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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213014-july-composition-competition-voting-time/"]The voting thread is now up[/url] GO, GO, GO... !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfIAKj3Gl1E
  2. [color=#ff0000][size=5]Congratulations to this month's winner:[/size][b][size=5] lowdown[/size][/b][/color] And well done to everyone else who took part. Another great month of new music! Here's the inspiration for July's competition, chosen by Mike (urb): And here are the compositions: Dad3353 [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/mighty-chaud-city/s-2f4zZ"]https://soundcloud.c...ud-city/s-2f4zZ[/url] CamdenRob [url="http://soundcloud.com/robhartley-1/pastrami-on-rye-wav"]http://soundcloud.co...rami-on-rye-wav[/url] MiltyG565 [url="http://soundcloud.com/miltyg565/miltongrahambasschatbass"]http://soundcloud.co...hambasschatbass[/url] stu_g [url="http://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/midnight-metropolis"]http://soundcloud.co...ight-metropolis[/url] discreet [url="http://soundcloud.com/mark-68-2/nyny"]http://soundcloud.com/mark-68-2/nyny[/url] SimonEdward [url="https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward/downtown-bleecker"]https://soundcloud.c...wntown-bleecker[/url] lowdown [url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/club-retro-75"]http://soundcloud.co...b/club-retro-75[/url] the boy [url="http://soundcloud.com/theboysings/mama-leave-a-light-on-poor-boy"]http://soundcloud.co...ght-on-poor-boy[/url] Stephen Houghton [url="http://soundcloud.com/9thaspect/city-streets"]http://soundcloud.co...ct/city-streets[/url] Bilbo [url="http://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/waking"]http://soundcloud.co...palmer-1/waking[/url] lurksalot [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/shine-on"]http://soundcloud.co...ksalot/shine-on[/url] Rob Slusar & Skol303 [url="http://soundcloud.com/skollob/empire-city"]http://soundcloud.co...lob/empire-city[/url] JamesFlashG [url="http://soundcloud.com/flashg-4/city-lights"]http://soundcloud.co...g-4/city-lights[/url]
  3. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1374685328' post='2151889']You are probably too old to stand up and rap like a gangstar to your hommies other than that anything goes![/quote] Chuck D still holds the fort for a fifty-something year old rapper. Plenty of others too. I think rap is more of a cultural phenomenon than anything to do with age. But that's another discussion for another day
  4. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1374691381' post='2152018']And here it is inside, I have not quite sorted it out yet, there is a lot of stuff, I know what some of it is, other bits haven't seen daylight in a very long time, and are scaring [/quote] I've got that exact same R2D2!!
  5. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1374690955' post='2152013'] That would be after Charic has used it for his September slide show. [/quote] Don't tempt fate!!
  6. Channel 5 will be commissioning a documentary about this...
  7. ^ Thanks Norm! Mike's bass playing is something else... and Donnie/Rebecca did a great job of the vocals too. Especially as it was all done from start to finish in three weeks Cheers for the feedback mate.
  8. ^ Cheers fellas! Yeah I'm pleased with it for the money. I've decided to keep it 'as is' for the time being - I need to learn how to play the bloody thing properly first! - and might consider messing with it as a do-er-upper when the time comes. I've got some guitar pickups at home that my old man found in his shed, which I might consider wiring in if only I knew whether they were any good... Anyway, I do love a bargain
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1374671303' post='2151597']I love it...[/quote] Big thanks Nige! I really value your opinion on all this, and I know Mike does too. Yeah, Donnie and Rebecca are both quirky in their own ways! Mike has done a great job on the vid and I'm personally very proud of the track itself... it's good to be working with good people, as you well know. Thanks again mate. We've already got other ideas in the pipelines, so there'll be more to come in due course...
  10. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1374671306' post='2151598']On it's way [/quote] Got it! Thanks mate, much appreciated
  11. [b]>>> NEWSFLASH <<<[/b] Charic has asked me to act as 'caretaker' and launch this month's voting on the Composition Challenge (he's busy moving house and struggling with Internet access). I'll be posted up the voting thread later this evening around 10pm. If anyone is still working on something then please PM me in the meantime and I'll happily hang on until you're finished - or alternatively I can add late entries once the voting is up. Cheers
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1374595019' post='2150672']IT'S MINE!!!![/quote] Congrats Bilbo! It's a slippery slope... I just picked up a cheap guitar (for the princely sum of £20) and now I can't put the damned thing down - the noodling potential is just too great Have fun with it.
  13. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1374620491' post='2151127']Nice, i like It has very 'cool' feel to it the production and mix sounds nice what do you record with?[/quote] Cheers James! I produce using [url="http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason/"]Reason[/url]. It's a slightly oddball DAW, but it suits me just fine [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1374624041' post='2151159']Love that meaty bass sound and the whole vibe of the thing. Without even reading your post, I was immediately thinking of the grungey back-street gangs and the kind of mischief they get up to. It serves it's purpose well! Well done Paul and Rob![/quote] Thanks Milty! It was good working with Rob on this one. We were aiming for something heavy and grungy... good to hear that you picked up on what we had in mind [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1374659524' post='2151341']It really works. Well done. It sounds awesome.[/quote] Thanks. And good to know it sounds ok too... I'm never certain about the end result when mixing on headphones - it's always a 'best guess' - but I'm hopefully getting better at guessing!
