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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1383235497' post='2261957'] Listened, voted, followed people,,,,sold a t-shirt Awesome stuff guys. I might be tempted to embarrass myself next month [/quote] Cheers Paul! If you voted by posting a comment on SoundCloud then please message me here with your choice of favourite so I can update the scoresheet. Not our usual way of going this but I'm compensating for a... err... 'technical hitch' Look forward to having you involved!
  2. If you're wondering where the voting poll has gone, we've had a... [i]"uh... slight malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"[/i] Yeah. I take the blame for this one. Sorry! But we're now back up and running. See the original post in this thread for details. As you were.
  3. Voting ends today at midnight - so there's still chance to listen and pick a favourite if you haven't already done so.
  4. This is great!! BIG thanks to everyone who's been helping to spread the word: Douglas, Sylvia, Lurksalot, Throwoff and others. You've done a great job in drumming up support. Voting will remain open today and tomorrow, so there's still time for more!
  5. My wife is big into knitting. She's got a design for a knitted guitar strap which I'm both intrigued and slightly worried by...
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1383043487' post='2259345']648 views and 16 votes.... [/quote] Indeed, it's a poor show on the voting this month I do wonder sometimes whether this is a musicans' forum or a glorified knitting circle. I'll trying bumping the thread in General Discussion later today. If anyone else wants to wade in with some friendly, persuasive 'spamming' to get the message out then please do.
  7. No need for an app in my opinion. The mobile version of the site does the job just fine. I can't think of any functionality that could be better served through an app. So yeah. If it ain't broken, don't spend a load of ca$h on it.
  8. I'm full steam ahead into the world of 5-strings (playing a Peavey Cirrus BXP and enjoying it). I tried a [url="http://www.fender.com/series/american-deluxe/american-deluxe-jazz-bass-v-five-string-rosewood-fingerboard-wine-transparent-3-ply-bwb-pickguard/"]Fender American Deluxe V Jazz[/url] recently and wow, that is one tasty bass. A bit steep for my current pocket, but I might be tempted in future. Yes, I know there are currently two of these basses going for a grand in the For Sale forum on Basschat. And my response to that is: GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN! That is all
  9. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1382872218' post='2257324']i would have composed/recorded a little ditty but .... [/quote] Haha! Don't worry Steve, I've got you pegged for having something recorded before too long... Well be posting the 'Starter Guide' in the Rec forum fairly soon. I'll drop you a line once it's up. Cheers, Paul
  10. Phew! Good to hear normal service has resumed
  11. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1382636185' post='2254851']Brilliant ideas all round, thanks to everyone working on the new recording forum! Do remember (and this is why I quoted the above) that there is a Basschat Soundcloud group where you can share you music to fellow Basschatters: [url="https://soundcloud.com/groups/basschat"]https://soundcloud.com/groups/basschat[/url] [/quote] Good call mate! I'll make sure the BC SoundCloud group is sufficiently plugged when we set up the new sub-forum for sharing music
  12. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1382872475' post='2257329'] mister skol there is about 4 or 5 links there that dont seem to be working [/quote] Hey Steve. I've just double-checked and they're all working ok for me. What are you browsing on? (phone or 'puter?).
  13. ^ Cheers folks! Your support is hugely appreciated as always. For anyone who's yet to listen and vote (all 20,000 or so of you...), then go on, go on, go on! It's new music. Made by people on Basschat. I mean you do like listening to music right? Good. Just checking
  14. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1382716400' post='2255887'] I have to disagree with the idea that it doesn't matter if the name exists. I argued furiously with my band over this, and in the end the decision was to go with a name that existed already. Result, an enormous list if you search on youtube or google. Totally unnecessary obstacle for potential fans. A big pain, and that's for a band not involved in contracts, record companies etc. . [/quote] True, but it all depends on the level of exposure the other band has already generated. If they're PR-savvy and are all over social media, etc, then sure, it'd be a bad idea. If all they have is a Myspace page that hasn't been updated since 2010 then it's fair game in my opinion
  15. I'm always happy to wait for stuff providing good, honest communication is maintained. Some people fall into the bad habit of over-promising rather than being realistic about turnaround times - we encounter this occasionally with suppliers at work. It's usually well intentioned, but it's not good practice. I'd recommend a firm yet friendly chat to agree a realistic delivery time before requesting a refund. But obviously it's your call!
