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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. Cable? Amp output?
  2. I’d be a little wary of anything suggesting it’s ‘dripping’ with someone’s DNA...😳 🤮
  3. This is very interesting as I was using my 121P yesterday and suddenly had a huge drop in volume. I’d assumed it was the battery in my bass, so replaced that in the break and then it cut out as I’d upped the gain to compensate for the much lower passive signal. Turned off and on and with the gain reduced it was then fine for the rest of the gig. No discernible change in temperature though - there was first thing but it lasted a good hour and a half of playing before it went. I’ll keep an eye on it now!
  4. That’ll be baffles for adjusting frequencies, but won’t do anything to attenuate the volume - I suspect they’ll be basic ‘room in rooms’.
  5. "Relatively" inexpensive is battening the inner walls and ceiling, adding resilient bars, and then doubling up with acoustic plasterboard sheets. Seal up any gaps with caulk and at least you've got more mass which is at least partially decoupled. By no means perfect, but a relatively easy solution which would reduce the sound transmission to outside the room.
  6. I mentioned above we just got one - I had one of these off Paul: Probably an easy way to dip your toe in without blowing the budget, plus he was a pleasure to deal with!
  7. I have one and they’re great. Sadly mine came with a box, no tin so I am very envious. How did you rack mount it, out of interest?
  8. I’m not expert by any means, but in anticipation of getting ours, I did some reading on placement and the stuff I did read suggested that placement of two subs below the tops (as is the norm) is suboptimal as it can affect the bass through the venue through interference waves: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.soundonsound.com/techniques/bass-place%3famp Could that be an issue?
  9. Just bought a sub off here; we used either Alto 15’s or Mackie Thump 12’s (with the latter being used as monitors at the bigger gigs). Now intending to use the 12’s with the sub and put vocs bass, keys (possibly) and drums through it, with a view to possibly adding the guitars too if needed. Both guitarists use valve combos so sadly DIing is out, and they need a certain level of volume to get their drive.
  10. If anyone is interested, this was spot on - but instead of buying one I found some vids on YouTube and just sampled the bits I needed. There’s a sort of rising sub-bass ‘wobble’ so I nicked a dubstep sample off YouTube and added filter and flange effects for that. The only sound still outstanding is a sort of ‘honk’ in the main riff but I’m not sure I can be bothered to track that one down...
  11. In the bands I’ve been in down here, we’ve always approached the venues direct. If they use a promoter/manager (some do IME) they’ll just direct you to them.
  12. Thanks - I have the technical side covered - it’s the actual sounds I’m struggling to identify!
  13. No, not the main figure, but sound effects in the background - there’s a sort of ray gun effect, and various other ‘squidgy and wobby’ sounds. We’re not going all out for authenticity but I did notice on a first run through it can get a little repetitive so it’d be nice to break it up a little.
  14. Not sure if this is the right place, so sorry if not! We're playing Paul Weller's Changing Man in my band at the moment, and there's loads of bleepy sound effects in the background. I wondered if anyone's band had ever had a stab at replicating them and if so, how you went about doing it?
  15. Thanks
  16. Never mind the amp, can I have a copy of this please!
  17. I use a Snark clipped to the bridge of my EUB - IIRC you can swap between ‘Mic’ mode and ‘vibration’ mode - set to the latter its been fine.
  18. Thanks, I’ll give him a call.
  19. Does anyone know if a source for single DR Neon strings? I’m considering stringing my 5 E-C but it has Neons on it and I don’t want to have to buy another 6-string pack just for the top C! Alternatively, if not, can anyone recommend a good source of single strings that would work with the DRs?
  20. Citroen DS thingy is my guess?
  21. I use the Bigshot I/O - I went for that as it was reasonably simple and had the level adjust one one channel (as I was using one active and one passive bass at the time). The only downside with it is that there’s nothing to show which channel is selected, so if you fall over it at a gig there’s a frantic few seconds of stomping to figure out which channel and whether or not the mute is on. I speak from experience there. I gather the newer ones have leds.
  22. My main instrument is drums and I used to play a lot in small jazz ensembles. The best bass players I played with used to drive the band, and I used to pull it back. Nothing that was noticeable to the audience, but I’d always hang it back in ‘the pocket’ and that’s what gave us the right feel. In your situation I’d try to drive it and ask the keys to pull it back - keys can fill a lot more, particularly in the more Latin stuff. Not sure if that helps or not!
  23. 😂 I’d say there’s probably not a lot right with it, but you’re very kind! I’ll check it out tonight. Thanks both.
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