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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1364502574' post='2027481']I would just like to say before any voting goes on, I really really liked this song, loads of changes, light and dark and dynamics etc (awesome voice on your snger by the way CT!) and would have loved to have more spare time to spend on it this month. Quite upset that I didnt, I normally wouldnt let a mix at this point in my 'process' see the light of day (before any automation at all on mine - ye gads!), but a deadline is just that, and I did feel I was starting to take the mick, since everyone else (even Skol ffs!) had got their mixes in....[/quote] Haha, I see I'm developing a reputation for being late to the party All true! Ditto your comments about the track Si. I really enjoyed having a play with it and it grew on me lots during the process - I found myself humming it at work for days. Cheers for setting up the anonymous voting this month mate. An inspired idea and something I think we should continue with. Anyway, I'm looking forward to listening to them all over Easter... Well done everyone! Good effort this month
  2. Cheers for the support guys! Sincerely appreciated
  3. Well done Si! Sterling work in getting these all downloaded and re-uploaded, etc. I'd advise putting a big, fat link to the SoundCloud page in the OP of this thread. Took me a while to find the link in other posts. But then I am a bit thick [b]EDIT: just realised there already [u]is[/u] a link the SoundCloud page in the OP of this thread. My bad! Maybe make it a wee bit bigger and fatter for the mentally-challenged, such as I.[/b]
  4. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1364429762' post='2026552']Sounds good. I have also gone with Nordstrand pickups for my build after careful research - I just can't seem to find pickups which seem to be better at the moment. Hipshot A bridges are the business too; I have also gone for them as the one on my J5 is so smashing.[/quote] Thanks for the comments JB! Yeah, Nordstrand seem to make great pickups and pre-amps. Paul (13 Guitar Co) had good things to say about them and from what I've heard on YouTube and read in reviews they sound ideal for this project - especially their MM range. Good to hear positive things about the Hipshot A-bridge too... it came out as being the favourite from my research. They look great and seem very practical and easy to use. I'm opting for the black finish on this build to match the dark mahogany body. I'll post more info on the build once the sawdust starts to fly... Paul
  5. Well, this is a topic very close to my heart as both a musician (allegedly!) and certainly as someone who works in the environmental sector. As an odd coincidence I a met a guy earlier this week from the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve in Canada - which is southwards down the coast from the Tongass National Forest - and he was explaining a very similar issue with regards to the logging industry and the past exploitation of what are known (in Canada) as 'First Nation' people. It's a very complex situation as you mention. White settlers essentially got rich by deforesting the local environment (and truly messing up the local people... but that's another topic). And now the same white settlers are preventing native people from earning a living felling trees on environmental grounds… so it's easy to see how conflicts arise with so much hypocrisy and painful history involved. Interesting to see this presented in the context of the guitar industry. I'm going to seek out the full documentary. Thanks for sharing mate!
  6. Voting is now underway on this month's composition competition. A very quirky theme picked by last month's winner, Garry (Lowdown), has resulted in some superb computer-game-ish entries. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203632-march-composition-competition-voting-time/"][size=6]Go listen and vote![/size][/url]
  7. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1364344182' post='2025327']Any news on the build, I am eagerly awaiting pics [/quote] [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1364388403' post='2025733']Yup ..lets see some sawdust [/quote] Sorry folks, it's been a few weeks since I've updated this thread! I've been doing loads of homework in researching pickups and pre-amps since last posting here (way too much! ). It's also been crazily busy at work; hence the delay since my last update. In discussion with Paul at 13 Guitar Co I'm very happy to have settled on Nordstrand pickups and pre-amp. Specifically a [url="http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/modern/"]Music Man-style p'up[/url] at the bridge, a [url="http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/bass-pickups/traditional/"]J-style[/url] at the neck and a [url="http://www.nordstrandpickups.com/preamp/"]Nordy pre-amp[/url] featuring volume/ blend/ bass/ mid/ tone (no treble). Nordstrand make great gear and this set up is ideal for the low, warm tone I'm looking for. We've also decided on a [url="http://store.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=121"]Hiphot A-style bridge[/url] and tuners, and a bone nut (I did consider brass but I think bone is again better for this particular build). The build will be starting soon, so watch this space for photos of sawdust and other cool things as it develops...!
