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Everything posted by Ruiner

  1. You might already know but sadly Rexter doesn't do refinishing any more. Great shame as his work was always top notch.
  2. I had no idea this was where HMHB pilfered it from but something about the way the Lonnie Donnegan title scanned when I saw it written down (having never heard it) made a light bulb go off. The scamps.
  3. Let's not get this out of perspective. The vast majority of people in this thread have said 'this is great, good for her' etc. it wouldn't be the internet if there wasn't at least a couple of the usual signature bass guardians 😀
  4. I'll never understand the idea that there is any other criteria, let alone some weird idea of 'worthiness', than 'can we sell this by attaching this person's name to it' Recently internet famous or not, if Fender think they can flog enough of it to her fanbase to make it worth their while, and attract non fans with a fairly unique pickup config and finish amongst the current fender range, why wouldn't they? Edit: In case it's not clear I'm not against this, or any signature bass for that matter. I think it's great if any bass player is popular and influential enough that companies like Fender want to work with them, especially if they're attracting a demographic that previously wouldn't have considered picking up a bass. And I really like the tweaks she's come up with for her sig.
  5. Love Pat Finnerty. The Weezer video was really well done and the Kid Rock ft Monster Truck video had me stitches throughout.
  6. I had the exact same issue with mine. Contacted them and got an RMA. Was fixed and returned all for a very reasonable price after a week or so. Great service.
  7. Thanks, I'll take a look. I did notice there was no mention of the Seymour Duncan SPB3 on the HMNIM page. Is the replacement Fender stock one a similar sound?
  8. Thanks mate. Hopefully there will be another run as you say. My Hoppus bass is still my go to bass after almost 20 years. Hope your replacement is sorted soon
  9. What did it set you back with postage and import fees if you don't mind me asking. Been keeping a (not very good) eye on these runs and keep missing out.
  10. Just took delivery of a Ray34HH from PMT after a few issues with deliveries not showing up. Bass turns up today sans gig bag and with a missing tuner head (not present in the box).  Apparently it came from the Mcr store. Also, the 'same value' compensation for the Sunday delivery that never happened is a bottle of polish that they sell for £6.49 (not the £9.99 I paid). Disappointed to say the least.

    1. jezzaboy


      That a pity. I think I would send it back, especially for their lowball tactics.

    2. Ruiner


      Yeah it's going back. I know the cheaping out on compensation is a minor thing but how you manage to pack and ship a bass without noticing it's missing the end of the tuner and without its gig bag (for a 1K+ bass) is beyond me. Re-ordered from elsewhere. The neck on it was really nice though so looking forward to getting another.

  11. Anyone willing to share the executive office email address? I've phoned the publically available number cou tless times now and sent about 20 emails regards claiming insurance paid for against an item that I have proof was stolen whilst in the hermes hub but weirdly I keep getting sent round the houses and asked for the same info over and over despite already providing everything you could reasonably expect regarding a claim for a 'missing' item. I'll be damned if I'll give up though even if it has been going on for 4+ months and it being a relatively low value item.
  12. I'm in the same boat with the FSR Ebony mustang PJ. Severe neck dive. But with the added complication of needing them in black. Not sure they're a drop in replacement but was considering hipshot ultralights maybe.
  13. Sorry guys, must have missed these. This is long gone sadly.
  14. I've been trying to claim for a parcel that 'went missing' whilst at hermes sorting hub (empty box was found sans contents, shoved into another customers parcel, I have photos) since last October. I paid the extra for insurance, by not doing so you probably saved yourself being even more out of pocket if its any consolation. Their customer service is non existent and they just ignore emails, claim forms and telephone calls result in them saying the right thing but nothing ever happens as a result. Worst customer service experience I've ever had, to the point where you have to question how they're legally allowed to operate given how the Internet is filed with complaints regarding them not fulfilling their legal obligations to customers. Have to say though, our local hermes driver is exceptionally good. It's just once it's out of their hands you're doomed.
  15. Hi all, Does anybody have any experience of dealing with freight forwarding companies? I'm looking to purchase a bass that is only currently available from Guitar Centre and Musicians Friend, neither of whom will ship it to the UK, presumably due to licensing restrictions imposed by Fender as this model was exclusive to BAX in Europe. Sadly BAX have sold out and confirmed they can't get any more. There's no rosewood or anything like that involved so I think it's just red tape preventing the US stores from shipping it directly so I'm looking for any recommendations from anybody who has used freight forwarding companies to do something similar. Thanks. EDIT: Managed to get one after all, and without the messy freight forwarding. Move along. Nothing to see here.
  16. I love people like that. Less work if someone is happy to do all the talking and I can just nod occasionally without any fear of a lull in the conversation haha
  17. I respect your opinion. Didn't mean to misquote you. Still disagree I think but only speaking from my own perspective so maybe what you're saying is true in some cases 🙂
  18. Not wanting to speak for anybody else but I feel like you might have missed the point here. For me at least, and I share similar sentiments to AndyTravis and CamdenRob, it's not about viewing anybody as enemies and it's got nothing to do with gender. I just find socialising to be massively hard work and incredibly draining. Slightly less so with people I know well but massively so with more casual acquaintances or colleagues. Rather than viewing anybody as a potential enemy I'm more likely to come away worrying that my awkwardness might be misinterpreted as being rude or stand offish
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