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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1384704074' post='2279671']Are there really death metal tracks about My Little Pony? If not then there should be.[/quote] ALL of Napalm Death's early output dealt with this very subject. It's difficult to make out the lyrics, but trust me, that's what Barney Greenway was singing about all through the 90s
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384691389' post='2279453']What is all this crap? I'm getting hot MILFs and lonely Texas wives following me on Soundcloud[/quote] I don't have any such followers myself (they've probably seen photos of me in neoprene cycling shorts and thought better of it...). But I've seen them on other folks' SoundCloud lists. It's even more tragic when guys - and it's always guys - choose to follow them back. I take it they don't have music uploaded - just a bunch of people they're following? If so they're bogus accounts and probably just people trying the classic 'Russian Dating' scam with a Texan twist: "My name is Svetlana. I like older men. You seem nice. I'd like to visit you but I cannot afford the flight - will you pay so that we can be together?" That usually works when I try it anyway. SoundCloud is thankfully fairly free of scammers, but they'll chance their arm anywhere they can these days. Just ignore them. Or message them with death metal tracks about My Little Pony and say you're coming to Texas because you're in love and want an older woman to make you custard. That'll learn 'em
  3. PS: I've just figured out that votes on different devices count too. So if you have a desktop computer, a smartphone and an iPad then look busy
  4. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1384647030' post='2279213'] According to Twitter they're up to 1800 votes... and we only have 81 for our guy. Come on BC, let's get it done [/quote] Aye. We need to get our skates on to ensure Paul is in with a chance. I [i]think[/i] voting closes on December 11th (I can't figure it out...). There should be plenty enough people in this community to get sufficient votes if we pull together. Spread the word. Tell your mates. Remember to vote each day. Go, go, go...!
  5. [color=#B22222][size=5]Voting is now closed - thanks everyone! See final posts in this thread for details[/size][/color] Basschat member and Liverpool-based luthier Paul (13 Guitar Co) is currently in the running to win a business grant, which would help him expand his business to include acoustic instruments. If he wins the grant, he's offering up a custom-made acoustic bass as a prize in the monthly Basschat composition competition! Paul is a lovely bloke and very deserving of the grant. He's already been kind enough to offer a custom bass to the Basschat community (see the link in my sig ), so it's really good of him to offer the same again. But first we need to help him win the grant. Here's a message from Paul with a link to the voting website. You don't even need to register - just click on the voting button and job done. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1384602680' post='2278552'] Thanks for the Comments peeps. One more thing. [url="https://www.loveourlocalbusiness.com/base/lolb2desktop?region_id=gb-en&content_id=94315"]https://www.loveourl...ontent_id=94315[/url] If you kind-hearted basschatters could follow this link and vote for me that would be great. It's a local business grant. I want to start making acoustic instruments. I'll tell you what, If I win I'll build an acoustic bass and put it up as a prize for the composition competition! How's that sound!? Peace [/quote] Here's the link again in case you missed it: [url="https://www.loveourlocalbusiness.com/base/lolb2desktop?region_id=gb-en&content_id=94315&noflash"]https://www.loveourl...d=94315[/url]
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1384546158' post='2278102'] I wondered why your underpants were all neatly folded as I rummaged through them. [/quote] No probs dude. Thanks for putting them back as you found them
  7. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1384513613' post='2277513'] Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh...... Change.........!!!!!!! Run for your lives, he's changing stuff......... This is not gonna do my compulsive disorder any good. [/quote] Haha, don't worry - we'll make sure all the edges line up neatly! (I suffer from a touch of OCD myself - true story). [quote name='Bigjas' timestamp='1384514536' post='2277526'] This is a fantastic idea, well done. Jas [/quote] Cheers for the support Jas!
  8. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1384518915' post='2277617'] ok, im recording all tomorrow, but my home machine is screwed so i have to wipe it. i may yet squeeze something in [/quote] Go for it mate! 'Bout time we had a new one from you Good to hear you're reocrding stuff at the moment. Hope that goes well and make sure you share it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/95-share-your-music/"]here[/url] once you're finished.
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384519956' post='2277641']Yes it makes more sense really. I saw the skeleton thread last night and wondered what it was for. Are some of the other threads going to be merged into it?[/quote] Yup, some of the threads currently pinned in the Rec forum will be moving over, namely: - Basschatter's Soundcloud accounts - Something Old & Something New - The basschat review bar and grill (which is going to be unpinned and let out to pasture...) Hopefully having a new forum dedicated to sharing music will help to bring new focus to what I think is one of BC's best outputs - the music we all make! Videos of live gigs should be posted in the 'Live photos & videos' forum under Gigs. This one 'ere: http://basschat.co.uk/forum/94-live-photos-%26-videos/
  10. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1384435472' post='2276625'] whats the closing date? im recording my band this weekend, but should have some time next week to do something [/quote] Hi Rob. Deadline for entries is Saturday 23rd.
