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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Nicely played. Nice sound. And indeed a great bass face! (way better than mine). I really like that you play just enough - no unnecessary frills - when I know you have the chops to bust loose when you want to. Good restraint that really works on this track. Nice groove too. Well done.
  2. A final reminder that the competition closes this Thursday...! If you're planning on entering, then get busy
  3. Thanks everyone for your ideas so far! We're going to close the poll on Wednesday this week... then get busy on what needs doing
  4. Nice one! I'm a big fan of Gotye myself. Wally's a very talented chap and his music is a big breath of fresh air. Good stuff
  5. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1382082281' post='2247554']didnt work lol - the keyboard is making groovy noises but nothing is recording on the track - tried it in reaper too going to stick to just playing bass edit - thenanostudio is on my desktop pc btw - i do also have it on my iphone but have never bothered using it so that was 11 quid well spent i guess [/quote] There's definitely an easy fix here somewhere!... for Reaper if not for Nanostudio. I'll get back to you mate (currently sat on a train) and try to find an easy way of getting you set up. You don't get to escape that easily...
  6. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1382017505' post='2246725']ok i found my power supply and midi cable for the kybd (evolution mk425c) 2 octave jobbie - found the breakout cable for my emu 0404 - all connected up and the keyboard is working through nanostudio (installed on pc not mac btw) what do i do now [/quote] Press play/record! I have Nanostudio on my phone - it's great. I'm not sure whether it can record audio, but you should be able to use the keyboard you've connected to play and record MIDI notes - literally by hitting record and noodling away. Try it. If it doesn't work I'll have a quick look into the desktop copy of Nanostudio and try to find a solution for ya.
  7. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1382045606' post='2247334']Hi all, Tried to do a laid back Reggae style thing and it just sort of imploded and I took loads of time messing with it, I have binned it (note to self don't attempt reggae style keys again until I can actually play a keyboard, it ended up sounding a bit like the magic roundabout theme on acid). Will have another pop if I have time but I really am struggling at the moment, seem to have writers block. [/quote] I tried exactly the same at first - a reggae track - but it's ended up being something quite different on account of the 'guest vocal' I managed to get hold of. I think it's better for it, but I'm a long way from where I started out. Struggling to find time to make a good job of the mix at present, but I should have it nailed next week...
  8. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1382045349' post='2247323']This was harder than I thought. I couldn't find time this month. I threw it together today so the vocal and mix are terrible but I have committed to entering so I'm not bunking out this month. I will post the link tomorrow.[/quote] Good on ya! 'Dunkirk spirit' and all that
  9. Sounds do-able! Keep me posted nearer the time. I'm off to the Warehouse Project in Manchester that night and hoping I can combine it with seeing you guys beforehand. Be rude not to
  10. ^ Good plan mate! I've had a couple of 'accidental' instrumental tracks that started out with the intention of vocals, but ended up with a synth part or other line that ended up fitting the bill. I'm collaborating with someone this month on the vocal. Another happy accident! SoundCloud is great for that if you're willing to spend time contacting people.
  11. A quick reminder that the deadline for entries this month is a week today - 24th October. So there's still plenty of time to get something finished! Go for it
  12. Good stuff Any idea when you might be on stage at the Manchester gig? Hoping I can make it to that one.
  13. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1381927681' post='2245570']No, I don't think the Gigs forum and its live (NB - [b]live[/b]) photos and vids should have anything to do with the Recording forum. If we really want to create one single repository for each band's "stuff", be that released tracks, promo videos, professional photos or live stuff, then the only solution would be to mix the two forums together in one big confusing jumble. I'm firmly against that.[/quote] Fair point Sylvia! I'm definitely against big confusing jumbles! (although I do love a good jumble sale... but that's another topic ). I think the safest step will be to set up a sub-forum for sharing music in the Recording forum, and encourage links with relevant threads in the Gigs forum so that bands can advertise both live performances and recordings to potential listeners. We can consider other options once the recent changes have had chance to sink in, and we can see what's working well and what isn't.
  14. [quote name='Mcgiver69' timestamp='1381925695' post='2245511']Divide the forum into: - Recoding equipment - Recording process - Sharing new music. I would even go further and sub-divide the "Recording Process" forum by Mac, Windows and other. That would help segment the contributions making them easier to navigate. Let's be honest if I go to that forum it will be primarily to find help on my recording ventures. Hope this makes sense.[/quote] That does indeed make sense, cheers! We're currently looking at ways of dividing up the Recording forum into logical sections, to make it easier to navigate. At the moment we're considering setting up a sub-forum for recordings (i.e. music that people have made) separate to recording (i.e. processes and equipment). We'll probably trial this as a first step and sub-divide it further based on demand, using the kind of categories you're suggesting. We want to avoid cutting the cake too thinly, so to speak, as if we have too many sub forums they might dry up without the 'critical mass' of people using them. But we're definitely thinking along these lines... [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1381926621' post='2245540']thanks i will keep an eye out for this [/quote] No probs mate! I'll post a note here in General Discussion once it's up and running. We're keen to make it as clear and easy to follow as possible, so feedback would be appreciated when the time comes.
