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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1381671896' post='2242025']Looking at the whole thread an how it was developing, I disagree, but I will respect your wish and will try to follow that lead. To do that, I could also edit my previous posts, but since that would put others' reaction in a strange light, I think it's best if the posts are left alone.[/quote] No problem. And no need for anyone to edit their posts. It's clearly a passionate topic and that's fine - welcome in fact. Let's just try to keep it on the level and avoid things boiling over. Not singling you out here by any means - it applies to everyone. As you were...
  2. Let's try to keep the opinions here focused on musicianship rather than each other, eh? I used to be a music critic. True story. And I couldn't have come close to playing any of the music I commented on. That didn't stop me from having an opinion on it as a listener. But it also meant that my opinion was confined to just that - the perspective of a listener, not of a musician who could improve on what I was hearing. One person's meat is another's poison - and never moreso when discussing music and other arts. We all know that. So let's allow a little room for differences of opinion. Here endeth the sermon.
  3. Skol303


    [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1381589597' post='2241100']I almost stopped a short way in, as the slapping was awful (however skillful). However, I actually enjoyed a lot of the fingerstyle stuff. It was very very busy, but in some ways that suited the machine gun velocity of the vocals.[/quote] Ditto. Not so keen on the slapping but his fingerstyle playing is very slick. I can understand why some folks will hate it... But I thought that in parts it was great. Just not something I could listen to for more than a few minutes
  4. Sorry bud, I'm not familiar with drumcore. Hopefully the cavalry will be along shortly... !
  5. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1381613660' post='2241517'] Your song's rubbish though. [/quote] There's always one....
  6. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1381610987' post='2241479'] Thanks for that Steve [/quote] No probs mate. And seriously... this is THE best place I've found online for sharing new music and getting honest, useful feedback. No big egos that often plague such forums on other sites. You're in good company
  7. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1381578169' post='2240860']Maybe it's because I'm a coward but I've started work on several of the monthly composition challenges. The problem is that by the time I've barely started (and I'm trying to work out how to do what I want to do next) there's always several very professional (and very good) pieces submitted which I listen to and decide I can't compete with.[/quote] Well this is something we need to help fix! If it helps you to know, the first time I submitted a track I was very unsure of myself musically. A year on and I've had a real shot in arm, confidence-wise, and I have these monthly challenges to thank for that. It's a very friendly community here - especially in the Rec forum - so just go for it Steve! Nothing to lose and everything to gain.
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1381540554' post='2240574']It is looking well. It looks far better in the flesh than on paper. You'll record a demo of it, won't you?[/quote] [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1381580933' post='2240901']And win the composition challenge with it too [/quote] [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1381581356' post='2240913']It's a vicious cycle... [/quote] Haha, cheers guys! It's definitely a virtuous cycle... ahem Damn right I'll be recording material with this bass! It's rarely going to be out of my hands. Well, maybe when I take a bath and y'know, stuff. I'll put together a 'dry' recording of some kind once it's finished - just the bass with no FX, so you can hear how it sounds. I'm also hoping to bring it to one of the bass bashes so folks can have a play on it. Not long now...
  9. Superb! I've never heard the original until now. Cheers for sharing this
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1381531961' post='2240528']Wow! It's really taking shape now! Looks a beauty! It's probably not something I would ever decide to buy, but it looks well, I think. You lucky, talented sod! [/quote] Haha, cheers Milty! I have my Irish ancestry to thank for any luck I may have It's definitely taking shape, as you say. Paul has done a cracking job of the build and I really love the design even more now that it's put together. Not long to go... exciting stuff! I'll keep you updated mate.
  11. Things are really moving on now Paul's been busy this week assembling the various components of the bass. Next steps are to finish the pickup routings, install the hardware and electronics, finish sanding and then... well, it's nearly finished! Here are some pics of where we're at. Thanks as always to Paul for his hard work and craftsmanship.
  12. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1381517672' post='2240285']Oh and check your Emails [/quote] Hehe, I got 'em mate! Looking very good indeed I'm going to update the build diary next chance I get...
  13. Love it I'm not religious myself but I really enjoy good gospel music. I'm working on a project with a dozen church communities at the moment in mid-Wales. No gospel, but some fantastic Welsh choirs. Very uplifting stuff.
