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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1385565126' post='2289711']Reckon we can clear 400 by the weekend?[/quote] Hell yeah! PS: I'm offering up a FREE novelty gift to whichever lucky person clicks the 500th vote and posts here to claim the prize! (UK postage only - sorry Douglas!). [i]Please note the emphasis on 'novelty'... all I'll say is it's something vaguely useful. Maybe.[/i] I'll also throw in a slightly more worthy prize if we reach 1000. [i]Note the emphasis on the word 'slightly'[/i]
  2. 366 at the current count. Good work everyone! Keep calm and carry on clicking...
  3. For anyone interested I can now confirm that Fender jazz stacked pots require allen keys for both the upper (larger key) and lower (smaller key) knobs. The guy at Fender whom I've been dealing with is now posting a selection of allen keys out to me! Very good of him and great customer service Job done.
  4. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1385454661' post='2288344']Another day begins with the ritual.[/quote] Keep chalking them up!! Tally is now at 340. Our 'Blue Peter' style campaign target is 1000... that should give Paul at least [i]some[/i] chance of getting shortlisted by the final judging panel. We just have to remember to stop clicking once it's all finished. Okay?!
  5. Ok... I've made a special request to someone to donate some stems for the next competition. I don't want to say too much in case they're unable to for whatever reason, but it should be a new challenge for everyone if it goes ahead If not, I have Plan B that I'll put into action. Won't be long. Thanks for your patience!
  6. Go Spoombung! A superbly crafted piece of music and well deserving of its votes. I'm keen for you to spill the beans on how you recorded and processed the bass - it's fantastic. I'm currently torn between this track and two others... I'll post up some feedback on all of the entries once I'm done voting. Great work everyone.
  7. I spotted this on eBay and messaged you about your reserve price, just out of interest... And here it is! Beautiful bass. Out of my current budget range unfortunately but good luck with the sale. It deserves a good home.
  8. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1385398943' post='2287754'] I think it is not right for you to use the term knob and firm in the same post lol but joking aside I think it is a small allen key that you use to adjust it [/quote] I hadn't noticed... Honest guv. Yeah I've had a second look and it appears to be a tiny Allen key socket. I'm going to wait to hear from Fender before I start rooting around. Kinda weird that this info isn't easily available on their website or forums... But heh.
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1385396182' post='2287704']The guy I'm in contact with (at Fender UK) seems to think that a flathead jewelers driver will do the job - but he doesn't know for sure.[/quote] Update: the guy at Fender is going to track down a bass with stacked knobs and confirm the fitting for me himself. That's good customer service!
  10. Cheers for the replies! I've contacted Fender and asked them the same question and even they don't seem to know for certain! Very odd. The guy I'm in contact with (at Fender UK) seems to think that a flathead jewelers driver will do the job - but he doesn't know for sure. I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill... But I'm amazed that even Fender don't know what fitting is used on their knobs! I'll let you know if I get a firm answer.
  11. Ok, so after my Wonky Knobs thread sank with trace (I appreciate it's a sensitive issue ), I'll try again. I'm trying to adjust a set of stacked knobs on a Fender jazz bass. Ones like these... [i]^ That photo is WAY too big to illustrate my point! Sorry.[/i] ...anyway, I have a standard mini-allen key which is fine to loosen the upper dial. The lower dial, however, requires a smaller tool to loosen it and for the life of me I can't work out whether I need an even smaller allen/hex or something like a jeweler's screwdriver. The hole in the back of the lower knob is tiny and it's difficult to see what's required. I should point out that it's not my bass - it's one I'm borrowing from a mate (and may end up buying) - and so I don't want to go poking around with the wrong tool in case I damage the thread. [b]Can anyone point me to the right type of hex key / screwdriver I need for this job?[/b] I've tried numerous searches and I'll be damned if I can find an answer. So I'm either being a doofus, or... yeah, I'm probably being a doofus. But humour me
  12. Nice one, I really like this. I'm a big dubstep fan already, but I like what you're doing using a 'live' bass rather than [i]just[/i] synths (the latter being how I go about this sort of music myself). Very cool and cheers for the tutorial too. I don't have Ableton but picked up some good ideas from it. Good stuff! Look forward to hearing the EP when it comes out. And in the meantime don't be a stranger in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/10-recording/"]Recording[/url] forum... be good to have your input in there, especially if you're offering up tutorials Cheers, Paul PS: if you haven't already, check out a guy called [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/6118-pantherairsoft/"]Shep[/url] from [url="http://ourhelicalmind.co.uk/"]Our Helical Mind[/url] and other bands - he's a regular on Basschat and makes music that's right up your alley. Oh, and here's a funny video about dubstep guitar... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtQfqKOxwOI
