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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='D-L-B' timestamp='1362574306' post='2001475']The main skill involved in producing a modern hit pop song is not in the writing, production or even the performance, it is in the marketing. Assuming a basic level of competency in all the other areas it is all down to the marketing. Look at the charts and tell me that these songs are triumphs of songwriting skill. [/quote] Well this song is currently in the charts and I for one think it's pretty damn triumphant... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200651-laura-mvula/ ...it's all a matter of personal taste, of course. But it's a little over-simplistic to say that chart success is "all down to the marketing". Sure a lot of it is generic, production line stuff. But there are always gems amongst the dross. And that's always been the case with pop music.
  2. Superb idea Nige! And I reckon you're just the man for the job. Seriously. Could I do it? I'm not sure... probably not (that's my lack of confidence as a musician speaking there). A while ago I did think about creating a chart-friendly 'mashup' - recycling some old riff into a pop/dance number, a la Norman Cook (Fatboy Slim). But I lost interest. Writing successful pop music is [i]definitely[/i] a lot harder than it seems, as I'm sure you well know, and that's one of the reasons why I'm an unashamed fan of 'good' pop music. It takes a lot of creative intuition to find that catchy hook, but like I said, I reckon you've got the right ear for it. I'd be very interested to see how this pans out and happy to chip in any ideas, constructive criticism, etc, so keep us posted mate [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1362506097' post='2000390']Well, yes. Everything I've ever written was a hit, but the f***wit publishers / record companies / performing artists / record buyers couldn't get their tiny heads around songs about abbatoirs, pelican crossings and chutney.[/quote] That genuinely made me LOL
  3. Posting this here (rather than in the recording forum) as it's apparently a limited time offer... https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/rectools-unlimited/id457489232?mt=8 It's iOS app called 'Rectools'. And yes, you're probably thinking exactly what I did right about now - that it sounds like some kind of constipation aid. But anyway, it normally retails for £28 so it might well be worth a look.
  4. It's no doubt painful to move on - especially if the decision has been forced on you by circumstance - but you can now face whatever comes next having seen some great times, and that's more than a lot of people get to experience and draw strength from. All I can say is just keep on trucking, brother. There's always more adventures to be had, no matter how rough the road ahead might look.
  5. I take my eye of this thread for a week and look what happens [i]Ignoble bollocks takes liberties![/i] On a more topical note, the woods are arriving soon (possibly this week) so the build will shortly be underway in earnest. Exciting! I've opted for a string spacing of 18cm on the board - fairly close as I play fingerstyle and that spacing seems to suit me well (I've had fun noodling in shops to test this out). Pre-amp and other electronics yet to be confirmed, but currently I'm leaning towards an ACG pre-amp or similar. More soon
  6. Well done Si! An excellent mix and some very insightful notes/feedback as always from you mate. Top notch Interesting that you approached this with a 'big space' vibe going on... I imagined the track as being more 'Radio 1 Live Lounge' which just goes to show how we all treat each mix differently. Nice idea about the blind vote this month. Hopefully I'll get my ass in gear and be able to dedicate more time to it! Although working at the last minute with so many stems did teach me a few useful lessons too... like spend more time on it Anyway, keep em coming!
  7. Well done Garry! A superb track from you and a thoroughly well deserved win. Interesting choice of pic for this month...I can feel some chiptune coming on Paul
  8. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1362068791' post='1995303']I see your point, but in my case, when I fail to listen to the tracks in the Composition comp and vote, there is a simpler reason: lack of time... I have also been suggesting we get a collection (either online or on CD) not just of each month's winners but of all the tracks that have been posted in the comps, if their authors allow.[/quote] Yes, you're absolutely right Bluejay - lack of time is also a factor I forgot to mention! It is quite a commitment - akin to listening to a full album most months - and I appreciate we don't all have the luxury of setting aside time for this. Point taken. I also agree it would be a great idea to make the entries from each month's composition challenge available for download. Perhaps a digital release via something like BandCamp would be more simple and cost-effective than a CD? But I'd be supportive either way. It could for instance be made available on a 'pay what you like' basis (assuming agreement from those involved), with any money collected being donated to BC or split with a charity. That would definitely get my vote
  9. Just thought I'd reiterate what I've said before - that the BC community is by far one of the most friendly, inclusive and helpful on the Interweb, in my experience. It is disappointing that things like the monthly composition and mixing challenges don't attract more interest/feedback among BC'ers. Currently we have something like 30 votes spread across both competitions, which is frankly pathetic given the size of this community - especially given that probably half of those votes are from people who've entered! [i]But...[/i] this is very typical of music forums and certainly not a symptom of BC in particular. As strange as it might sound, it's not uncommon for musicians to have little interest in the music of their contemporaries. We're usually more keen on chatting about the work of established artists, people we perhaps aspire to, rather than those on a similar level. That's not a criticism, it's just how it is. I guess somewhere deep down we're hard-wired to focus our attention on things that other people also show interest in, as opposed to seeking things out for ourselves (I am of course making a wild generalisation here!). But it's human nature I think. Personally, I try to buck that instinct as much as possible and keep my ears open and my head 'fed' with new music whenever I can. But then I used to review new music for a living, so for me it's an old habit that dies hard Whatever. The point is, we shouldn't be listening to new music made by fellow Basschatters [i]just[/i] because of camaraderie... we should be doing so because some of it - in fact a lot of it! - is simply brilliant and well worth taking the time to explore. Here endeth the sermon.