  11. [i]Ta-da-da-da, da-da-da-daaarrr![/i] [that's a fanfare] [size=5]We've just launched the shiny new 'Share Your Music' section as part of the Recording forum[/size] Here's a link to it: http://basschat.co.uk/forum/95-share-your-music/ If you have some new (or old) music that you want to share, then this is where to plonk it. The Recording forum of old is now going to be where you can talk about the process of recording itself - the 'doing' bit. The monthly music and mixing competitions will remain in the main Recording forum until everyone's got used to the new [s]regime[/s] system. Got comments/questions? Get in touch. Cheers, Paul
  12. [b]Due to popular demand, we've now launched a new sub-forum where BC members can share their music![/b] Here it is, in all its spanking new and shiny glory: http://basschat.co.uk/forum/95-share-your-music/ If you have a new music to share, this is where it belongs. The rest of the Recording forum (this bit you're in now) is going to become the place for discussion about Recording itself - i.e. gear, techniques - the 'doing' side of it. We're going to move over some of the currently pinned topics to the new Share Your Music sub-forum as soon as... err... we figure out how to this without breaking the Internet, 'n'stuff. The monthly competitions - Composition and Mixing (the latter soon to be re-launched!) - will remain in the main Recording forum for the time being, until everyone has acclimatised to the new system. Got feedback? Let us know. Ta. Paul
  13. [b][color=#800000][size=5]Welcome to the Share Your Music forum![/size][/color][/b] This is where you can... well, it's pretty much self-explanatory, innit. There are a few simple rules to abide by, those being: [b]1) If you post some music here, please also listen to and post feedback on someone else's music.[/b] That way we all get our music heard - and we all get to hear some good music. It's a win-win. [b]2) Please add a 'warning' before linking to any music that other forum users may find offensive[/b] - e.g. songs containing explicit lyrics, bagpipes - so that people can choose for themselves whether they want to listen to it. [b]3) You take legal responsibility for anything you post here.[/b] If your music contains any infringements of copyright or other breaches of ownership, then on your head be it. That's it. Now enjoy!
  14. Nice one! Love the tone on that Tanglewood. Some cool playing going on there too. Reminds me I need to practice more....
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1384379641' post='2276081'] Balls! Must be these new glasses. Or these new meds. Or maybe both. Wibble-ibble-ibble! Thhpp! Thhhhhpppp!!! [/quote] ... or the chicken! He has a strange, mind-altering look in his eye in the second photograph. NO, DON'T LOOK!!!!
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1384376574' post='2276013'] Is it just me, or does this look like a miniature set-up in a doll's house? [/quote] Nope, definitely just you Mark I'm liking the imperious chicken. I want one. That bass looks kerr-ay-zee... is that a custom job? It looks like it would sit a bit too low down on the player's knee. But it could be the Doll's House effect messing with my eyes
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384304425' post='2275145'] Nearly there mate? Looking good [/quote] Cheers Nige! Yeah it's coming along. Paul's been busy on a few commercial jobs - including a rather tasty buckeye burl jazz seen here... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160998-13-guitar-co-basses-for-sale-and-build-diary/page__pid__2274539__st__120#entry2274539 ...but we're reaching the final stages of this build, so it shouldn't be too long now
  18. I've borrowed a bass off a mate that I'm considering buying from him sometime in the New Year: a Fender American Deluxe Jazz V. Like this one only red/black: http://www.fender.com/en-GB/series/american-deluxe/american-deluxe-jazz-bass-v-five-string-ash-maple-fingerboard-white-blonde/ Had my eye on one for a while. Plays and sounds great. I love it. But... the knobs are wonky! By that I mean they're not level - they turn on the pegs at a slightly uneven axis. The pegs themselves appear fine. My mate says he hadn't noticed and knowing him I don't doubt it. But it's rung an alarm bell with me. Is it common to find uneven knobs on a bass of this price range (£1500 new)? And is it something I should be concerned about? I'm assuming it's an easy fix, but I wanted to check opinions here before I start discussing money with my mate. Cheers.
  19. Hey Milty! We'll be launching a new mix comp soon. I'll discuss it with 51m0n, Lurksalot and co. before getting the ball rolling again. Watch this space
  20. This is a great offer for anyone able to collect it. If I lived closer it'd be mine. MINE!!!
  21. ^ Cheers! I'm constantly hearing good things about EBS combos... I'll check this out. I'd previously written-off single 10" units as being on the small side, but it sounds like I need to have a re-think. Thanks for the tip
  22. I'm soon to be in the market for a new practice amp. I'm currently using a little 20W jobby and although I don't play loudly at home, I'd like something that has a bit more oomph in the bottom end - just to help the low freqs translate a bit better when playing at low volume. I'd also like something that could handle small gigs / jamming with mates. So all things considered I have in mind something like a 100W amp with, say, a 15" speaker. So far the [url="http://www.orangeamps.com/products/bass-guitar-amp-combos/crush-pix-series/crush-pix-cr100bxt/"]Orange Crush PiX CR100BXT[/url] [i](snappy name!)[/i] seems to fit the bill nicely - both in terms of spec and budget. Are there any other products on the market that you'd recommend? It's been so long since I've bought a practice amp that I really don't know what's hip and happening. Ta! PS: I've already seen [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221668-can-anyone-recommend-good-combo/"]this thread[/url] with some great suggestions for combos, but they're all a bit beyond my budget (I'm looking to spend £300 or thereabouts). PPS: I'll obviously be scouring the Amps & Cabs For Sale section on Basschat for a bargain when the time comes...
  23. Well... it's done! I've now sold my 4-strings (two in total). The last one gets couriered off tomorrow, so there's no going back. That leaves me with one bass: a Peavey Cirrus BXP5; one in the making; and one I have my eye on Feels good. Less clutter at home and more room for instruments I'm going to be keen to play. I might put together a 4 as a DIY Frankenbass project at some point in future. Until then I'm now 5's all the way.
  24. Been away for a few days and I come back to loads of new entries! Well done everyone, good work. I've yet to start mine, but I have some creeped-out, scary stuff going on in my head. Just need to find a way of recording it...
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