  13. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1384411091' post='2276300']It's not meant to sit on a players knee... I believe it was made for John Holmes.[/quote]
  14. Love it mate! The opening made me think of the Stone Roses ('She Bangs the Drums'). Is that you singing? If so you should do more. You could easily beef up the mix by adding an EQ on the master bus and rolling off some of the top end. Not that it really needs messing with. Cheers for sharing bud
  15. It's that time again... please prick up your ears and vote for your favourite track in this month's Composition Competition! [size=5][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223131-november-composition-competition-voting/"][b]CLICK HERE TO VOTE[/b][/url][/size] A spooky theme this month, based on the excellent photo chosen by last month's winner, Zenitram. Eight tracks with a total running time of less than an episode of Coronation Street (ok, EastEnders for you southerners...). Please make someone's day and vote - it'll be hugely appreciated Paul
  16. ^ I couldn't agree more Douglas! I had a very quick skip through each of the tracks last night while setting up the voting - just pressing 'play' from a random point to make sure they all work ok - and each time I ended up listening through to the end. Really good entries from everyone this month and all very different. I'm looking forward to listening to them all properly... that is, in a darkened room with a glass of red
  17. [color=#b22222][size=5][b]The voting thread is now up - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223131-november-composition-competition-voting/"]GO HERE[/url][/b][/size][/color] Late entries are welcome, so if you're still working on something then get it done and get it in
  18. Voting has now started on November's Composition Competition! Here's the inspiration for this month's music, chosen by the previous winner Zenitram: And here are the compositions. Please listen to each track and pick your favourite: Dad3353 https://soundcloud.c...ot-be-long-love paul h https://soundcloud.c...ghost-wedding-i Spoombung https://soundcloud.c...mbung/slow-glow EliasMooseblaster https://soundcloud.c...-headless-bride AL-the-Bassman https://soundcloud.c...er-looking-than lurksalot https://soundcloud.c...rksalot/no-body the boy https://soundcloud.c...ysings/stranger Skol303 https://soundcloud.c...nholy-matrimony [CONTAINS SWEARING] Voting ends at midnight on Saturday 30th November. Well done to everyone who took part this month - sterling work as always! Paul
  19. Ok I'm done. Great picture from Zenitram this month, which fired me up for something on a spooky/horrific theme. I'm a big fan of horror movies and wanted to experiment with some of the tricks used in my favourite soundtracks of the genre - things like [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3odOfyPz8L8"]Texas Chainsaw Massacre[/url] (bloody bonkers), [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H3UiwU1N5I"]The Omen[/url] (choirs don't get much creepier) and pretty much anything by John Carpenter ([url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI0QNdIi508&list=PL22F8B69AA1F54632"]Halloween[/url] is a good example)… with a big dollop of metal thrown in for good measure It all ended up being a bit messy - and quite a step removed from the picture, if I'm being honest (which perhaps conjures up more of a Hammer Horror or M.R. James style of spookiness, rather than where I ended up). But heh. Lots of crazy synth programming and liberal use of copyright-free samples to weave the 'story'. The bass is all mine; the guitars are a mix of my own playing smothered beneath programmed MIDI lines to help keep the timing tight (I'm no guitarist). [color=#b22222][b]Please note: this track contains swearing.[/b][/color] Nothing especially offensive, but a dose of the S-word right at the start. It's also perhaps not ideal for younger listeners. Rated 15, or thereabouts! https://soundcloud.com/skollob/unholy-matrimony Well done to everyone who entered this month. I'm looking forward to listening to them all over the next week. Cheers Paul
  20. Very well done Bilbo!! Never mind the certificate... having your book in a library must be hugely satisfying Well deserved I'm sure.
  21. 266 Let's try to break 1000 and give Paul a chance of getting noticed by the final judges! Voting closes on 11th December - I think - so there's still time for a thousand and more
  22. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1385037921' post='2283660']why's it got those 'speed bumps' on the fingerboard? Seriously though, that's a lovely looking instrument.[/quote] Cheers Paul! Yeah I know, I know... you're not the first to suggest I should have left it fretless The fretboard on this one is a fantastic piece of wood (Makassar ebony), but I wanted this bass to have the 'bite' that comes from frets. Plus, I'm not brave enough for a blank, fretless fingerboard - however beautiful they look! Glad you like the design. As mentioned before, I have Paul at 13 Guitar Co to thank for that. I think he's hit upon something very distinctive with this shape. It's his second bass of this type and I'm certain it won't be the last
  23. Cheers dude. I'll take the plunge and order one... I'm sure it'll be alright - and I won't blame you if not! Much
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