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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Absolutely stunning playing from you as always, Andy. I don't know where to start... it's technically excellent and compsosition itself is really engaging. I love the triplet parts around the one minute mark. Nice, meaty tone on the bass. Very nice drum programming too. Clever stuff! Look forward to the album. Paul
  2. Superb production. I'm not an aficionado of psych-rock but I do like this. Second Revelation is my pick of the bunch: it's got a really nice, vintage feel to it. The other tracks are all great too. Good luck with the EP and thanks for sharing!
  3. Wow! Love it. Reminds me [i]a lot[/i] of NoMeansNo - especially the bass tone. Brilliant Very nice mix and production too. I'd be massively happy with this, were it my own work. Good job Harper. And welcome to the Recording forum! Keep it coming mate... Paul
  4. It's sadly not a great venue for sound quality at the best of times. It's basically a large, echoey concrete bowl with hard surfaces everywhere for the sound to ping off. The Apollo and Ritz, on the other hand, are often great. But their capacity is more limited and they perhaps lack the 'stadium' feel of the M.E.N. Arena (sorry, I refuse to call it the Phones 4 U Arena ).
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1380793927' post='2230553']I wrote it and recorded it in less than 30 minutes. I am a bad man[/quote] You see... if I could put together something like that in 30 minutes I'd consider myself as having 'made it', musically speaking. I know I receive more than my fair share of plaudits in these competitions (much to others' chagrin, I'm sure ) but the process by which I go about writing is nowhere near as spontaneous - it's much more 'engineered'. So hats off to you mate. This sort of thing - just hitting record and nailing it - always gets huge respect from my corner. It's partly why I'm enjoying working with Mike (urb) outside of these challenges - his improv skills are, like yours, a real credit to his musicianship and a breath of fresh air in my world of otherwise obsessively planned and programmed sounds. [i]Now if you'd just let me add a drum'n'bass beat beneath that bassline, maybe get a rapper involved, and...[/i]
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1380741776' post='2229962'] My October effort. A solo bass piece I call Calypso Zoom because it is a solo bass calypso recorded on a Zoon H1 - my kit is coming apart for an imminent house move so low tech solutions this month!! [url="https://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/calypso-zoom"]https://soundcloud.c...-1/calypso-zoom[/url] [/quote] What time do you call [i]this[/i], eh? Strolling in here late, a full 48 hours after the competition opening... It's really good, Bilbo! Lovely playing. I listened to it a couple of times through right off the bat. Nice recording too. That Zoom H1 sounds like it's fantastic value for money. Good stuff.
  7. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1380727394' post='2229646']Just to clarify, does Basschat not even tolerate posting a link to a track on Soundcloud that contains copyrighted material?[/quote] Good question. Strictly speaking, the owners of Basschat are not responsible for content held on other websites linked to from forum posts. So in principle, yes, we would tolerate a link to a track on SoundCloud containing copyrighted material - because any infringements would be the responsibility of SoundCloud (and whoever uploaded the track). The same applies to YouTube videos, of which you'll find plenty posted here. We would, however, draw the line at: - Links to copyrighted material that is being sold illegally for profit. - Links to material that other forum users may find offensive. Much of this is determined by common sense on an [i]ad hoc[/i] basis. If you're ever in doubt drop me a message and I'll happily advise. Paul
  8. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1380725267' post='2229593']Thanks. Doesn't look like I'll be entering now though, as the track does contain copyrighted material, and that means it's automatically uneligible, whether it's recognisable or not.[/quote] No problem, happy to clarify things and thanks for understanding! I'm a huge fan of sampling myself, so looking forward to hearing your music when the time comes. One more point: entries need to be produced during the month of the competiton, taking inspiration from the photo provided (i.e. no recycling of old material). This is simply for the purpose of keeping things fresh and creating a level playing field for everyone in terms of time available to work on it. This wasn't previously stated in the rules, so I've just added it under Rule 3 in case anyone else is wondering. ...but that's it for the rules! Everything else is fair game