  10. Excellent stuff Dave, I really like both of these. One of them is obviously familiar to me (having unsuccessfully messed around with it) and the other compliments it well - 'tis a very danceable instrumental indeed. Superb vocal on Cage A Lion. Nice basslines on both - in fact the whole band plays very well. I think you could be on to something very good here mate! I'd certainly want to see you play live. Keep us posted...
  11. Nice one Mark, this brightened up my day no end! The video is great - must've taken ages to compile all those clips, but it works well. I also love the track itself. I didn't have you pegged as playing this sort of stuff (dunno why), but you're damn good at it. Sounds very original to my ears. Lovely jubbly
  12. Ok, I've just finished giving each one a listen and have scribbled notes, which are hopefully useful in some small way. Really good standard this month! And much harder to pick a winner. Bear in mind I listen (and produce) exclusively on headphones, so my interpretation of each mix might be different to other people's - but that's "all part of the game" Anyway, here goes… [b]51m0n:[/b] Bass sounds especially great. Drums too. Everything nice and wide; well balanced; all together and nicely 'glued'. Like the 'verb on the vocal - could maybe do with some rides here and there to keep it just right in the mix, but that's a very minor criticism. Filled my headphones from ear to ear. Nicely clear when played loud and quiet. Very good work! [b]Chrismanbass:[/b] Bass and guitars fit together well. That said they're perhaps a little too low in the mix and the guitars could do some EQ'ing in the low-mids to reduce a bit of the muddiness - but there's a lot going in with the guitars in this track, which I also found myself wrestling with! The snare has a bit too much compression (it's a wee bit 'slappy' in places) and the overheads need some work - but again, I struggled with these issues myself. The vocals are nicely clear and audible throughout. [b]Lurksalot:[/b] Big improvements in how you've panned and arranged everything stereo-wise! Although the the track does seem to 'lean' towards the right slightly - there's maybe too much panned there and not enough balance to the left. Is the snare panned to the right? I think that might be the main culprit! You're also a bit too generous with the ol' reverb… everything sounds quite distant as a result, which sucks some of the punch out of it. I like the 'jangle' you've kept in the snare (wish I'd done the same) and the lead vocal sounds ok - the reverb actually works best there. The low-mids sounds a bit muffled, so there's probably more EQ'ing to do around there (the guitars maybe). All that said, this is a massive step forwards from last month and a sure sign you're getting your head around all this mixing malarkey! Well done mate [b]Butlerk02:[/b] Like this! The guitars and bass seem well EQ'd and gel together well. Good use of the full stereo width - everything sounds wide and well balanced. The vocal in particular is great - just the right volume to sit nicely in the mix. My only real criticisms would be the kick drum (which sounds a little 'flabby') and the crash cymbal, which lacks, well, 'crash' Still, this is good stuff. [b]Moonbass:[/b] Like this too! Kick has plenty of punch here; the guitars and bass sound full and well mixed. Like Butler's (above), the lead vocal is great - very clear and sitting nicely in the mix (I like what you've done with the backing vox too). There's a really clever fade (I think it's the bass?) around 2:43 which is great - caught my attention, in a good way. Can't find much fault with it to be honest… thumbs up. [b]OldG:[/b] Markedly more quiet than the other entries… but no matter, I just turned it up! I like the drums here, Mick. The kick and snare sound punchy and cut through the mix nicely. Good panning on the guitars. Vocals could do with some rides here and there, but that's me being picky (I didn't have time to automate and volume changes on mine, so I'm in no position to criticise!). Bass could perhaps be a touch louder… but that's a mantra I apply to nearly everything I listen to Anyway, I like this one a lot. [b]VasDim:[/b] Sounds clear and well EQ'd. There's a nice 'crispness' to the mix - plenty going on in the upper freq's, but not so much that it sounds thin and fragile. Good panning throughout - it sounds super wide. Bass is perhaps a little 'boomy' in the lows, but that's a minor point. I like how you've panned the percussion hard at the end - the shaker and 'love eggs' (nice labeling Keith!) sit just right and really help lift the outro; wish I'd done the same on reflection. Good work. And my vote goes to… [spoiler]Moonbass! A very close run win (just pipping Si in particular to the finishing post this month). I think your mix matches the song very well - it's got plenty of punch and aggression, some inspired moments of character (that fade, for instance) and I think you made a great job of the vocal. Well done Andy![/spoiler]
