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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. Yay!
  2. Seen something I'd like so reduced to £55 posted.
  3. Candy and sparkle are two different finishes - candy is a colour over a metallic base; sparkle uses much larger flakes. https://manchesterguitartech.co.uk/2019/09/04/creating-a-candy-apple-red-finish/ https://www.sims.guitars/spray-shop/colours/speciality
  4. Hmm, if it's not something obvious resonating but still audible when unplugged, I'd say probably this. Have you tried taking off and re-seating the G-string?
  5. Waaah, I want mine! *stalks postie*
  6. Could it be something is resonating with that frequency? A loose tuner or bridge screw perhaps?
  7. I recently acquired a GR Bass Mini One head - slightly larger than the Elf, but will do 350W at 4ohms if needed. Works really well as my backup amp - it really is tiny and you can chuck it in a bag fairly easily. Sounds good with headphones too.
  8. Big wide suede strap?
  9. On hold pending payment.
  10. GSS Baby Sumo power amp for sale. Recently acquired from Crabman on here, but just isn't working with my current setup, so decided to move it on and use the funds to repair my knackered amp instead. Clean uncoloured power - 300w at 8ohm or 600w at 4ohm. Ideal for a FRFR setup! A small ding and scratch on the front panel (present when I bought it) and the hardcase handle is missing but in otherwise good working order. Comes with case and kettle lead. £185 posted to mainland UK, tracked and insured, or £170 collected.
  11. I think I pointed out in one of your other threads once they’ve failed to repair, you can insist on a refund.
  12. You get it back if you’re successful. Your claim is ‘damages’, the court fee is ‘costs’. Costs are limited on the small claims track but if successful you should get any court fees back.
  13. Lol - I remember that. Nick and I took a long walk up there and it’s not a hugely salubrious area, and managed to catch him when he was awake. I seem to recall it took another two trips to get him to part with it though!
  14. I would give them a deadline by which they have to refund you - say 7 days, and say failing which you will take steps to recover your money. Did you buy via credit or debit card? If so, you could pursue a chargeback. If not, you may need to start a small claim.
  15. And that’s fine - you’re obviously entitled to your own opinion. However, for those professional musicians who earn their living solely from music I’d have thought it would be a potential lifeline. There is nothing untoward in complying with the Regulations if the exemptions apply to ones’s particular personal circumstances.
  16. Well, the MU guidance is anyone in a “working” band – defined as "both professionals and part-time professionals, provided they are meeting with the purpose of rehearsing towards potential or actual paid engagements".
  17. Just to update this further, I've heard back from the regional MU office, which has said that they are taking Reg 17(6)(b) as including rehearsal studios, so provided you fall within the category of professional or semi-professional and are rehearsing for actual or prospective work, the MU says you can still rehearse. So not illicit at all now then. I need to change the thread title...
  18. Hmm, looks like it's indicating a different preamp then. Annoying because the Providence is perfect - I use an active and a passive bass or an EUB, so it lets me deal with the differing levels etc really well. Yep, I could, but I have the matching extension cab too. I have a couple of powered speakers for PA (admitted not to RCF standards) so they'll do in a worst-case pinch. I have to say after all this I'm leaning towards just stumping up the no doubt huge £££ to have the combo repaired! 😂
  19. I would try a specialist broker in the first instance - Hencilla Canworth do the MU's insurance and I know you can 'upgrade' that.
  20. So, I have been experimenting with very mixed success. I have a knackered Markbass combo on which it seems the power stage is fecked. I decided to try and go with a power amp and preamp setup, but unfortunately the preamp I have simply doesn’t deliver enough signal to use the power amp effectively. My current setup is a Providence Bass Station preamp into a drive pedal and multi effects pedal, and then a MB Super Booster (to get the MB VLE sound and provide a DI out). If I crank the Super Booster right up it increases the level out but I’m still not getting enough welly to properly drive the power amp. I can still use the MB preamp but that leaves me faffing around with two amps and the pedalboard, which is a pain. Does anyone know of a cleanish preamp pedal that outputs line level? I know the Sansamp does but I’ve never got on with the Sansamp sound. I love the Providence - clean with bags of headroom and offers two channels and a mute - perfect for my setup. Alternatively is there an easy way to up the level after the last pedal?
  21. Jakester

    Zoom MS60-B

    Hmm, just to feed back on this - not an unmitigated success, it has to be said. Since I posted that, I’ve been redoing my pedalboard, which now goes preamp - TC Mojomojo - MS60B - Markbass Super Booster. The idea is that I get core tone etc from the preamp, overdrive and VLE filter on the super booster, and the Zoom adds effects when needed. I wired it all up with a power supply, everything working a treat with the headphone amp etc. However, finally got to try it out with the new amp setup and there’s an horrendous hum, which I narrowed down to the DMC Micro. Which is weird, because it’s not in the signal chain, only connected by the mini usb cable to the Zoom. Both the Zoom and Micro are powered by 9v from a power supply. I tried removing the power onto the Zoom as the Micro can power it via usb, but that made the hum worse. Interestingly it was worse on some patches than others, but only went away entirely when the Micro was switched off. Any ideas? I’ll drop DMC a line too to see what they think. The whole idea was to get away from separate wall warts and use just one pedal power supply - I’ll be very cross if I need to use more than that’s just for the DMC!!
  22. Well, they have a legal team which will have considered the regs and formulated the guidance...
  23. Ooh, that is loverly Nick. I don't need a guitar but by golly do I want it! Sadly it's about £874 too expensive for me, but have a GLWTS bump from me!
  24. That describes most of the bands I've been in over the years!
  25. Aha! I was just sending an email to the MU to ask for their guidance on this issue, and this popped up on their website: https://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/Home/News/2020/Nov/Guidance-on-Continuing-to-Rehearse-During-England The salient points are: "The guidance we’ve received from DCMS confirms that bands and individuals can still rehearse from Covid-secure venues, such as rehearsal studios, provided that they are a “working” band or individual, and that their “work” cannot be carried out at home. By a “working” band – we understand this to apply to both professionals and part-time professionals, provided they are meeting with the purpose of rehearsing towards potential or actual paid engagements." So looks like I was wrong! They don't show their working, however, so it would be helpful if they could share the DCMS advice so we know exactly what is and isn't permitted. Hopefully they'll reply to my query.
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