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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. Up for grabs is my beloved Octron, awesome octave down with fantastic tracking, with a blistering octave up, a mix of the two gives an incredibly fat analog sound £120 ono now £100 !! And my mint TC HOF £80 ono now £70 I'm after DIRT!!!! Hit me up !!! (I'll put photos up later)
  2. Bump
  3. I love both Motown and Stax. What's not to love? Jamerson will always be my number one though. Always has been, ever since I marvelled at the rumblings on my mums Four Tops greatest hits album when I was like nursery age.
  4. I'm actually in 2 bands with no interpersonal issues!!! It's true!! Admittedly, we had severe issues with our (reformed character) drummer in band #1 but everything's sweet now.
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1450813299' post='2936153'] What a great musical year you've had. Hoping 2016 is more of it for you. My Mrs bought herself a ukulele last year (with great intentions). After sitting next to her tin whistle & other great intentions, I decided that I'm gonna learn how to play it & it can go in the car. I'm surprised how easy it is to play (it's a bit like having just the top 4 strings of guitar & putting the capo on the 5th) & two handed tapping on it sounds fabulous. Gonna have to mic it up & get some fx on it. [/quote] Yeh my man Darren Uke Dealer uses delay and overdrive on his uke to great effect
  6. Tuco

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  7. Invaluable tips. I'll stick with this Kala fretless until I can afford a Kala solid body: wow!!
  8. This year has been a damn fine year for me.. My drummer partner in crime and I found a kindred spirit in the form of local legend MIDI guitarist Mr Curtis E Johnson and we took it straight to the stage. Played some blinding gigs and got signed by local indie record label Grass Roots Records and recorded an EP with Alabama 3 guitarist Rock Freebase. Then just when I thought things couldn't get any better, my favourite label mates found themselves without a bass player and they asked yours truly if I fancied it... I jumped at the chance. They've just had a great year themselves, playing tons of gigs and releasing an EP on Grass Roots with D.Wayne Love of the Alabama 3. They're a rather unconventional band, replacing guitars with ukulele's. I've been using the lead uke players Kala fretless u bass this last week and while it takes a little getting used to, it sounds great! I'm probably going to opt for a Countryman fretted after Xmas is out of the way... Anyway.. Any other uke bassists out there that wanna swap notes?.?
  9. Steve brought my Zvex WM from me after I'd told him he couldnt have it Top geezer Would not hesitate to deal with him again!
  10. I was having a convo in PM earlier about filters. Im an MF101 fanboy of the highest order but have nothing but good things to say about the Emma (well quacky!) and the old big box Q tron (awesome down sweep, although I had it modded for the volume spike) Im gonna give the Sonuus Wahoo a go next, how come more people havent jumped on them?? I'll let y'all know how I get on
  11. My band has more issues than Readers Digest
  12. Woohoo!! So lookin forward to playing on Saturday night with our label mates in one of the best little venues in town. We had to cancel this gig once and our future was looking bleak for a while but it's all systems go once more. We have our EP coming out in the new year featuring the vocal talents of Miss Susan Figueira and the awesome bottleneck wizardy of Mr Rock Freebase from the Alabama 3.
  13. friday night bump??
  14. I brought this a few weeks ago so I could extract the audio from our drummers alesis HD24 Only used it twice and we've since sacked him so I won't be needing it again. You can have it for a tenner incl p&p Daz edit: apologies for crappy pic, heres a link to it [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/SATA-2-Dock-Docking-Station-e-SATA/dp/B009WK1UY4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445035984&sr=8-1&keywords=hdd+docking+station"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/SATA-2-Dock-Docking-Station-e-SATA/dp/B009WK1UY4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445035984&sr=8-1&keywords=hdd+docking+station[/url]
  15. Behringer super fuzz S300 Cheap as chips
  16. Weekend bumper??? Cmon chatters, what you gots ?????
  17. PM sent
  18. Tuco

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  19. Tuco

    Wah wah

    If it sounds good, it IS good.
  20. Mint condition TC electronic HOF with box/cable etc £70 I brought both the HOF AND Flashback in a moment of G.A.S but I only ever use the delay Looking for trades really What you gots peoples???? [b]Zvex Woolly Mammoth NOW SOLD [/b]
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