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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1367475924' post='2066049']Thump..... ( Bilbo's head hitting the desk)[/quote] I'm at work and that made me grin so wide I had to explain myself I could throw in some comment about Moondance, as is the tradition, but I worry that would probably finish you off. Bear with us, Bilbo... and keep taking the happy pills until the concussion subsides.
  2. I'm not going to even attempt jazz in a conventional sense (if jazz has any conventions? Maybe that's an oxymoron). If I did it would be a poor imitation. So I'm probably going to approach it with broader strokes and just aim for something 'jazzy' and 'urban'... once I've decided on what those words mean
  3. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1367425595' post='2065531']can i just steal your idea and pass it off as my own.... would really improve my chances[/quote] Currently my idea looks like this... ...but give it time mate! And a few glasses of wine. And more time. And more wine. Then a good night's sleep. And typically, the next day while, oh I dunno, seated on the lavatory I'll be struck with inspiration and hey presto! It's a moment to share, for sure
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1367424103' post='2065508']Errrr. Lowdown got another vote? Too late to count, I assume?[/quote] Yeah sorry Bilbo, the party's finished. Same thing happened back in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190256-october-composition-competition-voting-time/"]October.[/url] Once Charic pulls up the drawbridge, that's it. Don't worry, plenty of scope for you to see my compositional ass suitably kicked this month I'm sure
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367423136' post='2065483']Ah, good stuff! I'm just about to upload a mix, and unmixed version, but I doubt i'm finished now, given this new info [/quote] Nice one Milty, quick work! [color=#B22222][b]JUST DON'T SHARE YOUR MIX IN THIS THREAD OR YOU'LL BE BANNED FROM THE COMPETITION!![/b][/color] [i][< said in a kind of, "Noooo, not the green wire!" type slow-motion urgency][/i] Seriously though, don't. It's one of the rules of the competition laid down by Grand Vizier 51m0n to ensure a blind voting process at the end of it (and it's worth it). Finished mixes should be uploaded somewhere 'secret' and a link PM'd to Si once you're happy with your final mix. You can of course ask for hints and tips and discuss your mix however you like - just words though, no sounds. "Be pure! Be vigilant! Behave!"
  6. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1367423011' post='2065478']looking at these and at the moment............. i got nuffin' [/quote] In the words of Bruce Lee (or possibly Yoda): [size=5]"Don't look... [i]feel[/i]" [/size][size=5] [/size] [size=4]Seriously though Rob, it doesn't need to be a literal interpretation of the pictures. They're just meant to be a jump-off point for your imagination. I'm sure you'll hit upon something mate - be good to have you on board again.[/size]
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1367417790' post='2065388']If one tries to create a Jazz feel, it is harder because the level of playing s is higher and getting a jazz feel out of sequencers and midi is nigh on impossible .[/quote] Might be time to dust off the upright and share some of your live playing with us, Bilbo. [size=4]Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on...!![/size]
  8. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1367412996' post='2065295']PM the pic please rather than posting it up straight away [/quote] Will do mate.
  9. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1367410608' post='2065242'] Close one this month - lots of good stuff all round. Well done to everyone..!! Just looking for a picture at this moment.[/quote] Ditto [size=3][*sips rum punch*][/size] [size=4]Thanks for all the positive words, folks![/size] I'm both honoured and slightly embarassed to have had such a good run with these monthly challenges. April was particularly close - there was barely a handful of votes between all of the entries. Five votes would have put anyone into the lead. Still, we got more votes in total than March, which is good. Although more would [i]always[/i] be better! It's a pittance really given the size of this community, but that's not me being ungrateful. I'm just surprised more people here aren't keen to have a listen. I guess you can lead a horse to water, etc, etc... As an idea, I was thinking that those of us taking part could perhaps share an 'advert' in our email signature during the week of voting, plugging the competition. Just a thought. Might help to badger more folks into voting. But no matter. We have a nice, close-knit thing going on here and that's cool Will post a pic for this month along with Garry ASAP (early evening if not this afternoon). Just need to sleep off the conch chowder first... Zzzzzzzz.
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367367229' post='2064875']Ah, so what do i do now?[/quote] Fear not Milty! Lurks is absolutely right that Logic doesn't natively support VST plug-ins... [i]but[/i] it does support AU plug-ins (Audio Units: essentially a Mac-only version of VSTs). You can download a version of SPAN - a superb and free spectrum analyzer plug-in that includes everything you need to do the K-metering - using the link below: [url="http://www.voxengo.com/product/span/"]http://www.voxengo.com/product/span/[/url] (The download links are near the top of the page in a green box). 51m0n here is the man to advise on setting up SPAN as a K-Meter. He's given tips on this earlier in the thread and I'm sure would be happy to help. I can give you some pointers myself too (although I'm a newcomer to K-meter stuff) but not right now as I'm off to bed Oh and welcome aboard mate. Good to have you in the Recording forum!
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1367359746' post='2064804']Paul, thanks again mate, it's so lovely you like it so much. x[/quote] No worries, bud. I'm always happy to support fellow BC'ers, but in this instance I didn't need to try being helpful or encouraging - it's just a rollockingly good EP. The sort of music that used to make my job worthwhile when I was a music journo. Bask in the glory. Get out there and shout about it. And get your collective arses Northwards!