  13. Ok, I've finally found time to listen through them all and choose a favourite. Brilliant work as always folks! Really. I thoroughly enjoyed listing to them. Here's some feedback I scribbled down for y'all... [b]Rockford Stone[/b]: Really like the organ during the intro. Nice vocal as always from you mate - I especially like the chorus, very 'singalong' and had me joining in by the end. The guitar(s) and bass could do with being a bit louder and more forward in the mix. It sounds like you may have rolled off a wee bit too much of the low end - I really wanted the guitars to bowl me over! - but that's a minor criticism of what is a very catchy anthem. [b]Bobbass4k[/b]: I know this is unfinished, but what is finished sounds great! You obviously had a good idea going here - it'd be well worth getting round to competing this IMO. [b]Lurksalot[/b]: Lovely warm bass synth right from off; I also like the wave sounds in the background. What I really like is how the track builds gradually throughout! You do a good job of introducing each new instrument towards the crescendo, then tailing off. Good mix too - my only comment on that would be that it starts off a bit 'lop-sided' until the instruments begin balancing out (too much panned right, or was it left? One of the two). Maybe try panning more centrally at the very start, and automating the pan setting so that the mix widens as it progresses. But anyway. Good job! [b]Urb[/b]: Another great intro! Sublime playing as always from you Mike. Nice mix too - sounds great thru my cans. I love the breatbeat and synth that kick in around the half-way mark! Also the build that follows and then the re-introduction of the break/live bass, and the mellow outro… you move it from one to the other very well indeed mate. What's great about your music is this fusion of jazz and electronica that you seem to be nurturing - it's a quirky blend but you manage to pull it off and it sounds very new and fresh. Me like [b]Stephen Houghton[/b]: Suitably mellow and atmospheric; it almost reminds me of Chill Out by the KLF in places… I think it's the guitar sounds you have going on. Nice playing throughout and the mix itself is very well done - good use of panning; everything fitting together nicely. I think it's probably my favourite track of yours to date - it sounds like I'm hearing a different side of your music this month and I really like it. [b]xgsjx: [/b]YES! I'm a big fan of old skool jungle so this one is right up my alley. It sounds almost like it's come direct from the late 80s/early 90s… brought back lots of happy memories. Lots of sketchy, happy memories Love the drums and the baseline itself made my teeth rattle, As it should! All good. Could do with some compression - maybe - to fatten everything up a little; I'd also have chosen a slightly smoother, more sinewave-ish bass tone myself but that's all I can really offer in terms of constructive feedback. It made me smile, so job done. [b]Dave Vader[/b]: Superbly quirky, funny, borderline insane and very well played/produced. This one caught me by surprise and the lyrics/theme genuinely made me LOL. I like it! Funky baseline right from the off and the guitar parts work well too - damn you multi-instrumentalists!! (I'm jealous ). There's perhaps too much 'verb on the vocals but I understand you had some mic issues - no big deal and a minor criticism to be honest. Very unique and very Vader! [b]Lowdown[/b]: Gobsmacking!! Top-quality sounds; superb production (it literally exploded thru my speakers); great arrangement - very cinematic and 'picturesque'; fits the image perfectly and all in just over 2 minutes… anyone would think you do this sort of thing for a living Truly inspirational Garry. Great work. [b]Big Red X[/b]: I had to Google 'Tenori-On'… and now I want one too. This track is just great for so many reasons. It sounds good for one (did you do any post-recording mixing, or is this straight out of the 'box'?). It's very hypnotic and builds nicely throughout. It has a sort of 'Continental' vibe, if that makes any sense? (I think Discreet mentioned something similar in the SoundCloud comments). Caught my attention anyway and all the more impressive for having been played/improvised live. Very creative. Any my vote this month goes to... [spoiler]Big Red X! As always it was a tough choice. Mike (Urb) and Garry (Lowdown) were VERY close runners up for different reasons: Mike because I just really dig this fusion stuff you're producing; and Garry because, well, it's just bloomin' awesome! But BRX's track really stood out for me this month - it's very original, I like the simplicity of it and I had to give bonus points for the instrument itself and the performance. Nicely done.[/spoiler]
  14. Wow, definitely a zombie thread (still kickin' from 2007!!) I'd also throw [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dub_Syndicate"]Dub Syndicate[/url] out there as a suggestion for listening material. One of my favourite (and more contemporary) outfits in addition to the artists already mentioned in this thread.
