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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1365352505' post='2038395']Actually I was just thinking how cheap everything seemed in comparison with the last time I looked at a full blown modular system (Roland System 700 in the early 80s) when just a very basic collection of modules - enough for it to be worth being modular - would have set you back around £3k including the cabinet and keyboard, and of course £3k was a lot more money in those days.[/quote] Yeah, good point. I guess some of the modules seem quite expensive to me as I'm comparing them against VST soft synths (my staple format). But of course hardware is a different ball game entirely, and I suppose you could create a fairly beastly modular synth for less than a grand, which is pretty good in comparison to most stage synths these days. PS: do you still have that Korg MS20? The original models are fairly sought-after and I hear Korg are launching (or have launched) a new replica version. Details here if you're interested: http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/namm-2013-video-korg-ms-20-mini-analogue-synth-announced-570028 Paul
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1365359888' post='2038545']Thanks for the feedback, mate. Still learning to use the technology but am making progress slowly.[/quote] No probs. Learning the technology is the easy part (sort of). Creating interesting and well-balanced compositions is more elusive, and yet you seem to have that skill in spades given how quickly you're able to knock these out! For me it's always an issue of time. I'm ok at using the tech and tend to come across new ideas fairly easily - I just sometimes struggle to replicate what I'm hearing in my head through lack of musicianship, relatively speaking. But then I often end up finding new and sometimes better ideas along the way. It's all a journey! And other cliches
  3. Too many to mention, but off the cuff probably No Means No. They always seem to pull a very lively crowd and Rob Wright's basslines just plain rock (although frankly, I wouldn't have a hope in hell of fronting a band like that... but I can dream ).
  4. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1365353788' post='2038427']Oh that is pretty Skol, shame to put frets in it....[/quote] I hear you mate. I did ponder over whether this build should be a fretless, but when push comes to shove I just prefer a fretted 'board for the majority of my playing (I do already own a fretless - a 'DIY' job I did myself!). Still, 'tis a beautiful piece of wood More pics to come once the other materials arrive.
  5. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1365207791' post='2036881']i'll have a word with a couple of artists i play for and see if they don't mind donating stems[/quote] Great, let us know how you get on Chris - we're HUNGRY for stems here!! [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1365251064' post='2037193']I don't know the protocol behind these , but there is loads of stuff on [url="http://www.cambridge-mt.com/ms-mtk.htm"]this site [/url], I bought the book Skol recomended and this stuff comes as part of the resource , I haven't played with any of them yet . I think the competition aspect helps me at the minute so that I can get some feedback and comparison .[/quote] Hope you're enjoying the book Lurks! I find it very useful myself. I think I've probably read it cover-to-cover twice (or more) and still refer to it often. Good value for money that one. Mike Senior knows his stuff
  6. Great stuff Mike! Superbly played as always mate. And those drums breaks / synth lines are just brilliantly bonkers. Love it PS: nice video too. I like the intro graphic thingy and the 'purple haze' you have going on. 'Tis cool.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1365272732' post='2037563']Unlike the modular synth feature, which required me to buy my own copy, and now I have really bad GAS for something full of patch leads...[/quote] Tell me about it! I REALLY want a modular synth now, but some of those units are damned pricey. And I'll bet it's a [i]very[/i] addictive thing to get into... they even say as much in the article. All of which tempts me even more!
  8. Nice playing! I really like Justice but mix/production-wise it sucks. I'm amazed that Newstead stayed with them after it was released... but I guess money talks Anyway, you did a cracking job of Blackened which is one of my favourites off that album - so cheers! Nice tone you've got there too. PS: I have that same t-shirt somewhere...
