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big rob

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Everything posted by big rob

  1. Thanks all for the advice, If i did sell i would buy something still in my dads memory. Does anyone know the going rate at the moment for a second hand MK standard?
  2. Hi Lozbass, Thanks for the advice, yes all of the tracks are with the alembic. Regards Rob.
  3. [size=3][font=Calibri][color=#000000]Hi All,[/color][/font][/size] [size=3]I am really in two minds over this one. I have had my Alembic Mark King standard from new and purchased it with some inheritance money which I received on my father’s death, I would never have spent that kind of money on a bass normally but I saw it as an opportunity to buy something to remember him by. However as I get older my back is struggling with the weight of the beast and also it’s a bit nerve racking when I take it to gigs as it is perfect and I want it to stay that way.[/size] [size=3]I now have a Warwick dolphin pro 1 which I use most of the time apart from recording when the Alembic always comes back out. So my question is really if I were to sell it how much should I put it up for? And if I did what should I reinvest in? I would be looking at custom builds and I’m not in to the jazz or fender shapes.[/size] [size=3]Thanks for your help in advance [/size] [size=3]Big Rob[/size]
  4. [sub]Hi,[/sub] [sub]Is there any damage to the Cab at all? what covering does this one have?. Dont fancy a trade for a trace elliot 4x10 with HF horn, its the UK built trace with carpet covering.[/sub] [sub]Regards[/sub] [sub]Big Rob[/sub]
  5. <p>The rotary knobs on the front just pull off, not that hard to do. The memory and shift buttons also just pull off.
  6. Done it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207880-how-too-tc-rh450-replacing-the-memory-buttons-and-rotary-knobs-guide/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207880-how-too-tc-rh450-replacing-the-memory-buttons-and-rotary-knobs-guide/[/url]
  7. Hi all, Well i bit the bullet and opened up the RH450 to carry out the repairs and guess what, it was a real nightmare...... no not really it was really easy to do, here are some photos and a guide, i hope it helps anyone trying to do the same: Tools required: Allen key set Torx bit set (got mine from screw fix £5.99) Screw driver (pozi drive small) 1: First you need to remove the 3 torx bit screws on the top and the bottom of the unit. you also need to remove the rotary knobs from the front, these simple pull off, just pull square and with medium force to remove, i did not need to wobble them. [attachment=134971:IMG_0425.JPG] 2: Then you need to remove the screws on the bottom of the unit (all of them), you will also need to remove the sticker as one is hiding under it, you do not need to remove the feet these can stay where they are. [attachment=134972:IMG_0424.JPG] 3: You can now slide the casing off to the left, do this gently as the plastic front control panel sits in a channel on the casting. [attachment=134973:IMG_0422.JPG] 4: You now need to remove the 2 allen key bolts in the black metal vented section on the right. [attachment=134974:IMG_0423.JPG] [attachment=134975:IMG_0414.JPG] 5: Now the front plastic panel can be removed. [attachment=134976:IMG_0415.JPG] [attachment=134977:IMG_0416.JPG] 6: The Memory buttons and shift buttons can be pulled off very easy and replaced now. [attachment=134978:IMG_0419.JPG] [attachment=134979:IMG_0420.JPG] 7: Once replaced put front panel back on, it is not glued in any way so easy to remove and replace. Then refit the black vented metal section and then refit the main casing and refit all of the screws removed. [attachment=134980:IMG_0421.JPG] [attachment=134981:IMG_0422.JPG] 8: The last thing to do is just push on the replacement Knobs, if yours were not broken like mine to start with then you can refit the ones you pulled off at the start, if you were careful they will not have broken. [attachment=134982:IMG_0426.JPG] There we go good as new and only took 30 mins start to finish. [attachment=134984:IMG_0428.JPG] Hope this helps Big Rob
  8. Thanks Mark, I will be opening her up when the rotary knobs come, have the buttons. thanks for the pic. Will post on here details and pics of how i get on. Cheers Rob
  9. Hi All, Now i'm up to 118 views on this thread now so i must not be the only one who is considering or would like to know how to open up the RH450 and do these repairs. There must be someone out there who has done this. If not i will soon be the first and will have to take some pictures and post them up on here, however if i do break it then i hope you will all chip in £3 each for me to buy a new one!!!!! Big Rob
  10. Cheers Mark, Think i might have a go and see if i can get into the thing. However i might just leave it for a while. However if anyone else has advice on this then please share, I'm sure i cant be the only one that wants to try and make this repair. thanks to all the advice again, keep it coming regards Rob
  11. Cheers Mark, there seems to be loads of screws in the casing, is it just the torx head ones i need to remove? also do i have to remove the knobs also or can it be done without doing this? cheers all for the advice. regards Rob
  12. Maybe your right but tc are sending me the replacement buttons and say its just a case of opening it up and popping off the old and replacing with the new ones. Someone must have opened one up, would really appreciate the help it anyone has.
  13. Cheers for the advice, really need some advice about opening up the rh450, is replacing the memory buttons difficult, do i need to remove all the knobs, only just got the amp second hand and don't want to damage my new toy, please help!!!! mines the rebel head branded version. thanks in advance Big Rob
  14. Hi all, I have a Rebel Head 450 and its great however it does have the normal issue of the memory buttons having hairline cracks, the guys at tc are great and they are sending me new buttons, however no advice on how to fit them. Also I have found the rotary knobs are also easy to remove only 2 are not, if I get new ones how are you meant to remove them properly. Hope you guys can help. Cheers Big Rob
  15. Nice looking bass bump
  16. thanks again for the advice, will have to keep hold of the ah300-12 until i try out the other lighter alternatives. Cheers All Big Rob
  17. Sorry you must be right it was what it was supplied new with so must be 32mb. Sorry again, Big Rob
  18. Cheers for the advice, thanks thodrik thought it might just be what they are like. Thanks for confirming it
  19. HI. I have a trace ah-300 12 and it never really has had much distortion from the valve when i crank it up. I have had it from new but never really used it but fancy a bit of overdrive now and it does not seem to want to give me any. Uf the valve is blown how do i tell, opened it up last night and in not sure what a blown valve looks like or even if you can tell. on the other hand could it just be the way the amp is, adding a bit of warmth?, however not sure its doing that even. any advice would be welcome. cheers Big Rob
  20. Hi is there any damage on this unit, if you could PM me any pics of any damage that would be good.
  21. Thanks again all the information is good, i have heard that there is a difference with the RH450 and RH750 other than just the power output, is there a technical reason why the top end disappears? Looked at the Mesa Stuff also and other brands but not many do built in compression. Again thanks for the help. Big Rob.
  22. Thanks for the hints, I like to try and get a very even volume across the strings when playing if the top end rolls off then maybe the TC is not for me. I hate losing the definition on the thinner strings. Thanks again for your help. Regards Big Rob
  23. Dear All, I have pretty much been a life long trace elliot user (apart from my first amp at 15 carlsbro thing). Currently running through a 2x10 with horn for practice and a 4 x10 for gigs. However i'm thinking of changing but would like some advice on alternatives.....TC RH450 etc. I would like a good onboard compressor but thats about it in terms of minimum standard. Thanks in advance for your help Kind Regards Big Rob
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