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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1357129230' post='1917747']get yourself a cheapish midi controller/keyboard...i acquired one last week and being able to play the beats that come to your head rather than have to think about programming them makes life a bit creative.[/quote] [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1357199753' post='1918887']MIDI Drumming is easier than ever with all the software available.[/quote] ^ Great suggestion there fellas! I've been using keyboard drumming myself for about a year now (including the monthly challenges on Basschat). It's a great method of laying down a beat quickly - often before it gets forgotten in my case. Sometimes I quantize the MIDI afterwards to keep it tight; other times I leave it fairly loose to give it a more human feel. It's a much more intuitive way of programming beats IMO. I found this bloke, Josh Mobley, to be a particularly good source of advice and inspiration. This video might be worth a look for anyone who's interested... he's using Reason software but what he's talking about can be applied to any DAW. It goes on a bit, so skip ahead when necessary: [url="http://www.propellerheads.se/mmm/index.cfm?fuseaction=eventinfo&EID=1"]http://www.propeller...eventinfo&EID=1[/url]
  2. Yup. Eyes down for a goldmine of info on Recording ... and don't hesitate to post questions in that forum. Some very knowledgeable folks on here who'll be happy to help.
  3. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357912524' post='1930463'] At K-14 the 0 is effectively -14dbFs[/quote] Ah, now I gotcha! That makes a whole new world of sense. Thanks Si ... explains why yours was peaking around 12-14db when I took a look at it. K-14 / -14dbFs. There's a clue there somewhere.
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1357910387' post='1930400']There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding on K-Metering set up in this thread...[/quote] I've since tried but wasn't entirely sure what I was doing. It doesn't help that I can't set up the SPAN pug-in on my master bus as I can't use VSTs within Reason. Instead, I tried outputting my track as normal, loading it up in Reaper and applying the K-meter that way. I downloaded and ran Si's track through it as a 'control' test to see how the meter performed, and it was showing peaks way above zero (when set to K-14) which confused me! Hence I gave up and just outputted my track with minimal bus compression/maximization to preserve the dynamics and left it at that...
  5. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1357861677' post='1929861']Normally I think single cuts look stupid and fugly but thats really nice... Keep us updated [/quote] Cheers! Yeah, I love the design myself. I suppose it's a kind of cross between a single and double cut. Must admit I'm not normally a huge fan of single-cut bodies either, although there are some nice ones out there (Mike Flynn/Urb on Basschat has a lovely looking single cut Sei). Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I'm going to keep this thread updated during the build, so watch this space...
  6. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1357894859' post='1930055']Thanks very much. If you don't mind, I'm going to post that on our FB page...because...f*** it all, we sometimes need to celebrate the things we do well and derive some job satisfaction.[/quote] You're welcome, Kiwi!
  7. My musical development since joining Basschat has been MASSIVE! Seriously. I stumbled upon this site two years ago and got some great advice on buying my first 'new' bass following nearly a 10 year haitus in playing/recording. I was really struck by the friendly vibe and people here - I felt among 'mates' right from the start - and it was just damn refreshing to find a music forum that wasn't populated by egotistical d*ckheads (I'm convinced that bass players are an inherently friendly bunch… I think it's a product of the instrument itself and not craving the spotlight… but that's another topic). Since joining I've: - Managed my first successful de-fretting project - Have begun learning the basics of notation and reading (still slow going, but I'm in no rush) - Have grown sufficient balls to start singing and songwriting - Have more than doubled my musical output (thanks to Charic for setting up the monthly challenges!) - Have become slightly poorer (cheers to Dan Owens for the Morley Wah and Wooks for the OC-2 pedals!) - And I've been hugely inspired and humbled by some of the talent found on here - too many people to mention, but I owe thanks to the likes of Urb [Mike Flynn], Bilbo [Rob Palmer], Silddx [Nigel Dale], Captain Bass [Andy Saxton], Patherairsoft [Shep] and so many others for opening my ears to new stuff and inspiring me to practice till my fingers blister. You guys rock. So yeah. I'd say it's been pivotal in my musical development. And cheers to that!