  9. [quote name='moonbass' timestamp='1365072040' post='2034788'] Well, thanks all for this great honour. Do I get a trophy? Seriously enjoyed working on this, and I’m still learning loads by listening to other mixes and hearing how everyone achieved them....[/quote] Well done mate and cheers for the insight into how you put your mix together! Very useful to hear - and some clever stuff going on, especially how you approcahed the drums. You got my vote for the drum work - I was amazed at how you'd managed it, so cheers for sharing your trade secrets That's what this is all about! Cheers
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1364973372' post='2033380'] Here is my April entry.... am thinking creepy crawlie sounds morphing into a 'love theme'. Still learning how to control Miroslav Philharmonik and loving the results Strings are a bit hot but I cn't seem to get what I hear in the mix to export as an 'accurate' audio file. It's close enough for you to get the idea. [url="https://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/creep."]https://soundcloud.c...palmer-1/creep[/url] [/quote] Crikey Bilbo, you're quick!! A really lovely piece. I like how it builds gently; you've created a good sense of momentum that kept me focussed throughout. Sounds great too. Nicely mixed with everything sounding well placed and panned. In fact I think it may be my favourite of your's to date (not that my ears count for [i]that[/i] much, but still...). Good work! ---------- PS: Rick... time to get April's thread up and running?
  11. The fretboard has arrived!! And personally I think it looks the dog's danglies... a very beautiful piece of wood I'll post again once the rest of the woods arrive...
  12. PS: there's a review of amp sims in this month's issue of Sound on Sound magazine (page 181). Just a short double page spread but it might prove useful. Easily browsed in WH Smith without raising suspicions
  13. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1365064962' post='2034650']One thing I did which I don't think others did was edit out all the breathing in the vocal...i thought that sounded horrible...[/quote] Me too. I cut out the breathing during the intro of the first section of the first verse, then re-introduced it as the track got heavier to add some emphasis. "All these little details will be lost in time, like tears in rain..." [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1365064962' post='2034650']I found the acoustic guitar in the bit after the intro to be really difficult to control[/quote] I just found it wasn't needed and cut it completely after the intro. I don't often find that acoustic and heavy electric guitars sit well together, but that's just me (and what the hell do I know!).
  14. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1365064962' post='2034650']One thing I did which I don't think others did was edit out all the breathing in the vocal...i thought that sounded horrible...[/quote] Me too. I cut out the breathing during the intro of the first section of the first verse, then re-introduced it as the track got heavier to add some emphasis. "All these little details will be lost in time, like tears in rain..." [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1365064962' post='2034650']I found the acoustic guitar in the bit after the intro to be really difficult to control[/quote] I just found it wasn't needed and cut it completely after the intro. I don't often find that acoustic and heavy electric guitars sit well together, but that's just me (and what the hell do I know!).
  15. Well done Moonbass! Also congrats to Vasdim and Si. Good work. I think I was lucky to get a single vote ! On reflection I EQ'd too much from the low end of the guitars to make way for the monstrous bass I'd created, which left the guitars sounding harsh and brittle (although I did manage to completely cut away about 50% of the guitar stems without losing too much 'oomph' - I just didn't think t needed all those layers, but then I didn't get many votes so that could have been a big mistake!). I also made a botch job of the drums - the snare in particular - but didn't have time to go back and fix it. But never mind! I REALLY enjoyed working on this track - very different to my usual stuff - and look forward to hear how the rest of y'all approached it. Now bring on April's...
  16. Plenty of great freeware out there as Garry has mentioned. Not to be sniffed at either...some of it is top notch. If you want to splash some cash then I'd check out Softube Bass Amp Room: http://www.softube.com/index.php?id=bar (There's also a separate product for guitars). I'm a big fan of Softube plug-ins myself. I think they make some of the best products on the market... on the expensive side, but arguably the best virtual gear you'll get before starting to spend stupid money on top end stuff. I'm pretty sure they offer demos of all their products so worth a look...