  9. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1380719799' post='2229478']How strict is rule 2? I sample all sorts of things, and you can tell they're samples, but you'd never recognise the original recording once I've mangled them. No one would know, but they [i]are[/i] copyrighted.[/quote] Hi Zenitram. For legal reasons, we can't permit competition entries to include material that is protected by copyright - and for which the producer (i.e. you and I) does not have permission to use. This is to help safeguard the owners of Basschat from any possible legal action from copyright holders. The exact same rule applies as standard to composition and remix competitions on other websites, for example. Of course, it's possible to mangle a copyrighted sample beyond recognition. If you choose to do so that's your call... by doing so you take legal responsibility and if found out, your track will be removed from the competition (plus the small matter of then having to deal with the legal team of whichever record label you've rattled!). You are of course welcome to make tracks using un-licensed samples and share them on other websites (I have done so myself). But the rules on Basschat stand for the reason given above. A source of samples that I often use for the Basschat monthly challenges is Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/ All of the content on there is freely available under [url="http://creativecommons.org/"]Creative Commons[/url] license and includes drums loops, synth sounds, vocal samples and a HUGE variety of field recordings. Great if you like 'digging through the crates' in a virtual sense, like I do Hope that's helped and drop me a message if you want to discuss anything specific. Cheers. And welcome to the monthly challenges! Paul
  10. Ditto! It's a superb track and folks here have a done a good job in mixing it. Please check it out and pick your fave. You'll make someone's day
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1380672033' post='2228898']... I came across a transcription by the musicologue Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin which I adapted and voiced with Miroslav Philharmonik, using a vst which I found, enabling the flattening/sharpening of notes, creating quarter tones. Not a 'real' scale, just enough to sound authentic.[/quote] Thanks Douglas. In my ignorance I'd never heard of the Hurrian Songs before. Cheers for the Wiki link - it made for interesting reading. Very clever idea to incorporate this in your track. Well done! [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1380697616' post='2228939'][size=4]Good one Skol (well put together), and indeed everyone else.[/size][/quote] Cheers mate And likewise. Yours was exceptional, as usual.
  12. ^ Cheers Douglas / Lurks! Kinds words... mostly ... and gratefully received. Nice 'walkthrough' of your creative process there D. You have to explain more about "the oldest melody known to man, transcribed from annotations found during an archaeological dig..." !! Curious. My effort was put together very quickly, at least by my usually more obsessive standards. I wanted to get across the idea of calm and chaos - something beautiful (the Adhan chanting) and also aggressive (the dubstep sections). As I think I mentioned, it was inspired by the below video of a guy singing an Adhan during a gunfight in Syria. I'm not religious, but this seemed like a very true show of faith to me - and a real portrait of extremes. Have a gander if you're interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_7Xmzvw3ko
  13. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1380184168' post='2221854'] Taken a couple of years ago... [/quote] That is just pure filth. Bagsie a play date at your house!
  14. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1380663299' post='2228784']Yeah, only on pro. Which is totally worth the £23 or so a year in my opinion.[/quote] Interesting thread! And I agree… the "pro" SoundCloud account is well worth the money. Not so much for the stats in my case, but for the extra upload capacity. My current top ten are: 1. UK 2. Brazil 3. USA 4. Belgium 5. Germany 6. Canada 7. France 8. Netherlands 9. Poland 10. Australia Total number of plays is 7433. I seem to be getting least interest from Indonesia and South Korea. What have I done to offend these people!!??
  15. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1380656615' post='2228626']Wow...... What a picture. I can't wAit to get started on this.[/quote] [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1380656702' post='2228629'] I am inspired already , though Dad will probably trump me , but that is a lovely photo bud.[/quote] Cheers guys, glad the image is to your liking. It's sadly not one of my own photos... but I wouldn't mind sploshing around at the end of that little jetty, supping a cold one. It's taken somewhere in Jamaica. No name on the image details, but he or she certainly has a good eye for composition of the photographic kind
  16. ...the dark nights are drawing in, the Tories are in town and I need a holiday! Hence the inspiration behind this month's image. Hope it's alright for y'all.
