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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1372693578' post='2128683']I don't think anybody in their right mind would be running TOWARDS Hull...[/quote] Bat Out of Hull? Highway to Hull? Hull Awaits? ...I'll just get me coat. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1372694240' post='2128696']I'm trying to create my own composition this month... [/quote] Go for it Milty! Just remember that "once you pop, you can't stop". It's very addictive
  2. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1372674769' post='2128315']... me wanna play it[/quote] You certainly will do mate! Latest news is that the pickups have been ordered... more to report in due course.
  3. [quote name='Bloc Riff Nut' timestamp='1372672384' post='2128262']I did a quick search to have a listen to the back catalogue of entries for the composition competition and went as far back as September 2012(I love Jamiemillsbass entry ; nice heavy ending). Was September 2012 the first competition?[/quote] Yep, September 2012 was when it all started... the idea came from Charic - and a great idea it was too! [i][he does have them occasionally...].[/i] Here's a link to all of them. Might be worth stickying this info in the Recording forum - or dare I say even in the General Forum!? - as a running record of the music we make each month: [b]September 2012[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187585-september-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]October 2012[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190256-october-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]November 2012[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192756-november-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]December 2012[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195165-december-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]January 2013[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197631-january-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]February 2013[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200552-february-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]March 2013[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203632-march-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]April 2013[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206094-voting-time-april-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]May 2013[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/208538-may-composition-competition-voting-time/ [b]June 2013[/b] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210888-june-composition-competition-voting-time/
  4. Ok, here's the image for July as chosen by Mike (urb)... That should spark a few ideas! Great picture Charic will launch the 'official' July thread later on...
  5. Thanks folks! It was a team effort by Mike (urb), Rebecca, Donnie and myself - and one that I'm proud of It wasn't the easiest thing to do but only because of the short time we had. As mentioned, we're now forming a loose 'collective' with the aim of writing new material in the autumn (in fact the ideas have already started...), which is very exciting. Really great to see so many votes this month - thanks to Douglas, Nige, Silvia and others for plugging it! And even better to have so many entries, including new faces. Good stuff. We'll get back to you with a pic for next month ASAP. Rick: Mike or I will send it via PM. Oh and good to see you weren't voted an idiot... Indisputable proof there mate. Cherish it Cheers, Paul
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1372428558' post='2125669']Urb/Skol's track, I like very, very much, and a great team input all round [Vocals, Bass, Production are all great] but it don't seem to sit with the picture for me.[/quote] Thanks Garry! That's very positive feedback mate. I take your point about it not fitting the image as well as other entries. That's perhaps the only aspect of the collaboration that was difficult to coordinate within the timeframe we had. It was Rebecca (the singer) who interpreted the picture and hit upon the [i]"watching a world pass by"[/i] idea, so it was more of a lyrical link that an instrumental one. Other people here hit upon the "eerie ambience" of the picture much better, yourself included
  7. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1372409761' post='2125324']Slight concern is that I don't want to be spending time faffing with kit when I could be using the time to practice.[/quote] Recording always involves faffing with kit. It's unavoidable. But it soon becomes second nature, at which point you can just focus on making music. Besides, writing new material is a great way to practice, in my opinion. You'll learn a bunch of new tricks along the way. Nothing to lose, lots to gain...
  8. I currently have two 35" scale basses (a 4 and a 5-string) and one 34". I honestly don't have any issues switching between them. PS: I have a Peavey Cirrus BXP 5 and love it
  9. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1372407399' post='2125282']What is apparant, to me at leadt, is evidence to support the old idea that creating great music is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.[/quote] I'd agree with that. You obviously need that nugget of inspiration to start with (the 10%), but realising that idea and making the end result match what was dreamt up in the first instance is all down to graft. At least it is for me. I typically spend 2 hours a day working on music. I fit this in around a busy work life (I'm self-employed) and family life (we have an energetic two year-old!), normally finding some 'cave time' between 10pm-midnight or 6-8am. It's not always so regimented, but I do put the hours in as and when I can. Obsessively so. I watch hardly any TV and nights down the pub are a rarity, which helps. In a typical month I spend roughly 40 or so hours making music: that's probably split 10% practicing bass (which I'm keen to do more of...); 20% learning new techniques; and 70% mixing/producing new material. Less if work gets busy; more if I'm particularly inspired. Sometimes much more! This month was an exception and involved lots of midnight oil being burned... but I wanted to do justice to the work of Mike, Rebecca and Donnie who'd all provided such great material to work with. For this reason, Mike and I are going to nurture this collaboration outside of the BC challenges to give us some breathing space and let things develop less hurriedly. Although there is something to be said for working to deadlines But yeah, I'm rambling. The 90% perspiration is where it's at. But I'm constantly amazed at what people here manage to put together in a fraction of the time I typically spend on it. There's real value in that too.
