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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [size=5][color=#B22222][b]Voting has now closed on October's Composition Competition.[/b][/color][/size] [b]Here are the final scores:[/b] Bilbo [b]9[/b] EliasMooseblaster [b]1[/b] lurksalot [b]6[/b] 72deluxe [b]1[/b] xgsjx [b]5[/b] Skol303 [b]6[/b] SimonEdward [b]4[/b] the boy [b]5[/b] Zenitram [b]10[/b] [color=#b22222][b]Well done to Zenitram for winning the top slot this month![/b][/color] And also congratulations to Bilbo for a very sterling second. Both excellent tracks. Thanks to everyone who entered - and also everyone who voted. We got a much better turnout voting-wise this month (thanks to the efforts of Douglas, Sylvia, Lurksalot, Throwoff and others). So let's keep up the momentum for the next one... Cheers [b]Here's the image that inspired this month's entries:[/b] [b]And here are the compositions:[/b] [b]Bilbo[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/calypso-zoom"]http://soundcloud.co...-1/calypso-zoom[/url] [b]EliasMooseblaster[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/white_elephant/still-sea-deep-breaths"]http://soundcloud.co...ea-deep-breaths[/url] [b]lurksalot[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/colour-me-tranquil"]http://soundcloud.co...our-me-tranquil[/url] [b]72deluxe[/b] [url="https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2dUQpSGutXEdjZ3NFFiQTJWcDA/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1"]https://docs.google....p=sharing&pli=1[/url] [size=3][NB: click the link to download 72's track as an MP3][/size] [b]xgsjx[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/xgsjx/open-clear"]http://soundcloud.com/xgsjx/open-clear[/url] [b]Skol303[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/skollob/what-it-feels-like-feat"]http://soundcloud.co...feels-like-feat[/url] [b]SimonEdward[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/simon-edward/the-way-i-feel-about-you-120"]http://soundcloud.co...l-about-you-120[/url] [b]the boy[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/theboysings/beautiful-feeling"]http://soundcloud.co...autiful-feeling[/url] [b]Zenitram[/b] [url="http://www.soundcloud.com/gingerosity/kanyosdemeka"]http://www.soundclou...ty/kanyosdemeka[/url]
  2. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1382650167' post='2255148']I might need an extension of a few hours. If that's not acceptable, I have a version as it is now that I can use, but it's not quite complete.[/quote] No problem at all! I'm going to start the voting thread now... but I can add your track into the listing ASAP afterwards. I'm going to be online for another half-an-hour tonight (until 1am). Otherwise, post it here when you're finished and drop me a quick message as a reminder - I'll then do what's needed.
  3. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1382651617' post='2255170']Not a scam to defraud -- but profitting on people's hopes when they may have no intention whatsoever of using anyone. [/quote] Again, I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Sure, if she took people's pledge money and didn't keep her side of the bargain - i.e. if she didn't incorporate their contributions into her album - then yes, she would be defrauding people. But if you take her intention as being a genuine one, then I can't see how anyone's hopes are being profitted from in a malicious way. You seem to be judging her on some potential future crime that she's yet to commit. It's a bit like the plot of Minority Report
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382640650' post='2254956']I reckon it's the 'monetization' of the privilege that is winding people up mate. It's like paying to have a star named after you. A novelty for people with money to burn. Perhaps.[/quote] Aye, very true! When I first heard about it I did think she was touting for genuine collaborators, but on reading the detail it's really just a bit of fun. If you're a die hard fan then it's probably a great reward for your £100. I can think of a few bands I'd pay that sort of money to in order to have a snippet of a particularly tuneful fart feature on their album (I contacted Bjork with this idea but she took out a restraining order. Kind of ironic, I thought). These Kickstarter/Pledge projects are all about 'creative begging' and I can understand why that gets some people's heckles up. But I just see it as being enterprising.
