about this - apologies if I'm just repeating old news! I found out yesterday that Eden Amps has become a brand of Gear4Music! I only found this out as I'd also only just discovered that Premier Percussion had been sold to G4M as well, and the press release also mentioned Eden. A quick gander at Wiki suggests that Marshall sold the brand to them last year. Looking at their website it appears there's a more streamlined range of products but haven't seen anything amazing so far. Doesn't immediately look like it's being driven down to a budget brand though. How long until we get Eden amps being sold as 'pre G4M' at a premium?
  16. Still working on it, closest answer so far is to make sure all of the patches are eq’d at a sound check with the levels adjusted as appropriate - the pedal retains those changes until switched off, so provided you’re not taking everything off stage again it should be fine. Longer term I think it’s going to be a case of literally A/B ing each patch, but I realistically don’t think I’ll have the time to actually do it!
  17. The website's a bit crap, but Woodie's Hangers?
  18. The GK MB combos were really 'the' big DB combo for years, before PJB and Mark Bass came along with their more powerful combos. https://www.gallien-krueger.com/microbass-combos The MB150 has a low cut filter which works well with DB: https://www.gallien-krueger.com/mb-150s112-specs But I think these days if you're looking for lots of volume it's probably not the one.
  19. 3/4 is the 'normal' size - 'most' DBs are 3/4 and the bow is supposedly proportioned to it. I'm a relative beginner to DB and ended up with a Hidersine bow from Bass Bags after discussing with them over the phone. My DB-playing friend said it was fine for what I paid, and seems to do the job. If you didn't want to stump up you're welcome to come and give it a try before you go off and buy one.
  20. Not sure why this didn't turn up the first time I searched, but it seems all my answers may be here: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/dean-jeff-berlin-how-many-models.1419448/
  21. Well, wasn't thinking of buying, more interested as to what it was. Obvs if it had have been a typo and it was £149 I might have been interested!
  22. Hmm, it wasn't any of those. I've found it on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283448454771 That suggests it's a 'European Custom' and made in the Czech Republic. Still, quite an odd one, I'm still struggling to see what (the name aside) makes it worth that asking price...
  23. Two excellent female bass players who I always seek out are Meshell Ndegeocello and Yolanda Charles. Both great players, lovely feel and touch. Well worth digging out tracks with them on - Meshell in particular is a prolific solo artist too.
  24. No idea. It didn't look super whizzy to me. Looked like it has some sort of zebrawood top, but a very satin finish on it - TBH you'd see better on a Cort or Ibanez.
  25. At the risk of being seen as contrary, and I’m really not trying to be - how is it not economic to post single sets? I mean, if you sold them for £15 a set surely it’s no more than £3-4 postage, which your buyer pays?
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