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big rob

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Everything posted by big rob

  1. big rob


    Lovely looking bass, however need both my lungs so will be unable to afford it.
  2. Not my cup of tea but having looked on the letts website this is a bargain for someone. good luck with the sale
  3. Not another one, Jesus i like this more than the other one.
  4. Love the look of that bass, if only i had the cash
  5. Cheers jazzyvee, I think you have confirmed to me that mine is working fine, i get the wah sound all OK, fresh battery has also made this more apparent so i thinks all good. Thanks for the link as well. what number are your trim pots set to by the way? Regards Rob
  6. Hi All, I have an Alembic MK and love it and would not get rid of it ever, however i am not sure if mine has the tonal variety that it should. So i am wondering, when i open the control cavity there are some adjustable pots in there, what do these do? and would adjusting them change any parameter? Don't get me wrong the tone is great and i can dial in the tones i need. However as stated there does not seem to be the massive range of tones people suggest you can get (or maybe there is and my expectation of massive range is different to there's). Regards Rob
  7. Hi All, Well took to band with the 40-100 tonight and have realised that i just love my Warwick dolphin Pro 1 too much so this will be going up for sale. Great bass just cant stop using the Warwick. Regards Rob
  8. Thanks Howiebass, Would i not be getting the "choking" with finger picking also? will give a go. Regards Rob
  9. Hi All again, Have not played slap bass for a few years now but have decided that it works great in a couple of current tunes, my other basses and my daughters all slap really well, however the one i really want to slap well my dolphin pro 1 seems to be muted when slapping the d and g strings. All is fine when finger picking with no sign of muting what so ever. However when i start to slap the strings are not singing. Is this an issue with set up or nut height? i am at a loss, will continue to finger pick until i sort it. Cheers Rob
  10. And a cheque for £7100 so i can add the £100 and get a nice new bass.
  11. Would not surprise me if it has gone, however it was still up tonight. Someone could get a hell of a rig for a reasonable price there.
  12. This is not bad and i bet they would take at least £50 off if you asked them. [attachment=174980:Capture.JPG]
  13. Thanks guys for the advice, i am going to have a go tomorrow, i will keep you posted. This does not sound too voodoo at all. Cheers Rob
  14. Dear All, Managed this in the end with a couple of little re solders. Just information for others if they have the same issue. Wired like the diagram above, with the 2 addtional earth's i seemed to have under each pickup these where also wired to the top of the blend pot. The 2 earths from the blend pot tabs i soldered to the foil tab screwed to the body in the cavity. All seems to be working OK now. Cheers Rob
  15. Cheers BassBus, I will give it a go tomorrow, have band tonight and have put the old strings back on and its fine again. Do i turn until it plays ok and then leave it 24hrs to settle or do i need to turn, leave it 24hrs and then see if it plays OK. Sorry for all the questions, have always seen truss rod adjustment as a bit voodoo and don't want to f it up. Kind Regards Rob
  16. Thanks for the advice, do i adjust with the strings on? cheers Rob
  17. Dear All, Sorted the electrics now on my Washburn Status, however i have change the strings to 30-90 gauge and now have dead notes on 3rd fret and below and some fret buzz. Must be the change in gauge, but do i need to adjust the truss rod? there is no nut it being headless. Your help as always would be much appreciated. Regards Rob
  18. Bump for help still, come on you electronics lovers. What would you do with your soldering iron? Rob
  19. Well all, I think i may have found my extra wires, i lifted the pickups out as i need to add some springs for height adjustment and under them is another black wire which is screwed into the wood, this does not seem to be on the wiring diagram and also i am a little confused where they need to go if at all. Also is the white wire the bridge earth? and on the wiring diagram the shield earth is this the one screwed to the cavity silver foil. Sorry for all the questions but i don't want to mess up my new purchase. Here are some pictures to try and explain a little more: [attachment=174543:WP_20141023_0021.jpg] [attachment=174544:WP_20141023_0031.jpg] [attachment=174545:WP_20141023_0061.jpg] Thanks to All, Big Rob
  20. I thought the white wire might be the bridge earth, I thought i would have to put the black wire on the big solder tag thats in there now elsewhere, however there does seem to be more black wires than in the diagram. did a pic really of how it should look.
  21. Bump for help with the wiring diagram i found above
  22. Does anyone have one of these with all intact as should be that you can take some photos of, that would be a great help i think. I have now found the below, but i'm not too sure where the white wire in mine should go or the two earth's that are identified on the blend pot pins. [attachment=174532:s1000print.jpg]
  23. Have just brought a Washburn status 1000 s70. Only issue is the the blend pot has been bypassed as it was noisy, i will get a new one but i don't understand the wiring. Can anyone help with wiring instructions. Will try and add photos later. Here are the pictures: [attachment=174473:WP_20141021_0031.jpg] [attachment=174474:WP_20141021_0041.jpg] [attachment=174475:WP_20141021_0051.jpg] cheers in advance Big Rob
  24. Thanks for the feedback, Yes i really do need a voice and lyrics, but the music is as much as i can manage. Regards Rob
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