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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Likewise, cheers Garry Always useful to have these sorts of field recordings to hand. Ta!
  2. Ok, that's mine done and now I'm off to catch some zzz's... A shamefully hasty effort from me this time round, but no matter! 'Twas fun. Some great entries this month - everyone seems to progressing in leaps and bounds, so well done all. Voting will up tomorrow or Wednesday. If anyone is still slogging at it then don't worry - I won't be uploading anything until tomorrow night (so it's not quite 'last orders', more of a cheeky lock in ).
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1373921661' post='2143294']Bit of both. Most of the drums sounds are single-shot library samples, but I make some of the swooshes and breakdown stuff myself. Synths on this track are reFX: Nexus, FL Studio Sytrus and FL Studio TS-404, which is a clone of the TB-303. Thanks for the positive comments, btw. Edit: Funny you should say 90s electronic dance music... I was in an EDM outfit called Infinte Wheel at the time... [url="http://www.discogs.com/artist/Infinite+Wheel%2C+The"]http://www.discogs.c...te+Wheel%2C+The[/url] =[/quote] Sounds very much like how I work! I rarely produce drum sounds from scratch (I have a great drum designer, but it's finding the time to play with it...). Synths however I like to mess with by hand. Often to an obsessive degree Those 303 sounds you use are fantastic mate. Unsurprisingly I'm a huge fan of the TB-303 (hence my username). I don't have a good emulator of it myself, although there's one available for Reason at around £40 or so. I still play with ReBirth from time to time - you might have used it yourself? - can't beat a bit of squelchy acid Interesting to hear you're using Fruity Loops. I have a mate who swears by that software. Though not as interesting as your 90's EDM excursion with Infinite Wheel! Cool stuff. I was a music hack during that decade - I worked for DJ Mag and our local rag up north, the Manchester Evening News. Great music and good times. Anyway, keep these coming. They sound [i]great[/i]. I'm certainly a fan.
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1373917474' post='2143182']Fiiiine Voting starts on the 25th lol [/quote] Cheers Rick [quote name='charic' timestamp='1373917533' post='2143185']Trust me, you will NOT be saying that next month. The challenge will be tough [/quote] Surely it's not time for the Bagpipe Special?!
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1373914413' post='2143113']Voting goes up 24th morning for 7 days voting... I think [/quote] I hadn't noticed before, but Bilbo's math is correct. If voting starts on 24th that leaves 8 days voting (including the day of the 24th). But heh I'm playing for time, so I'll take any extra days I can get
  6. Just had a listen to this on my lunch at work - like it! Reminds me of Leftfield. I think you and I take influence from a similar vein of '90s electronic dance music... Sounds great too (I listened on earbuds). Really well produced; a nice sense of stereo and a well-proportioned low end [i](ooh matron!)[/i]. Q: you making these sounds from scratch or using libraries? (that's not taking anything away from it if it's the latter, btw. Far from it!). I'd be interested to know what synths you're using if so. Sounds a bit like NI Massive or maybe Predator? Very nice sounds, regardless. Anyway, this stuff is right up my musical alley, so keep it coming Mark!
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1373888891' post='2142626']I think I'll just upload it as is. I've done plenty to it, I think, and making it sound better at this point is beyond my capabilities I think [/quote] There's definitely comes a point (for me at least) when further tweaks to a mix just start making it sound worse. That's usually a good sign of knowing it's time to abandon it!
  8. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1373888186' post='2142608']Tuesday (23rd) night end[/quote] Cheers mate. Hopefully I won't be working on it all night...
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1373884085' post='2142516']Was working on some final details last night. Just need to do a couple more things, then get everything balanced nicely and that should be it![/quote] Well done Milty. There's me ringing the bell for last orders, when I still have [i]lots[/i] to do on mine... Been too busy with the composition competition (and life in general) and have let this slip. Never mind. I've got enough time tonight to finish what I've started and make a half-decent job of it. Happy to say that the standard of mixes already received has been great. Well done everyone!