  5. Respectfully I think some of you are being a bit hasty in your judgements I don't see how it can be interpreted as a scam. That would imply that people are being deceived. Neither is she asking for full instrumental tracks. Quite the opposite: it's clearly billed as a 'bit of fun' - a way for fans to get involved in her new album; not a way of sourcing the talents of musicians. I struggle to find anything insulting about it. Kickstarter projects involve fans paying for all sorts of tat - signed copies, items of clothing, artists artwork, Skype chats, etc. How is this any different?
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1382634510' post='2254804']To be perfectly honest, I find the idea ridiculous. She's going to drive up costs through time and resources for quality control, could be a diplomatic nightmare...[/quote] Good point Nige. How do you deal with people who've paid up but don't/can't contribute anything useful? To be fair I think the idea is people submit little trinkets - some hand claps, for instance, that can be easily manipulated in the mix and don't require any 'musicianship' per se. I think there's also a limit on how many people can get involved... But you're right in that there is certainly potential for snags that would slow things up and make the £100 unprofitable. In her defense Olivia is a fairly canny sort - she gets her music licensed by lots of film and TV companies (she's a regular on Grey's Anatomy for anyone who watches it), so I'm guessing she's done the maths, but it'll be interesting to see how it turns out... !
  7. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1382632855' post='2254770']Is there any income stream for the contributing musician or are you just buying a little bit of fame?[/quote] It's just buying a little bit of fame. I think you get a credit on the album and the option of having your photo in the sleeve art, if you wish. I can see how this would appeal to fans who'd relish the chance to get involved. Nice idea about it being a revenue stream, however. You could maybe offer a small % to anyone who pledges and provides a recording. Kind of a win-win: you get some money towards the cost of production; they get some money if it's a success. Hmmm.... interesting
  8. Well, not actually [i]my[/i] album... hence the cunning use of quote marks... but the album in progress by artist Olivia Broadfield (who incidentally makes some nice music). I thought this was an interesting and enterprising idea. She's using a 'pledge' model - akin to Kickstarter - to raise funds for her new release, with the option of pledging £100 to contribute something musical to the finished product. Link here: http://instagram.com/p/fiYZttSnty/ Could be a useful idea for anyone considering a Kickstarter-style project of their own.
  9. Yeah I'm really pleased with the design! I've had a play on the original bass built by Paul that this one is based upon (now sold) and it was great. It's a very distinctive look and handles well too. It's being fitted with Nordstrand pickups and preamp, so it should sound beastly I'll keep you updated and post up a recording once I get my sticky paws on it...
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1382547021' post='2253522']Nothing from me this month, I'm afraid; various commitments and general low health got the better of me.[/quote] Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Douglas. Hope you're on the mend and please lend your ear to the voting when it commences!
  11. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1382617655' post='2254452']didn't get chance to get in on this due to starting a new job and going away for a week etc, hopefully now ive got a clearer headspace ill be able to enter the next one[/quote] Good to hear you're now settled on the work front, Rob! Looking forward to having you back in the monthly challenges soon mate
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1382566949' post='2253892']Brilliant. I'm on board with Twitter - just let me know. [/quote] Will do and thanks as always S! I'll be in touch about the social media side of things once the sub forum has been set up.
  13. Love it! [i]Great[/i] song and a great video too. Very nicely staged/acted/edited and I like the humour throughout. Spot on. Probably my favourite video of yours to date… and not because you're not in it mate, you understand
  14. I think this guy is Dutch... I really don't know much about him!... but I do like this track, which is currently gaining some momentum on social media, and the like. Nice b-line too [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br2EIkwbtmY[/media]
  15. [quote name='sprocket123' timestamp='1382528760' post='2253192']Nice work in there , keep it on ![/quote] Cheers dude! Aye, Paul's doing a good job on the build... it's really coming together now
  16. Click below for an update on what's happening... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217963-your-ideas-for-the-recording-forum-whats-happening/
  17. [color=#b22222][b]SEE FIRST POST FOR UPDATE[/b][/color]
  18. Good to see so many last minute entries! Well done all, I'm looking forward to listening to them. As mentioned above: entries close tomorrow night, so there's still chance for anyone currently working on something. I've just finished mine… it's a collaboration with an outfit called Mestizo Magic in the US (fronted by a chap called Jason Afable who is, like his namesake, very afable!) whom I found on SoundCloud. The vocal completely changed my original idea of a reggae track into something more sort of disco/funk. My reference material for this, mixing-wise, ended up being 'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk. I didn't get anywhere near that, obviously, but hopefully I got some of the 70s flavour in there. The vibe of the track is meant to say "holidays", which is what I had mind when I chose the pic. Still do... https://soundcloud.com/skollob/what-it-feels-like-feat Feedback welcome as always. PS: the bassline is played on my Peavey Cirrus BXP5. Managed to find the sweet spot with some compression and saturation!
