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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1386764278' post='2304133'] The counter is at 738, it seems. Could be the final tally; in any case, well done, folks and good luck, Paul. [/quote] Aye, 738 seems to be the final total - which is excellent! Huge thanks to everyone who's got behind this campaign: a sterling effort from you all I'll run a raffle on everyone who's posted in this thread and announce the lucky winner of a Basschat polo shirt later this evening... Cheers
  2. [color=#B22222][b][size=5]VOTING ENDS IN LESS THAN AN HOUR[/size][/b][/color] [color=#B22222][b][size=5]GO NUTS!!![/size][/b][/color]
  3. Good work everyone! I don't want to be the bearer of panic... but I'm fairly sure that voting ends tomorrow. So let's give it one last push and click for victory!! We'd originally planned a BC Polo Shirt for voter number 1000, but if we don't reach that lofty target then I'll run a raffle with the names of everyone who's posted in this thread instead. Thanks again for your sterling efforts. This is the stuff that Basschat is made of
  4. Woah. At least you can strain pasta through it though, eh?
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1386681672' post='2302995'] Oh and a '74 Precision for under £500 to boot... [/quote] Yeah I noticed that 74 Precision! The starting price on that was also 99p with no reserve. All very fishy... Either that or the seller is drunk
  6. ^ Cheers dude, that's the kind of straight talking common sense I needed to hear! I'm currently GAS-ing for a '74 body for no other reason than it's the year of my birth and I like the idea of building a bass around a body as old as I am. What I might do instead is try sourcing some wood from that year and take it to a luthier (I know a good guy in Liverpool - Paul at 13 Guitar Co) and have a body made to spec. Hmmm. That's got me thinking...
  7. I used to play a 'DIY ' fretless with lines but have recently sold it and bought a new purpose-built fretless without - and I really like it. My intonation needs work but I'm finding the absence of fret lines strangely liberating... And I'm trying out new things as a result. That's not to say Scott is wrong - he's a nice bloke and a far better bassist than I - but my experience without fretlines has been very positive.
  8. ^ I'm thinking exactly the same as you guys Definitely a few alarm bells ringing. While I'm here, what you think of this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390717718808 ...? It looks legit to my untrained eyes - by then I don't know much! I'm thinking about starting a parts-build project next year and wondering whether this would be a good purchase - or not. Let me know what you think.
  9. Early days in the bidding, but the price on this seems too good to be true... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251399261833
  10. [b]Quick update![/b] The routing is now completed and it's ready for sanding before the final stages of the build. I've discussed the finish with Paul and we're opting for a clear gloss with a subtle tobacco burst around the edges. I'll post more pics here when the time comes In the meantime here's a few shots of where it's up to...
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1386303589' post='2298546']([i]small voice from behind... "Are we nearly there yet..?"[/i])[/quote] Just 'round the next corner... Now 558
  12. I'd certainly expect to be told if an amp I'd bought didn't come with a power lead. And they'll always be 'kettle leads' to me... sorry!
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1386249389' post='2297665'] ...but you've already got one..! What will you do with another..? [/quote] Wear it solidly for a month without washing, then sell it on eBay as being 'reliced'
  14. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1386248926' post='2297659'] Both links lead to the same place. [/quote] Doh! Thanks for the heads-up. Now fixed
  15. [size=5][b][color=#B22222]There's one remaining Basschat Polo Shirt up for grabs...[/color][/b][/size] Well done to [b]Steve-bbb[/b] who won the first BC polo! Steve's username was drawn in a raffle amongst everyone who had supported the '[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222511-help-out-a-bc-member-vote-for-paul/"]Vote for 13 Guitar Co[/url]' campaign. [b]There's still one polo shirt to be won![/b] Which will be awarded to the winner of this month's Composition Competition. If you've yet to have a go yourself, but have been toying with the idea, then now's a good time to get stuck in. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223733-december-composition-competition/page__pid__2297582#entry2297582"]COMPOSITION COMPETITION[/url] Big thanks to Ped and Kiwi for offering up these prizes. Cheers Paul
  16. [size=5][color=#B22222][b]There's now a Basschat polo shirt on offer to the winner of this month's competition![/b][/color][/size]
  17. [b][size=5][color=#B22222]Time to announce PauBass' prizes for being the 500th clicker in this campaign![/color][/size][/b][i] Drum roll please...[/i] Something worthwhile - an official Basschat Lanyard (wear it with pride!) And from the dark recesses of my very own desk drawer... an ultra-rare limited edition set of Justin Beiber plectrums (OH YES!!!) and a little rubber thingy that makes a key look like a guitar (key not included). [size=5][b][color=#B22222]We're offering a Basschat Polo shirt to the 1000th voter![/color][/b][/size] [size=4]So please keep calm and carrying on clicking. Cheers everyone [/size]
  18. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1385751519' post='2291902'] I'd add that Drew at MBL is a joy to deal with. Genuinely interested in talking bass. [/quote] +1 ...I met him at the North West Guitar Show. Lovely bloke who knows his stuff. I had a very brief fondle of a Sadowsky jazz recently (belonging to a fellow Basschatter) and it was gorgeous. Very light and beautifully made. I'd snap one up at that price if I was in the market for one... And had the money to burn
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1386159061' post='2296470'] Fifth Element? [/quote] Got it! Well done. It'd been bugging me trying to remember where I'd seen it before.
  20. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1386160094' post='2296482'] and 500!!! When can I order my free custom bass? [/quote] Congratulations! I'll send you a message on how to claim your [s]totally useless and underwhelming[/s] [i]extra special[/i] limited edition prize! I'll disclose the full details of this fantastic giveaway here once it's been confirmed We're having another giveaway if - or should I say when - we reach 1000 votes, which is the Blue Peter style target for this campaign. The 1000 vote prize will be a little more satisfying (note the emphasis on the word 'little'). As you were. Keep clicking...
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