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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Hi folks. Apologies for the lack of updates on this project! Paul at 13 Guitar Co has been busy on other commercial builds (rightly so) and other stuff outside of work. Normal service will hopefully resume shortly Cheers.
  2. Cheers Douglas! I like your thinking. THE DEADLINE FOR VOTING IS TODAY! If you haven't yet had a listen to the entries then please do. Some great new music - and on a music forum too. Should go together like tea and biscuits, right? Click here and get stuck in: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217837-september-composition-competition-voting-time/
  3. Cheers Sylvia! Thanks for your support
  4. BUMPETY BUMP! If you can find some time this weekend, please have a listen and vote for your favourite. Eight tracks this month - about a half hour's worth of new music. Grab a brew (biscuit optional) and tuck in. Cheers
  5. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1380298631' post='2223515']There could be a sticky on all things MIDI[/quote] Great idea Garry! I'd benefit from this myself... MIDI definitely isn't my strong point, so it'd be good to learn some new tricks in that regard. Consider it added to the shopping list
  6. ^ Spot on Si! That's [i]exactly[/i] the sort of resource we need. Your blog was great - I hadn't noticed it had disappeared until you mentioned it (I'll raise this with the Admins and get it sorted). Would certainly be great to continue your advice on practical tips for DIY band recording. I think a lot of people here would find that very useful indeed. Cheers mate and good luck with that current mixing work... metal meets symphonic? You're not working for Candlemass, are ya??
  7. ^ Cheers Rob! Very good suggestions there mate. I'm going to put together a 'Guide to Recording' sticky, which will pull together a lot of the resources that otherwise get lost on here (and I'll also add some basic pointers for beginners - aiming to encourage other BC'ers to have a go at Recording). I like the idea about recording diaries (like build diaries, but for new tracks that people are working on) and sharing mixing tips. 51m0n has done a good job of encouraging folks to share good advice in the mixing challenges - but it might be good to collate the advice shared into a single thread, for ease of reference. All good stuff Keep the ideas coming folks!
  8. Cheers guys, all very positive and good to hear! I'm keen to expand our ranks over time and get more of the BC regulars involved in Recording. Especially in terms of dispelling a few myths about it being all very technical and nerdy. Well ok... we can work on the first one at least
  9. Sounds fishy to me. Or rather, smells. Whatever. Honest question: is your video dead good and attracting lots of attention? If so it's probably a 'legit' request by someone wanting to piggyback on your success and boost their own YouTube profile. If your vid is attracting a modest number of plays, I'd say it's a scam. The tone of the message certainly sounds a little scammy, so you're right to be cautious. If in doubt - ignore it. That's my mantra
  10. Nice ideas so far! Thanks guys. I say we let this thread run for a little while, then maybe put up a poll with the various suggestions so everyone can pick what they'd like to see happen first. Democracy in action
  11. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1380127165' post='2221252']How about if the mods listen to and leave comments on things other than in the composition competition.[/quote] Good call I've always tried to comment on people's music but I'm happy to step up a notch.
  12. [color=#b22222][size=5][b]The people have spoken! And here's what's happening...[/b][/size][/color] Thanks to everyone who gave their ideas for the Recording forum. Here's what we're going to be doing next: [b]1) Setting up a new sub-forum for Basschat members' music.[/b] I was thinking of maybe calling it 'Members' Music', but I keep sniggering at the word 'member' - yeah, I've watched too much Beavis and Butthead - so how about we just call it 'Share Your Music'? If you've got a suggestion for the name then pipe up and let us know ASAP. We'll be setting up the new sub-forum any day now. We'll include a sticky explaining some basic rules (nothing major, just the usual sensible stuff about copyright and offensive material). We'll also include a 'polite suggestion' for anyone uploading to also comment on someone else's music. I've seen this work well on other forums so it's worth a try [b]2) Unpinning the 'Basschat Review Bar and Grill' thread.[/b] It's had only 30 posts in two years, so we're going to let this thread 'out to pasture'... It won't be deleted, of course, but if you're keen to keep it alive on the front page then you'll need to post in it. [b]3) Setting up a new sticky for collaboration projects.[/b] We'll start with a sticky and then maybe set up a sub-forum if there's sufficient interest to warrant one. [b]4) Followed by, in order of priority as voted by y'all...[/b][list=1] [*]Setting up a sticky for recording diaries (again, this could be a sub-forum if there's sufficient demand for it). [*]Hosting a new monthly (or bi-monthly?) remix competition. [*]Setting up a sticky on all things MIDI [/list] [b]We're also going to, as promised:[/b][list] [*]Set up a 'Beginners Guide to Recording' sticky - and hopefully resuscitate 51m0n's previous Recording 101 blog (it's currently absent due to a technical issue). [*]Get more coverage of people's music via Basschat social media. [*]Do our best to get sponsors involved offering prizes and discounts. [/list] [color=#b22222][b]Let's go to work![/b][/color] (cue [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L1hD5OlPtw"]'Little Green Bag'[/url] by the George Baker Selection ).
