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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1369944868' post='2094902']No worries Paul. I'll have made your bass before/ if I even make a start on this project.[/quote] You're a good 'un mate! If you need any advice on the recording set up side of things then there are plenty folks on here that can help - 51m0n and Rimskidog spring to mind immediately. Sounds like a great idea to me anyway.
  2. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1369994880' post='2095268'] I am upset that I was conned into voting for Skol by this terrifying anonymity. He needs no more help at winning stuff and were it not that the result went the other way, I would be calling for him to be barred from entry. [/quote] I am legion! And something of a jammy git...
  3. Some interesting insights above. Keep 'em coming folks! I scribbled various notes while listening through all of the mixes, which I'll summarise and post here sometime over the weekend. Good to see these challenges going from strength to strength, and even better that new people are coming onboard (welcome Douglas!). Cheers all.
  4. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1369990697' post='2095198']I think you may be my northern doppelganger Paul [/quote] There's increasingly strong evidence to support this mate. For one I'm partial to cider... [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1370000187' post='2095352']...I went to Donington 91 just to see Metallica, and came away as a massive AC/DC fan[/quote] ...and secondly I was there too! Came away with Jason Newstead's plectrum in my pocket, no less. Good times PS: one of the biggest fanboy moments of my youth was discovering Nomeansno (I still love them now). Everyone was listening to Nirvana at the time - and rightly so, they were great - and then I stumbled upon this weird Canadian band that just seemed to do everything faster and harder. My mates all hated it but I got hooked. I still think Rob Wright is an unsung hero among bassists.
  5. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1369992237' post='2095226']Skol and I are off to lick our wounds and sulk in the corner [/quote] I'll bring the beers, you pack some chips'n'dips... we might as well sulk with snacks! Seriously though, well done everyone - it's been a [i]really[/i] good mix-off this month. A round of applause for our winners, Moonbass and Ironside. I'm looking forward to hearing some mix notes from you guys! (c'mon spill those beans...). I've also developed a newfound love for country music as part of this process, which is something I didn't envisage at the start of it. All good. Here's to the next one
  6. I usually get the greatest 'fanboy' click with bands/artists that I feel I've discovered for myself, rather than those I've encountered via regular media. It's not always that simple, but a sense of having uncovered something special for myself is a big part of it. If my friends or partner happen to pull a face of dislike at my newfound fandom, then that only serves to reinforce it even more! That's when my undying teenage rebellion kicks in...
  7. That's fantastic, well done Dave! I'll try to dig it out on iPlayer after the show. PS: I'm jealous of your upright! [size=2]...that sounds more rude than intended.[/size]
  8. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1369921705' post='2094484'] Ages to go yet... Forgotten there was a move at the end of it, there's a general sieving of the enormous amount of stuff we own going on at the moment. Therapeutic, but difficult. Ta.[/quote] I feel your pain mate - I'm doing exactly the same myself at the moment. Managed to safely stash my record collection with relatives so there's no chance of any vinyl getting purged in the great clean-out. Although back issues of old music magazines might have to go the way of the recycling bin as a compromise. I'm a terrible hoarder - as is Mrs Skol - so it's not an easy process!
  9. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1369919221' post='2094450']...I was thinking of entering these but it would just not be up to the same level as everyone elses![/quote] BIG thanks for voting Myke! And don't let what other people are doing put you off from entering something yourself in future. The voting is just the tip of the iceberg... the real enjoyment to be had is in the process itself and learning tips and tricks from others along the way. [i]"It's about the journey not the destination, man"[/i] Anyway, thanks again mate. Paul
  10. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1369916802' post='2094412']...insulation is supposed to reduce cavity resonance.[/quote] Would that be a job for Phil McCavity? [i][ba-da-boom-tish!][/i] ...I'll get me coat.
  11. ^ Thanks for the support folks! It's hugely appreciated by us all
  12. I liked Deep Valley. There's was something Sabbath-ish about that riff they had going on. Definitely a band I'm going to keep a beady eye on... Speaking of which, I really liked their parting song but Liam is such a **** he makes my skin crawl with embarrassment. He's like a cartoon character these days.
