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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. I've just sold a fairly expensive (£1,500) item on eBay, by accepting a bidder's offer on a BIN. He made the offer at around 3pm yesterday. I sent an invoice and asked when he wanted to collect (it's a large item). No response. I sent another message yesterday evening (as prompted by eBay) asking when he would like to collect. No response. I'm fairly sure eBay send him reminders - when I last bought something collect only I recall I was bombarded with reminders to 'pay now' (presumably so they got their cut via Paypal before it was spun off). I appreciate everyone is busy, but he made the offer. How long is reasonable to wait before relisting? It's particularly annoying as it was on a £1 FVF so if I have to relist again, it's going to cost me £150 or so. I need to get it shifted ASAP (already bought its replacement 😜) so don't want to have to wait until the next £1 offer comes along.
  2. Ah, so not 'fit and forget'. Ah well. I will keep playing then. Deffo set to 100% wet! When I can get it working it's great.
  3. First one similar, but much less - it's sort of the like when the sweep switch is down it's doing nothing until driven by another pedal. It's a bit more responsible when up, so closer to your recording. V odd.
  4. I'd be surprised if that's the case - I have tried with both directly in and get the same issue, and I'd have thought the out from the preamp pedal would be at the appropriate output level. It has an input sensitivity adjustment but that seems to make no difference either.
  5. I picked up a 3leaf GR2 fairly recently, but I've been having problems getting it to 'trigger' correctly. Basically when I play 'normally', even with sensitivity high, I struggle to get it to make any noticeable difference to the sound. If I run a fuzz beforehand then it's fine, quacky as anything. I've tried using the fuzz in and out of the effects loop with no discernible changes. The signal chain is bass>preamp pedal>octaver>fuzz>GR2. I've adjusted the trimpot inside and it was better, but still not full on squelch. It sort of seems that the signal coming into it isn't hot enough, but that isn't right as I'm using an active bass, and there's also a preamp pedal at the beginning of the signal chain. It's the same whether in the effects chain or plugged directly into the pedal. It's really odd because the setup has been fine with other filter pedals I've used; I have an old Boss FT2 which works fine (albeit not as well sonically) as the GR2 should, and the SourceAudio filter I had before also worked with the same setup. Does anyone have any ideas?
  6. I have a stone outbuilding which was one of the reasons we bought the house. There's been a spate of scallies doing the rounds recently, with both of our cars having been done over in the last few weeks, so I've ordered a steel security door to fit to replace the shonky old wooden one. When we bought, the building seemed fine, but we realised it was very damp - ended up having to have it all tanked and now run a dehumidifier in there permanently.
  7. Had a look and couldn't find it on the main site, but did find this (which is probably what I was thinking of before): http://contact.bartolini.net/support/solutions/articles/5000657120-yamaha-basses-pickups-and-electronics Which suggests there are some which fit with a bit of infilling at either end. EMG 45's might also fit, again with the infilling, though I think they're 6-string pickups. Nordstrand can probably do you some custom ones to fit directly, but likely to be £££.. https://nordstrandaudio.com/pages/custom-options
  8. I thought Bartolini used to make Yamaha replacement pickups to fit?
  9. Wow, Andy. I really don't like headless basses, but I LOVE that. Absolutely superb, @Jus Lukin is a very lucky chap!
  10. No buyer protection I'd assume.
  11. I do - badly. It works - someone who knows what they are doing showed me it's eminently possible and works fine, it's just my technique is poor.
  12. Looks like someone cut up a Peavey logo.
  13. You can stop boggling. Musicianship isn’t a protected characteristic in law and thus choosing a musician over a non-musician would not be an act of unlawful discrimination. Stop trying to find offence where non exists.
  14. Nice! This is what's replaced it: With the original owner's heads on: And with some new coated Ambassadors: The cymbals came with the kit, so I'm probably moving most of them on, but undecided as to whether or not to have the 16 floor tom and two rack toms cut down or not...
  15. Thanks - I generally prefer 'trad' sizes but the reason this is making way is I recently picked up a mint late 90's Yamaha Maple Custom kit, which has always been one of my 'dream' kits. That has power toms - 10x9, 12x10 etc - so not usually my thing at all, but it sounds so great! Currently in two minds as to whether to flip that too or have some work done on it to make it perfect...