  12. Right… I've had a listen now. F-ing brilliant! Really. Trust is probably my 'stand out' track on the EP. If I heard it on the radio for the first time, I'd immediately want to to know who was behind it and would end up humming it all day. It's [i]that[/i] good in my opinion. A beautifully crafted song; very striking and memorable; credible but also 'accessible' (? - struggling for the right word there). To put it another way: it's the sort of song I'd love to hear doing well in the charts - akin to the likes of Ellie Goulding, Laura Mvula and co. Not in terms of how it sounds, but because it represents what's great about good pop music. And I like good pop music The Settle, How to Breathe and Private Universe also great. Very clever - and in places very sad - lyrics that clearly have a lot of emotion and thought behind them. And Kit's voice is something else (Mrs Skol still thinks she sounds like a young Kate Bush - that's a compliment, of course!). The whole EP hangs together well and has a strong sense of identity. They're unmistakably 'Kit Richardson' tracks - not just in terms of that very distinctive vocal, but the instrumentation too. All tightly played and nothing fighting for attention. Although there's something about the bass sound… something strangely 'silky' about it!? Production-wise I can't offer much in the way of constructive criticism. The mix sounds great! Pro quality. I've only listened on cans so far - too late to play it loud tonight, but I'll enjoy doing so over the weekend. In short: I love it Nige. Hugely chuffed for you mate. I'd be astonishingly proud of something like this. Now get yourselves up North so I can experience it live!!
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367270494' post='2063627'] I do it for the cash, the birds, the booze, the drugs, the violence, the guns... and the laughter. [/quote] This. And custard.
  14. ^ Cheers D! That made me laugh Or to put it more poetically... Seriously folks - my final plea (promise!) - if you get time please have a listen to the entries and show your support with a simple mouse-click. We're not asking you to read our manifestos... just to give your opinion on 30 minutes of new music. I mean, that's what musicians are supposed to do, right!? Think of it like the Tuesday episode of Jules Holland, only better. Sort of. There's currently a mere handful of votes separating each entry. So now's the time to stir up some drama in the final 24hrs of voting... Get to it!
  15. Another CD sale here. Hand-painted artwork is a great idea. Looking forward to giving it a good, loud listen
  16. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1367232519' post='2062780'] My pleasure. I really enjoyed it. Kit and the band were on top form and you're like the mad professor of bass. All those sounds add to the songs though and aren't there for no reason. I doff my cap. It's not every gig I go home with the bass players missus either [/quote] Wow, sounds like it was a, err, [i]swinging[/i] gig! (ba-da-boom-tish) Seriously though, great to hear it went well. Wish I'd have been there myself. Nige - is the EP now available to purchase online?
  17. ...21 votes so far[i]. Make yours the 22nd![/i]
  18. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1367152293' post='2061738']urgh , sidechain gates and compressors , I have entered a mix but will have do some further reading , I have only just got the fundamentals of EQ in my head , so thats pretty much what I have done [/quote] Don't worry Lurks! 'Sidechaining' is when you use the ouput of one instrument to control a dyanmic processor attached to another.... hmmm, that's no clearer is it?! Ok, as an example: you might run the output of a kick drum into the 'sidechain' input of a compressor that's linked up to a bass guitar. So... every time the kick hits, it sends a signal to the compressor that 'ducks' (reduces) the volume of the bass, helping the kick to punch its way through the mix more easily. That's one common use of side-chaining but there are plenty more. Worth experimenting with, but it's not a [i]vital[/i] skill to learn like EQ'ing (IMO). PS: I started on the mix yesterday, and can I just say that I'm really liking this track!! Really, it's grown on me lots. I think I might actually be a closet country fan
  19. Wouldn't you like that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that comes from making another bass player happy? [i]You would?[/i] [size=6]Then go listen and vote in the damned [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206094-voting-time-april-composition-competition-voting-time/page__pid__2061784#entry2061784"]composition competition[/url]! Do it!! [b]DO IT NOW!!![/b][/size] [size=3]THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC BROADCAST ON BEHALF OF FELLOW BC MEMBERS. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. AND YOUR LOVE. OK, JUST YOUR SUPPORT. FINE.[/size]
  20. Bumping this and wishing you well for tonight Nige! I'm sure you'll do yourselves proud. Let us know how it goes. Videos would be appreciated by us northern folk who aren't able to travel down for it PS: Sea Stacks sound cool. Like the vid.
  21. Good work Milty! I like the concept a lot. The name is great too - made me chuckle. ...in fact that's the only thing I think it needs more of: your sense of humour. Keep 'em coming mate. In the meantime, I've subscribed and 'liked'
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1367067864' post='2060863']Interesting question. Does anyone vote for themselves? [/quote] No. That wouldn't be cricket. Plus I've always assumed that Charic is privy to who's voted for whom... If not, well, I hate cricket anyway
  23. WEEKEND BUMP! ...why don't you switch off your TV set and go do something less boring instead?
  24. My fave upright player of all time? Probably Stanley Clarke. Or Mingus. The most interesting of the 'new school'? Almost certainly Basschat's own Jasper Hoiby... http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=ly8KniNgkXo
  25. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1366929937' post='2059272']No point in repeating, month after month, the same old congratulations, but due just the same. A fine crop.[/quote] [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1366958951' post='2059353']I think this was one of the hardest to vote on... Great entries guys [/quote] ^ Thanks both! We really appreciate your votes and kind words. Cheers for the continued support
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