  15. [size=5]A quick heads up that voting is underway on this month's [b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200552-february-composition-competition-voting-time/"]Composition Challenge[/url][/b] and [b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198313-mixing-competitionlearning-resource-february-poll-added/"]Mixing Challenge[/url][/b] [size=4](in the Recording forum).[/size][/size] Pull up a chair, pour your favourite tipple and go listen...
  16. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1361652510' post='1988937'] Thanks for the information from everyone about DAWs, I am thinking of changing because I find Ableton a bit limiting and from what I have been told its more appropiate for DJing than recording live instruments? Pro tools 10 seems to be highly rated and I wont be shelling out any moneys if you get what I mean...[/quote] As others have mentioned, there's a lot of misinformation and 'fanboyism' around which DAW is "best". They're all much-of-a-muchness in terms of actual sound quality, although the built-in fx and processors that come packaged with each DAW can contribute to them having their own characteristic sounds.... but only if you rely on the pre-set patches. This question has [i]everything[/i] to do with how you as an individual like to work, so the best advice is to download the demos of each DAW you're considering and test them out before making a decision. That's what I did. Also, I'd advise against using pirated software. That's just an ethical issue for me and I certainly don't want to get all preachy about it! Your choice of course, but I know people who've had their fingers (and moreover, their wallets) quite seriously burned through being caught red handed using illegal audio 'wares, so tread carefully if you go down that route. I also think there's more of a positive psychological 'committment' involved in legally purchasing software - I think it makes you more inclined to get the most out of it. But whatever. Keep us posted mate and happy twiddling!
  17. An end to all new music would seriously poop me off. I love new music. And by that I don't just mean discovering previously unheard stuff (which is itself great fun); I mean seeking out music that has been recently created by new and upcoming artists. For me, that's where it's at. I get bored rigid by the idea that the best music has already been recorded, and that no new music can ever compete with the halcyon days of yore. That's conservatism at its worst in my opinion: putting the blinkers on to preserve the music of one's own generation, as though wanting to freeze time and deny the march of cultural change. Fact is, you can love [i]all[/i] music, old and new. But the world would be a much less lively and interesting place without new music fueling the heady souls of them young folk down the discotheque... And if the new music they enjoy didn't rankle the previous generation, then something would certainly be amiss So yes, new music matters a lot. It changes with and reflects the times we live in. Just like art, fashion, language and all other forms of cultural expression. And if you think there's no good new music out there, then you're almost certainly looking in the wrong places...
  18. No worries guys, glad you dig it! I think she's great... definitely going to be keeping my ear out for future releases by her. And people say there's no good new music these days, eh
  19. Hey Milty. My budget is even lower so I ended up buying a [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-C-1-Studio-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B000CZ0RLK"]Behringer C-1[/url] mic for £30!! It's a great little condenser mic for the price - I use it mainly for vocals and recording weird stuff around the house - but it'd probably work fine for recording bass. More expensive products would undoubtedly do the job a lot better. But if you just want something for messing around at home, the C-1 is worth a look. Other folks will I'm sure be able to offer other ideas...
  20. Phew, made it! Or at least I made [i]something[/i]: https://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/mission-ray-by-dientes Hastily done and still plenty more I'd like to do on it, but I'm out of time. Spent longest on the drums (gates galore). Didn't have chance to treat each stem individually (other than panning and the occasional fx), so I had to work using mainly just bus processing for each of the main groups. I didn't do nearly as much 'messing' with the track as I did last month. Partly because it didn't need much messing with, and largely because I had no time! Probably a good thing anyway. PS: there's a riff towards the end of this track that just [u]is[/u] Foxy Lady by Hendrix. Not a bad thing at all. It got well and truly stuck in my head
  21. I've been away all weekend and am currently trying to get a mix together in one sitting! Not an easy task for me as I like to take my time and twiddle... [spoiler]http://i1327.photobucket.com/albums/u671/Skol303/KennethWilliams_zps9346f020.jpg[/spoiler] Giving myself till midnight before I[s] finish[/s] abandon it and post something up
  22. Anyone else here liking Laura Mvula? I've heard this track a few times now and it's really grown on me. She reminds me a little of Nina Simone. Sort of. And I really dig the bass on this track. Have a listen... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5akYnlwubDo
  23. ^ I'm going to do my damdest mate! Slightly unnerving given the number of stems but I'll chalk it up as 'learning experience' Should have something up late on Sunday or Monday night. Needless to say, start the voting as planned as it doesn't matter if I'm late to the party.
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