  14. Thanks Mike! Good ideas I especially like the suggestion of maybe setting up a sub-forum dedicated to sharing new music - leaving the rest of the Rec forum for discussing the process of recording itself. Makes sense. I'll float this idea amongst the community and get people's feedback on it. Oh and don't be a stranger! Plenty of opportunity for you to get stuck in and record some music yourself. Yeah, I'm on a recruitment drive... Cheers, Paul
  15. I'm obviously a cultural heathen, as my idea of a bass solo is still Cliff Burton's 'Anesthesia'! ...it's what made me pick up a bass as a grebby young teenager. From my experience, you can mask a helluva lot of mistakes with sufficient amounts of fuzz and wah
  16. Thanks to everyone who gave ideas and voted for what they'd like to see happen in the Recording forum. We now have a list of stuff to do. [size=5][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217963-your-ideas-for-the-recording-forum-whats-happening/"][b]Update here[/b][/url] [/size]for anyone interested
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1381498363' post='2239910']I kept a few for sentimental reasons, including a clapton tape my Dad bought me when i was 11, after persistently asking me all the way to the till, if I really wanted this old stuff that was around when he was a kid.[/quote] I've got a similarly sentimental tape of the Traveling Wilburys that I got given by my old man. He's asked for it back since but I was keen to keep the tape, so I bought him the same collection on CD, which he was happy with
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381493771' post='2239820']I wonder how many Basschatters have never actually seen a cassette tape in the flesh, so to speak? [/quote] I've got a bin liner full of old tapes that I really need to sift through someday soon. In fact, I started 'producing' music as a kid by chopping and looping samples using a bog standard tape-to-tape player. Massively frustrating and pointless it was too. But it's how I first got the bug.
  19. Interesting thread. The ongoing shifts in how we buy and consume music are either the "death of the industry" or a "land of opportunity", depending on who you listen to - and more often than not, what age they are. Older established artists seem to be the ones complaining about new business models, such as Spotify and direct-to-fan sales, whereas young garage bands and bedroom producers seem to be revelling in this new playing field, which offers more opportunities than disadvantages to 'DIY' music makers. The essence of it seems to be that more people are now able to earn at least [i]something[/i] from the music industry, albeit perhaps at the expense of fewer people earning a good living out of it. Is that good or bad? I really don't know. What I do know is that business models like Spotify are very popular among consumers - their success is testament to that. So it's fair to assume that 'cloud-based' music delivery is here to stay. If I were aiming to earn a living out of music then I'd be embracing these new business models with both hands. Sure, there'll always be something around the next corner waiting to replace the current trend in how we consume music - but I believe it's something musicans should be keeping pace with, or ignore at their peril. Technological 'progress' - if you want to call it that - will continue regardless of what Thom Yorke or anyone here thinks about it, so the only real option is to use it to your advantage. There's no real choice on offer. Just my tuppence worth
  20. ^ Good job! And interesting to hear that you mixed it on headphones. I work that way myself (out of necessity rather than choice), so it's reassuring to hear other people getting good results. Well done on another great mix
  21. Basschat's own Andy Saxton does this better than anyone, in my opinion. Here's one of my favourite's of his - an oldie, but a goodie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmX3yDkx2M
  22. I think there's definitely a market for this. Especially amongst ageing ex-ravers (like me!) who don't have the stamina for the club circuit anymore, but would enjoy trip through some nostalgic classics in their local boozer. Only thing I'd say is be careful with your defintion of 'old school'. If I turned up to an event advertised as such and you started busting out Justin Timberlake numbers, I'd be mightily peeved For reference: I think most people probably associate the term with the late 80s-mid-90's acid house / rave scene.
  23. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1381403096' post='2238498']I've a LOT of time for Bruno and his band. As Crez says, an awesome entertainer with musicians at the top of their game.[/quote] Ditto. I wrote him off as a typical "cheesemonger" at first, but he's really grown on me with time (Mrs Skol is a fan...). Doesn't take himself too seriously and is a good performer.
  24. ^ Wholeheartedly agree. I'll also post up some feedback next chance I get (hopefully this coming weekend...).
  25. Wow!! Bloody gorgeous. That pickguard has come out a treat, eh? Be keen to hear how this beast sounds... post a link next time you record something with it
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