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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1379888959' post='2217998'] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/frabz-Bassists-What-my-friends-think-I-do-What-my-mom-thinks-I-do-What-4af0a9_zps23466363.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Brilliant! I like it
  2. Managed to get some time on this yesterday afternoon around mortgage and house moving shenanigans... will hopefully have it finished tonight, just in the nick of time!
  3. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1365599991' post='2041614'] Remember the mantra.... 'No-one notices the bass player unless he catches fire....' [/quote]
  4. Ah... £100+ is a little steep for EZ Mix, but I can see why it might be worth the investment if you want quick results. On thing that's always helped me is learning from pre-sets. In Reason, nearly all plug-ins come bundled with a good range of pre-sets that are never exactly what's needed... but they're a good starting point and a great way to learn the basics of compressors, EQs, reverbs, etc. Pay attention to pre-sets and soon enough you'll be dialing in your own settings to taste. That's how I tend to get my head around things. And importantly, don't beat yourself up about it! If you find a shortcut like EZ Mix and it works - use it. No shame in that
  5. Hey Paul. Well, you can probably guess what I'm going to say... and that's practice, practice, practice! EZ Mix does get positive reviews and if all you really want is 'ok ' quality mixes done quickly then it's probably a good investment. But...it will only do so much and I wouldn't expect 'great' results from it. Which might not be a problem - that's for you to decide. I'm really not trying to be a mixing snob here It does take a lot of time to understand mixing - I'm still very much a novice myself and I've been at it for a few years as a hobbyist. And it's definitely not for everyone. I have mates who are talented musicians but view mixing in the same way most people view accountancy. What I will say is that by persevering with your mixing you'll learn a SHEDLOAD of useful things that will benefit all aspects of your music making. So maybe the solution is to buy EZ Mix as a short term fix (seems like a bargain at £29) but continue learning to mix with Reaper - because that's what's going to pay off in the long run. Here endeth my tuppence-worth
  6. Ah gotcha! I think on a PC the default directory is... C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins ... but I'm fairly sure you can put them in any folder you like and then set that folder as the default via Preferences. I remember doing something like that on my Mac. Best of luck with it mate!
  7. Hey Lurks. To clarify: you're downloading the VSTs and then can't locate them on your computer once installed? Only thing I can think of is to run a search on one of the VST names which should locate the folder they're installed in. Yeah, I know, that's probably a numpty answer! I run a Mac and Reaper isn't my main DAW... so I'm a bit thin on advice for this. 51m0n or another Reaper guru will probably be along to help - if not fire him a PM.
  8. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1376674130' post='2177898']Not much demand for dubstep cover bands at the minute...[/quote] Haha, no indeed! But a huge demand for dubstep amongst young clubbers And plenty of acid house revival nights for ageing ravers like me. Horses for courses and all that. Personally I think good music is timeless regardless of the decade it was produced in. 60s soul can certainly hold its own on modern day dancefloors - and continues to be sampled by contemporary producers. It all depends on what tracks you choose. Very easy to pick dated cliches from any decade. I certainly wouldn't be put off by it - just choose wisely.
  9. Very sad to hear this, I had no idea he'd died! His Dreamfish albums were the soundtrack to parts of my youth. In fact I'm going to go listen to them now...
  10. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1379429721' post='2212590']Deadline is Monday 23rd September.[/quote] Any other month and I'd have been up for this one, but sadly I've had no time at all for anything musical since the start of September Just emerging from a crazy spell at work (and currently house-hunting when not working), and won't have chance to do this any real justice over the weekend, so I'm going to have to pass on it. Shame but can't be helped. Although I might revisit the stems in future for a remix or something... Nevertheless I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone has gone on with it.
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1379315175' post='2211045']Can't seem to find the time this month... [/quote] I know the feeling. I've got quite a strong idea, but it's a bit too ambitious given there's only a week or so left (and I'm currently house hunting when not in work, so it's hectic on all fronts!). But I have a 'Plan B' that I might have time to work on if I pull my socks up. I'm also working on a new track with Mike (urb), which is going great. More on that later...