  8. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1357763647' post='1928126']...I've got a bass synth sound in my head but I just can't seem to get there with any of the VST's I've got, anyone got recommendations? The bass sound in this is the kind of thing I'm aiming for[/quote] ^ Nice track! I like it. As for the bass synth... I don't think I could pinpoint any specific VST that could produce that sound ready-made: it could be a pre-set patch from something, but goodness knows what (I use Rob Papen's [url="http://www.robpapen.com/predator.html"]Predator[/url] a lot at the moment, which probably has something akin to that in it's pre-loaded patches. Great synth if you're in the market for one - I think there's a demo available on the link I just gave). The noise you're looking for sounds like a wavetable synth being run through a formant filter - it's got that kind of voice-like quality to it. I can't recommend any suitable VSTs as I use Reason for making music which has its own plug-in format (annoying at times, but it makes for a very stable system to work on). But that's where I'd start experimenting myself: wavetable synth and formant filter. It also has a fairly hefy sub bass layered underneath it (a basic sine wave) and you could probably get something close to the upper, more melodic synth but loading a church organ pre-set and messing with the settings. Sorry Bob, but that's my best effort at trying to help! Probably nowhere near useful Let us know how you get on with it.
  9. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357828981' post='1929134']I've got another draft in progress with a tweak by the bridge too. The problem is I'm no designer/artist [/quote] Nice effort, Charic. It's a bit too pointy and [i]heavy metal[/i] for my tastes but I do like the continuation of the line where the top and bottom horns join the body (i.e. the fact that the line there matches up on either side of the neck). That aspect of it definitely adds something. Thanks for the idea mate! [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1357826517' post='1929048']Aye man i like playing hi with an octaver too. Do you have a hothand by the way? It seems if anyone would it'd be you. I fancy one but im just a bit worried that i'd either use it on everything or on just one track lol.[/quote] Nah, I don't have a hothand - it's something I might explore in future, but for now if I need those kinda noises I reach for a synth instead. They are cool though... but as you say, I'm not sure whether the novelty would either wear off quickly or take over completely. I've got a live project in mind for later this year (fingers crossed), so [i]perhaps[/i] I might look at getting one then. We'll see
  10. Yep I frequently use FX: OC-2, Big Muff, Morley Wah, others... but more recently I've tended to add FX in post-production, rather than while recording. I find it gives me more control and frankly, I can get a shedload more FX for my money by buying software plug-ins rather than pedals. Although I do love pedals
  11. ^ Cheers for the input folks. I'd never considered ebony for the fretboard but will investigate and ask Paul what he thinks. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1357742247' post='1927599']Personally i'm sort of on the fence about the design cant decide if i really like it or really dislike it lol. Its different thats for sure which has to be a good thing. Love the extra frets.[/quote] Ha ha, that's what I like about the design! It's got loads of character IMO. The original bass it's modeled on has 36 frets; this one's going to have 28 which is fairly unconventional but a great addition I think. I like playing high using an octave pedal to get a synth-like tone on electronic tracks, so those few extra notes will come in handy. Anyway, cheers for the feedback Elvis! Good to hear from you mate.
  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357734061' post='1927367'] I'm quite fond of this My other favourite bass isn't really what I would call "pretty" it's more "cool" [/quote] Wow! You weren't kidding when you said you like 'pointy' basses, were you? I'd have someone's eye out if I owned one of those. My own favourite would have to be [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193647-basschat-competiton-bass-a-13-guitar-co-project/page__st__20"]this one[/url] in the making... but take that with a huge dollop of personal bias
  13. [quote name='dumelow' timestamp='1357743974' post='1927647']is this open to anybody? How do I go about submitting my entry once its finished? [/quote] Yes, very much open to anybody - all are welcome! Once you've produced an entry, upload it to [url="http://soundcloud.com/"]SoundCloud[/url] and post the link to your track in this thread. The deadline for entries is usually the Friday of the 3rd week each month (so that'd be 25th January). If you don't have a SoundCloud account, you can set one up easily for free. Hope that helps and welcome aboard
  14. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1357686319' post='1926921']Re fretboard wood - I have [b]tiger ebony[/b] on my fretless 5 and it feels lovely...[/quote] Thanks Bluejay! Sounds exotic... I'll have to do some Googling to learn more about it. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1357687671' post='1926950']IMO the curves on the top horn are a bit odd, the middle cut could do with a smoother angle. all IMO etc.what position are the pups in? it looks quite warwick a-like[/quote] Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc! I persionally like the steep angle of the top curve. Like the horn itself, I think this really contributes to the overall shape. That's not dismissing your input though Luke, genuinely appreciated mate. I can't comment on the p'ups position - they look like normal soap bars to me - but Paul might have an answer. We haven't got into any detail on the electronics as yet, but will do so further on in the build. Watch this space!
  15. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1357734305' post='1927373']For a pot luck worth a try effort Johnny Roadhouse up Oxford Road, past the BBC on the same side, is worth a look.[/quote] Ditto! Can be hit and miss in terms of what they have in stock, but worth a look and something of a Manchester institution in itself. That and Dawsons are my own favourite haunts. I think one of the people at Dawsons is a Basschat member.... can't remember who but they might pop up in this thread.
