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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Ok, I'm in I put this together hastily today, so I haven't had chance to road-test it beyond my headphones… but time was of the essence! Fretless bass - of which I'm a 'noob' player - and there are plenty of spots where my intonation sucks. As does my singing in places. But it adds to the charm, or something The heavily-FX'd guitar during the middle section is my trusty £20 Gumtree special ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211966-just-bought-a-vintage-fake-for-l20/"]this one[/url]), which I'm hoping to spruce up over the holiday if I get chance between feasting and sleeping. Anyway, here's the track: https://soundcloud.com/skollob/slumber Looks like we have maybe half a dozen entries this month? - I need to do a stock check - so well done to everyone who managed it with Christmas looming large. I'll be posting up the voting thread tomorrow at midnight, so there's still chance if you're twiddling or deliberating…
  2. [color=#b22222][b][size=5]The Recording 101 Blog is back![/size][/b][/color] Written and compiled by our own resident mix-guru, 51m0n, the Recording 101 Blog provides a wealth of useful information about getting started in the sometimes tricky business of recording and mixing audio. [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130117135136/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/category/recording-101/"][size=5]CHECK IT OUT HERE[/size][/url] [b]Topics to date include:[/b] [list] [*][url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130215154726/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/an-introduction-to-the-introduction-to-recording/"]An introduction to... the introduction to recording[/url] [*][url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130215154733/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/the-worlds-briefest-acoustics-primer/"]The world's briefest acoustics primer[/url] [*][url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130215154741/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/setting-up-a-compressor/"]Setting up a compressor[/url] [*][url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130215154720/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/equalisation/"]Equalisation[/url] [/list] Big thanks to Si for setting this up and sharing his know-how. Cheers! If you have any requests for future blogs then post them here.
  3. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1387742877' post='2315169'] Anyone else suffer from this or is it just me? [/quote] Wooten has small hands and stubby fingers. Esperanza Spalding has petite hands and plays the heck out of both electrics and uprights. Stop making excuses and get practicing
  4. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1387458600' post='2312168'] as ive got a relatively free weekend this weekend.... im going to throw something together... it will be sh*t no doubt, but i need to get back in the game... may do an instrumental [/quote] Good to hear, Rob - go for it mate! I'm going to get something together myself over the weekend. [b]For anyone else: deadline for entries is midnight on Christmas eve[/b] Ho, ho, ho... etc.
  5. Well dammit but at least we gave it a good shot! Thanks to everyone who got behind this campaign. We weren't far off the winner in terms of votes... and if it's any consolation at least the grand prize went to a music-related project. Well done all. This is the stuff that makes Basschat great
  6. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1387284347' post='2310170'] I thought I voted. Maybe it didn't register or something. [/quote] Sorry seashell! I'd only tallied the people who had voted and posted about it in this thread - I have no way of knowing who clicked the voting link itself. I've now added your name to the 'roll of honour' in the the post above
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1387278731' post='2310070'] The voting page is still taking votes, so I'd say Carry on Clicking… https://www.loveourlocalbusiness.com/base/lolb2desktop?region_id=gb-en&content_id=94315&noflash [/quote] Ditto. It's not clear whether votes are still being counted or not, so it can't hurt to keep clicking for the time being.
  8. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1387206889' post='2309325'] Our band just happened to have a rare get together last weekend, and wrote a song wot would be perfect for this, as it's called "Bedtime". I've laid down the bassline over a sequence and Dropboxed it to the guitarist (who lives in France), who'll add his bit, then he'll send it to drummer, singer and other guitarist (who live in Sheffield, Peak District and Manchester respectively) who'll stick their bits on and mix it. Hopefully we'll get it in in time! [/quote] Good stuff, go for it! Sounds like my kinda band... I'm currently producing some tracks with folks split between Manchester, London and the US. It's what the internet was made for, eh
  9. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1387201731' post='2309235'] In all fairness; a standard E is 31(ish)hz. An octave down is 15.5(ish)hz. Human hearing starts at 20hz. All you would be hearing are overtones so you may as well leave the bass tuned standard. [/quote] Actually E is about 41Hz and B is around 30Hz... but aside from me being pedantic you're absolutely right! In this situation it'd be best to stick with standard tuning, otherwise it's going to sound like total sludge
  10. Nice idea for a thread Here's one that springs to mind... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJyhZ-3Z8A8
  11. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1387072332' post='2308034'] Not in my experience. See post #51 in this thread. Their tracking on their website told me that 'Your Parcel Was Refused' when it clearly wasn't and no attempt was ever made to deliver it. I was in all day and they did not attempt to deliver anything. So no their tracking isn't first class. P.S. See post #36 for the fun and games i had with Interparcel. Never again with that shower. [/quote] Goes to show there's [i]a lot[/i] of variation in the standards/reliability of most courier services.
