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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Good on you, Steven! That's your 'baptism of fire' done and dusted on Basschat. You are now fully qualified to cause dramas of your own and run riot in the Off Topic forum Seriously though, keep us posted on your music and be sure to chip in on the Recording forum. We'd value your input. Paul
  2. THIS is what I love about Basschat! Big group hug all round (apologies if my beard gives anybody a rash...).
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1366573589' post='2054357'] Here's mine. I wanted to do more & even have some lyrics, but no time to do much else. I'm gonna go listen to the others now. [url="https://soundcloud.com/xgsjx/the-love-bug"]https://soundcloud.c...jx/the-love-bug[/url][/quote] Nice one Graeme! This sounds like it came straight from my record collection Very 808 State in the beginning (I think that birdcall sample is actually a species called the 'Great Northern Loon' - bit of ornithological, acid house trivia for ya there). The synth baseline has a sort of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmsbP13xu6k"]Mr Oizo "Flat beat"[/url] vibe to it, which I really like. 

I also dig the bangin' minimalism and the rave-style stabs. In fact, it reminds me a lot of the sort of music I used to party to during the 90s, so it gets a big thumbs up from me. By the sound of it we may have had a similarly misspent youth?!

 [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1366579262' post='2054506']Cheers Mike , I will have an entry in Defo , I have sussed the accent I need and a trick to get it some where near , but I have to re-record the vocal in the wardrobe , its the only place in the house without a noticeable reverb , It might not be quality , but it might raise a smile or two[/quote] Good on you Lurks! Necessity is the mother of all invention, etc… it also makes grown men climb inside wardrobes to record vocals, as I've done myself in the past (take a duvet with you if there's room - it helps). Not sure what type of mic you're using, but I use a cheap Behringer C-1 condenser mic (one of [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/C-1.aspx"]these[/url]) and it does a fairly good job for a £30 product. 

If you're getting lots of noise/hiss from the background, try recording your vocal as normal and then loading it up into Audacity - a free software available [url="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/"]here.[/url] Use the cursor to select a small slither of your track that contains the background hiss only - no vocal or other noises. Then from the top menu select Effect > Noise Removal and click on the button marked 'Get Noise Profile'. The pop-up window will close, returning you back to the main window. Select all of the sample you want to remove the background noise from (Edit > Select > All) then go back into the Effect menu and again select 'Noise Removal'. This time just hit the 'Ok' button and the software will use the initial sample of background noise to remove that same noise from all of your vocal (or any other recording for that matter). Sounds complicated in writing, but it's actually a very quick and easy way to clean up recordings - and it avoids the risk of you being sectioned for hiding in wardrobes, singing to yourself [b]PS: anybody know when's the deadline for entries this month? I'm assuming Tuesday night - ??[/b]
  4. Honestly? Basschat is like a 19th Century chamber tea party in terms of politeness when compared to the vast majority of other music forums. I'm sure there are times when some of us could behave a little better. But such instances are very rare indeed. I wouldn't let a few malcontents spoil the apple cart. But them I'm not privy to what happened.
  5. Firstly, I don't think anybody needs to apologise here. All of the comments above are honest and useful - and that's exactly the sort of feedback we all want, surely? I'm sure the OP appreciates people taking the time to listen and give critical feedback. Here are some notes I scribbled down while listening to it: Firstly, good effort! There's lots right with this track, but equally lots of things that could be improved (as with most things…). I liked the sound of it right from the off - the vocal grabbed my attention immediately (and reminded me slightly of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGoCtJzPHkU"]Madilyn Bailey[/url] - but then I had been listening to her moments before!). What i feel the song really lacks is [b]dynamics[/b]… both in terms of the mix and the composition. For example: - There's very little change in energy between the verse and chorus - they just seem to blend together with little difference between them. - There's very little in the way of stereo width - everything seems panned towards the centre. Maybe try throwing it wide during the chorus, for instance? - The drums seem to quiet and lack punch. Don't be afraid to raise them in the mix. They also seem too 'fussy' in places and could be simplified. - Conversely, the lead vocal seems too loud, whereas the backing vocal is lost entirely. - The electric guitar in the chorus needs to be much higher in the mix: it's currently sounding weak and lost. Don't take any of this negatively! It is a good track, but not a [i]great[/i] one. I'm just back from making a cup of tea and I can't remember it to hum it. So it's perhaps not what I'd call catchy - yet! Keep it up Sub Drop and don't be a stranger here. Plenty of other people's music in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/10-recording/"]Recording forum[/url] if you want to play critic yourself! PS: I read somewhere that it's always important to qualify people's comments before taking them to heart. So in the interest of that I should say that I'm in no way a music professional - I'm just some guy who makes music for fun at home and I'm very much a beginner myself (although I did once review music for a living - mainly electronica). I listened to your track on headphones (open-back cans).