  12. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1379255448' post='2210375']If it's not too late, here's my attempt...[/quote] Well done! Haven't listened to it yet, but I'll do so once the voting starts. I'm fairly sure the deadline is midnight on Monday 23rd. Just finished a crazy spell at work, so I might try to get something in myself. Be a shame not to! But time may conspire against me this month
  13. +1 from me. SoundCloud is a great platform and a great community too. Unpretentious, easy to use and popular among listeners as well as musicians. I've met some great people on there and love using the site to browse different genres of music. I've heard that Google are keen to buy it (along with everything else on planet earth), but they'd be fools to mess with the format. It certainly rocks!
  14. No more for any more? Job done then. Not sure if it's worth a vote or simply a quick plug in the General forum, etc, for anyone interested in having a listen. Cheers to Douglas and Garry who got stuck in alongside myself. Well done comrades!
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378415366' post='2200107']Paul, I just saw this, thank you so much mate! We've got a brand new single coming out soon too, a new song, on an actual label [/quote] My pleasure mate! Great to hear about the upcoming single too. You lot deserve that and then some. You also need to get your arses up north for a gig! Or I need to get mine down south sometime
  16. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1378373832' post='2199215']OI!!!! i may not be amazing, but i am not dross! [/quote] Haha! Certainly not, Rob. Hope you're well mate. As for the rest of you... lay off the steroids, will ya? I mean wow. Loads of entries already. You must have been gasping
  17. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1378286916' post='2198054'] anyone up for a collaboration (if that's allowed in the rules)? I need vocals for my piece (i think) and cannot sing a note...... or have a microphone (thank god then i would be tempted to try) [/quote] Quick tip: try searching on SoundCloud (or a similar site) for singers in whatever genre you're interested in: http://www.soundcloud.com/ You'll have to wade through some dross, but there are plenty of diamonds to be found if you're patient - it's worked for me!
  18. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1378281649' post='2197967']I think that's be a good idea. Saves you helpful people having to answer the same stupid questions over and over again[/quote] Nothing stupid about your questions Joe! That's what the Recording forum is for. I ask plenty myself, so welcome to the club Paul
  19. Thanks guys, very interesting comments. So what you're saying is I'm somewhere between Mark Knopfler, Wilko Johnson and a classical guitarist? Brilliant! Two months in and I've already mastered the guitar. I'm off to learn the French Horn...
  20. Plenty of different software on the market. If GrarageBand isn't doing what you need I'd recommend Reaper, which is available as an unlimited free trial (ie. fully working software) or £60 for a commercial license. It's a real bargain and a great product. Link here: http://www.cockos.com/reaper/ Logic is also fantastic value for money at around £130. https://www.apple.com/uk/logic-pro/ I personally use a software called Reason, but that's just my preference. It's certainly no better than other products out there - it's just different and suits my workflow: http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason/new/ All of these products are supported by active communities with their own discussion forums, where you'll find plenty of help and advice. YouTube is also great for tutorials on how to get started. In terms of an interface, the Focusrite Saffire 6 offers good bang for your buck$: http://uk.focusrite.com/usb-audio-interfaces/saffire-6-usb Have fun! PS: these same questions crop up regularly in the Recording forum - which is a good thing! - so I might write a short Starter Guide to home recording once things quieten down at work... A thread we can all use for posting advice on software and hardware.
  21. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1378245762' post='2197774']Isn't the OP saying he's been anchoring his thumb on the top edge of the pickup and using his index/middle/ring/pinkie fingers to pull on the strings? Knopfler uses his thumb for downstrokes and his other fingers to pluck upstokes. Really not the same as the OP is doing.[/quote] Haha, indeed! I definitely DON'T play like Mark Knopfler I play like a bassist trying to play a guitar like a bass. All upstrokes with my index and middle fingers.
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