  10. Rob and I are getting there with our collaboration this month... Still got work to do on it, but should have it finished in time. [b]Charic:[/b] when's the deadline this month mate? I'm assuming it's Tuesday or Wednesday night next week (23rd/24th)? PS: I've still yet to listen to anyone's entries... but there's lots of them, which is great to see. I'll listen to each track and post feedback once the voting starts.
  11. Some great advice here already. Ultimately, it all boils down to choosing a pair of cans that give a 'flat' response (relatively speaking) and then getting to know those cans [i]very[/i] well over time. I use a pair of [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/AKG-K240-MKII-Circumaural-Headphones/dp/B0016MNBAM/ref=sr_1_1/280-1120197-4734337?ie=UTF8&qid=1373886567&sr=8-1&keywords=akg+k-240+mkii"]AKG K240 MkII[/url] which you can now pick up for around £100, so they're quite cheap all things considered (they were £150 when I bought them originally). I've had the same pair for nearly three years, so I'm very accustomed to them
  12. Last orders! Today is your final chance to submit a mix if you haven't already done so. Voting will then commence on Wednesday night (17th) and finish at the end of the month (31st). Get busy
  13. Some great music being posted here! I used to practice the Brazilian dance/martial art of capoeira approx 10 years ago, and I really enjoyed the musical aspects of it. I learned to play the berimbau and atabaque (tall drum) - not to any real proficiency - and of course did a lot of singing in Portugese! (very little of which I understood). Was great fun. And very knackering. Here's some guys playing the real thing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H0D8VaIli0 Brazil also has a very lively electronic dance music scene. There's been lots of really good drum 'n' bass coming out of that part of South America for a few decades now. Here's a classic example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWihnNfisdY
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1373680203' post='2140603'] [/size] [size=4]No... crystal meth.[/size][size=4] [/size] [/quote] Hehe... have you been watching Breaking Bad? If not, you should. It's great
  15. He's also routed the channels for the truss rods and carbon fiber rod and glued them in. Next steps are to glue the fretboard on; then cut out out neck-thru section; add the frets; make the sides/wings; cut the headstock out; shape the neck and wings; glue the wings on; route the pickups... and other stuff! As always, a massive thanks to Paul at 13 Guitar Co. I'm learning lots watching this build take shape. Stay tuned...
  16. [b]Another update on the build![/b] Paul has been busy cutting the scarf joint for the headstock angle... ...which has now been glued ...and planed.
  17. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1373452936' post='2137691']Yeah, try to see if you can peel off that matt first, you could find a good finish underneath that at most would need a bit of polishing [/quote] It's tempting! I probably should have asked the previous owner whether they'd stripped off the original finish when they painted it... I'm guessing not, as the paint job itself hasn't been done too carefully. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1373534418' post='2138637'][sup]As a doodler, I've always wanted to something like that, but I know it would get a similar 'mixed' reaction. That cloud crying tears onto the umbrella looks cool. Nice find dude and its always worth homing instruments for 20 - 40 regardless (or maybe I just waste money). I know you are going to strip it, but are you going to sell it on if you can restore it? [/sup][/quote] Yeah there are some nice elements among those doodles. I particularly like ths space invader. Not 100% sure whether I'm going to strip it or perhaps even add further doodles and laquer it. I'll almost certainly be keeping it whatever happens [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1373585395' post='2139483']Oh man, saw this on Gumtree and was sorely tempted as I'm often in Manchester at the moment, but decided against as I assumed it'd be a cheapo chinese copy in unplayable state... excellent buy, glad it went to a BC'er![/quote] That's exactly what I'd assumed! I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered what was lurking beneath the paintwork. It needs plenty of tender loving care to restore it back to anywhere near its original '70s state - the frets are particularly knackered and one of the pickups is busted (might just need re-wiring, I need to investigate...), but it nevertheless sounds good. Typical that another BC'er was GASing over it at the same time as me Cheers mate.