  6. You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream! More pics as soon as I get 'em... promise.
  7. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1365969260' post='2046761']I know I should probably give this 24-hours before posting (as I usually don't) but I don't think I'm going to take this any further - I kind of like it as it is - hope you enjoy: [url="https://soundcloud.com/munkio/love-buggin"]https://soundcloud.c...kio/love-buggin[/url][/quote] Finally got round to listening to this! Firstly, nice mix. I like the vocal samples. Your playing is just sublime as always mate. Super funky 'wah' effect going on. Really diggin this beat - is that a ready-made break or something you programmed? Either way it's got a great groove to it. Love the glitchy effects that kick in around the 2 minute mark - Squarepusher-esque, which is always going to go down well with me Can't really think of anything to offer in terms of improvements, Mike…It might even be one of your most 'cohesive' tracks to date in these challenges (aside from the Xmas track feat. Meshell Ndegeocello, which just rocked!), in that everything fits together just right. Good work mate! [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1366309780' post='2050949']Also my new Synth arrived today, and i can't wait to give it a whirl. [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/442/53698251143018889231949.jpg/"][/url] [/quote] Good to have you on board again Garry. That modular synth is something else!!
  8. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1366210526' post='2049654']so... technically it's not finished. I can still assemble mine before you do!!! [/quote] Dammit! Beaten on a technicality!! I might have to cheat and add some straplocks in Photoshop...
  9. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1366275993' post='2050319']...it's about getting creative and making mistakes and learning something (I think) - imagination is just as important as technical skill[/quote] Amen to that, Mike. I completely forgot to check back on your entry this month - apologies - I'll have a listen to it tonight. I'll definitely be on board this month - as always! I'm too addicted to these monthly challenges to be able to stop... I find them a really good way of trying out new ideas, especially things I wouldn't normally consider doing. It's also great to hear other people's music and learn from different interpretations of the theme. Plus, working to a deadline means I get things finished! It's all good. But yeah, the number of entries (and votes) does seem to have dropped off since it started. Still, we have a hardcore of regular participants and it's no less fun with fewer people involved. I'm just surprised that more folks here aren't keen to get stuck in. It is a musicians' forum, after all. "All talk and no trousers", perhaps
  10. Wow Shep!! This is one cool project you have going on mate. Love it. That 'Ballpoint Magician' track is great. Beautiful production - sounds superb through my cans. The beat itself is really quirky and interesting. If you hadn't mentioned I'd have put money on the bassline being 100% synth-generated - amazing how you manage to get those sounds! (but then I know your pedal board is like the flight deck of the Space Shuttle... ). I like the vocals too - crisp delivery and caught my attention straight away. Honest opinion? I'd say it sounds as good as your Helical Mind stuff to my ears. I'd maybe even go so far as to say it's got a more [i]original[/i] feel to it. You should tout this stuff around some labels - seriously - it's f-ing great!
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1366150962' post='2049108'] Skol - we've been trying for the past 2 years to get a Manchester gig without any success - do you know of any venues or promotors that we should be approaching? It's about the only big city in the UK that we've been unable to crack...[/quote] No probs. PM sent
  12. ^ Cheers Si, still plenty of time I haven't even listened the stems yet. Been totally sidetracked by this month's composition competition (which I thought was going to be quick and easy with some acoustic guitar stuff - then remembered I can't actually play guitar. Doh!). But anyway. I will [i]definitely[/i] be doing a mix. Well done to you early birds who've already got it finished. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1366141631' post='2048955']Can i just say that this thread is my favourite source of fun on the interweb. Thank you for making this game.[/quote] +1 to that!
  13. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1366139759' post='2048916']I just realised that doesn't have any strap buttons on [/quote] Well spotted! It did have Straplocks fitted but I...err... [i]somehow[/i] managed to strip the heads off the screws when I removed them before spraying , so they'll need replacing.
  14. Oh yes! Bring it on... another Daft Punk fan here. Really loving 'Get Lucky'. The bassline is great and most of all I just can't keep still when listening to it - always a good sign.
