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Everything posted by BASainty

  1. I did say that my scales weren't perfect lol ok I'll correct the weight. And i guess it perspective as to wether or not its lightweight. I've always been used to playing heavier basses so playing this I consider to be lightweight.
  2. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1457116245' post='2995585'] Hi, any chance you could weigh the bass? Ta. [/quote] Its about 4.1kg. My scales aren't perfect so give or take a couple of hundred grams
  3. Just seen a Tokai T bird for sale on Facebook. Anyone know what these are like?
  4. I'm selling my Squire Vintage Modified P 5 string. Absolutely lovely instrument and weighs as much as a feather! Even with it being so light it has an awesome tone and plenty of meat in its sound. Only selling as i have GAS for a T bird and need to raise funds! In great condition, only a slight rash on the bottom rear but so faint I'm unable to get a picture of it! Been gigged with quite a bit and is rock solid, super reliable! I always get comments after shows about how good it looks and how it has so much presence in the mix. Super playable and very comfortable in the hand with a great low action. Very fast neck. [u][b]SOLD![/b][/u] As I'm looking for an Epiphone Thunderbird I will consider a trade for one (with cash your way included depending on the model).
  5. [quote name='stuckinthepod' timestamp='1457100546' post='2995354'] Strongly recommend the Classic Pro IV. I got it on Amazon for a steal at £249 new about 5 months ago! It's my No1 gigging bass now and the pickups sound great. You can hear the tone quite clearly here (with headphones). [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Lz464BmJs"]https://www.youtube....h?v=T0Lz464BmJs[/url] This is me playing a bit of Maiden on NYE [/quote] Awesome video man! Yea that's the tone and looking for! Ill definitely start hunting some down and trying them out.
  6. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1457084194' post='2995070'] I'm a proud owner and user of the absolute entry level T-bird , thing is If you can pick up an older " well looked after " Classic IV ... especially one of the made in japan or made in Korea bolt on models , these can be truly fab instruments , Mine is a single piece body with a lovely grain .. and sustain for weeks as a result ... I actually really enjoy the TB+ pickups ... even if the output out of them isnt massive ( but thats what my amp's volume pot does ). The one let down on these is the 3 point floating bridge .. it "works" but there are so many great after market options which would work better. i've seen these go in bad condition for £99 and spending a further 50 on one will net you a fantastic beater bass .... a word to the wise though ... the neck and body weight are a handful if you are slight of stature [/quote] Awesome man thanks will put some feelers out! Yea I'm the complete opposite to slight of stature so I'm sure ill be ok =P
  7. Awesome. I've heard some demos if them being played and the do seem to produce the kind of noise I'm looking for. I'll give one a try and see what happens!
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1457040109' post='2994802'] That is almost a second hand price - IIRC they were over £500 new. There's one for £350 on eBay ATM. [/quote] Ahh ok fair enough! Thanks for the help! [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1457040117' post='2994803'] I believe this one comes with a fitted case/gigbag. Because of the angular shape, most gigbags wont fit a TBird. You could try to haggle. [/quote] Yea ill give them a call and see what I can do! Cheers
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1457039521' post='2994792'] [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/DISC-Epiphone-Thunderbird-PRO-V-Bass-5-string-Trans-Black/AYE"]Gear4Music have a new PRO-V for sale at £399[/url] I tried one when they first came out as I really like the look and I'm a strictly 5-string player. Unfortunately I was completely underwhelmed by it. The pre-amp is a nasty cheap thing that you would normally find in an entry-level active bass and the whole instrument felt clumsy and awkward with none of the elegance of a 60s Gibson. I couldn't in all honesty recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it for themselves first and liked it. [/quote] Thanks but I was thinking more second hand market prices! I will try them all out and see how I get on.
  10. Awesome thanks and what kind of prices do they go for? The PRO sounds the most appealing to me as the active electronics will allow more versatility. I will have a look about and give them all a try!
  11. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1457037309' post='2994756'] The Pro IV has the thru neck and the USA pickups. Nice example of a used one here. [url="http://www.chandlerguitars.co.uk/product_Detail.php?ItemID=5847"]http://www.chandlerg...php?ItemID=5847[/url] I,m not aware of a 5 string version. [/quote] Awesome so is the Classic Pro considered the better of the options? Or does it depend onw hat your using it for? Is £350 about the right price to pay for a used one? I can buy a classic pro from GAK for £379.
  12. Im interested in getting an Epiphone T bird but are aware that there a couple of different models. Is there one thats more desirable or "the best"? What kind of price do they go for second hand and is there a 5 string option?
  13. Sounded great during practice. I found it to be plenty middy enough for me (Although I was using a jazz bass). Set lows at 3oclock, mids at 12oclock and highs at 11oclock and sounded exactly what I was looking for. Cut through the mix very well and made everything sound massive. Packs a punch too! Plenty loud enough for pretty much any gig!
  14. Just picked up my LH500 delivered from GAK for £225. Had a quick blast through my rig and it sounds massive! Very impressed with the tone and how simple it is. Will be using it at band practice later so will give a better verdict then!
  15. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1447851324' post='2910907'] There's a big difference between short term overloading that will cause protection circuits to trip and long term heat damage to components, for which there's no protection. [/quote] And long term heat damage is what I was thinking about.
