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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. PS: I use Reason as my DAW, which doesn't use standard VST/AU plug-ins (long story...). So, if anybody can recommend any good quality - and free! - EQ plug-ins to assist with this month's challenge then please post links to them here. I think it'll be of great help to anyone who's new to EQ'ing and might be wondering which products to use. Ta.
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1371516669' post='2115031']I NEED SOME TIPS..! [/quote] [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371548598' post='2115226']TIPS! [/quote] Ok guys! You ask, you get... Perhaps the biggest challenges this month are:[list] [*]Working with a track that hasn't been recorded in a big 'pro' studio: hence the individual stems need cleaning up to remove unwanted noise/artefacts. [*]Working with a limited number of stems: which places major constraints on fine tuning and 'finessing' the mix. [/list] So how to go about dealing with it? Well, perhaps the most useful tool for a job like this one is an EQ plug-in. And specifically, a plug-in that offers both shelving EQ (used for cutting/boosting the low or high end) and parametric EQ (used to cut/boost around a specific frequency). [url="http://blog.basschat.co.uk/equalisation/"]51m0n's mixing blog[/url] has an article on EQ'ing that I recommend as a great starting point for anyone new to it. [b]Here's how I'll be going about starting on this mix myself...[/b] 1) Firstly, listen to each track individually and pick out the features you like and dislike about it. Jot down some brief notes about each. Do any frequency bands sound particularly nice or nasty? (thinking broadly at this stage: lows, low-mids, mids, high-mids, highs). Are there any unwanted noises or artefacts from the recording process that will need removing? 2) Work on each mix stem individually, add a high-pass filter (HPF) and slowly dial up the frequency from the lowest setting (usually 20Hz) until you start to hear the sound become affected - in this case, it will start to lose its low end. Dial back the frequency of the HPF a little until the sound appears pretty much unchanged. Now do the same for the high end frequencies using a low pass filter (LPF): this time dialing downwards from 20KHz. This process removes unwanted low-end rumble and high-end white noise, which helps to clean up your mix and give you more headroom to work with. 3) Now apply an [b]EQ plug-in[/b] to each mix stem individually. Start by dialing in a boost of around +6-8 Db (taking care if working on headphones!), at a Q setting of around 2-3 (a rounded rather than shallow curve) and use the frequency dial to sweep up and down along the frequency range. Listen out for the resonant frequencies of different instruments - the frequencies at which they become much louder / boomier / muddier / more nasal, etc. Once you hit upon a 'boomy/loud' section, increase (i.e. narrow) the Q setting and again, sweep along the frequency range to hone in on the resonant frequency (i.e. where the sound becomes the loudest). In most cases you probably want to apply a cut at these frequencies, but the resonant frequency can also be one you want to boost - there's no hard rule here and it all depends on the context, so let your ears be the judge. Also, try sweeping along the frequency range using a cut instead of a boost. Try cutting around -6/8 Db, this time listening out for when instruments fade away, or perhaps become clearer and better defined. Use both of these process to identify:[list] [*]Unwanted frequencies that you'd like to cut; and [*]Useful frequencies that you might consider boosting. [/list] [b]As a general rule, it's usually better to cut rather than boost when using EQ.[/b] Why? Because EQ cuts sound more natural to our ears. [list] [*]When cutting, use a shallow EQ to make broad strokes (i.e. a low Q setting of around 1, cutting between 1-4 Db) and use sharp, surgical cuts to chop out problematic sounds without having too much impact on surrounding frequencies (i.e. using a high Q setting and a greater Db drop). [*]When boosting, it's generally better to boost gentle yet broad, rather than boosting sharp and steep. In other words, use a low Q setting and boost between 1-4 Db (ideally no more than 6 Db) around the your desired frequency. Sharp, steep boosts can sound very unnatural... but that might be the effect you want! Again, follow your ears. [/list] [b]Lastly... the drums![/b] With this particular mix, there's no scope to easily tweak the sound of individual elements of the kit (apart from the kick). So you're going to have to use careful EQing to achieve the same aim - or at least, as close to the same aim as is possible! If you want to boost the snare, for example, then you'll need to work out which frequencies of the drum stem will need boosting or cutting or achieve that. It's going to take a lot of careful listening and EQing to get it sounding anywhere near 'right'. So, err yeah, have fun with that ...a long ramble but I hope that helps to get you started! If you need tips about anything in particular, just ask - I'm no expert but I'm always happy to share what I know.
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371513070' post='2115007']I'M SO OUT OF MY DEPTH THIS IS SO EXCITING! [/quote] Some [i]very[/i] different challenges to the last one, Milty. This time it's less a case of 'balancing' all the different sounds and more one of 'processing' them. In particular, using parametric EQ cuts (Google!) to remove the noise in each mix stem that you don't want. Shout up if you need any tips.