  10. Ok, I've just finished listening and have voted. Loved it. Great work everyone. I've left comments on SoundCloud (mainly of the giddy, exclaiming sort!!!) but here are a bunch of notes I scribbled down along the way... [b]SpaceChick: [/b]Bloody good first effort! Bristling with ideas. Nice baseline. Love the spoken word - it's like a Grimm's fairy tale set to music. Production needs work but that will come with practice. A very likeable track. You've done yourself proud. [b]Steve:[/b] Nice title. Spooky. Beautifully ambient. Creative use of panning - I like! Some fantastic melodies weaving in and out throughout the track. I love that it's all bass… I did wonder whether it would benefit from a synth line or other form of instrumentation towards the end, but that's not a criticism (and I'm probably wrong!). I really like it. [b]Mornats:[/b] Nice bass tone. The movie samples are great!! Ooh, nice beat coming in… Like the strings. And the guitar! This tracks builds nicely, plenty of variety too (apart from the beat - but that's not a big issue). Ah, and just as I type that the beat changes! Nice one. Kept me listening keenly from start to finish. [b]Sibob:[/b] Hard to believe this is all bass and pedals - very impressive! Someone described it as 'Vangelis' in the comments (just checked and it was Bilbo) and I think that's spot on… and I'm a fan of Vangelis. Really like the minimalism and the [i]huuuge[/i] sense of space you've conjured up here. [b]Stephen Houghton:[/b] Nice production - sounds good thru my cans. The panning is nice - especially the subtle like TB303 acid line that burbles away hard left (unsurprisingly I like 303s!). Wow… loving that throat singing/didgeridoo sound. And the news/documentary samples. Your vocal is little lost in places - needs to be a little more prominent in the mix, but that's a minor point. Good track. [b]Bilbo: [/b]I really like how this slowly cranks up the anticipation from the start. Very atmospheric and gripping. Panning seems slightly odd - maybe a little too much to the right? (could be my ears). Lots of interesting ideas going on. The anticipation is kinda killing me…!! I'm expecting a wall of strings to flatten me any second now. Any. Second. Now. No? No. Probably better for it in fact. [b]CamdenRob:[/b] I love what you do with that looper pedal mate, and bonus points for putting on a 'live' show! Great playing, as before. Lovely tone too. Super relaxed. Right down to the slug of wine half way through. [b]lurksalot:[/b] Holy Moly Lurks, your production just keeps coming on in leaps each time mate! This sounds great. Really. I can tell you've gone to town on it. The drums are especially good for being MIDI - very convincing. Vocal is strong. Harmonica! Cool. Bass punches nicely. This is a well put together track. [b]discreet:[/b] Jesus H! That opening nearly blew my head off. Oh yes, I'm digging this one already. Very much the sound of my youth [i][that smiley is very apt].[/i] Nice synth. Now bring in a beat…. do it! YES!! This is positively slamming. Literally made me grin like a raving loon. [b]lowdown:[/b] Sounds amazing! I always admire your production skills mate. It literally fills my headphones. Nice rhythm. I especially like the scratchy, percussion stuff that's going on at the very edge of the stereo field. Really cool. Vocal sample is beautiful. Where are my socks? Oh, they've been blown off... [b]bobbass4k:[/b] This is very well put together and thought out… some cool time signatures going on too. I love the instrumentation - beautiful guitars, synths; everything fits together very well. Wow, it really builds! I like the crunchy guitar coming in (not sure about the one in my right ear - a little harsh but it got my attention!). Ramping up now… this is awesome stuff! Very creative mate. The production could do with a wee bit of work, but that's a very minor criticism of what is otherwise a fantastic track. My winner...? [spoiler]Well, it was going to be Discreet (it just gave me a flood of nostalgia), then Garry/lowdown (stunning piece of work mate), but in the end it was Rob/bobbass4k that got my attention this month - a really cool and creative track, that clearly had a lot of thought put into it. Well done mate![/spoiler]
  11. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1372284450' post='2123950']Come on BCers! Lets here your compositions!![/quote] Hi Simon. Not sure whether you're aware of this, but there's a bunch of music made by BCers [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210888-june-composition-competition-voting-time/"]right here[/url] Be great to have you join in one month! Paul