  19. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1382562043' post='2253810']Is the deadline midnight tonight (23rd) or tomorrow (24th)?[/quote] The deadline is midnight tomorrow night (24th)
  20. Interesting thread! The same discussion also applies to vinyl vs digital music and 'in the box' vs 'out of the box' mixing. Here's a few flippant, sweeping statements on the subject... - Practically nobody apart from well-tuned studio engineers can consistently tell the difference between analogue and digitally modeled gear. Most listeners certainly couldn't and neither do they care. Lucky guesses notwithstanding - Analogue gear is expensive to buy and maintain. It also tends to be heavy to lug about. - Digital gear suffers from people using the same old presets on everything. - Analogue gear has real knobs and switches. People like real knobs and switches. - Analogue gear is what most of us grew up watching our heroes use. - Digital gear is more versatile. My opinion is that arguing the toss based on sound quality is becoming increasingly pointless as the quality of digital modeling improves. Making a choice based on other considerations (e.g. "I like knobs!") is perfectly valid and all down to user preference.
  21. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1382463398' post='2252508'] Is there not something that's simpler than this!? [/quote] The set up for Audacity really isn't difficult. It's just a list of short instructions which, if you follow them, will have you shifting pitch and exporting MP3s in less than five minutes. For free
  22. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1382462445' post='2252493']It's ages since I used it, but IIRC you needed to install the LAME MP3 encoder separately to enable Audacity to do this.[/quote] Yup, spot on. Here are the instructions for anyone interested: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq_i18n?s=install&i=lame-mp3 (...it looks more complicated than it is!) If you have iTunes, you can very easily convert a WAV file to MP3 by dragging the file into iTunes, finding it in your playlist then right-clicking the file and choosing 'Convert to MP3' (this option is also available in the Advanced menu).
  23. I think jazz doesn't have widespread appeal (nowadays) because it doesn't typically follow the modern song structure that our ears have become accustomed to. So to many people it just sounds strange. I think it's 'disliked' in some quarters because it's perceived as being elitist / pretentious / too clever, etc. I think that stems from the improv side of the jazz scene and the fact that good improv players do actually have to be damn good at what they do - and nobody likes a smarty pants I get the p*** taken out of me regularly by my mates for listening to jazz - and I'm no big aficionado of the genre. I just like to keep my ears open to new stuff. My mates immediately associate it with avant garde music and usually just moan with agreement when I point out that there's a big jazz influence in much of the hip hop and soul they enjoy listening to. In short: it's a very broad church, but people tend to focus on the weirder, more experimental (and perhaps less 'musical') side of things when stereotyping it. Probably because that's what best fits their dislike of the genre.
  24. I've got a cheap P-bass copy that had the same problem - the tone pot never seemed to do anything. I had a look under the scratchplate and it turned out the pot wasn't wired up! So that'd be the first place I'd look...
  25. I know absolutely nothing about music theory. No really. Nothing. Nada. Not even basic chord progressions. This isn't some kind of sideways boast. I really wish I knew even the basics, but instead I muddle through based on 'whatever sounds right' at the time. I really notice the benefits of understanding music theory when I work with people who have a good grasp of it (like Mike/Urb), and they're able to come up with melodies I'd never come close to dreaming up. So the benefits are undoubtable. And I definitely have homework to do...
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