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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1375182179' post='2157642']I'm busy throughout August and have composed three more numbers since July's entry (puff, pant) so will be having a rest! [/quote] ...and damn good numbers they are too! I know how you feel though mate. I'm really pushed for time this month myself (silly season at work with a big event to organise for September), but I feel doggedly obliged to do something having been involved each month since these challenges started! It'd be rude not to I've started on some kind of mashup of my Basschat tracks thus far... Not as easy as it sounds, what with various genres, tempos, keys and time sigs going on (one of them is in 15:8 FFS!). Still, there's some fun to be had with it. PS: well done to Douglas with his early bird entry! I've had a brief listen and it sounds good. The transitions seem spot on with the video.
  2. [b]Another quick update[/b] Headstock cut... ...body cut ...it's really starting to take shape now! Next steps are to add the frets, carve the neck out, glue the sides on, route bridge and pickup slots, finish, then set up. As always, I'll keep y'all updated as it happens.
  3. ^ Thanks for the mix notes guys Always useful to hear how people went about approaching the track themselves - as well as their feedback on other folks' mixes. I'll aim to post my own notes up on Sunday.
  4. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1375315153' post='2159800']Who fancies a crack at mixing Kit Richardson's You Look So Good Tonight?[/quote] [i]AAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!![/i] Translation: yes, I definitely want to have a go at mixing this track! But no, I don't want to do it this month as I have zero time with crazy busy-ness going on at work. …but seriously, don't let my predicament throw a spanner in the works. This is a superb track and by far the best offering we've had to date. Gets a definite thumbs up from me, although it's unlikely I'll get time to do it any justice [i][sobs][/i]
  6. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1375312964' post='2159770']unfortunately, as I remember it, last Wednesday when this thread went up, I wasn't in much of a mood, so I never bothered to relisten to all the entires, I'm ashamed to say, but I did pick the entry that I remember liking! It was yours, Skol and Rob [/quote] Thanks Milty! Glad you liked it. 'Twas good fun working with Rob and getting to play with some proper guitars 'n' stuff
  7. Aye, a hearty congratulations to Garry (lowdown) who is this month's winner by over 30% of the vote! An excellent track. Super-slick production as always. And indisputable proof that 70's D.I.S.C.O. is still very much alive and kicking. Amen to that Well done mate!
  8. ^ Cheers fellas. Good advice about WD40, starting a relic project and yeah... I do feel like a lucky bar-steward for finding this bargain! Been noodling a lot with it recently and it does play (and sound) pretty good. Definitely a keeper.
  9. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1374773048' post='2153101'] You know Skol (and paulflan), this is NOT helping me to give up GAS! [/quote] Haha, sorry about that Paul does offer good rates for his work... and no, I'm not on a commission! But I'll certainly be going back to him in future. Worth dropping him a line if you're interested.
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1375274557' post='2159085'] Hey, Skol...... [size=6] [/size][size=6]LOSER!!! [/size] [/quote] Haha! Not the first time and certainly won't be the last either... Besides, who am I to take on the might of D.I.S.C.O.?! All is as it should be
  11. VOTING ENDS TODAY! If you've yet to pick a favourite then don't dilly-dally... do it now Voting ends at midnight, after which the winner will be announced.
  12. VOTING ENDS TODAY! If you've yet to pick a winning mix then now's your chance. I'll be totting up the votes at midnight tonight and announcing the winner tomorrow.
  13. VOTING ENDS TODAY! If you haven't done so already, please have a listen and pick your favourite. We'll love you for it. Long time. Cheers
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1375122591' post='2156990']... remember Two Lone Swordsmen? A very underrated duo indeed.[/quote] Damn right! I've got Sabresonic and the second LP... Haunted Dancefloor? (something like that). Great music. I met Weatherall a few times during the 90s - grumpy f***** on each occasion! - but he doesn't half know his stuff. Anyway, good track dude
  15. GUTTED that I missed this! Was all set to go then we had some relatives descend on us a day early for my wife's birthday... and that was me grounded. Been watching them on YouTube and had got plenty psyched for this gig. Never mind. Good to hear it was a worthy show. I'm hoping to catch some of the Jazz Fest this week while I'm on holiday... Cheers for the heads up Mike. And it was good to see you for beers on Saturday!
  16. Cool beans mate Great track. Reminds me of Shiva Shanti and Andy Weatherall's Sabresonic stuff.
  17. Voted Mark (discreet) got my support this time round. A superb track that that really nailed the 'city nightlife' vibe for me. As did Garry's - another cracking entry! - but I'm more of a raver than a disco diva at heart; hence Mark's chimed a little more closely with my own experiences of city life. Very well done to everyone. I'll post up a mini-review of each track next chance I get... Paul
  18. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1374973337' post='2155443']Sorry, meant to say earlier, but I was talking to my mate earlier, and he said he thinks the tracks won't done in time for us to use, which is a shame. So should we be searching the library that we got "uncle dad" from in the last mix comp? I can have a listen through some of them in the next few days, if you want?[/quote] No probs Milty! We can save your mate's track for a future challange - it's one in the bank Unless we get someone coming forward with material, then yeah I reckon [url="http://www.cambridge-mt.com/ms-mtk.htm"]Mike Senior's multitrack library[/url] is a good place to find the next project to mix. Post any of your favourites here for everyone to chew on. If we want an EDM track next time, then there are additional places we can look - this site lists all current commmercial remix competitions, which can be a good source of stems for EDM, hip hop, RnB, pop, etc. http://www.remixcomps.com/
  19. Another quick clarification: we're meant to upload our entries in video format to something like YouTube? If so, that's fine by me. I'm just having a quick play with iMovie, getting my head around the techy side of this. So far so good
  20. [i]Phwoar, get a load of these...[/i] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213014-july-composition-competition-voting-time/"][/url] Well it worked for Douglas last month, so I thought that in true PR/marketing style I should just trot out the same winning campaign again So here it is: please go listen and vote in this month's [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213014-july-composition-competition-voting-time/"]Composition Competition[/url]. Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on... We got over 80 votes last month and so far only 20 or so this time round. That leaves 27,202 Basschat members with a job to do. Cheers!
  21. I'm saying nothing! ....other than I spent shamefully little time on my mix this month. All will be revealed in due course!
  22. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1374878116' post='2154486']Anonymous votes on anonymous mixes don't lie though (although I'm sure we could all pick out Skol's mix!).[/quote] ...I bet you can't
  23. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1374770665' post='2153058']what wood is that fret board again? its hot![/quote] Makassar ebony. Beautiful innit?! I love the lighter streaks that run the length of it. The neck and body are a mix of mahogany and wenge.
  24. Voting is now underway in this month's composition competition! Grab a beverage of your choosing, have a listen to some great new music and pick your favourite. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213014-july-composition-competition-voting-time/"][size=5][b]GO HERE[/b][/size][/url]
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