  12. I thought it was clear that the title of the thread was meant tongue-in-cheek as a way of catching people's attention. Like Douglas' "Naked female bassist" thread. It's worked as there's a lot of buzz around the composition challenge this month, which is great. Of course, each to their own in terms of why we all frequent this forum. I get bored rigid just talking about gear and am much more interested in hearing people's music, but that's me. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372338512' post='2124491']What I see happening on the recording forum is just a lot of backslapping; it's little more than a mutual appreciation society IMO. On the odd occasion somebody does say something less than positive they are invariably greeted with a sneery "well let's hear some of your stuff" response, as if the only way you can possibly have an opinion about anything posted is if you write & record stuff yourself.[/quote] I don't get that comment, however. I've been active in the Recording forum for a few years now and I've never yet come across anyone having a sneering attitude towards criticism of their music. Is there a specific example of this that you have in mind, Rhys? I'm just curious, 'cos it sounds very out of character for what I find to be a very friendly and supportive environment for sharing new music. Much more so than other music forums. Yes, we slap each other on the back - but we also offer lots of constructive ideas for how to improve. I've personally been quite blunt about people's music in the past and nobody has yet turned round and bitten me because of it. But maybe you've had a different experience that I'm unaware of. Anyway, it's safe to say that Nige and Clarky weren't intending to rattle anyone here. The point they're making - and which I wholeheartedly agree with - is that we're a community of musicians, yet we often neglect to listen to each other's music. But of course, how and why [i]you[/i] choose to use the forum is your own business and you're totally entitled to it
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1372329180' post='2124312']Ordered! Thanks Paul If you have any more books that would help a novice like me, I'd like to hear them [/quote] No probs Milty! It's a great book. You realise that it's author, Mike Senior, is the same Mike who gave detailed comments on last month's mixing challenge?? (just saying in case you hadn't twigged the connection ). Here are some other books I have at home... but I'd wait until you're finished with 'Mixing Secrets' as you might not need them: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mixing-Audio-Concepts-Practices-Tools/dp/0240522222/ref=pd_sim_b_5 ^ Doesn't offer much that isn't already covered in Mike's book - if anything - but I'm just a geek who loves devouring books on this stuff. It's also a wee bit more technical, so not ideal as a first text. http://www.amazon.co.uk/ZEN-Art-Mixing-Mixerman/dp/1423491505/ref=pd_sim_b_1 ^ Highly recommended. It doesn't really tell you anything about the technical side of mixing, but it tell you a lot about how to [i]think about[/i] mixing.
  14. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1372326739' post='2124261']These days one man and a PC seem to be able to produce top quality recordings. Skol's stuff on here is amazing quality, you'd have had to spend hours and serious money in a commercial studio for that when I used to record regularly.[/quote] Thanks Rob! Trust me, it still takes hours (and in most cases days) to produce music 'in the box' using a computer. There's no magic involved... just graft But of course it can be done these days without having to re-mortage your house to pay for racks of outboard gear. I've plugged this book many times before, but for anyone interested this is [i]the[/i] most useful resource I've found for home music-making: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mixing-Secrets-Small-Studio-Senior/dp/0240815807
  15. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1372285636' post='2123962']Thanks for this - can I not use the Zoom B9 as the 'box' - what leads would I need then?[/quote] I've just quickly searched on Google and the Zoom B9 has a USB port on the back of it, which enables it to function just like an audio interface. Here's the blurb: [i]"The USB port on the B9.1ut provides audio interface capability for recording to digital audio software. To utilize the sounds of the B9.1ut in a computer-based recording environment, simply connect the unit via USB to your computer"[/i] (http://www.zoom.co.jp/english//products/b91ut/). So yes, you can connect it to your Macbook using a standard USB cable, which probably came bundled in the box when you bought it. If not, you can pick up a USB cable online or from somewhere like Maplin. If you don't have one already, you need to check the socket on the back of the Zoom (it's labeled 'USB') to make sure you get the right type of cable, but from what I can make out looking at pictures online it seems to be this sort: http://tinyurl.com/nv5tuxq Hope that helps.
