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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1377699184' post='2190516']Nah, that wasn't what they were doing, surely..? They weren't, were they..? No, seriously..? [/quote] Ahh, err, no of course not! Ahem. They were cuddling. Just cuddling. Oddly enough, the image came from me searching on Flickr using the term "love" - and that particular image was top of the search results, as it still is now: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=love 'Tis a funny old world
  2. I don't own a looper pedal, but they seem like very handy tools to me. Rob (here on BC) makes good use of one in the monthly composition challenges, as do other folks here. I think this is more a question of what you choose to [i]do[/i] with a looper that matters, rather than the device itself being inherently good or bad. The exact same discussion applies to bass solos in general, and that's a very commonly opened can of worms Graham Massey (808 State) used to run a night in Manchester years ago, where he'd compose original music by playing and looping different sections with different instruments live on stage. It was great to watch and worked very well, so they definitely have their place outside of the bedroom.
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1377694378' post='2190449'] Yup I've had to give in myself too, theres a couple of pics that just stop me dead in my improv [/quote] I'm guessing drunk Santa and copulating beetles? Yeah, sorry about those
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1377690594' post='2190369']Sorry! Hectic! I'll try and put voting up at the end of the month and we'll overlap with next months if that's cool with everyone?[/quote] Nice one mate, that's fine by me
  5. So... any more for any more? Or is it time to get the voting up? Charic! Wherefore art thou, Charic?
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1377640772' post='2189881']A bit of a rush, but I got there in the end.[/quote] Nice one Garry. I've only managed to give it a quick listen on my phone, but it sounds great - even on my poxy phone speaker! I especially like the 'aurora' and 'Blue Note' pieces. And your timing is spot on for each change of theme. Impressive as always mate Looking forward to giving it a proper listen. Paul
  7. Interesting thread! I'd say yes, strictly speaking metal is pop music in that it's 'popular'. Very popular in fact. But it's not pop music in the way we tend to use the term pop - as in, meaning 'accessible' to a mass market / or 'daytime radio friendly'. Off topic: here's a great website listing the various genres of metal in the form of a map... http://mapofmetal.com/
  8. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1377513634' post='2188264']When does the voting start ? Getting lost up my own arse with this one, I need another day to get it up to the level of Mickey Mouse.[/quote] Any day now I guess... but if you've got something near-finished then maybe we should hang on until you're done. Would be a shame otherwise, especially as there's currently only two entries!... so we're all guaranteed a medal
  9. http://cs.calvin.edu/documents/christian/ecosessay.php
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377291098' post='2186017']That's the one. [/quote] http://tinyurl.com/lojvnzx
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377287205' post='2185952']I've been baking something all day. [/quote] Crystal meth? A nice big cake? Or is it time for a dose of prune juice?
  12. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1377276327' post='2185772']Are you the only entry so far[/quote] No, so far it's Douglas (Dad3353) and me. I'm hoping Garry (lowdown) is cooking something up too... but I'm not aware of anyone else this month, other than maybe Charic!?
  13. Mac for me. At home and at work. Software/hardware doesn't really make much odds these days between Mac and PC. For me it's about 'user ergonomics' (oo-errg!). I relate to PCs in the same way I do vacuum cleaners or toasters - they're machines that get the job done. Whereas I relate to Macs in the way I might do a cuddly golden retriever - they're friendly and want to help me. But yeah. I'm strange
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1377266876' post='2185599']BRILLIANT!! Oh the beginning is such a great idea too! Love it mate.[/quote] Cheers Nige! Those scrolling titles were crying out for the Star Wars treatment. I recorded about half a dozen tracks of me humming different parts of the John Williams theme, then mixed them together. Got the idea from a guy on YouTube who does it much better than me
  15. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1377082521' post='2183047']Brilliant Skol and a laughed out loud at the ending!!!! Top job matey!![/quote] [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1377116518' post='2183665']Check you out, Jaguar Skolz! Absolutely superb mixing skills.[/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1377118037' post='2183694']Good evening, Paul...Nothing but excellence, once again. Well done, and bravo (once more..!) [/quote] [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1377210929' post='2184974']Quality mate! really impressive mix and composing[/quote] Thanks folks! I really appreciate the kind feedback. It was meant to be a quick effort from me this month, but it ended up being quite a tricky project to put together. There's obviously a nod to one of Basschat's famous in-jokes at the very end Good to hear y'all dig it.