  16. I've got two ideas for this month, so I need to make up my mind pronto and start sketching something out. One of the ideas needs a female vocal. With the option of some very invasive surgery being off the cards , I might try persuading Mrs Skol to have a go at singing. [all together now] [i]"It's a family affair..."[/i]
  17. Cheers for the comments all! [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1357600049' post='1925332']We should probably decide on a fretboard first as we might have to compromise with the board being so big. As for wood. I'd go for mahogany.[/quote] Nice one Paul, I'm happy with mahogany. [b]Anybody got any suggestions for a fretboard wood?[/b] I'm only familiar with rosewood myself - that's what's on both my other basses (a battered yet beloved Ibanez EDB600 and a defretted Hohner P-bass copy). [quote name='Roger Evans' timestamp='1357655448' post='1926066']Thats a fine looking design! Nice work. I'm a P-bass man myself but I like the shape of this. Eyecatching and original. Reminds me a bit of a Curbow which I also like.[/quote] Yeah, I love the shape of it. Paul's made a 36-fretter in the same style, which is what this build is based on. I posted a pic of it on the first page of this thread. Caught my eye the minute I saw that! [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1357658124' post='1926134']Lovely design Although ...the bottom horn seems quite far back , couldn't this potentially make it a little neck heavy when its resting on your leg?[/quote] Good point. The bottom horn is going to be shifted slightly forwards towards the body to give it a bit more 'leg room'. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1357659545' post='1926172']That's looking good. To me it has a bit of a LeFay vibe.[/quote] Definitely! Great comparison. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357663314' post='1926278']Not a huge fan of that top horn at the moment, but that's me. I prefer things a tad... pointier [/quote] Nah, I love that chunky top horn! That's a really strong feature of the design to me. I'm not keen on horns that join the neck with no gap (although Mike (Urb) on Basschat has a very nice Sei bass with a joined horn/neck!). But chunky is good
  18. Just thought I'd quickly share this thread that's running in the Repairs & Technical forum in case it helps http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196051-how-easy-is-it-to-remove-a-polyresin-finish/
  19. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357640232' post='1925650'] Thanks Paul, much appreciated [/quote] No probs, bud. I notice it's been re-Tweeted by Silvia and other fellow BC'ers, so folks are getting the word out
  20. ^ Cheers Dave! Made me a bit sqeamish reading that thread - like watching an operation on the telly - but I think I'm still up for it. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Or lost. Hmmm
  21. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357638015' post='1925600']Woke up to find it's had 670 odd plays in 24 hours, that seems very encouraging [/quote] About five of those are mine! I also spammed it on Twitter for you mate. That's my 10% cut of any royalties secured right there
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357632646' post='1925511'] Not necessarily, its a complex thing, but you certainly aren't getting what you would from something tracked at 96. Furthermore you arent giving the fx the extra fidelity (without their own upsampling) that upsampling everything to 96 outside of the DAW with sox would give either. Depends on what did the sample conversion to a very great deal. Not all DAWs are equal in this regard, one of the best tools is sox, and another is the Voxengo tool for up/down sampling - both free. Cant remember the site with all the numbers to prove this though, do a google search for it! [/quote] Cheers Si, that' useful to know. I'll be Googling SoX later and checking it out - thanks for tip off, never heard of it before
  23. ^ Cheers guys, great responses. Made me laugh! ... with a mix of humour and sheer terror. So basically, if I decide to go ahead with this I'm setting myself up for a s*** tonne of frustration and will likely destroy the bass in the process. Sounds like a plan! I won't be attemtping this till next time I visit my folks (my old man has a heat gun in his shed somewhere), but I'll keep you posted with pics of my pain/glory when the time comes.
  24. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357598433' post='1925293']I typically mix at 48KHz 24bit...[/quote] Me too. Which has made me think that I'm probably being very thick here!? I mix at 24/48 and then when I render the track, I select the option (in Reason) to output at 24/96. You're now going to tell me that unless I'm mixing throughout at 24/96 it's not to going to make any difference, aren't you?
  25. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1357593156' post='1925133']There's no problem sharing the file anywhere, we're not precious about our music.[/quote] Cool Good on ya. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357597884' post='1925277'] I think this is pretty important, people, we should all be downloading the files to do a proper comparison - well as proper as we can - without the inherent mangling of soundcloud's streaming. 192KHz, crikey, I'd need a more substantial machine for mixing to go up that high! [/quote] Good point about downloading, Si. The SoundCloud player is notorious for messing with things - it's not always [i]that[/i] noticeable but it does make a difference. PS: I outputted mine at 96 not 192kHz... unless you're refering to someone else on here who's running some kind of 'Deep Thought' super computer
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