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Everything posted by jjojjas

  1. outstanding basses, I sold my 4 string one last year purely because of my arthritic-non-Jazz neck fingers.
  2. Theres bugger all unless you want a usa Jazz/P or a middle of the road Yamaha.... My last dozen basses have all been 2nd hand internet purchases for this very reason. I'm looking at double basses now and I can find.... one.... in Windows arcade.. lol
  3. pics work fine... bass looks great too. GLWTS
  4. messed about with a few guys at college when I had my first Kay bass....I was shocking...but it didn't matter as there was so much complaining and faffing about that we never get to play much music. We fell apart after a short while and I just played occasionally at home. A decade later I practiced with a local group of guys again at Uni...we could play ok..just pub band blues and early 90's cockrock, but there was too much friction with the other guys bitching about tuning/gear/who's wrong/being late/commitment/etc... I left. Ironically I'm probably a better bassist now than I ever have been but I have no intention of playing with a band. I just jam along to stuff at home. I just do it for pleasure. Same with guitar. Jas
  5. Just bought a G&L l2000 from Pinball and was a total pleasure to deal with. Would recommend without any hesitation. Jason
  6. trying to buy the black one of these on here at the moment....loving this maple neck though.... if it falls through I'll be getting in touch. Jason
  7. bit miffed....a two-week long sale fell through...because his wife said no ! Price drop to £280 POSTED IN THE UK (no highlands or islands unless you you contribute to costs). Jason
  8. pm'd mate. interested. Jason
  9. I had one bass for 20 + years (ibanez ct) and it did me fine.... then I found this place and ebay and I must have bought a dozen bases in 4 years...mostly jazz type necks Ive even started an excuse that I played skinny necks and now I'm older my arthritic hands need the wider spacing on P type bases.... gotta buy new bases now
  10. Just to strike the balance..... I hung onto my old ibanez for 20+ years...1st bass and all that. I got shot of it a couple of years ago and I've never give it a 2nd thought since. Too many other nice toys out there to tempt me... GLWTS
  11. Still here. PM's replied to ....sorry I don't get on the internet every day so it might be a day or two before I reply. Jason
  12. ok, thought about a P neck on it and I'm still thinking it needs to go.... no race to sell....but I'll probably get something different from the usual p or J fender as I already have a P and I fancy a change. wachya got???? Jas
  13. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1472895533' post='3125113'] Buy a precision neck Remove strings and unbolt the old neck Bolt on the new neck Restring Set up (: [/quote] Its that easy? really?....
  14. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1472889740' post='3125024'] I had a Modern Player Jazz 5, and it was a superb bass especially when I fitted a a John Eaat J-Retro Deluxe. Had to sell it as I don't have a great back, but man that thing sounded and played nice. [/quote] agree totally with the sound... my large aging arthritic hands just don't cut the skinny neck though. toying with swapping the neck for a precision one but I wounldn't know where to start
  15. still here....blocking up a wall hanger that I could have another bass or guitar in
  16. back to the top....... any trades out there?
  17. For sale or for trade: £300 Rarely used Fender Modern Player Jazz in Matt Black Four way selector switch, very versatile bass in very very good condition. Deliberated about selling this for ages because its just such a nice piece of kit, but I just cant do Jazz necks with my massive hands and I always pick up my P by default so this never gets used. Great bass, they are quite heavy though so no use if you are looking for a weight weenie. Ill post for £20 in the fender box it came in. Open to trades...without skinny jazz necks Near Newcastle / Sunderland [attachment=226571:IMG_3523.JPG] [attachment=226572:IMG_3524.JPG] [attachment=226573:IMG_3525.JPG] [attachment=226574:IMG_3526.JPG] [attachment=226575:IMG_3527.JPG] [attachment=226576:IMG_3528.JPG]
  18. I have one of these...love it. Great guitar for the money and very versatile. GLWTS
  19. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1418905451' post='2634648'] Now I see the pics - I have seen these before. Did a bit of digging & found an old catalogue, looks like it's '92: [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/anniversary/198/19.jpg"]http://www.ibanez.co...sary/198/19.jpg[/url] Maybe an early foray into Korean-made budget designs, hence the knotty/twisty neck. I had 2 early 90s SR800s, both of which were MIJ and top quality. Still an interesting & pretty unusual bass, I'd definitely hang onto it! J. [/quote] Yeah, that definately looks to be it, but I got it before 1990.... thats a definite. Maybe a trial production run thing. I think I'll look for a neck or ask a craftsman with some skill what the options are with straightening the neck. There you go...you all just saved it from the skip
  20. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1418839734' post='2633978'] What he said. I'm unfamiliar with the model & surprised that any 80s Ibby turned out to be a bit crap! Jon. [/quote] It looks in good condition from 3 foot away.. The bent neck is the main problem... if I could get another neck I'd probably fix it up. It needs new pots but the pickups are fine. I got them made by a guy that was recommended to me on here years ago called Wizzard pickups. I'd pull them out of it if I got rid of it. [attachment=178866:2014-12-18 09.14.30.jpg] [attachment=178867:2014-12-18 09.14.51.jpg] [attachment=178868:2014-12-18 09.15.09.jpg] Think I'll go for the "in the loft" option until I have more time on my hands or incase I bump into a neck. Jas
  21. yeah, I guess it's not even good for firewood now. Could never sell it...its practically unplayable!
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