  14. [quote name='JamesFlashG' timestamp='1374623478' post='2151155']really like the drum beat, sounds great![/quote] Cheers James! The instrumentation is actually quite sparse (mainly just drums and bass), but it sounds quite busy because there's so much going on with each Glad you like it.
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1374668273' post='2151522']I think I missed the drunk santa one, mate.[/quote] Ah... well very nearly a full score sheet! (the drunk santa perhaps wasn't the best photo choice in hindsight anyway).
  16. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1374667074' post='2151496']Ah okay. I can send it to you via WeTransfer if you'd like?[/quote] Smashing, thanks Myke! Very kind. My email address is [email protected] [i][that address is public elsewhere, so spammers can join the queue! ][/i]
  17. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1374666327' post='2151477']For me it says download mp4 underneath the video itself? I assume you don't have this?[/quote] Cheers Myke. No, I'm not seeing a download link. I assume you mean the link is part of the 'frame' of the YouTube player, or it is further down the page itself? Could be the browser I'm using - Firefox 3.6.28 - which is fairly ancient but it's all I can run on the old dinosaur Mac at work! I'm also not logged in to YouTube, in case that makes a difference. Sounds like the download link is working anyway - I'll try it again when I get home using a more recent 'puter.
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1374662957' post='2151410']New shorter video [/quote] Thanks mate. I'm probably being thick here... but how do I go about downloading the video? (without using one of the those dodgy Youtube Downloader sites!). Tried right-clicking on it but I'm not getting any options to save the file. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1374664342' post='2151427']Nope. Still too much time going over the same territory. Nothing fresh to get inspired by.[/quote] [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1374665003' post='2151442']i think the video idea is cool, but i think an unrelated video of 5 minutes like something landscapey or spacey or something would be better than images we have already worked on previously.[/quote] I tend to agree with the Robs... I was getting excited about writing a soundtrack to some video footage - rather than a slideshow - but that's maybe an idea to save for another special occasion, given that Charic has gone to the trouble of putting this one together. Bilbo and I are actually in a fairly unique position in that I think we're the only people who've submitted something each month - there may be others too; Garry perhaps? (I'd have to check) - so my approach is likely to be some kind of giant remix of what I've done to date, which will be a challenge in itself We'll see.
  19. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1374660979' post='2151367']If the general consensus is to half the play time then I can do that no problem [/quote] Like the idea Rick! But I agree with Garry and others that 12 minutes running time is too long... I suggest halving that to make it more accessible for both composers and listeners. Or at least cutting it down to 8 minutes maximum. A QuickTime version of the video would also be much better suited to using in DAWs (esp. for people unfamiliar with converting video formats). I'm assuming you can enable videos to be downloaded direct from YouTube? Anyway... It's going to be an interesting month! I can feel some kind of Jive Bunny Megamix in the works
  20. Yeah, I know it's cheeky double-posting this here, but many folks are a little sheepish about going down [i](fnar!)[/i] to the Recording forum and so I wanted to put a shout out here too. So sue me already. A very quick heads up that Mike (urb) and I are [s]getting married[/s] forming an online collective of musicians/vocalists under the working title of 'Dojo'… and we have a video just out to celebrate the track we put together for last month's new music challenge here on Basschat. Have a look [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212951-new-track-new-video/"][b]here.[/b][/url] …more to come in due course. Cheers
  21. I'm hugely chuffed and excited to say that Mike (urb) has just finished producing a video to accompany the track we worked on together in last month's BC Composition Challenge. This is the first video I've ever been involved in, so I'm stoked about it Mike (bass), Donnie and Rebecca (vocals) feature throughout - and you get to see my naked hand near the start! [i](ooh).[/i] We also have a working title for our ongoing collaboration - 'Dojo' - which we're hoping to nurture into an online collective, involving other musicians and vocalists from around the world. Have a gander and let us know what you think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Cqe5u2nOE
  22. Just finished... phew. I've been collaborating with Rob (RockfordStone) this month on an alt-rock/nu metal track. Rob's music normally has a really great 'stadium' feel to it, so I wanted to draw on that and aim for something akin to the Deftones in terms of heaviness. Well, sort of. The idea was to capture the darker side of a big city like New York; the territorial conflicts that take place. Especially in a place like NYC, which has been fought over by different gangs throughout history (yeah, I've seen The Warriors! ). Hence the title, 'Empire City'. Have a listen and let us know what you think: https://soundcloud.com/skollob/empire-city [i]It's mixed on headphones (as always with me), so feedback on the production itself is gratefully received[/i]. And cheers to everyone who's taken part this month. We've had a good turnout of old hands and new faces, which is great. I'm looking forward to listening through them all!
  23. ^ Cool. Keep us updated mate. If they don't get back in time for the next one, then we can always keep their track 'in the bank' for the one after.
  24. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1374599041' post='2150746']A mate of mine is recording tracks with his band currently, and I've just asked if they want to let us use a track for the comp next month. He's making not promises, but he said he'll have a talk with the other guys. But if we mix their song, and there's one in particular they like and want to use, would everyone be OK to let them use it if they are kind enough to let us use their song for next month's comp?[/quote] Nice one Milty! The more people get interested in this, the better Is there a rough mix of the track already available? If so please post a link so we can have a listen and get everyone's opinion on it for the next challenge. Speaking of which, I'll need to hand over responsibility of running the next one to someone else (August is going to be crazy busy at work!)... although I'm very happy to muck in again after that. So... any takers??
  25. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1374579408' post='2150340']Nithier do I! [/quote] Well then you're [u]very[/u] good at blagging it mate!
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