  17. [size=6][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/218544-october-composition-competition-just-started/"]The October competition thread[/url] is now up... GO, GO, GO![/size]
  18. [size=5][b][color=#B22222]The October Composition Competition is now underway[/color][/b][/size] [b]Here's the photo for your inspiration:[/b] [b]By entering the competition you agree to the Basschat [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]Terms & Conditions[/url] and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/3178-forum-guidelines/"]Forum Guidelines[/url][/b], which are designed to help ensure the forum remains free of offensive and/or illegal behaviour and material. In a nutshell: [b]1) Please avoid any content that other forum users may find offensive[/b] (bagpipes are regrettably permitted, however). If your track contains explicit lyrics, for example, then please warn other forum users so they can choose for themselves whether to listen to it. [b]2) Please make sure you have permission to use any 3rd party sounds[/b] included in your track (ie. sounds that you have not recorded yourself, such as samples of other people's music). The owners of Basschat except no responsibility for infringements of copyright or other forms of legal ownership, which are solely the responsibility of competition entrants. If we spot any breaches of copyright then your track will be removed from the competition. For reference: here's a great source of copyright-free material, all available under Creative Commons license: [url="http://www.freesound.org/"]http://www.freesound.org/[/url] [b]3) Entries should be written and produced during the month of the competition[/b], taking inspiration from the photo provided. No cheating! Of course there's no real way for us to tell [i]when[/i] entries were produced, so it's down to your own moral fibre to do the right thing. Don't blame us if you fail to heed this request and suffer a karmic imbalance of some kind... If you have any questions about the competition rules then please get in touch [b][size=5][color=#B22222]The deadline for entries is 24th October... get to it![/color][/size][/b]
  19. I grew up in Hereford and still visit often to see friends and family... and to drink cider Beautiful place. A little slow-paced for me nowadays (I live in Manchester) but I love going back there. Used to gig at The Old Harp and elsewhere in my youth. Usually meet up with mates in the Barrels these days, or in the more remote rural pubs (lock-ins aplenty!).
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1380631253' post='2228102']Could this thread be 'pinned' until end of voting..? It might help keep awareness alive..?[/quote] Good idea. Done !
  21. Update: I got swamped by something at work this morning, so unfortunately I won't be able to post the October competition thread until sometime this evening... Normal service will resume shortly Cheers for your patience folks.
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1380568856' post='2227287']The secret is in the fermatas![/quote] "You say fermatas , I say tomatas, let's call the whole thing off..." And on that note September's competition draws to a close. Thanks to those of you who entered - I genuinely enjoyed listening to each track. Thanks also to everyone who voted. Please come back next month and bring your friends! Again, I'm chuffed and honoured to have done well amidst such good company. I really didn't think my track would be very popular - it being a newfangled dubstep thing an' all - but I'm happy to have been proved wrong. I'll post up details of October's challenge around lunchtime today. Cheers! Paul
  23. Excellent! Cheers Si for hosting this and well done to everyone who got stuck in. I'm looking forward to reviewing them and picking a favourite
  24. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1380534227' post='2226563'] Tracks wont play when soundcloud opens. Only managed to hear Bilbo. Is this a tactic in Bilbo's take over of the BC world - Any ideas on how to hear them or resolve the issue Dave [/quote] Hi Dave. I've just tested the links and they all appear to be working fine (i.e. the tracks play without problem). Although Lurksalot had a similar problem a few days ago. Not sure what to suggest... have you tried the old 'IT crowd' solution of switching everything off/on, clearing out your browser's cache and trying again? it could be an intermittent problem with SoundCloud itself - but like I said, it's working fine for me. If the problem persists let me know and I'll ask around for a solution. Paul
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