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Everything posted by benbastin

  1. Apologies to those looking for angled end pins. Production is on a small hiatus as I am moving workshops. Thanks for the patience.
  2. TPJ I've been thinking of ways to make an adjustable pin however the big issue is peoples varying endpin thickness. To date i've made pins for 6 different thicknesses. I would suggest for now, using some books, to raise the bass until the desired height is achieved is going to be a good way to go. I will add this to the affiliates section of basschat. But the prices for the angled end pins will be £50 plus postage. But the first 5 orders from basschat will be £40 plus postage. And anyone that orders an angled pin and a "normal" end pin will get free postage. All the best Ben
  3. Bassace. I'm thinking that this will be the most effective way of determining the height for a pin like this. I've been looking for a way of extrapolating it based on the current length. But this seems to be more complicated and will give varying results.
  4. At the moment based on a few drawings and chatting with various people. The pin will need to be in the region of 4-6cms longer than the original setup. I think that if you already angle your bass slightly it will be the lower end of this. If you play fairly upright it will be the higher end of this. Its going to take some experimentation. I'll be offering a discount for the first 5 bent end pins from basschat to help with the R and D.
  5. Unfortunately its not as simple as extrapolating the new angle from the existing pin. As the bass does need to sit in a new position facilitated by the new playing position. Love to hear anyones thoughts on the subject.
  6. fatgoogle. I'm still trying to figure out a way to translate ones "normal" playing position into an angled one. As you say the pin needs to be longer to achieve the angle. Will report back soon.
  7. Sorry Sarah. I am talking about the original Rabbath design requiring a new hole being drilled. My design does not. It just replaces the original end pin. I have edited my post for clarity.
  8. So the angled wooden end pin is born. This is the prototype. The final version will have a different style metal collar. But essentially this idea. Looking to get input on interest in these. Pricing available soon, will be slightly more than the standard version. But not too much I hope. http://benbastin.co.uk/blog [attachment=166014:IMG_5158.jpg]
  9. Looks like a fantastic idea. Very interesting.
  10. All the parts have arrived for the prototype. Should get some time next week to knock one up. More soon........
  11. Hi Guys I've just made all the music on my bandcamp page "pay-what-you-like" http://benbastin.bandcamp.com/ Got more to be added over the next few days. So go check it out, and I hope you like it. Thanks Ben
  12. Hi Guys I've just made all the music on my bandcamp page "pay-what-you-like" http://benbastin.bandcamp.com/ Got more to be added over the next few days. So go check it out, and I hope you like it. Thanks Ben
  13. I am currently working on providing angled end pins. Would anyone here be interested in that if I was able to make it work.
  14. Thanks for the kind comments everyone. Very pleased everyone is happy. If anyone else has some pictures, I'd love to collect some photos to put on my site if no one minds. Thanks Ben
  15. Thanks tinyd. More end pins out this week. Thanks for the support everyone.
  16. Another endpin in action shot. http://youtu.be/gAM7FeqYSS4?t=4m55s
  17. If anyone going to the bass bash has an 8mm end pin, I can send the entire collection of woods. Ben
  18. I'm trying to see what can be done about that bass bash. Its quite far from me, but seeing if there is anything that we can do. Will let everyone know. Ben
  19. Phew lots of questions. Clarky I got your email and will reply now. Hector, the special edition with be an edition of one at this point. If your interested contact me through my website. mtroun the wood choice is indeed a complicated one, if you want to email me I can try to guide you through it. Also there is a basschatter's special of two endpins for £70 plus postage. Thanks for the interest guys.
  20. The end pin his held in by the original end pin unit's screw. Same as the normal end pin pretty much. Does that make sense? Incase anyone is interested here is some of the first shots of one of my end pins on TV! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS9HrnkBToU
  21. Glad everyone is pleased Got a couple new ones going out this week. And working on a special edition one for a bit of fun! Watch this space.
  22. Thanks Bilbo
  23. Hi Guys, So i'm getting rid of my much loved Gallien Kruger MB150S I've had it for about 9 years, and in that time its done countless gigs. Everything still works, a lot of scuff marks to the top. But nothing that impairs it structurally. Really built like a tank. Sorry for the poor photos. You get the idea. £160 shipped to UK, £150 pickup in north london. [attachment=159678:IMG_4688.jpg][attachment=159679:IMG_4687.jpg][attachment=159680:IMG_4689.JPG]
  24. Go on, you know you want them!
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