  8. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1364065798' post='2021596']OK some crazy last minute gubbins from me... just went with minimal playing and maximum looping this time - Live 9's lovely Warp function came in handy too [url="https://soundcloud.com/munkio/slapattakka-of-the-byrdz"]https://soundcloud.c...ka-of-the-byrdz[/url][/quote] Nice one Mike! Lovely bass work mate. Good production too. I like all the phazey breaks and FX that you've added. Very nice indeed and really in tune with this month's theme. I'd be damn chuffed with this, even more so if it's a "last minute" attempt as you say
  9. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1364000325' post='2020903']Great track once again Skol, haven't done anything this month as I have been busy and I found it hard to get inspired by the pic.[/quote] Cheers Steve and thanks for the comments on SoundCloud. Appreciated! [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1364022957' post='2020947']Here's mine: [url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/war-has-changed"]https://soundcloud.c...war-has-changed[/url][/quote] WOW! I really like this Bob. Sounds great thru my headphones. Nicely mixed (some clever panning going on) and everything sounds tight and well EQ'd. I didn't try counting the time signature(s), but I didn't notice anything sounding 'out of place' either (if that makes any sense??), which is as it should be. Good work mate! [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1364026385' post='2020973'] I went for the comical kids approach for the picture.[url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/good-grief-theres-cossacks-in"] http://soundcloud.co...res-cossacks-in[/url][/quote] Nice one Garry! You've totally nailed the Angry Birds vibe with this one. It would drop right into the game itself no problem! Sounds frickin' superb too. You somehow manage to get an enviably amount of stereo width and 'fullness' in your tracks... you'll have to spill the beans and tell me how it's done Again, great work - and in one minute flat.
  10. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1363976532' post='2020491']I'd just like to give big ups to the Basschat community... Generally, that bass players as a grouping somehow share a certain resonance (beyond the obvious), and within that voodoo there is some messure of the code that makes a more agreeable human. It seems that we're just that wee bit more mellow than most.[/quote] Amen to that! I think the very nature of the instrument makes bass players the kind of people who don't normally crave attention like the egomaniacal tw@s that can be found playing other instruments (like recorder players... [i]eugh[/i], nightmares!). Group hug, etc.
  11. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1363944732' post='2019795']Loving your tune Paul - perfect for the pic - I've got a bunch of ideas which I didn't have at the start of the week but I've literally got maybe Saturday afternoon or Sunday to record anything - so leaving it really late this time - if I don't make it so be it - hopefully do the next one....[/quote] Cheers Mike! Glad you dig it mate [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1363967716' post='2020316']FINALLY got mine written and the VST's all programmed, now I just need to mix it. Yours is great Skol, almost entirely opposite to mine, which should be interesting. Mine's not even remotely "video game" themed, but it IS angry. Definitely the most conventional song I've written for a while, it's mostly having fun in 6/8, except the first bit which is 3/8, and the breakdown bit which is 5/8, and a riff towards the end in 11/8, and there's a couple of random bars of 7/8 because that's the sort of thing I'm into. Hmm, maybe "conventional" is the wrong word, should be interesting to see how people react to it. I might slip a video game reference into the title, I just need to pick a good'un.....[/quote] Thanks Bob. Those time signatures you mention sound [i]very [/i]interesting...looking forward to hearing what you've come up with! [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1363913120' post='2019620']I have fallen into a bad trap that I have made for myself , I have written and mostly recorded................ a song , the daughters vocal doesn't really fit , and mine is totally sh1te , so I am trying some last ditch salvage solutions. I am really struck by how much is involved in doing this sort of stuff , it has given me a whole new appreciation of composition, recording and musical presentation .[/quote] Stick with it Lurks...! I'd personally make a decision as to which is strongest - the vocal or the instrumentation, then re-write/re-work the other to fit. These monthly challenges have certainly helped me to keep things simple and avoid doing too much at once - which I used to be very guilty of in the past, resulting in music that was often too 'busy' with everything fighting for space. The 'mute' button is always your friend in such instances! Trying muting a few tracks and see if helps breathe some life into it.
  12. So... when's the deadline for entries this month? I've got some way with mine, but won't have chance to work on it again until Sunday (although hoping to have it 'finished' that day). Currently trying to suck some of the mud out of all those guitars without them losing their [i]oomph[/i]. All good fun and games
  13. Here's mine for this month: https://soundcloud.com/skollob/all-your-bass-are-belong-to-us The first part is all 8-bit sounds that I emulated using an analogue-style virtual synth. I wanted to try recreating the sort of music I used to enjoy as a kid during the so-called 'Golden Age' of video games (late 70s-mid 80s): the sounds of ye olde Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, etc. …then I cheated during the latter part and broke out the usual arsenal of modern-day sounds. Couldn't resist, sorry It's very repetitive and cheesy. But all done in the interest of nostalgia, of course. 'Least that's my excuse. PS: the title comes from a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us"]popular internet meme[/url] (< link for those fortunate enough to be less geeky than I am).