  13. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1369908958' post='2094229']I for one always enjoy listening and voting and will at some point join in myself!![/quote] Thanks SpaceChick! You, Nige, Douglas, Dave... you all show plenty of support for what goes on in the Recording forum, so a MASSIVE thanks on behalf of everyone. Nige and Dave often roll up their sleeves and get stuck in - it'd be great if you had a go at it too. No pressure... It's about time we had some "sisters doin' it for themselves" in the monthly challenges. Might be a good excuse to record something with that new bass you've bought (yes, nobody escapes the GAS Police). [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1369909737' post='2094250']...so come on, get voting NOW..! I said 'NOW..!', so jump to it, you lazy bunch of undernourished vermin...[/quote] Thanks Douglas! I like your sales pitch - much better than mine. And cheers for your unfailing support. I doff my cap at you, sir [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1369911301' post='2094285']silly busy again, managed to squeeze in the mix comp last thursday night and voted there. Hoping to grab a spare half hour in the next day or so to do this one as well.[/quote] Cheers Dave! Hope the house move is going alright mate.
  14. Awww shucks, I [i]really[/i] wanted to go to this gig but couldn't make it! Good to hear about it though I walk past the Ritz daily on my way home from work, so I loitered around like a groupie for a little while hoping to catch a glimpse of Nile et al (unsuccessfully).
  15. Aye, poor show this month. I'm guessing that everyone's got voting fatigue, what with Eurovision having just been on now Britain's Got Talent is ramping up the stakes Anyway, cheers Nige! I know we can always count on you mate.
  16. [size=5]...15 Basschat members have voted thus far. Only 26,764 remaining.[/size] [size=4]If you haven't yet voted, then[/size] shame on you and fool me once. Shame you twice, err, you can't get fooled again! Fool!!
  17. Final BUMP! Support your fellow BC'ers and please vote.
  18. Sounds like a great idea to me Paul! Especially the idea of offering some sort of recording set up too. I can see that being a big attraction. You're going to be busy what with this and building a certain someone's bass...
  19. Damn you Nige! I have a Facebook account but never use it. And when I do log-on it alerts people that I've done so, which means I then have to deal with a bunch of pokes and other sh*t, explaining to friends/family that I don't use it and I'm not being rude by not replying, well not most of the time, and that they might as well try contacting me via semaphore or carrier pigeon, which would be no more/less effective than using Facebook... you get the picture. Anyway, I logged on and voted. Sent out a quick spam on Tw@tter too. Because you're worth it PS: regardless of Basschat comradery, I thought your track was the best of the bunch by a country mile.
  20. Slammin' track and a great vid - especially for no budget! The drummer needs to put a top on but that's a minor quibble from someone with a healthy phobia of bare chested drummers
  21. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1369749430' post='2092271']But then again I like the throw the poop at a wall Idea too....[/quote] Pics or it didn't happen
  22. The Blackshirts were Italian fascist paramilitaries... so not the best choice of name. Unless of course you [i]are[/i] a fascist paramilitary, in which case it's pretty much perfect. Choosing a band name is such a personal thing, I wouldn't personally throw it open to suggestions from others (not even from a high class establishment like Basschat ). I mean, you might as well just hurl some poop against a wall and see if it sticks in the shape of some letters, or something. A bit like alphabet spaghetti. But with poop. Best leave that idea alone, me thinks... Maybe try stealing a line from a film or song that you like. It's worked for plenty of other bands. List here: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bands_named_after_other_performers%27_songs"]http://en.wikipedia....ormers%27_songs[/url]
  23. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1369743377' post='2092170']think part of my problem is stress from work. it isn't helping that the "band" i'm in is so sporadic and is showing no signs of getting anywhere after 6 months which is putting pressure on me to write my own stuff. i think im writing because i need to do something, not because im inspired of WANT to do it. ive not gigged in 438 days, so i am somewhate inactive musically and it is frustrating the hell out of me [/quote] That sounds like the problem right there Rob. I'm picturing those days chalked off on your wall like a prison cell. Typically, good ideas never appear when forced under pressure - which is why I find the BC monthly challenges such fun, as there's no real pressure other than the critical ears of folks on here (but at least we're all among friends on this forum - a rare thing based on my experience of other music communities where egos run rampant). I'm no Sigmund Freud, but it sounds like your songwriting is in danger of becoming a labour of 'work', rather than something you do for 'play'. I think once you're able shift that balance then hopefully you'll find the pressure will lift and new ideas will start flowing again. You'll know best how to go about that yourself, but that'd be my tip for starters.
  24. Some good advice posted here already. The only time I ever tend to get a creative block is when I'm strung out about other stuff going on in my life - money worries have always been the worst culprit in the past. That said, some people can take inspiration from strife (the entire blues genre, for example!)... but for me it just clouds things when my mind is constantly flitting elsewhere. So if you've got a 'background hum' of stress then that could be what's causing your writers block. At least that's been my own experience. Other than that, I find listening to new music is a great source of inspiration. And especially music that I wouldn't normally choose to listen to. Give me an hour or so of browsing internet radio stations and my head will be bursting with ideas! Try it
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