  16. Very interesting. So there's more to 'stage presence' than fur coat and no knickers...
  17. The full length video for 'Windowlicker' by Aphex Twin is loads of fun... but maybe I have a warped sense of what fun is!? I won't post a link 'cos it's definitely not safe for work (and some may find it offensive), but a quick search on YouTube will root it out for anyone curious. For a more conventional sense of fun, the video to 'Here It Goes Again' by OK Go is a cracker... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTAAsCNK7RA&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DdTAAsCNK7RA&nomobile=1
  18. Never as a 'musician' (I prefer the faceless [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_Resistance_%28band%29"]Undergound Resistance[/url] approach). Although I used to occasionally get recognised when I worked for our local rag, the Manchester Evening News (my clubs/gig column had a byline photo)... but 99% of the time it was by scroats wanting me to help them blag their way into gigs. I also used to get mistaken for looking like Leigh Francis during his Bo' Selecta days. Flattering, I know
  19. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1376926313' post='2180989']Skol's not yet finished competition bass, has to be in here somewhere.[/quote] [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1376936329' post='2181219']+1 to that.[/quote] Cheers guys! Paul (13 Guitar Co.) is making a great job of it. Here's a link to the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193647-basschat-competiton-bass-a-13-guitar-co-project/"]build diary[/url] for anyone interested; and here's a photo of current work-in-progress...
  20. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1376962352' post='2181623']Sounds cool to me. Well done.[/quote] Cheers mate
  21. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1376940447' post='2181304']Wow Paul - good effort - good to hear my final chord making an appearance at the very end, I feel honoured - seriously that just sounded like so much work you deserve a bloody medal.... bronze perhaps! [/quote] Cheers Mike! What made me chuckle is that even when played 20bpm slower than the original, that bassline of yours STILL sounds ninja Great playing mate. And glad you like the mashup. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1376942121' post='2181361']Not a criticism just all feels a bit pointless to me. Then again, I'm an arse.[/quote] Haha, you're no arse Bilbo - well, not unless you insist! Different strokes for different folks I guess. I used to DJ back in the 90s (club scene), so this month I wanted re-visit those times and put together a mix of the music I've been making this past year. Simple as that. It's not something I've done before - although I've remixed plenty of other people's music - so for me it was something novel. A bit if fun? Definitely. Frivolous? Perhaps. Pointless? Nah. I learnt some new stuff along the way - I always do - so I'm quids in on the worthwhile front ...although admittedly it DID become a bit of a chore and not something I'll be rushing to do again anytime soon.
  22. Ok I'm done. This took a lot longer than I'd hoped, mainly because the idea of remixing my past 12 months' entries and creating a giant mashup of them all wasn't as easy at it first seemed. In fact, it was a gigantic pain in the ass… involving lots of pitching, time-stretching, re-sampling, etc, in order to make everything fit together with any degree of coherence. I ended up starting from scratch with a lot of it, including the drum track. But meh, it was fun. In a self-flagellating kind of way The soundtrack doesn't match the video transitions perfectly, but I had to sacrifice the timing in a few places to make the music work. Anyway, here you go… [b]NB: this track contains one instance of swearing - a m***********, to be precise! - so it's not safe for work or family viewing[/b] (that's a heads-up for Lurks, who I know sometimes listens to these tracks with his children). [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksAyl2MkFso&feature=c4-overview&list=UUmgDHWbt8-3lAXlSuCBLT8w[/media] That's me pretty much done until mid-September now (silly season at work), but I'll hopefully have time to sling something together for the start of the 'new season'. Cheers all
  23. Sunburst is both classic and cliched for me. It's lodged in my brain alongside 70s brown and orange home decor schemes for some bizarre reason. I had a sunburst bass (a cheap P copy) and I resprayed it. So I guess I'm not a fan ...but done well it can look classy. It's just not to my taste.
  24. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1376775446' post='2179088'] Mike's (urb) Sei fretless. [/quote] Yep, Mike's Sei basses are up there for me too. I think he has three in total?? (a fretless, a fretted and a jazz).
  25. If you don't mind traveling, then few compare to Manchester Bass Lounge: http://manchesterbasslounge.com/ Drew, the owner, is a genuinely nice guy and really knows his onions. And his basses Just be prepared to come away with a second mortgage - he has some seriously nice gear.
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