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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. Lovely! If this was a 5-er I’d have had your arm off. GLWTS!
  2. 😳🤪👍
  3. A short coda to this. I decided to replace the side dot markers; well, initially I decided to replace all the fret line markers as well, but after taking about 15 mins to make a small dent in my test fret line, I decided I could probably live with the darkened lines. However, after a few days' playing it became apparent that the board wasn't sealed properly - it was showing string marks even though I was using flats - so I decided to refinish it at the same time. So, I picked up some 2mm dot plastic, and (with varying degrees of success) drilled out the existing markers and put new ones in. It's safe to say if you're a fan of squiffy markers then you'll love this - but they do the job. The filling of the existing holes was less than optimal, but after refinishing a real cheat's touch up with a black pen means they're indistinguishable at more than a couple of inches. I re-sanded the fingerboard too - I realised where I went wrong the first time (which led to the discolouration) was not putting a couple of coats of Tru-oil on first, before the slurry sanding. So, after sanding the FB down to 600 grit (which led to a much more consistent colour in the maple inserts, thankfully) I applied a couple of coats of Tru-oil, let that harden and THEN started the wet sanding. Did a few passes over a couple of days, and then finished with a couple of very thin, finger-applied coats on top. Plays beautifully (at least, to me!) and looks a LOT better. Dots make it easier to play, albeit the slightly skew-whiff ones make my teeth itch. Still, a satisfying end result (more or less!).
  4. All finished and strung up, and immediately a workmanship issue has come to the fore: I didn't clean out the fret slots before filling, which meant that the fret markers don't extend to the edge of the fretboard. Meaning, I can't see where the fret edges are when playing! Looks like I'll be more out of tune than I thought! 😂
  5. Yep - this experience has showed me I should probably have used darker wood, or plastic. Filled the tear-outs with dust and SG, but they're showing as a very different colour. Hopefully they'll take on the oil and settle to the same as the FB. First coat of tru-oil slurry sanding was very disappointing - it seems I should have been more careful with the maple inserts, as some of them have taken on a much darker hue from the slurry, so I have an uneven finish to the fret markers, which is a shame given the effort. I may just get my lad's colouring pens and even them out! On the upside, the FB feels silky smooth after 1200 grit and first slurry sand. I'm sure it'll be perfectly functional, just not quite as nice looking as I'd have hoped. After 240 grit: Up to 600 grit after wiping the dust off: (not sure why pics are showing upside down...
  6. Didn't know! Do now - out with the soap, cheers!
  7. So, I've been busy... I thought I'd document my very amateurish progress on my first ever project! Neck after defret and a quick sand to remove sharp edges: Slots filled with cuts of maple veneer. Superglue used. I started using the veneer strips cut with the grain, and then thought I'd try cutting against the grain. BIG mistake - it's much more difficult to trim by knife and really didn't like being sanded. After trimming and a quick rough sand to partially level the veneer. In retrospect, I wouldn't use SG again as it has stained the fretboard. Hopefully the finishing sanding will clear the staining though. Had a couple of bits of veneer break out when sanding - obviously not an even enough layer of SG. So, I have Tru-oil - I just need to get some finer grade sandpaper and some wire wool. Hoping to finish it tomorrow!
  8. 😂 If you knew me you’d know how totally untrue that statement was, but nice of you to say! 😉
  9. Nope - veneer for the fret slots (to give lines).
  10. Yes, it was more about just taking off the old fret edges, filling the slots and sanding smooth, but wondered if there is any better/worse option to try whilst I had it in bits. Maple veneer ordered, and now trying to decide whether to try a Tru-oil finish or poly varnish on the FB (only intending to use flats).
  11. Ah, that possibly makes more sense! Not looking to change anything in particular but if a specific radius would work better for fretless than fretted I could go with that - otherwise I’ll just stick with what it’s got.
  12. Help builders! I have just removed the frets from a Yamaha RBX as an experiment. Fret removal went perfectly, so now I need to fill the slots and sand the board. I just have no idea as to what should be the perfect radius for the board. The Yamaha website suggests there's no difference between fretted and fretless, with a 10deg radius. Should I just stick with that?
  13. In the end, I bought a set of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fret-Pullers-Guitar-Tool-Luthier-Tool-Precision-Ground-tool-TF001/180954416883?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Smaller than I anticipated, but they worked perfectly to lift the frets from the neck of my Yamaha RBX. Heated the first couple of frets but it seemed to make no difference - minimal tear out which was pleasing.
  14. Thanks both.
  15. We enjoyed - not sure if that's a great endorsement of quality however, as we don't have the best taste in films! 😜
  16. Ant Man and The Wasp - not sure it had much bearing on the ads! 😃
  17. I'm looking to have a crack at defretting an old bass of mine. I need some fret pullers as I don't have access to the machinery to grind my own. The Stewmac ones have a good review: https://www.stewmac.com/Luthier_Tools/Tools_by_Job/Tools_for_Fretting/Pullers_nippers_sizing/Fret_Puller.html But there are some on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Elmer-Guitar-Fret-Wire-Puller/323213285026 including some that appear identical to the Stewmac ones: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Guitar-Bass-Pliers-Fret-Puller-Fret-String-Cutter-Luthier-Scissors-Tool-W0R9/112980533892?hash=item1a4e2a2284:g:E4kAAOSwa0la7LKS Has anyone bought a pair of the eBay ones?
  18. I went with the family to the cinema today, and to my surprise before the trailers, there was an advert for a Fender Jazz Bass! Featuring The Idles, and seemingly filmed in and around Bristol (including the room in Factory Studios that my band rehearses in!) it has the band's bassist eulogising about how great his Jazz is, with lots of close ups of a very lush yellow bass. Anyone else seen it? I think it's the first time I've ever seen a musical instrument advertised in the mainstream media.
  19. I’m primarily a drummer, and I play bass as a secondary instrument. Ive been able to read charts for years - it’s really useful for dep gigs and stuff with big bands etc. I was recently asked to play bass for a sort of ‘casual orchestra’ and I realised after 20 years of playing to drum scores I really struggled with reading pitched scores!
  20. Hi Robin, I'm in BA1 but we're only looking for a small setup - would you split? cheers
  21. Drummer was definitely live. Some triggering as well though.
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