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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. Yeh that Ultimate Drive sounds pretty cool Joyo pedals are pretty cool imho I ordered an "Orange Juice" t'other day
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1482168873' post='3198197'] Mr Black had a 2-for-1 deal the other day too but I think that has now passed unforunately! [/quote] Damn!!
  3. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1481137475' post='3190007'] Tarkin and Knightfall in one box mate, only way. [/quote] Killer combo! Does it all really
  4. I fancy trying my luck with one of these... I'd say I was intermediate (at a push lol) So the drive kit is the B3k? What's the pumpernickel ?? I think the prices are fair tbh
  5. Have a bump on me Bob My fave "pedal" of all time. I'd been through a bunch of filters and when I got my 101 I knew my quest was over. Uncontaminated by the digital world.
  6. Tuco


    Yove mentioned the rest , but here's the best : Moog 12 Stage Phaser
  7. Sold to a very nice bass chatting gentleman
  8. Simons a top geezer, would NOT hesitate to do business with him again. He was really good to me and extremely patient. A credit to Basschat
  9. Tuco


    Mod your CS2 if you like it, worked a treat with mine. Although since I got a Trace SMX head again, I stick with the dual compression on that but I digress..
  10. Tuco

    COG Pron Thread

    Totally in love with my Cog Hellraiser (T-16, Knightfall and Tarkin) More than covers all the bases I need for OD/Distortion/Fuzz (OK, so I use a couple of gated fuzzes too for my synthy needs but you know what I'm saying) it does subtle warm, grind and ballsed out. Truly awesome and has totally made me a Cog fanboy. I'll upload a pic Hahaha and uploaded, ain't she a beaut ??
  11. Excellent condition, boxed, manual, psu etc Velcro on bottom but pristine other than that Great filter but personal problems FORCE sale Can post a photo later this evening
  12. I have my pedalboard before my amp and a DC24 and TC Electronic G Major in my Trace heads fx loop , works for me EXTREMELY well. Peace
  13. GLWTS man! SO glad I have this comp built into my head (amp head that is!) AWESOME comp! Nuff said
  14. If Mr Hackenbacker cheated then so will I ! I'll plump for my COG Hellraiser and Moog MF 101 Sorted !!!!!
  15. Tuco


    Traded with a very nice gentleman
  16. Have a bump on me sk8 I have a Hellraiser (Tarkin, T16 & Knightfall) and it sounds to die for GLWTS man !!
  17. EVH 5150iii The cleans are awesome and goes to about as brutal as it gets. Well within your budget. Would be great through a Mesa 2x12", the resonance control makes my 2x12" sound thunderous. I used to use mine as my bass head too, I can't say enough good things about this head!!
  18. Tuco


    Wicked versatile filter/phaser/distortion pedal but I'm out of room on my board and the Moog MF 101 stays!! Boxed, excellent condition with adapter. Velcro on underside. Open to trades though, only for dirt, dirt or serious dirt Hanx
  19. Tuco

    Feedback for sk8

    Mikes such a top geezer to do business with If I'm 100% honest, I messed him about a little bit (sorry Mike!!) with my indecisive ways and my disappearing acts but hey ho, it's all good now and I would NOT hesitate to do business with him again (although he'd probably run a mile! ) Basschat is built on guys like Mike
  20. PM'd re Hookers Green
  21. LOVE my Density Hulk Played a festive a few weeks back and ran its wet output straight to the PA It literally shook the earth..
  22. Top geezer to do business with Awesome comms and after service Highly recommended
  23. Brought a Mantic Density Hulk from Dave I echo the exact same sentiment as the comment above from Mr Albino Killer Recommended highly to do business with
  24. I brought Mr Beens Cog Rogue Leader Quick delivery, incredibly well packed and EXCELLENT comms throughout Faultless
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