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big rob

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Everything posted by big rob

  1. Shame no trades on this, will be back if my Status S2 sells.
  2. Good luck with the sale chap
  3. That looks like my old bass, is it? Lovely bass if it is and plays lovely. Good luck with the sale
  4. I think that's the nicest fret board i have ever seen, Not for me as strictly a 4 string player. Good luck with the sale chap. Regards Rob
  5. Need a Jazz bass loaded control plate, someone must have one, must be chrome. 

    1. franzbassist


      This needs to go in the items wanted section.

  6. Hi All,

    Have a Sire V7 on the way but i need a preamp as it is missing the original. 

    Would like a Sire one but if not i will go passive and hopefully stack knob like the 62. 

    Let me know what you have lying around.

    Thanks in advance for the help .


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. timhiggins


      You could buy a v3 put that preamp in the v7 and keep the v3 as passive instrument

      its the same preamp in all sires.


    3. big rob

      big rob

      Seems an expensive way to buy a pre amp 

    4. timhiggins


      Not when you consider a John east Marcus Miller pre is almost the same price as a whole v3 


  7. That Blue one is very nice, i had a black one from 89 and was the bees knees, Paint was so thick you could not see the serial number. Wish i had something to trade at the moment that met your requirements. Good luck Rob
  8. Had no idea you felt so strongly about it.............sorry had to be done 

    1. SpondonBassed



      If you are going to troll out a textile based play on words on the front page of Basschat just because of Jono's dislike of felt covered cabs you need to be prepared for the consequences.

      Where IS the best place to get felt?


      The back seat of a car does it for me.


  9. The RH750 is the dogs i had one before my blacksmith and would not have changed if it was not for someone wanting to just swap for my RH750. The RS410 is a great cab to pair it with but if weights an issue i would go RS210 or 2 of those if you have the funds. Welcome to the TC club.
  10. I Have been using TC stuff for years, first i had just the RS212 cab and the RH450 head, that was great. Then i added a RS210 and it got better. Then i got the RH750 and it got even better. Then i swapped my RH750 and RS212 for a Blacksmith and a RS410 so the rig was 6x10 with the RS210. recently sold the RS210 and i also purchased 2 x Mark Bass 104HF cabs so was using the blacksmith with the 2 markbass cabs..........result bloody awful, not enough warmth and too clanky for me if that makes sense. So sold them and now have the blacksmith and just the RS410 and i am not changing anytime soon, yes its heavy but its well worth it. If i change at all it will only be to another RS / Blacksmith configuration.
  11. Nice I had a Dolphin pro 1 gloss black from 89 it was a beast would like to own another. Will PM you as i have a P bass that might be of interest. Cheers Rob
  12. I found the Markbass cabs very harsh in the treble.
  13. Oooo, I like the look of these and i'm just up the road in kidlington. I had Markbass cabs recently and did not really get on with them, are these voiced in a similar way? Regards Rob
  14. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/277673682983388
  15. HI I have a TC electronic RS410 for sale if it helps?
  16. I Have a TC RS4x10 for sale if it helps.
  17. Or buy my TC RS410 best 4x10 i have ever owned.
  18. I have one of these and they are great, i had the RH450 and the 750 before picking one of these up in a trade. There is something about these amps yes feature wise they are similar but sound wise this just has something on the others. Massive Bargain good luck with your sale.
  19. Is this bass now sold? Would you consider any trades if not?
  20. oooooo must resist another bass
  21. Bum just ordered a new one on saturday.
  22. I have a retroglide and have no issue volume or tome wise, never go's above 4 in a very loud band and have comparable volume output to my TC RH750 head. Not sure if some have had a fault causing the volume issue but mine is fine. Regards Rob
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