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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Well done everyone! Thirteen votes is in no way a reflection of the effort put in here. But hopefully everyone has learnt some new tricks, which is the real prize (corny as that may be). Cheers to Si, Nige, Kit and co. Best track we've had to date in my opinion. Here's to the next one!
  2. Quick BUMP... We'll let this thread run until the end of the week then draw up a shortlist of ideas for putting into action - maybe with a vote on what to prioritise. We do love a good vote down here, eh
  3. Good stuff. SoundCloud is a great place for sharing music and meeting like-minded people. I use it a lot myself. Keep us updated on your band and check out some of monthly competitions running here. No prizes (yet...) but good opportunities to hone your production and song-writing skills. Keep it up!
  4. Welcome to the Feedback forum. This section of the website is for sharing experiences of buying from or selling to other members of the Basschat community. The rules here are very simple: 1) Feedback is only allowed for completed sales, or sales that fall through where a deposit or part-payment has been made. 2) If you experience any difficulties with a buyer or seller, then please contact a member of the Moderating team. We are not responsible for dealings between members of this community, but we will do our best to help resolve any issues. Please conduct yourself responsibly and respect other members of this community. Skol303 and Gelfin (Forum Moderators)
  5. Cheers Rob! Looks good. I'll reference this and other useful links when I post up the [i]Beginners' Guide to Recording[/i] sticky
  6. A couple of extra photos... work-in-progress on the neck and headstock.
  7. Great thread and hats off to you on the build! That's some workmanship. And totally bonkers
  8. Loving this Nige! The Lion of Judah motif is a great idea. Very dubwise.
  9. Cheers Si. I was about to bump this in General Discussion but you beat me to it I've yet to vote myself (I know, tut tut!) so will do so tonight.
  10. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1380921414' post='2232565']Kidderminster Market Tavern, cow sh*t all over the floor. Set the PA on fire.[/quote] Sorry. Shouldn't laugh, but that's a belter.
  11. Good to see support for this! Great idea
  12. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1381165111' post='2235251']Melodyne every time[/quote] Melodyne is great software but perhaps an expensive option for occasional use, or just for the purpose of practicing. In this case I'd recommend Audacity or Reaper. Although I work with MIDI files outputted from Melodyne a lot at the moment and can certainly vouch for it's quality.
  13. Stunning! I'm thoroughly enjoying this... beautiful music and very nicely played/produced. Great job
  14. Great stuff folks! Good to see so many people getting stuck in this month [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1380973101' post='2232949'] [url="https://soundcloud.com/white_elephant/still-sea-deep-breaths"]https://soundcloud.c...ea-deep-breaths[/url] Here we go...thought I'd give this competition lark a bash for the first time. Hope y'all like it! [/quote] Good work Ralph. Lovely track. Very serene, nice playing and well put together. Welcome aboard!
  15. Ok it's about time we had another update, innit? Well the hardware has now arrived!!! Fresh in from the US of A. Paul is planning to get cracking on with it this week, so I'll keep y'all updated on the next steps. Now far to go now... very exciting. Here are a few pics in the meantime: [i]Hardware and electrics...[/i] [i]Body ready for routing and assembly...[/i]
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1380894597' post='2232069'] Thanks! Manchester gig coming up shortly. Satan's Hollow on November 2nd - part of out forthcoming "Halloween Tour"! [/quote] Typical! I'm off to the Warehouse Project that night for a spot of raving. What time are you on? I might be able to make it beforehand if you're playing early doors.
  17. That's literally a couple of miles from where my folks live! I'm up in Manchester so won't be making it this evening... But all the best for the gig. I didn't know the Cross was putting on gigs. I'll keep an ear out next time I'm in the Shire.
  18. Good efforts folks! I've made a shortlist, which I now need to shorten to a favourite. I'll post up some feedback on the mixes once I'm done.
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1380796755' post='2230619']I don't really do back-beats, guys. I am sure that is why I keep losing out [/quote] I'm a sucker for a back-beat. I once read that the appeal of such rhythms has something to do with the Golden Ratio. Then I read elsewhere that it was complete baloney. Whatever. There's certainly some kind of voodoo to them!
  20. Nice one Mike. Really cool to have a copy of the whole set. Sounds f-ing great! I can understand why you lot get so much work... it's a huge breath of fresh air to hear this. Makes me want to get drunk and jump around a lot. Let me know next time you're planning a trip in/around Manchester and I'll do just that I haven't listened to it from top to tail as yet, but I'm looking forward to doing so on tomorrow's commute. PS: good luck with the new single. Paul
  21. Lovely track mate! Superb job for a four-track recording - just goes to show what can be done with them, eh Mix sounds great to my ears. I'd expect nothing less from Si. The little bongo/congo pops around 1:45 are especially sublime - I love little details like that. Bass sounds warm and sits well with the acoustic. Good effort with the video too. Thumbs up.
  22. Woah! Sounds epic. Great production on this. Really grabbed me from the start. Very nice playing across the band. Vocal sounds fantastic: cool tone and well mixed. Same goes for the bass. Song for the Silent is my favourite. Love the big drop and crash around 2:15. Très bien!!
  23. Not too shabby for a festival recording! Sounds like a great gig to have been at. Nice, thumping bass sound. Can't hear the vocal too well... which is a shame, but heh. Playing seems tight throughout. The drummer knows how to keep a groove. That's a drummer to keep. The dog sounds are a great touch. I do hope that Toby got his share of the takings that day
  24. Nice one, this raised a smile! I like the line about the "Princess Leia thing". Good to hear some humour in music. You clearly work well together. The mix itself isn't the best, but you get away with it because of the content Good stuff.
  25. Just catching up with this one. The mix needs a bit of work but the track itself is bloody great Good vocal. The bass and drums lock together well (but are fighting each other in the mix a wee bit). Guitars have plenty of crunch. Everything nice and heavy. I bet you guys are great to see live! Definitely a track to keep in your set.
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