  4. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1371512407' post='2114994'] one track of premixed drums?? this is gonna need some work!!! [/quote] Damn right. Don't anybody be fooled by the mere seven stems and think to themselves: "ooh, an easy one!" Each stem is going to need a lot of work to help compensate for the raw recording - some more than others. The drums being an especially tricky customer. Time to sharpen your surgical EQ and "get all Medieval on it"
  5. June/July mix challenge is now up! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210326-junejuly-mix-competition-just-launched/"]Go here.[/url]
  6. [size=6][b]BASSCHAT MIXING CHALLENGE - JUNE/JULY - [color=#ff0000]THE RESULTS![/color][/b][/size] The voting has finished and I'm happy to announce that this month's winner is [b]ironside1966[/b] with over 45% of the vote! Very well done indeed Here are the scores on the doors... MIX 01: moonbass (1 vote) MIX 02: ironside1966 (14 votes) MIX 03: ras52 (1 vote) MIX 04: Skol303 (2 votes) MIX 05: lurksalot (1 vote) MIX 06: Dad3353 (1 vote) MIX 07: MiltyG565 (1 vote) MIX 08: alexien90 (3 votes) MIX 09: jaroslav.celujko (7 votes) [b]MIX 1[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-01"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-01[/url] [b]MIX 2[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-02"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-02[/url] [b]MIX 3[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-03"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-03[/url] [b]MIX 4[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-04"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-04[/url] [b]MIX 5[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-05"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-05[/url] [b]MIX 6[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-06"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-06[/url] [b]MIX 7[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-07"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-07[/url] [b]MIX 8[/b] [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-08"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-08[/url] [b]MIX 9 [/b][url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge/mix-09"]https://soundcloud.c...hallenge/mix-09[/url] Well done to everyone who entered. Now it's time to spill the beans on your own mix and post constructive feedback on others... like a big, soppy group hug... aww!
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371474180' post='2114232']Cool! Hopefully I can land on the moon before you get the thread up... That wasn't a joke...[/quote] [i]"We come in peace for all mankind..."[/i] Just beware the Clangers. They look cute with those long, pink noses but at the first whiff of fear you've had it!! Another good reason for vacuum-sealed spacesuits. And a low carb diet.
  8. A quick update: I've just been sent the stems for the next mixing challenge. I'm going to check them out tonight after work and assuming all's well, I'll set up a new thread for the next challenge later this evening. It's going to be 'back to basics' this time... no big studio stems, just some good honest DIY recording and all the challenges that go with it Watch this space... [size=2][not literally, I mean go do something useful in the meantime][/size]
  9. I still haven't caught up with listening to everyone's entries thus far... I might leave it till the end this month, unless temptation gets the better of me. The track that Mike (urb) and I are collaborating on is coming together well. We're just waiting for a vocal from a our third cohort in the US and then it'll be time to finish it off. It's probably the most intense 3 minutes of music I've ever worked on. Great fun
  10. It's one of the following: A) Your mate sanctioned the new bassline and didn't tell you because he didn't want to hurt your feelings (the wrong thing to do, but he probably meant no evil by it). B ) The engineer took it upon himself to re-record the bass and your mate either wasn't told or didn't notice. C) Your mate and the engineer are in cahoots and now planning your assassination to avoid any future disputes over the album credits. I'd wager it's most likely A... in which case have a friendly chat about it and clear the air. If we don't hear from you following this thread then we'll know it was C
  11. Honestly? Well at the time, aged 16-17, it was... 1. Being crazy about music (then heavy metal) and wanting to be like my teenage hero, Cliff Burton. 2. The belief it would get me laid. 3. Everyone else played guitar - and bass just sounded 'cooler'.
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371204183' post='2111107'] Yay! Hang on... I'm foreman? COOL! Alright, sweep that up, put that over there, screw that on, let's get finished and get home, folks, it's Friday ffs! [/quote] I'm downing tools and calling the Union... I never signed up for [i]this!![/i]
  13. Came here looking for advice about what bass to buy (after a 10 year hiatus of not owning one). Got some great feedback. Bought a pedal from someone in the marketplace. Was told to learn notation by Bilbo (who isn't? ). Found everyone to be a very friendly and genuine bunch... and that was that. Me = happily hooked!
  14. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1371210896' post='2111224']Er, <cough>, um, isn't it July 12th? Plenty of time... take your time mate <snigger> <evil laugh>[/quote] Hehe, sneaky I think I'm going to be working on this month's right up to the wire... which I know [i]isn't[/i] July 12th! (but that would be nice...).