  13. Greetings. A quick note to introduce myself as moderator of the Feedback forum, alongside gelfin. This is a great place to be! The Basschat community is, by and large, a fine and wholesome bunch of people - and that's very evident in the positive feedback that gets shared here [group hug]. On rare occasions things may go wrong and you might be left feeling unhappy about something. If so, the golden rule is: let us know about it! Message either myself or gelfin and we'll do our best to help resolve any problems. Happy Basschatting Paul
  14. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1380021799' post='2219569']Well folks, I just got a call to tell me I won!! A victory for bass chat!!!!!![/quote] Superb! Job well done. Very pleased it was won by a fellow Basschatter
  15. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1380028577' post='2219731']A great Idea , and one I pursued myself for a while , I found some beautiful sang prayers , I read them as Azans , but maybe its the same only different ! I just wasn't sure of the the protocols about using them , I think you have a better search method than me . I will listen to them all later[/quote] Great minds think alike! Well, your great mind and my addled one... Adhan/Azan - same thing, depending on the country (Adhan in Syria). In terms of copyright permission, stuff on YouTube is generally a no-no unless it's stated as being Creative Commons or you ask permission from the person who owns copyright (I've done this myself and it's never yet failed - folks seem very obliging). My own favourite source of copyright-free material is http://www.freesound.org/ For this track I also used the Al Jazeera News Creative Commons Repository http://archive.org/details/aljazeeramedia My old habit of digging through crates of vinyl in search of samples has basically been transferred to sites like these... Much cheaper but no less time consuming!
  16. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1380023569' post='2219609'] sorry i missed this one guys, been through some sh*t with work, so ive ended up changing jobs, hopefully i should return in the next one or the one after [/quote] No problem Rob! Good to hear you've got the work situation sorted mate.
  17. Just giving this a quick BUMP to keep it current. I suggest we run a vote on the August competition soon, before it gets consigned to history (if only to give some 'air time' to the entries, as I know it took a lot of effort that month... speaking from experience) I'm happy to start a thread for it anytime - maybe wait until the September vote is finished, or set up a vote for August alongside September's? Let me know if you have a preference.
  18. [b]Voting has now started! Click here for details:[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217837-september-composition-competition-voting-time/ [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1380017781' post='2219467']Sounds awesome, well done.[/quote] Cheers! It's a bit messy, but hopefully it gets the across the idea of 'calm and chaos', which is what I was trying to capture.
  19. Voting is now underway in this month's new music challenge. Eight tracks to choose from, each inspired by a photo selected by last month's winner, lowdown. [size=5][b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217837-september-composition-competition-voting-time/"]CLICK HERE[/url][/b] to go listen and vote![/size] Cheers
  20. [color=#B22222][b][size=5]Voting has now closed on September's Composition Competition.[/size][/b][/color] Thanks to those of you entered and also to everyone who voted! Here are the compositions: [b]Bilbo[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/syrian-sofa"]http://soundcloud.co...r-1/syrian-sofa[/url] [b]lowdown[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/closed-for-refurbishment"]http://soundcloud.co...r-refurbishment[/url] [b]Dad3353[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/things-that-were-are-and-may-1"]http://soundcloud.co...e-are-and-may-1[/url] [b]lurksalot[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/and-breathe"]http://soundcloud.co...lot/and-breathe[/url] [b]ambient[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/ambientbassist/my-mind"]http://soundcloud.co...bassist/my-mind[/url] [b]stu_g[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/still"]http://soundcloud.co...uartgeary/still[/url] [b]the boy[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/theboysings/hope-thereafter"]http://soundcloud.co...hope-thereafter[/url] [b]Skol303[/b] [url="http://soundcloud.com/skollob/adhan"]http://soundcloud.com/skollob/adhan[/url]
  21. Just managed to get something done in time... phew. I started this process on Sunday morning by scouring YouTube for examples of Arabic music, inspired by Garry's choice of photo. I stumbled across a video of someone singing an 'Adhan' - an Islamic call to prayer - in the midst of a gun battle in Syria, which really grabbed my attention. I'm not a religious person, but it was a very moving clip that sent me in search of recordings of other Adhan, which I ended up using to write this month's piece. It's all been slung together in about 5-6 hours - which is a quick turnaround for me! - so it's a little rough around the edges. But heh. https://soundcloud.com/skollob/adhan Cheers to everyone who entered this month. I'm looking forward to listening to them all Paul
  22. Superb! Cheers Garry. Very useful.
  23. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1379950336' post='2218612']Last week the Open University, in conjunction with other universities, announced a number of free on line undergrad level courses. One of these is Critical Listening for Studio Production run by Queens University Belfast, which some of you might find useful. The link is below. The course starts 13th January.[/quote] Looks great! Cheers for the heads up about this
  24. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1379945198' post='2218523']You and me both, Skol. Trying to get a date for completion as we type. Next month is all but a write off for me BC-wise as my new studio arragement is to be an outbuilding that is not yet built!! October's entry could be a Zoom H1 recording of me humming an idea!! [/quote] Fingers crossed for you Rob. You're ahead of us... we've got our end of the chain sorted out and are now waiting for our buyer to do the same. So there's still plenty of scope for it to go belly up! Your outbuilding sounds like a great plan. I'm hoping for a shed at least
  25. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1379514057' post='2213561']Chaps if there is a real desire we could add another few weeks to this.....[/quote] That's a kind offer mate but don't hang on for me... I'd need something like another month to get this one done properly - and that's obviously not fair on everyone who made the deadline. What time I do have for music at the moment is being spent working on stuff with Mike Flynn (which will be ultimately be coming your way at some point in future ). Although I did manage to throw something together for the composition competition yesterday afternoon - in record time for me! But anyway, I'm rambling. Short story is go ahead with it as planned. I look forward to hearing everyone's entries.
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