  14. I used to be in a band called 'AGFA', using the same logo as the brand of cassette tapes. The acronym stood for "A Good F*** Aches". Up for grabs if anyone wants it
  15. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1363702789' post='2016114']Actually, sunday eve so on monday I can actually put the voting up[/quote] Cool, Sunday it is. I'd best get mine finished before then, as I'm out for birthday drinkies on Saturday and am likely to be a little too sore headed for mixing the next day (I rarely drink these days, so a few shandies and I'm going to be on the table singing 'My Way', or something... ).
  16. PS: when's the deadline for entries this month? Sunday 24th / Monday 25th?
  17. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1363699776' post='2016022']Lets not be counting any chickens just yet eh....[/quote] And definitely don't go counting my chickens... they could well end up being turkeys
  18. I used to gig lots when I was younger, but haven't done so in ages... although I [i]might[/i] be getting back out there sometime in the near future with a little electronica project. At present, I lead a very hermit-like existence with my music... it's all produced solo and I don't have any problems with that. Probably because I'm an obsessive control freak, or something But it's also made easier by the sort of music I produce (mainly electeronic), which doesn't rely on other musicians to make it happen. That said, I do tinker around with a couple of mates, fusing traditional musicianship with electronic shenanigans, which is the project I might be taking out gigging in future. I also do a lot of online collaboration - contributing basslines, synths, sometimes production to other people's music-making, some of which ends up being played live (and very occasionally gets released). I'm in touch with folks around the world on this basis (America, Belgium and Poland in particular) and that's kind of exciting - well, for me anyway. So I suppose I'm in a few 'virtual' bands. Sort of. Maybe.
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1363688837' post='2015743']Very little traffic on here this month. I may win by default!![/quote] Could just be you and me Bilbo... I'll certainly have [i]something[/i] finished, although the way it's going you'll still be on course for a win! [quote name='charic' timestamp='1363689144' post='2015761']I'm prepping for a gig on Friday only had two practices with the band so far so could be a nail biter![/quote] Excuses, excuses... Seriously though, good luck with the gig mate. I'm sure you'll do yourself proud. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1363691603' post='2015824']I'd love to do something but it's been a busy time for me (plus I've been getting my rocks off with my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/202496-some-banging-live-latin-jazz-from-my-new-band-hdmulti-cam-video/"]jazzy-latin-fusion band [/url]- although I have Live 9 now and I'm dying to make a track with that ASAP - just need a couple of hours on the weekend... I will try and do something, honest [/quote] Nice one Mike! You always seem able to do great things in very little time, so go for it mate. I've been hearing good things about Ableton 9, be interested to hear how you get on with using it (the new controller thingy looks very useful for live performance - although a bit pricey in my opinion).
  20. Mine's going to have to be a rush job again this month... but I'll certainly be submitting [i]something[/i], most likely by the end of this week. So far I have the stems mostly prepped: drums gated and EQ'd, buses set up, etc. I just have to actually mix the bloody thing now!! PS: I'm really digging this track.
  21. Awesome, Mike! Lovely tone on your bass and gobsmackingly-good playing as usual. I think I heard some "whoops" and "yeahs!" from the crowd at points during your solo. Rightly so. This is the J-Sonics outfit, right? Damn funky stuff mate. The rest of the band seem top notch too. If you ever head to Manchester, let me know… you'd go down a storm at somewhere like [url="http://bandonthewall.org/"]Band On The Wall[/url] or [url="http://www.mattandphreds.com/"]Matt and Phred's[/url]. In fact there might still be chance to get a slot at this year's [url="http://www.manchesterjazz.com/"]Manchester Jazz Festival[/url]?? (hint, hint). The promoter is based in the building where I work, if you ever want putting in touch. Saves me from hauling my lazy ass down to London, which I'm going to have to do at some point... Paul
  22. Lots of great bassist being listed here (Mingus definitely gets my vote). Here's a curveball that the vast majority of you will [i]hate[/i] with a passion… Tom Jenkinson (aka Squarepusher) and 'The Modern Bass Guitar'. It blows my head that this track is played using a bass, albeit with a shedload of MIDI mojo going on. It's lightyears away from what most people consider to be 'musicianship', but for me, this guy is a modern-day gunslinger for sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUet8XYs5dg
  23. Damn and blast, this looks like a great piece of software but it's PC only! Never mind... thanks anyway Garry for giving us the heads-up about it. If I had a PC I'd be downloading this in a flash. Cheers mate, Paul
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