  16. Hi Bagsie, Firstly, good on you mate! The monthly music competition is great fun. And VERY addictive. I'm sure you'll love it. Secondly, it sounds like the only thing you need is an audio interface - a 'box' that plugs in to the USB socket of your computer, into which you can then plug your bass (and other instruments) using a standard guitar/mic lead. This is a good one to consider: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B002R9ILOY ...and there are cheaper options out there too. Although expect to pay around the £100 mark on average. GarageBand is a great bit of software and ideal for beginners. Tons of YouTube videos out there to get you started on how to use it for recording, arranging, etc. Happy to give you more advice but I need to get my head down (it's been a long day!). Don't hesitate to ask for more info - plenty of folks here very willing to oblige Paul
  17. Nige: I like your tactics and couldn't agree more with the sentiment. Clarky: ditto. I know you're both active in the Recording forum yourselves, but I feel like I should say cheers anyway. So cheers! New music is what really makes this community shine in my opinion
  18. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1372282968' post='2123928']thanks all for a lovely evening listening![/quote] Thanks Luke! Very kind words from you mate. The bass playing is all Mike's (urb). As are the lead synths. We worked together on this one and yeah - all done from start to finish in 3 weeks. Plenty of midnight oil burned in the process, but hopefully time well spent. Thanks for your support. And cheers for commenting on everyone's work. That's what it's all about
  19. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1372263739' post='2123602']Skol/Urbs... You must have been on the ball trying to get organise the four of you[/quote] It was a lot to do in just three weeks - especially fitting everything around work and family life! - but we managed it. It really helped that everyone was 'on the ball' and keen to make a good job of it. Both vocals were supplied within a couple of days of us getting in touch (I think Donnie even recorded his the same day) and we just 'clicked' as a team - moreso than I'd ever anticipated. We're using this experience as a springboard to start work on more material in the autumn as Mike mentioned. Very exciting. In the meantime I'm teaming up with Rob (Rockford Stone) for another collaborative project next month - a very different gig, which will be fun. After that it'll be heads down with Mike and co. for more ninja beats and Bruce Lee basslines Plus my usual monthly efforts here. It's good to be busy!
  20. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1372236510' post='2123106']I'm very proud of the work we did here and I'm hoping to put together a video for this tune and then begin work on proper recording project with Paul towards the end of August... we'll keep you all posted.[/quote] Ditto. It's been a helluva month! Busy, hectic, creative, inspiring... great fun. Certainly the start of things to come Thanks again to everyone's very positive comments. It's a huge confidence boost and I am - as always - truly honoured to be a part of this community. Twelve entries this month which is great to see. I'm looking forward to listening thru them myself and picking a favourite. Salut comrades! Paul
  21. Douglas is now the official PR Officer of the composition challenge. Sterling work, sir! Thanks to everyone who's voted thus far (and to Nige for the kind words earlier - cheers bud!). Great to see such a buzz around the new music that's been put out this month by BC members. I love this place
  22. Douglas, you are a genius Thanks for the support!
  23. Would I pay for membership of Basschat? Yes. But would paid membership have put me off coming here in the first place? Also yes. Hence although I'm all for supporting this community financially, I think paid membership would prevent a lot of new people from joining and cut off the 'lifeblood' that brings in new talent and ideas.
  24. I know you want to avoid Peavey ...but I've got a Peavey Cirrus BXP 5 at home and love it. Very playable, well built and offers a wide variety of tones (mine is strung with flats). They're around £450 new but I managed to pick one up second hand for £200. http://www.gak.co.uk/en/peavey-cirrus-bxp-5-string-quilt-top-tiger-eye/51256
  25. [b]Voting has just started on the Basschat Composition Challenge.[/b] We've got twelve entries this month, which is a fantastic effort! Please have a listen and pick your favourite. You'll put a big, gawky grin on somebody's face. And besides, this is what music communities are all about... right!? Go on, you know you want to... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210888-june-composition-competition-voting-time/"][size=6][b][color=#B22222]VOTE HERE[/color][/b][/size][/url]
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