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Everything posted by jonunders

  1. Thank you Phil for your explanation. I now understand a little more without having to source a turbo charged, HD Kipper. Jonathan
  2. I'm sooooo glad i read the wiki article, everything is now as clear as mud!
  3. Hi, Would someone please explain (in simple terms) the difference between Class A / D and any other class of amp on the market. I see these terms often used in the market place but have never understood their meanings. Also if you have time the type of cab and the different settings which would suit each one. Thank you for your time Jonathan
  4. [size=1] Tennis elbow is a condition that results in pain around the outside of the elbow.[/size][size=1] It often occurs after strenuous overuse of the muscles and tendons of the forearm, near the elbow joint.[/size][size=1] As its name suggests, tennis elbow is sometimes caused by playing tennis. However, it is usually caused by a number of other physical activities. See [url="http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Tennis-elbow/Pages/Causes.aspx"]Tennis elbow - causes[/url] for more information.[/size][size=1] The medical name for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis. This is because the pain usually occurs on the bony lump on the outside of the elbow, known as the lateral epicondyle.[/size][size=1] Pain can also occur on the inner side of the elbow, which is known as golfer's elbow.[/size] [b] The elbow joint[/b] [size=1] The elbow joint is surrounded by muscles that move the elbow, wrist and fingers. The tendons in your elbow join the bones and muscles together and control the muscles of your forearm around the lateral epicondyle.[/size][size=1] When a person gets tennis elbow, one or more of the tendons in their elbow becomes painful. The pain occurs at the point where the tendons of the forearm muscle attach to the bone. Twisting movements, such as turning a door handle or opening the lid of a jar, are particularly painful.[/size][size=1] In around three quarters of cases of tennis elbow, the dominant hand (the one that is used the most) is affected.[/size] [b] How common is tennis elbow?[/b] [size=1] Tennis elbow is fairly uncommon. Approximately five in every 1,000 adults in the UK are affected by the condition each year.[/size][size=1] Tennis elbow usually occurs in adults. Men and woman are affected equally. The condition tends to affect people who are around 40 years old.[/size] [b] Outlook[/b] [size=1] Tennis elbow is a self-limiting condition. This means that in most cases the symptoms eventually improve and clear up without treatment.[/size][size=1] Anti-inflammatory painkillers can often reduce mild pain that is caused by tennis elbow. However, if your pain is severe or prolonged, a corticosteroid injection may be recommended.[/size][size=1] Occasionally, surgery may be used to treat very severe and persistent cases of tennis elbow.[/size][size=1] Most cases of tennis elbow last between six months and two years. However, in around 9 out of 10 cases, a full recovery is made within one year.[/size]
  5. I have recently developed Tennis Elbow possibly as a result of bass playing. Has anyone else suffered with this and what did you do about it? Jonathan
  6. Hi, I have a Barefaced Super Twelve T which I use with a Mark bass LM111. I couldn't ask for any more from my rig, awsome. Jonathan
  7. My compact went in 4 minutes!
  8. Extension leads! - If you can please bring one as they are like gold-dust! Hi Charic' I think you may still have my extension lead from the last eabb. You can keep it and use it when ever required. Jonathan
  9. Hi This cab has now been sold. Thanks for your interest. Jonathan
  10. nice person to deal with. prompt payement and a grin from ear to ear thanks si
  11. It has the black grill
  12. Hi, I have had my Compact since October last year and it's in immaculate condition and comes with Roqsolid cover. I do not have enough funds to purchase another cab to compliment it so I'm looking to trade if possible for a Barefaced Super Twelve(T) plus some cash to make up difference. I would consider cash sale £350 Thanks for looking. Jonathan Photo's to follow as having trouble with iphoto!!!
  13. i have one of these basses they're great to play and lovely sounds
  14. any more news yet? or at least a sneek preview! jonathan
  15. Hi, Just posing a question, if i had say £1500 to upgrade in either a decient bass, amp or cab, where would i be best investing my money. How much does the bass influence the sound, would a good bass sound the same through a mid range amp + cab as a mid range bass and vice versa? what infulences you choice of upgrade? Jonathan
  16. Our whole band work different oin-call shifts, we practice when we can.
  17. Thanks for your comments to date, some really useful information given. As I have only been playing for around 18 months i am always working on my technique.
  18. Hi, I ues a G&L 2500 through a Markbass lm111 and a bareface compact. I am approaching my first gig and it has been suggested trying a compressor in the system to soffen out the peaks and troughs which appear in my playing, i may get a bit excited. Is this a good or bad thing or will my money be waisted. Having looked on line, which ones, sub £100 are any good and which ones should be avoided. Thanks Jonathan
  19. oh to have the money, have a bump
  20. Rob owned the rick you saw at the eabb.
  21. What, if any are the advantages or disadvantages of playing headless basses. I have been playing about 18 months and I have seen many examples. Are they worth the investment or do they just look good? Jonathan
  22. hi, Just to add to this thread, i have a barefaced compact and when looking for an amp i tried the shuttle 9, mb little rocker, rh450 and mb lmlll. I have to admit the lmlll out did the others by a mile. Don't commit to another purchase unless you have compared the rh450 and lmlll with your cabs. jon
  23. Hi alex Will you and your gear be at the above show this year? Jon
  24. Look at barefaced cabs as well, you could get a Super twelve, £600 - 675 and you'd still have some money left over for other little essentials.
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