  15. ^ Spot on! Cheers Nige. Useful comments there mate. I like the idea of somewhere for bands to post their music. We might be able to accommodate this within the current idea for a new sub-forum on music generally... we'll see how that goes first. The issue of motivating people to get involved in the Rec forum and listening to other people's music is a challenging one - and not something we're likely to solve easily, if I'm honest. We can do a few things to make the Recording forum more inviting and 'accessible', but it's the old adage of "taking a horse to water... but not being able to make it drink" This is very typical of every other music forum I've frequented - us musicians are generally more interested in plugging our own stuff than listening to other people's. Fact. So it's not something we should beat ourselves up about - but we need to manage our expectations in terms of who's going to be interested in Recording and why. That said, we have a very strong cadre of regulars (yourself included of course!) and that's plenty good enough already. Also, I think honesty should be welcomed in people's feedback - constructive criciticism is always more valuable than generic praise, so I think we need to encourage that and maybe post a few simple guidelines (Mike Senior mentioned this when he judged the mixing competition one month... I'll dig out his advice on it). Thanks again bud! [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1381925924' post='2245520']TBH a single new forum within the performance section that is for Basschat members bands and contains both live photo and videos as well as recordings and Promo videos would be the best solution IMO to both the ideas being discussed here and the over-abunance of pinned thread currently clogging up the gigs forum.[/quote] Cheers Mike, that's an interesting idea... a combination of the Recording and Gigs forums. I can see how that would make sense. I'll float this idea once the current poll is finished.
  16. I have an active Peavey BXP5 that's strung with flats and it sounds great. As others have mentioned, there's no disadvantages to doing this... it's all down to your personal taste
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1381917597' post='2245311']Votedededededededed[/quote] Cheers Dave! No demand as yet for a competition exclusive to people working in outhouses... but give it time mate, give it time
  18. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1381919976' post='2245359']Maybe someone could open the door to folk like me be writing a sticky with some basic information.[/quote] Your wish will soon be granted! We're going to be setting up a new sticky thread on the basics of recording - covering equipment, software, free resources, etc. This will be launched ASAP. I'll make sure it also contains a glossary of terms - good suggestion. In the meantime if you have any specific questions then ask away [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1381919976' post='2245359']One other request: When posting a link to a recording it would be good if folk could say what genre the track is. It doesn't matter if it's exactly right. But if you can't stand metal, or you fall asleep to classical, then it would save readers' time.[/quote] Nice idea. Early days, but the current poll suggests support for setting up a separate sub-forum for posting recordings. This will give us opportunity to refresh the format a little bit. For example: setting simple guidelines for posting tracks (like mentioining the genre in the topic title as you suggest) and [i]maybe[/i] encouraging people to review others' material - a system I've seen work well on other music forums (a kind of "I'll scratch your back... you scratch mine" policy). Cheers for your comments! Paul
  19. Later isn't [i]sooo[/i] bad...! I mean, it's still the best of the bunch on terrestrial telly. I'm not a fan of Jules' own music (big band stuff leaves me cold) and I do find some of his guests very irksome - from celeb pals like Hugh Laurie at one end of the scale [i](you've already got one glittering career, pal, stop stealing someone else's limelight)[/i] to Liam Gallagher at the other [i](grow up and stop making my skin crawl with embarassment)[/i]. [size=6]BUT...[/size] I like big butts and I cannot lie... I still enjoy watching it. It's proper 'live' music. Well, pre-recorded live music. And I like that it's often very eclectic. Good and bad, it still holds my attention and I enjoy stumbling across the occasional rare gem that I might not otherwise get to hear about.
  20. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1381905578' post='2245106']are you kidding me? i tried it once all that stuff about busses and auxs and spdif and midi dont get me started on midi is there a subforum for just plugging something in and press the red and white button together? they seem to have got away with it quite well in the 60s [/quote] Haha! If it's any consolation Steve, this is [i]exactly[/i] how I felt three years ago when I came back to tinkering with music at home after a ten year break. It's also exactly the sort of thing the Recording forum is there to help with. I think a lot of people are understandably put off from recording their own music because it's something that's typically surrounded by lots of techy jargon and photos of expensive studio set ups. Truth is it's very easy to get started and produce good quality tracks on a shoestring and with very little technical know-how. In many ways it really is no more complicated than just hitting 'play/record'! We're going to be posting up a 'Beginners Guide to Recording' thread fairly soon, which will provide a step-by-step guide to getting started (equipment, software, free resources, etc). In the meantime if you have any questions just ask... Paul
  21. Thanks Bluejay!! You've always been a huge help with Twitter I'll drop you a line about that shortly...
  22. We now have a bunch of new ideas for the Recording forum, as suggested by the BC community! Have a look at what's been suggested and vote for what you'd like to see happen as a priority. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217963-your-ideas-for-the-recording-forum-vote/"][b][size=5]LINK HERE[/size][/b][/url]
  23. Nice idea! I don't gig, but would be keen to use it for a recording - maybe in collaboration with another BC'er in or around Manchester. Four string sounds like the best option for everyone (although my personal preference would be 5). Fretted or fretless is fine by me.
  24. Nice one bud! You make it look deceptively easy, as always Great tone in your fretless. Super dexterous playing and some nice chords thrown in towards the end. Lovely stuff. See you up in Manc later this week!
  25. Atrocious! I'm ever the pacifist, but I think I'd want to bloody a few noses after that. Comes across as very brattish.
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