  12. I've shipped two basses very recently using Interparcel Premium which is delivered by UPS. No complaints whatsoever - great service in my experience. I've had nightmares in the past with City Link and City Sprint (swap the word 'city' for something that rhymes with it and you're bang on the money). DPD are great. [i]Really[/i] good service and their tracking is first class. Again, all based on my own experience. I'm sure there are good and bad stories to be had with all couriers
  13. Wow, good find! I'm really liking this
  14. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1386883953' post='2306076'] My band supported them in Glasgow in the Summer.... really cool guys, and very helpful when it came to floor space, and gear! top guys! [/quote] Wow! I wanna be you guys Great score. That must've been a good gig.
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1386937131' post='2306580'] I thought that was his web access? I'll get me coat... [/quote] Oooh, that's so bad it's [i]almost[/i] good
  16. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1386934185' post='2306533'] That's a beautiful looking room Lurksalot. [/quote] Indeed it is. Apart from the giant arachnid infestation! [i]Shudders.[/i]
  17. [quote name='sam-davies' timestamp='1386848649' post='2305252']The Roots are hold the top spot for me. Dying to see them at some point.[/quote] [i]Small claim to fame:[/i] I interviewed them once, years ago when I used to work as a music hack (just after the release of Illadelph Halflife). They were playing in Manchester as part of Fat City / Grand Central Records' birthday party. Very nice guys - thoroughly genuine and humble about their talents I'd love to see them play live again myself.
  18. [color=#B22222][b][size=5]We have our first winner![/size][/b][/color] [b]Steve-bbb[/b] who was drawn in a raffle as part of the 'Vote for 13 Guitar Co' campaign thread See original post for details.
  19. Yup, gets a hearty +1 from me. I really like Jurassic 5 but Gang Starr and pretty much any outfit featuring Guru (RIP), such as his Jazzmatazz stuff, is right up my musical alley. THAT's real hip hop in my opinion. I'm now off to listen to some Guru... cheers for the prompt!
  20. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1386675116' post='2302851'] For real cheese - Hi Ho Silver Lining anyone? [/quote] NO!!! That's heresy! Go and wash your mouth out with Swarfega.
  21. And the winner of the raffle for a Basschat polo shirt is.... steve-bbb! We'll done mate And a BIG thanks again to everyone who's supported this campaign. Fingers crossed we've done enough to give Paul at 13 Guitar Co a fighting chance of being selected by the final judges. As soon as I hear the result I'll let y'all know. In the meantime, here's the roll of honour of everyone who voted and posted. Sterling effort! Round of applause, please... xilddx gary mac Thunderbird KiOgon bluejay Clarky Bassman Sam clauster Chippy147 bridge lowdown xgsjx pantherairsoft wriggers the_skezz madshadows paul_5 lucky TheGreek peteb AntLockyer miles'tone alembic63 lazybones Dad3353 Gust0o Talon paul h yepmop steve-bbb Donnyboy BigRedX PauBass Dread Bass charic PJT Qlank MB1 lurksalot chardbass Myke Norm Bloc Riff Nut Buzzardist mr zed Bolo Jabba_the_gut Musky GUI101 ClusterOne Noisyjon Toddy54 ratman skidder652003 W11ATO Matt P Bigjas Joeyfivebags Subbeh tauzero Mikey D Roland Rock Lw. andydye Chris Sharman Cow seashell
  22. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1386768550' post='2304212']Them fret side marker things look the boss![/quote] Aye, the fretless I have features an un-lined neck but with side dots on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc, fret positions. I find this plenty useful for me to find my way around the fingerboard without being too much of a klutz. Although as mentioned, I still have a way to go before my intonation is any where near 'fluent'. But heh, that's what practice is all about, right?
  23. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1386769228' post='2304229'] He's going to keep posting that question till you answer! [/quote]
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1386765185' post='2304150'] XXL, please. [/quote] It's in the lap of the gods! [i](or down to my wife picking a random number from a list later on tonight... it's non-stop excitement in our house, I tell you).[/i] But you never know, it could be you!
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