  18. Impressive! But it's not a single take... I spotted a number of edit glitches where it looks like the video has been pasted together - check out the neck-snapping, light-speed head nod at 1:55 - 1:56 Still, I'm being pedantic. The guys playes a zillion times better than I can and it's actually a nice cover - and I say that as someone who doesn't normally get all bedazzled by slap'n'pop.
  19. Good call! Just downloaded it... Thanks for the heads up. I'd have missed this otherwise
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1373447421' post='2137589']I work with a lot of sharp spinny blades...[/quote] You're a ninja? Cool!! But seriously, what a question Nige! It's like the plot of some kind of body horror musical. In response, I'd say that... [i]Physically[/i] I'd have to re-learn how to play, but I'd cope with that. All depends on which fingers, of course. If I were left with just pinkies, I'd be a bit stuffed. [i]Philosophically[/i] I'd think "f*** it", two fingers are better than none. [i]Musically[/i] I wouldn't be so affected... I could rely on friends on play bass parts for me, and I'd still have sufficient fingers to operate a computer (my main 'instrument' for composing). [i]Emotionally[/i] I'd be hacked off; perhaps a little self-conscious when waving at friends in the street ("For the millionth time, I am not wagging my finger at you in disapproval!!"), but I'd cope. Worse things happen at sea, etc. So... anyone game for other body-mutilation-based hypotheses? Maybe, how would you approach trombone playing if your mouth fell off? [can someone's mouth fall off?? Let's assume yes].
  21. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1373290773' post='2135704']Thanks :-) I've just cut the headstock angle, gonna plane the edges for gluing this afternnoon. Thinknig about it, where not too far off now! I'll send you a e-mail at the end off the week with some pic's Paul. It's taking shape now :-D[/quote] No need to thank me Paul, [i]I'm[/i] the one who should be doing all the thanking! It's really taking shape now as you say... and the woods look stunning, even better than I'd imagined. Very exciting!! It's going to be a thing of beauty... with a beastly tone
  22. Can't watch the vid at the moment (at work...) but I'm guessing it's Goldblade? If so yeah, they're ace John Robb is something of an institution in Manchester. I used to run into him lots when I worked in the music press, less so nowadays (although I often see him cycling to/from the gym near my local boozer... [i]that sentence says a lot about his personal fitness, and mine[/i]). Lovely bloke and a great band.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1373391054' post='2137059']What a bargain! [size=4]Why do I always have to pay over the odds for everything? [/size] [/quote] Well, Mark, you will insist on shopping at Waitrose [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1373392132' post='2137075']If it is emulsion, might be fine finish underneath. Fairy power spray and clingfilm with get it off (clingfilm stops it drying out while it works), without taking off the poly finish or being stinky.[/quote] Cheers Mr F, good tip!
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1373375667' post='2136840']Kind of like a low-budget [url="http://www.ritter-basses.com/limited-edition-shudarella.php"]Ritter Shudarella[/url]![/quote] Indeed A very low budget version (those Shudarellas look [i]amazing![/i]). Yeah, I'm coming round to the artwork... it does look a bit cheap - it's household white emulsion paint with marker pen - but I suppose it has a certain charm because of that. I have a friend who does pen doodles as a hobby-business ([url="http://www.mosaink.co.uk/"]www.mosaink.co.uk[/url]), so I might get him to finish it and then spray the body with a transparent lacquer. We'll see. I'll keep y'all posted when the time comes!
  25. ^ Cheers guys. Aye, it's not too shabby at all and a great guitar for the money. I think the previous owneer just wanted rid of it, so I was happy to oblige. The artwork is quite 'unique', shall we say, and while I quite like it I'll probably end up stripping it back and re-spraying. A mate of mine has said that the last owner might end up being the next Banksy and I'll be sand-papering myself out of millions! Although I doubt it
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