  15. Teach a man to fish, and his wife will never forgive you.
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1366125913' post='2048680']The price of R&D, materials, production. Does he realise the variance in alnico magnet types for instance?[/quote] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1366126200' post='2048685']Does this help? [size=4][b]Pickup design/selection issues...[/b][/size][/quote] Nice one mate, that's a good summary of the different variables involved. I think you're spot on about the investment in R&D. Different magnet types (even the alnico alloys you mention), number of coil turns, coil guage, etc, don't vary [i]that[/i] much in cost, all things considered. But then of course selecting the right mix of these variables to deliver a particular tone takes time and experimentation, which must ultimately be paid for (by consumers). Plus there's the additional cost of manufacturing products by hand, with love and attention to detail, versus mass-producing cheaper items using machines, etc, etc. Next time it crops up in conversation I'll be a little better versed at explaining the differences
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1366122568' post='2048601']Ask your dad if he thinks all cars are the same because they have four wheels and an engine. Or if all coffee is the same, just beans and water, etc.[/quote] I wouldn't want to get him started, Nige! Lots of obvious variables in a car, of course. Perhaps less so with coffee (in very simplistic terms). I think that example is closer to my old man's Devil's Advocacy over pickups - i.e. "just magnets and copper wire / beans and hot water, innit". He's actually got a good head on him for audio stuff; he used to work on projects for Marconi and other telecoms companies. But he's also a stubborn so-and-so! Still, it got me thinking about what it is we actually [i]pay for[/i] when we spend money on pickups - as the 'workings' of them are ultimately very simple (as opposed to the inner workings of a stage synth, for instance). Like I said, I've been geeking out and doing lots of shop trials and research into p'ups recently. There's an undisputable difference between top and bottom end products. I guess if the 'secret' ingredients were widely known then everyone would be at (the filthy swines!).
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1366121627' post='2048585'] [/quote] Haha, that wasn't aimed at you or anyone here mate! I'm more guilty than most for rambling on anyway...
  19. Wrong end of the country for me but best of luck with the gig. Looks like a great venue and proper good night! I'll fire out a Tweet for you amongst mates of mine in London.
  20. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1366118438' post='2048521']But a magnetic field is a magnetic field, and copper wire is copper wire. So why the variation in quality?[/quote] Yep, you've nailed it! That's exactly the question I was trying to find answers to here. You just put it much better than I did
  21. As someone who benefits from advice here more than offering it out (although I do have rare opportunities to be helpful!), I think all that really matters is how [u]useful[/u] the advice actually is. I personally don't mind a terse response if the advice I'm being given is good. That's always better than a longer, more rambling reply than doesn't address the issue in question. Or worse still, a rambling reply that just points out my lack of knowledge (never had that happen on BC, I'm happy to say, but it's common on other forums). As examples of 'good practice' I'd refer to the likes of Bilbo, Big Red X, 51mon and many others here on BC who regularly dish out good advice with just the right tone of friendliness and without the waffle. At least that's been my experience.
  22. ^ Cheers all. Some good replies above that explain the value of craftsmanship. My old man is still going to say, "it's just magnets and wires, no matter how you wind them!" but then he's an old skool engineer - very talented and creative - but not one for paying others for something he feels he could do himself. I might set him the task of making some p'ups one day to test his theory (he made some superb amps and cabs when I was gigging as a youngster...wish I'd inherited more of those skills myself!).
  23. Ok, so here's the thing... over the weekend I got chatting with my old man about pickups, as you do. He's a long-retired engineer and knows his way around all manner of gear (from tanks to televisions). He was asking why some pickups cost £10 and others cost £100+, given that - in his opinion - they all comprise the same basic components: a magnet wrapped in copper wire. Now I know there's a huge difference in pickup types - I've been testing out many different brands and designs myself recently; I've heard the differences first hand. So I'm not questioning whether it's worth spending money on good quality pickups - I know it is. But I was stumped at giving a convincing answer as to what we actually [i]pay for[/i] in better quality pickups. I mean, is it better quality materials, construction method, design, etc? I had a kind of 'Emperor's New Clothes' moment while discussing this, which prompted me to ask here on BC...
  24. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1366066692' post='2048079'] Damn this looks so much like my bass! Lovely though! [/quote] Thanks Myke! We should set up an 'Orange Bass Owners Club', or something I vote McNach for President as he gave me the idea in the first place.
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