  17. I always use a compressor on the bus to glue everything together - usually pushing -2db or -4db maximum (depending on how much 'pump' I'm after). This month I used a lot of heavy parallel compression to really slam the meatier parts of the track. I was also playing with a new gate/limiter plug in... And in hindsight the result was a mild balls-up! But I managed to avoid squishing the living daylights out of it. Just. PS: I'd personally be happy to reintroduce the original idea of standardizing these mixes using K-metering. I think it'd need a mini- tutorial to clarify (and simplify) what's involved - and would probably also need 'policing' to make sure everyone sticks to it. But in the long run I think it'd be worth the effort. Anyway, food for thought...
  18. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1364929827' post='2032921']Talking of Classical/Orchestral or Cinematic style writing .............. You might like this Paul. A weekly stream/broadcast on the making/composing of Trailer Music...[/quote] Superb, thanks for sharing this Garry! Looks very useful. I'm going to start tuning in - plenty of good info up for grabs by the look of it.
  19. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1364922704' post='2032711']Chaps, if you have a song you'd like to hear mixed by a group of enthusiastic 14 year olds, well we can get as close to making that a reality as any secondary school...[/quote] That genuinely made me LOL Nice one Si. Anyway, you heard the man people! Share your stems and receive a multitude of mixes in return. It's an offer you can't refuse...
  20. ^ Cheers Garry, that's an interesting read! Especially as how game music has evolved from the very linear and clunky stuff of 8-bit gaming to the non-linear 'adaptive' scores of modern games. I used to play games a lot myself (pre-fatherhood!) and really admire the work of people like Jesper Kyd and Kō Ōtani (an obscure but awesome composer), amongst others. Games are one of the few places where people willingly soak up 'classical' compositions (in a loose and sometimes literal sense), which is no bad thing. It's certainly come a long way from the bleeps and bloops of my youth
  21. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1364845222' post='2031678']Well done Skol... Shame it was a small turn out this month, but all sounded good. I didn't want to leave Bilbo out in the cold. I see Soundcloud are having an April fools day... Dropometer my arse.... [/quote] Thanks Garry! Yeah, the Dropometer made me laugh - there was a bit of a kerfuffle on the SoundCloud comments board before people realised it was an April Fool [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1364846087' post='2031702']...I think those beetles are playing leapfrog , at least they are if the daughter wants to get involved this month[/quote] They're definitely just cuddling. Honest. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1364848242' post='2031767']There were two that were doing it for me this month. Skol's and Bobbass's because they made me think about the good old days of 8/16 bit games Specificly Skol - Streets of Rage (as already mentioned by a few folk) and Bob - Golden Axe. Great tunes.[/quote] Cheers Elvis, nice to be compared to an 8-bit classic like Streets of Rage! I used to love all those old games
  22. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1364841493' post='2031598']Well done Skol, it was a small but excellent collection this month, I'm thoroughly surprised to have come second. I'm kinda stumped by the new one though, I guess beetle sex just doesn't inspire me. That's probably a good thing though.[/quote] Cheers Bob! Hope the image isn't too oddball for everyone. I was just surprised to find it ranking top in my search on Flickr, so I went with it. ...it's not like I have a huge library of beetle sex images or anything like that. Really. Ok, apart from a small collection of imported 'earwigs in bondage' vids. It's a niche interest
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1364829695' post='2031360'] So Skol, the Pete Sampras of composition wins again.... Come on, my son. Where's this month's picture? [/quote] ^ Ooh that's a low blow! Sampras has a very punchable face. That sticky out thing he used to do with his tongue? Abominable. But cheers for the sentiment, Bilbo So… I thought I'd try searching for an image that allowed a little romantic inspiration this month. I started by typing "love" into the Flickr search box and this is the first image it came back with. I kid you not. Of 16,968,733 results, this was numero uno. And who says romance is dead, eh? Eh?? Enjoy Image © Gustavo Mazzarollo
  24. I'll be listening to everyone's mixes tomorrow night (Monday) then voting... looking forward to it
  25. Voted. [spoiler]...for Bob I was won over by the barrage of drums and those crazy time signatures. Great track mate![/spoiler] A small yet seasoned cadre this month, but nonetheless good fun to be amongst y'all. Cheers comrades!
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