  16. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1447771211' post='2910180'] Very interesting thread this one, not something I'd considered to be honest - can see solid state and valves discussed above, what about digital amps? same as solid state? [/quote] I would of thought as digital amps will still have circuitry in them. I would of assumed a digital amp is the same as a solid state but I may be wrong!
  17. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1447770714' post='2910177'] FWIW it's not resistance, it's impedance, and the issue isn't power, it's current. The lower the impedance load the higher the current draw, which increases heat, and it's that heat which lowers component life. You often see questions about using lower impedance speakers "to get all the watts out of my amp", and that's usually not a good idea. As noted this doesn't apply to valves, where the load isn't the speakers, it's the output transformer. [/quote] Ahh right I thought it was impedance and not resistance but wasn't 100%. So what I said I correct? Running an amp at a higher impedance could prolong the life of certain components thus making the chance of any unexpected failures lower on a user amp? (As I said I know if an amp has been mistreated and knocked around that wont help either.)
  18. Ok cool. Was just looking at a HA3500 thats spent its life being played through an 8ohm cab. So was wondering if that would affect how reliable it is compared to one thats spend its life being played through a 4ohm load. I know the amount of use it has will be a factor and how well the head has been treated in general but this was purely a hypothetical question. Edit: I didn't end up buying it, I went for something new but was still wondering about the question.
  19. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1447765252' post='2910096'] I think it depends what you want from an amp. I had the old HA3000 and you could get some lovely sounds from it using the shape function. However i like to get a sound i like and then stick with it so i tried a LH500 and liked it so i bought it. Its an incredible amp for the price as its very loud and bullet proof. However i just set everything at 12 o clock and gig all night with it. I dont bother with the brite switch but that does give you more options. If you like to play around with different sounds then i fear you may prefer the HA series but give the LH500 a run first. You could put a hartke bass attack in front of it which has the shape option. These go for under £50 SH. [/quote] I'm also the same I like to get my sound and stick with it. I like a clean sound with plenty of low end, a bit of grrr from the mids and i lay off highs as I don't like a harsh attacking tone. Ive played through a HA3500 and I do like the EQ option just to fine tune your tone. I did find it was quite an attacking kind of sound from it. I'm sure it could be dialed out though. Judging by the comments and reviews on the LH I'm sure it will give me what I want and without needing to tinker with a load of dials and sliders!
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but am I right in saying that running a head (lets say for arguments sake 500 watt at 4ohm and 250 at 8ohm) at the higher resistance would cause less stress and therefore wear and tear on it? My thought that a 500 watt (4ohm) head being run at 8ohm (250 watt) would cause less stress on the circuitry and less heat because its only having to use half its potential power. I know there are other factors that also contribute to wear and tear but this is just a theory that I had come up with while searching for a new head.
  21. I know this is an old topic but I thought I would recycle instead of starting a new one! I have recently purchased an LH500, should be with me tomorrow! But I had this debate with myself. I was really tempted by the HA3500 and were looking at a few used. The used price for a HA3500 and a new LH500 isn't massive difference and I know the LH with give exactly what I want for tone and power so thats what I went for. Since then I noticed Thomman are selling HA3500 at just under £200 new! And the 5500 is only £260! I just hope I made the right decision going for the LH500 now as I am doubting myself a little. Oh well we will see! Edit: Ive bought the LH from GAK for £225 which I still think is a very fair price!
  22. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1447673617' post='2909359'] Frank Bello of Anthrax uses a Hartke LH500 and it sounds fantastic. They're one of the heads of my list to try for sure - if you get the chance I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts once you've had a chance to use it for a few days. [/quote] That was one of the reason why I went for it! I'm a big fan of his and my tone is definitely influenced by him so this should also help! I cant believe how good value they are as well. How can they afford to make something of such quality so cheap?
  23. Just thought I would revive this topic. Just ordered my LH500 from GAK for £225 with free delivery. Should be here before 5:30 Wednesday! Cant wait to get a hold of it. Heard so many good things about these heads. Been looking for something with a proper clean sound and plenty of punch. Ill be running it through my Ashdown ABM 4x8 and ABM 15.
  24. I have a second opinion and it seems its most likely to be an over heating issue. The most likely culprits are either the thermal switches or the transistors. If its thermal switches its not too expensive. If its transistors it will be pretty pricey.
  25. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1446566000' post='2900359'] Did he say what the problem was? I'm not trying to question the abilities or honesty of the guy in Nobles But I had a small "issue" shall we say, when I took an amp there.... Have you tried John Turner, who works with Dave Dearnaley in their workshop in Splott? Sometimes John will take the whole thing apart, rather than throw a whole board away. He does have a lot of spares, from "dead" amps and cabs, and there might be something he can use / adapt... Worth a try. I'd rather trust someone who just fixes amps, and doesn't have a shop and therefore an interest in selling you a new amp... EDIT: Yes, I'd say Clive seems honest, and isn't a pushy salesman-type But I got the feeling he really didn't want to fix an old amp I had he said he just grounded it properly, so it was safe (I hadn't asked him to do that) and then didn't fix the actual problem.... [/quote] Does John have a website or facebook or something? I'll contact him see what he says. EDIT: Just spoke to Dave. He said it would be worth repairing and to take it in tomorrow for John to have a look at it.
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