  16. Wow Andy, that really looks like one of your best. Stunning now - can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.
  17. Standard mic lead should be fine. Switch the DI to line level rather than mic on the amp to start - if that is too quiet, try mic (but have everything turned down). Only use ground lift if you're getting any hum etc. Check whether you can change the input gain on the mic inputs from mic to line too - sometimes you can pad them (not familiar with your device though). Edit: or, if it will accept it, take a DI out to jack in on your device - usually the jack inputs are line level.
  18. Asking to be objectified, were they? There was subtext? Seemed pretty clear to me - “hurr hurr, boobies. Look lads, boobies. Girls wiv boobies. Hurr hurr.” I’m not trying to be professionally offended, but this is supposed to be an inclusive community and I can’t imagine lots of people going “hurr hurr, boobies” even with token attempts at critical commentary is of much appeal (or, indeed, merit) to anyone but a load of old blokes. I’ll leave it there - all I am suggesting is perhaps before posting some of the more reductive comments people consider there may be others who might not share their views on these things.
  19. No, but the purpose of posting the video and some of the subsequent comments were, in my view, pretty objectifying.
  20. At the risk of being "that guy", isn't the general tone that this thread is descending into a bit, well, misogynist? I've certainly seen similar threads closed on other forums (female cyclists, female athletes etc etc) for similar reasons. I'm sure as a community we'd want BC to be welcoming to everyone. I should say I'm not looking to start a debate or criticise any other posters - obviously people's tastes are different, just thought I'd raise it.
  21. Thought I might stick this here to see if there's any interest. Premier Artist 6-piece shell pack for sale. Comprises 10"x8", 12"x9", 14"x14", 16"x16", 20"x18" (I think) Premier Percussion Artist Birch shells in Solid White Lacquer, and an 8"x7" Artist Maple tom in Rosewood Lacquer which has been wrapped in white to match the rest of the kit. It's a lovely sounding kit and it's only being moved on because there's something else coming in its place. The wide range of sizes mean you can cover off all types of music. The good: 100% premium birch 6-ply shells (apart from the 8", which is maple) Isolation mounts on the rack toms Lacquer finish (wrap on the 8") FAST tom sizes - between traditional and power toms Birch shells cut through the mix The bad: It's a circa 2003 kit so as you'd expect, there are dings and marks on the shells which I've tried to illustrate in the photos, but they don't detract from the sound. They're not really visible other than close up. It was stored for a few years in what I thought was a dry space, but turned out not to be, so there's some surface corrosion on the brightwork, and the lug screws inside the shells have corroded in some places. The 8" was wrapped inexpertly by me. I recall I didn't do a great job of removing the badge grommet, so the shell around the airhole is chewed up - however, I can include a couple of replacement grommets if you want to re-do it. The badge has lifted - I didn't want to permanently glue it down in case I wanted to take the wrap off (it's not glued down so can be easily removed and the original finish restored. One or two of the memrilocks are missing. The rest: The 8", 10", 12" and 16" currently have Aquarian coated single-ply heads on but I'll fit Evans G-Plus heads to match the 14". I'll remove the blanket from the bass drum before sale. It comes with the six floor tom legs, the Roklok tom holder, and the tom holder for the 8". Cymbal stand and rug not included. More pics available if wanted. Not desperate for trades but would consider a nice P or P/J bass. £450 for quick sale?
  22. This was my little 'mini' kit - a lovely little Beverley with an 18" bass drum. It was great, you could pack it up and leave in the boot of a hatchback for a gig that evening and no-one would be the wiser! Sounded great too. I'd love to get another mini kit but don't really have the space, or, sadly, the need for one.
  23. Love the Jungle kits! Nice setup @ordep
  24. In fairness, I don't use Facebook - initially didn't want to, then had a job where it was discouraged, and now - no thanks. However, I have seen some stuff on FB marketplace which I haven't seen elsewhere, so (had it not gone) I would have joined just for that reason. Not everyone late to it is a scammer!
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