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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. My understanding of powder-coating is that it can be problematic for small, fiddly parts (such as saddles in bridges) because the coating is relatively thick. I know people who have had it done on things like bike frames, and it gummed up threads and put parts out of alignment because of the thickness of the coating, so it had to be cut back. If you're prepared to properly mask and/or ream out bits that have been coated, it might be okay, but I think spray painting - or anodising if metal as suggested above - would potentially be better, depending on the finish you're looking for.
  2. This one in particular upset them: Though this tune by Soil&"PIMP"SESSIONS caused consternation (not least because of the screaming at the outset): Can't see why myself....
  3. We went to Cheltenham Jazz Festival last year. One of the acts we went to see was The Bad Plus. I thought it was great: my wife, when questioned, said "it was physically painful and I never want to hear anything like that again". My son concurred. So anything by TBP tends to work, but all you need to do is say "it's jazz'" and they run a mile.
  4. Yew've done a cracking job!
  5. Excellent - looks like a couple of my (sadly now departed) Japanese Fenders:
  6. I recently picked up some Tannoy 402 Reveals from eBay for basic home studio and general PC use. Unfortunately, one of the pair was destroyed by the courier in transit, but the other one when fired up sounded pretty good, and they do have good reviews, so I'm on the look out for another orphan to complete the set.
  7. Just bought some tapewounds off Gareth, a perfect transaction. He was really helpful beforehand to check they would fit, and sent them out really quickly. They were even packed in string order in the packet! Top-notch gent, thanks again.
  8. Thanks - I’m after a ‘Bender - ImPrecision Bass’ one!
  9. Looks good. Just out of interest, where did you get the decal?
  10. Absolutely - as I'm also within the risk categories for respiratory issues anyway, that's certainly something I want to avoid!! In my limited googling, getting the filters doesn't seem to to be the problem, getting the masks is, as all appear to be diverted to medical uses.
  11. I’ve been considering starting a project bass build as something to keep me occupied in the current circumstances. I’d really like a Sonic Blue P-bass, so would like to have a crack at painting a body using Nitro cans from somewhere like Manchester Guitar Tech and then a light relicing (I know, I know...). However, I regularly read on here that proper protection is necessary as it’s pretty noxious stuff. My question therefore is this: as masks etc are presently (and rightly) nigh-on impossible to obtain, is it possible to still spray nitro safely? If not, are there any alternatives that would be safe and which would give a comparable colour, if not finish?
  12. What sound are you looking for? If you are able to articulate that, then it may be possible to give you suggestions in relation to EQing etc. I’d also echo all of the above - MB amps work slightly differently to other brands in that the filter knobs start affecting the tone straight after ‘zero’, rather than from 12 o’clock. My first mistake was to set *everything* flat (including the filters) and it didn’t sound great. However, start the EQ flat and the filters at zero and you should get a great starting point.
  13. Thanks N10, I'm not going to send the instructions until I've actually paid for them, as it's not my work to share. However, I think it's soldering a total of about 7 wires - I'm just totally hopeless at soldering! 😂
  14. I'd like some mods done to a pedal. The mod supplier can do them, but they're on a different continent. They do a DIY kit and have kindly sent me the instructions up front, but it's a bit beyond my level of absolute basic competence. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to do the soldering for me for some beer tokens if I post you the pedal & kit?
  15. Oh, I agree it’s probably technique related, but it’s odd I’ve never noticed it til now. I will check out SBL, thanks.
  16. I’ll take this please!
  17. Well, if anyone is interested, I think I have got to the bottom of this. I think it’s sympathetic resonances when other other strings aren’t muted - for example today I was noodling around and I played an E on the G-string and the E-string itself resonated really strongly. I was able to repeat it with the D and A strings, and to a lesser extent with other notes too. Whilst I’m sure some of it is down to my bad technique, I’ve never noticed this before and it has come straight after new strings - has anyone ever had something like this before?
  18. Yep, anticipated delivery date 9/4. A little startled at first because it was written American-style (4/9)!
  19. Perfect. Just bought (though chunky postage £6.70). Still a bargain though. Thanks!
  20. Back in my freelance writer days, I did a review of a Dixon kit which was great for this sort of thing: https://www.musicradar.com/reviews/drums/dixon-jet-set-plus-630362
  21. Thanks Rog - fairly sure it’s not pinch harmonics as it happens generally irrespective of where the plucking hand is.
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