  16. In all honesty it's only really an issue when you - or the band with your namesake - start earning significant money; or if the name has been trademarked (i.e. legally protected). If both bands are earning a modest income then there is of course potential for a legal case to be brought by one of the parties. But it would typically be a tangled mess to sort out and not something that would be affordable unless the band instigating the lawsuit was earning sufficient buck$ to pay for it. You might get cases where one band pays a modest fee to a lawyer to write a 'cease and desist' notice, but these are notoriously difficult and expensive to enforce. In short: if the other band are signed to a label or seem to be 'established' then I'd choose something else - if only because you're going to be fighting a PR battle to differentiate your own band from their publicity. If they have a page on Bandcamp, etc, but that's about it then I personally wouldn't worry - especially if they're in a different country. PS: I'm not a lawyer, so none of the above is fact
  17. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1382695499' post='2255471']Good grief, how many Triangles, Rim shots and Hand claps do you need on an album ?[/quote] Judging from her website, about a thousand pounds worth! (I think she's offering 10 opportunities at £100 each).
  18. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1382690842' post='2255394']Sorry I didn't mean to confuse the two, I do understand. I'm just looking at the likely end game if it were a success. Believe me the last thing I want to be is a cynic, but at the same moment, I need to keep realism at the forefront of my thinking. It's a nice idea and I hope she gets it done, I just hope that the initial sentiment of yay lets do something together remains, and if there is a bank account full of IP money that the same approach is taken, 'yay lets all spend the money' [/quote] No worries, I totally understand the confusion - not helped by the title I gave to this thread! I can vouch for Olivia in terms of her authenticity. I remixed a track of hers ages ago - she's a very genuine sort and certainly not the type to take advantage of folks. I don't think there's any intention to share royalities as a result of this. It's very simply a case of helping her fund a new album - and if you're a fan with money to burn, making your mark (albeit a small one) on the end product. Kickstarter projects like this are becoming a popular model for funding all sorts of creative projects, so I think the more innovative you can be in sourcing donations, the better. But I understand that not everyone feels comfortable with this idea.
  19. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1382687684' post='2255356']If you work in this industry, you realise that it's rife with people willing to take advantage of peoples input... As a bass player, I would expect pay for my days work.[/quote] With respect, you're misinterpreting what this is about. And you're not alone! Which means I probably should have been more clear in my description. She's not looking for musicians on the cheap. She's trying to fund her album by giving fans a fun way of getting involved. It's not about laying down a bassline, for instance. It's about recording a sneeze and layering it into a snare hit. That sort of thing
  20. Note to self: nobody reads the small print
  21. BIG thanks to you both for the support, as always!
  22. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1382664813' post='2255272'] This will have to do: https://soundcloud.com/gingerosity/kanyosdemeka [/quote] Got it. Nice track!! Just added it to the voting thread.
  23. [size=5][color=#B22222][b]Voting ends today at midnight![/b][/color][/size] There's currently just one vote separating Bilbo and Zenitram for first and second place - both with excellent tracks. If you haven't yet voted please do. This is your opportunity to change the course of history! Forever!! (does that sound compelling or what?). [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220621-october-composition-competition-vote-here/"][b]CLICK HERE FOR AURAL PLEASURE[/b][/url] Cheers!
  24. [size=5][b][color=#B22222]VOTING HAS NOW STARTED[/color][/b][/size] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220621-october-composition-competition-vote-here/"][b]CLICK HERE[/b][/url] Go, go, go....!!
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