  15. I've got wood! ...literally Paul picked up the materials for the build yesterday, so things are back underway. The mahogany apparently has a nice tap tone, which is great. Hardware is being ordered as a next step while Paul gets to work on the bass itself. I'll keep y'all posted as and when I hear more (especially Milty, who is now the honorary foreman of this project). In the meantime, here are some pics... [i]The wood: mahogany and wenge[/i] [i]Paul sizing up materials[/i]
  16. [quote name='triviul' timestamp='1371150147' post='2110628']As promised, here are some (again rather disorganised, I'm afraid!) thoughts on the rest of the mixes. Glad the previous comments have been of some use. Overall, I have to say that the quality of all these mixes was really high, especially given that the BassChat site seems ostensibly more aimed at musicians/performers than at mix engineers![/quote] Mike, again, a HUGE thanks on behalf of us all! Your feedback is first class - well, I'd expect nothing less to be honest Very useful and insightful - I've learnt plenty comparing your mix notes with my own, and you have a great way of getting across your comments while remaining positive and encouraging. It's been a great boost to a small yet passionate community like ours. And I'm sure we'll go from strength to strength with your advice ringing in our ears (....although the ringing may well be tinnitus from too much Uncle Dad. It sure is one catchy tune). Thanks again and keep in touch. You're amongst friends here. Paul
  17. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1371132922' post='2110239']Re my collab with the Skol-meister - it's all coming on rather well, I'm not going to comment on the track at all as I want it to be a surprise when it's done - but it's sounding killer so far - just awaiting some vocals... [/quote] I'll second that I'm very excited about this month's track. Still plenty of work to be done but it's shaping up nicely. Speaking of which, Rik: what's the deadline for entries? I'm guessing Monday 24th?
  18. Great quote from producer/songwriter Ethan Johns in the current issue of Sound On Sound magazine: "The only way, in my opinion, to get a great bass sound is to have a great-sounding bass player... People hear Danny Thompson's bass sound and they go, 'Can you get me that sound?' And the answer is, 'No, I can't.' It's the way he plays it..." So, more time practicing and less time spent GASsing for me
  19. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1371028366' post='2108708']I've always found that a little common courtesy and treating engineers like people with an equal interest in making the night go well works wonders. If you make an enemy of crew by being in the least bit prima donna like then you get what you deserve...[/quote] Sound engineers and restaurant waiters share one thing in common... immense potential for revenge when ill-treated
  20. Wow! Fantastically useful feedback from Mike. Thanks again for offering up your words of wisdom as a prize this month. And for commenting on all of the mixes too - very generous. We're all going to learn plenty from it, so cheers A quick update on the next mix-off... Firstly that it will be starting on Monday next week (I'll be posting up a new thread for it that evening). Secondly that the genre is going to be reggae(ish!). I'm hoping to use some stems from a fellow Basschat member but failing that I'll use a track from Mike's online library. So oil your faders and sharpen your, err, ears? We'll be kicking off again soon...
  21. I use Wikipedia a lot (as a consumer not a contributor) and found your insight very interesting! Cheers for posting this
  22. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371033552' post='2108805']I think in that case, the running of the comp this month should be deferred to the next most capable and reliable member - Skol [/quote] Damn your flattery, Milty! To be honest I'd already volunteered to compile and upload everyone's mixes this time round, so I'm happy to step up and run the next mix-off in place of Si. He deserves a well-earned break anyway! I know Si and others are keen to try an EDM (electronic dance music) mix...so I suggest we put that off till maybe next time, giving Si the chance to take part. Reggae seems to be the next favourite genre in line. I'm particularly keen on using Basschat members' mix stems where possible - and I notice that xgsjx posted a link to some earlier. So I'll check them out and set up a new thread with either those stems or others ASAP. If anybody objects to a reggae track for the next one then speak now or forever hold your... well, you know the rest
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1370976561' post='2108239'] Have it for free, mate (I am far left - age 17/18) [/quote] Nice! It's got that classic, "ooh me back hurts" kinda vibe going on. Apart the guy stood next to you... I'm guessing he's the singer and hence carried no equipment, allowing for his more upright stance. Lightweight
  24. Wow, everyone is on the ball this month! Great stuff I haven't had chance to properly listen to anyone's new postings since Deb's, but will do so and share some feedback next chance I get. Mike (urb) and I are underway with our collaborative effort this month, joined by a lady called Rebecca Romine from California. Looking forward to sharing what we've created with y'all once it's finished! Paul
  25. Some nice ideas here for the next mix-off! I like Garry's suggestion of a cinematic score, as well Twig and xgsjx's idea of a reggae tune, and Si/butler's suggestion of some electronic dance music. I'd be happy with any of those genres myself.
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