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Everything posted by jonunders

  1. Thanks for the article, I am considering purchasing one. I has helped me alot.
  2. Hi , What factors most influence you when making a purchase. To give an example I have found two basses which I would enjoy owning as my main bass They are both about the same price, comfortable to play, feel right. One is a Dingwall Combustion, entry level bass and the other is an Ibanez SR4005 prestige level bass. Should the fact that one is an entry level and the other a prestige be an influence, How can you tell the difference in quality, If there is any. Jonathan
  3. Remember the money your Aunt left you to buy something really nice. Well I saw this beautiful bass............ It's amazing how many times you can count the tiles on the ceiling in A&E when you come round
  4. Thank you for your replies. I shall research all your suggestions. Unfortunately Winterfire I do not have £200 spare at this time.
  5. Hi All, Pick your brains time again. What would be a good basic stage lighting set up which is not to cumbersome but effective and can anyone recommend any manufactures/outlets. We have Bass, drums, guitar, keyboards and two singers. Thanks in anticipation of you knowledge Jonathan
  6. Hi, I you were limited to one effect pedal, which one is most useful to you?
  7. The parts arrived Saturday morning with full minstructions from Alex and now my cab is as good as new. Thank you Alex
  8. Hi, I am in a Covers Band and I would like to know who pays to use other peoples songs. Do the band have to buy a licence or is it covered by the venue. How do the song writers get their share of the royalties? Jon
  9. Hi, I have a problem with the tweeter on my ST12T. Alex is sending some parts to hopefully cure the problem which unfortunatly haven't arrived and I have a gig tomorrow night. Does anyone know if I can easily disconnect the tweeter and still be able to use the cab? Thanks Jonathan
  10. How can it be that I end up 15 minutes away from Bass Direct with no money to spend. I had been saving for a new bass but due to the current economical climate the money had to be used elsewhere. It felt like being taken to a chocolate factory and told you can look and smell but you cannot have any. I didn't go.
  11. I was working a night duty.
  12. I bought a G&L and have no desire to change it.
  13. Thanks to all who have responded, sounds like I need to visit obbm's website is in order
  14. Hi, I play a G&L 2500 through an LM III and a Barefaced ST12T. With a TC Electronics Polytune between amp and bass. My question is does a cable make much difference to the sound your hearing, Is it worth spending that little bit extra. How long should a cable be, in otherwords does length make a difference. There are so many on the market which do you use.? Jonathan
  15. To get on every bill poster just call yourselves "Plus Support".
  16. Whilst the subject of band names has come up I just thought I would put in print the name of our band incase anyone else thinks of it. I hope nobody else has thought of it. 'The Entire Chinese Nation' Recorded for posterity.
  17. Hi, My son who is 18 gets very sweaty hands whilst playing his guitar to the point where he has to stop and wipe them. Any suggestions or tips to reduce sweat that you may yourself use or have heard of. Thanks Jon
  18. And a decent person to talk to aswell
  19. [b]When your cab arrives you won't look back[/b]
  20. Thanks for your advise. If we don't get the gig this time we will use it for the next.
  21. This will be our first time playing at a wedding but were not crap
  22. Hi There are 6 of us in a covers band and we have been asked to do a wedding and we have no idea what to charge. Is there a rule of thumb or formula to work out how much to ask? The wedding is on 27th July. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Jonathan
  23. I had a good time at the show on Saturday. Met and chatted to Sheldon Dingwall and David Ellefson. I was irritated by the slap that was all around. I did notice one anoying little so and so that was going from stand to stand and Slapping every bass he could lay his hands on. Good outweighed the bad.
  24. Will Basschat be represented at the show and will the BC gear be available to buy there?
  25. I prefer 5 strings but if the committee decides on 4 so be it. In a democratic society we can always riot outside Dom's house. Go on strike or just plain sulk.
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