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Everything posted by WAYNESWORLD

  1. Yes your correct on both account’s ,beginning to wonder if I should keep it in its case under the bed. Had three of these maybe a bit of a pattern a merging here.🥺
  2. Weight on bathroom scales is 9.05 lbs so a tad lighter than my first version. Hope this helps
  3. Willing to post at buyers expense but guess it would not be that cheap if insured. Could possibly meet half way for petrol money depending on distance .I’ll get this on the bathroom scales tomorrow and put the details on the post. Cheers
  4. Very inspirational playing . Glwts. Think I must live just down the road from you.
  5. On hold sold pending usual For sale only.Sire Version 2 Marcus Miller V7 Alder 5-String Bass in Lake Placid Blue. Great condition 9.5 out of 10. 2 very tiny marks as shown in pics. My fault when clean it on Matt and didn’t notice what it was pressing up against,it gutted me. Weight is 9.05lbs on bathroom scales.We all know how good these are and great value at this price.Recent strings and set up. Any trial along with tea and biscuits. Collection from Stoke. Case not included. Possible meet for petrol money. Thanks for looking.
  6. Ibanez sr ff with east uni pre 5 into line 6 pod go into FrFr Use on board east to suit venue, never have to touch pedal board.The passive tone also works with the active shaping which is a joy to use.
  7. For me this is just like anything else. Once an instrument contains all the important stuff built to a good standard anything can be made to work for the individual requirements of the player via adjustment through a decent luthier.But in saying this we may ask why don’t we all do this.The answer is simple human nature,we have aspersions,marketing plays a part and other musicians influence our opinions despite the arguments to the contrary. If this was not true we would never see Fodera’s or equivalent quality instruments for sale .To the question asked. I am good enough to play a Fodera ? yes because I could afford to buy one .Would the purchase cost reflect my skill level? No. Should it ? Who cares.It’s a piece wood with strings and electronics .If it make a bass sound and is satisfying to the owner and fits its purpose jobs done.This does not stop you trying other things and spending as much as your happy with .Variation is the spice of life.The instrument does not define the player and there is no best just a lot of people trying justify there choices with some who are incredibly happy having found what they have been looking for and unable to withhold there excitement. Long may these views continue as it will keep the music shops open and encourage future musicians.
  8. On the difficulty scale of juggling both singing and playing Mark King even if we like slapping or not.
  9. Thanks guys for all suggestions gloves are on the way and give other ideas a gotoo.If this works though I will run out of excuse’s for playing all the right notes in the wrong order.
  10. Just been checking out these compression gloves cheers. I’ll give any ideas a go. Thanks for the replies .
  11. Thanks Len I will take a look.👍
  12. Sorry to say getting to that time in life where my body keeps reminding me parts could do with a service or replacement. I’m getting real issues with poor hand circulation lately. My right hand especially gets cold which makes playing faster lines a bit more tricky. Please don’t slate this idea but do any of you play with fingerless gloves to help keep hands warm and if so do they help. Any other suggestions are welcome. I do massage my hands as got a bit of arthritis showing up along with those bumps on the inside of my hands which sit on the tendons .Although they don’t bother me much.Although a time machine would be a great all points of view are welcome along with what will be I’m sure the obligatory Micky taking about had numbness’s.
  13. I’ve found when it comes to tone regardless of the bass I am unique as I must be the only bloke who can make any fat wire machine sound bad. On the upside and after 40 odd yrs of playing I am consistent at doing this.
  14. Could be woodbine /no6 or if the previous owner was posh Senior Service. Personally I was of the Wills Whiffs brigade with occasional ParkDrive. Thankfully I gave up years ago and and now am trying to kick the Gas habit which is proving more difficult.
  15. Sometimes it’s like a comfort blanket syndrome. It’s like buying a new bass that is completely different from your usual choice and spending ages trying to make it sound like the one you just sold. Or as my musician friends tell me no matter what I buy I sound the same which probably means crap😂👀🤫
  16. You venture on the guitarists side of the stage? Wow I hope you don’t allow him any where near your space at the back behind the drummer in the cupboard .You are my hero to tread in the hallowed space meant only for those chosen few who own guitaaaars and possibly contaminate the heavenly light that shines down upon them from high. You are a legend mate
  17. A rug great Idea you could pickup the rug and take to the bedroom. That would be a duel use item and bridge the gap between both rooms .Be careful the wife doesn’t want tho buy something for her self though as she may want strings attached to her decision.
  18. Last bump before withdrawing
  19. Think a bit of wee just came out.
  20. I was sitting and thinking about my debut into the music scene all them years ago and what really got me started.Like most of us we watched the stars of the time on the TV and listened on the radio to the music desperately wanting to emulate our heroes whilst mostly just playing air bass or guitar.At some point it hits us maybe we could do that.Talking to a friend at school who could play some keyboards as I found out whilst sneaking in to the music room. He informed that he could play guitar too and was part of a trio playing at a local pub.Fortunately although under age I was tall and could carry an 18 yr old look off.That night changed my music life. I watched my friend and the 2 adults he was with one being his brother in law give a great performance. Yes I had seen pro bands and watched many week end warriors in the local working men’s club but this was different .Some how the guy on the bass played with an ease that looked like he was really enjoying it, the notes he played as well as sounding great just appeared to steer the music as if it was on rails.From that point on I wanted to be a bass player. It has to be said that it was an up hill battle but I received encouragement from my friend and when going to his gigs advice from the bass player in the band who later became a friend..All through my journey this guy always had time to talk and was always pleasant with no musical heirs and graces despite as I learned later had been a pro player in the 60,70s.I still see him today unfortunately to often at sad events ,I mentioned to him when I last saw him that he was really the main inspiration in me taking up the bass and I thanked him for it. He appeared taken aback as always he was very humble in hearing this but I never really thought to let him know before.He probably doesn’t realise how many local bass players looked up to him back in the day. Needless to say in our local are bass players referred to the John Askey sound when trying to describe the sound they were after. If he gets to see this post I’m sure he would be very embarrassed but as someone who has had many years of enjoyment and still do from playing bass because of his inspiration. Thanks John and I’m sure many of us have had similar experiences in the area’s we live in but it’s just nice when our inspiration is a little closer to hand than the tv ,radio,or these days social media.although of corse anything that keeps music live and evolving is good.
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  21. Think he still does them sure I saw one of the body’s hanging up along with some necks in the workshop when I was in there today.I had one too think they had a Kent Armstrong pup in them. Mine was Ash and weighed a ton but a great even strong bass sound.
  22. Quick shout out to Doug ,just fixed me my Sire V7 bridge and saved me the expense of buying a new one despite being in the middle of doing jobs that would give him far more return financially than my little job.Just to mention saw a couple of beautiful tele’s ready for finishing coats which looked fabulous and a testament to Dougs excellent level of craftsmanship.Good to know money is not the driving force behind all businesses these days. Cheers Doug
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