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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. Mid week bumpage??
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1406666176' post='2513617'] Now I want a Jazz bass in the same colour as the pedal [/quote] Like your way of thinking!!!
  3. [quote name='Mr Anthony' timestamp='1414514996' post='2590109'] I've been using a WM clone with Quarter Pounders in my Precision. Seems fine to me. Can get a bit crazy when you start turning up the wool control, but I imagine it does that on any bass. [/quote] Good to know! Thanks for your input peeps!
  4. Hey Chatters Going to build my first pedal, decided on a WM clone. I know these pedals don't work so good with active basses, but are they OK with hot passives?? I have SD Hot for Jazz pups which output 15/16k Hoping ....
  5. Someones looking for a BSW in the wanted section..
  6. TS9 now traded.
  7. Replied.TS9 on hold.
  8. Greetings chatters Ibanez TS9 : TRADED. Fulltone OCD v4 SOLD Mint condition, no box though.. Thanks for looking.
  9. Tuco

    Pedalmods UK

    Ironically, the CS-3 never arrived. My mate in the states sent it Fed Ex (with an old iphone 4) but customs gotta hold of it asking for £££££ (even though both said items are s/h GIFTS!!) So Mr clauster, seems you were right; I should have picked up the MXR.. Oh well whatever, never mind
  10. I have an Alnico5 and the stock ceramic one from my SD custom guitar pickup that I can't see myself ever using so if anyone wants they can have. RECYCLED!!!!!!!!
  11. SOLD Y'all probably know what this does, but in case you don't ; [media]http://youtu.be/XidKuHTlHG8[/media] Fantastic little wonder circuit £20.00 incl (I'll even throw in a Duracell® battery ) Cheers dudes/dudettes SOLD
  12. Greetings!! I remember a cool bar/club called "The Crypt" there but were talking 1986 here!! I was staying on a campsite at Normans Bay at the time. Beware the Bass Market Place section friend
  13. Tuco

    Pedalmods UK

    [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1413536775' post='2579188'] Are you any good at soldering? Monte Allums does a range of mods that you could do yourself for less than half the price of getting these guys to do it. Otherwise selling the CS-3 and putting the money the mod would cost could get you a nice brand new comp like the Budda Chakra, or a potentially better used EBS multi-comp on here. [/quote] Never picked a soldering iron up.. The pedal was given to me so the price of the mod isnt putting me that far behind.. Spending 100 sovs on that MXR would though... Thanks for your input
  14. Tuco

    Pedalmods UK

    Just copped a Boss® CS-3 and want to get it modded. [url="http://www.pedalmods.com/mods/boss/boss-cs3.html"]http://www.pedalmods.com/mods/boss/boss-cs3.html[/url] Was going to use these guys ^ ^ Any thoughts???? Cheers gang
  15. OC2 > CEB3
  16. Welcome! Congrats on quitting your job!!!! Good luck!!!!!
  17. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1413288812' post='2576716'] Yes .... ive been lurking for a while and the bass ,market place is causing CONSIDERABLE GAS ... excuse me its been an hour since i last checked ... there might be something new ..... ;-) [/quote] An hour? THAT long????
  18. Only just up the road from me. Have a bump. Awesome amps!!!! Would probably be tempted myself but my (only) cab is 8ohm... GLWTS
  19. Welcome!!!! Similar (ish) sitch to myself. I'd 'given up' bass and switched (back) to guitar (again) and have focussed solely on various recording projects for the last 3 years. Sold my rig and all my effects (I kept my Jazz Bass® tho ) and HONESTLY had no intention of playing bass live again.... until I bumped into an ex bandmate/drummer a few months back. Now I'm back in deeper than ever (pun very much intended) and thanks to a few fine members of the BC community (you know who you are) I'm 'rigged up' again and rumbling Your in great company here synthaside.. enjoy (beware of the Bass Market Place though, you have been warned)
  20. I didn't really want to mix and match so I just this minute ordered a set of 'Hot'. I shall let y'all know what I reckon etc in due course Thanks for all your input people.
  21. [quote name='SmallDawg' timestamp='1412617731' post='2570462'] I'd go for a stacked STK-J2b in the bridge and a quarter pounder in the neck position, you'll thank me for recommending that [/quote] Thats very interesting!
  22. [quote name='leonshelley01' timestamp='1412610739' post='2570353'] After reading a Bass Player pickup shoot up, I plumped for the Seymour Duncan Hot pickups, as they said they were slightly hotter than standard but still sounded like a Jazz bass should. I have since installed them on all of my Jazz basses I liked them so much! The same review highly rated the Antiquity pickups as well, especially for a fretless. [/quote] Funny that, I just read somewhere else some dude waxing lyrical about the SJB2's And according to duncans tone chart, they have the most mids... thanks for your input
  23. Hiya chatters Im taking the EMG's out of my 93 MIM Jazz and going back to passive. First thought was tried and trusted Seymour Duncan's.. I don't really think I need high output so am pondering over the antiquitys and the classic stack and vintage pups. Is the price difference warranted??? Shall I just get a set of 1/4lb'ers ad be done with it?? I go straight into OC2 > Oxide if that will have bearing on things... Purely food for thought guys, I was just wondering if any of you care to share your opinions and experiences?? cheers guys
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