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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1357594619' post='1925179']Bwahahahaha![/quote] Yeah, I know Dylan got there first but I always think of Wearing when I see the idea. Must be 'cos I'm young or something. Bwahahahaha!
  2. [b][size=6]See last post for update and photos...[/size][/b] I've got an old Hohner Rockwood (one of [url="http://http://basschat.co.uk/topic/40917-rockwood-by-hohner-lx90-b/"]these[/url]) that I bought off my brother for £30 a while ago to use as a 'project bass' - i.e. something I can tinker with without fear of causing expensive amounts of damage. I de-fretted it last year (sounds surprisingly good!). I'm now planning on removing the finish, stripping it back to the bare wood and painting it. It's got a hard plastic finish that I assume can't be removed using a chemical stripper such as Nitromors. So from what I've read elsewhere online, it looks like I have to remove it using a heat gun. It's not a huge issue if I mess it up - but if it's going to be a total pain in the backside then I might not bother. The advice I've found online makes it look suspiciously easy! So... how easy it this to do? Cheers. PS: as an aside, I'm also going to get round to changing the pickups on this bass at some point this year (original thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117445-how-important-are-pickups/"]here[/url]).
  3. Nice one Nige, I genuinely love it! Great track for starters. The Gillian Wearing holding up signs thing has been done loads, but it really works to good effect here and made me laugh/smile throughout. It looks like it was a load of fun to make and I like the fact it's dead informal and low tech - very much a part of its charm. You mention that some professional vids are on the way, but to be honest I think this one has a lot of mileage in it. It's probably got better potential for going viral in my opinion - simply 'cos it's chock full of personality. Anyway, keep us posted on it all mate.
  4. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1357585005' post='1924930']Can I suggest everyone allows downloads on their mix, so they can be listened to anywhere without streaming on line.[/quote] No probs Steve! Happy to. The only reason I hadn't switched on downloads is 'cos it's not my song to share A quick word of warning: the track I've uploaded to SoundCloud is a 24 bit 96kHz wav file - it weighs in at something like 120Mb! - so you might want to avoid downloading it on a mobile device. Yeah I know... it's probably overkill using such a stupidly large file, but I've been reading up on what's best to do when uploading to SoundCloud and the consensus is generally the bigger the bitrate and resolution, the better (in terms of minimising the side-effects of being mangled by the SoundCloud player, which downsamples all in its path). If anyone wants a low fat Mp3 copy then let me know and I'll upload one.
  5. That's a tough call to make. But the fact you're doing so and facing the situation head on, rather than denying it and doing yourself more damage, is very commendable and definitely the right thing to do. You lose out on gigging and rehearsing. That sucks. But I'm certain you're going to gain a new lease musical life as a result of this situation. You can still lay down a mean baseline in half an hour. And you now have a good reason to focus more on composition and exploring other instruments. Wishing you well with whatever comes, mate. Paul
  6. Got the initial drawing back from Paul at [url="http://www.13guitarco.com/"]13 Guitar Co[/url] and wow! - I'm very pleased with it He's going to extend the lower horn slightly to create some extra leg room for playing sitting down. Other than that it's good to go. Next step is to order in the wood. I'm currently thinking of a dense material like mahogany/myrtle/ash for the body and maybe bubinga or maple for the neck... but all that could change! If anybody wants to make suggestions then please do - I'd welcome any input throughout the build. Cheers.
  7. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357561828' post='1924420']I'll leave it another week then before attempting to turn this into a poll... Remember whatever else happens you have to be prepared to spill the beans on what you did...[/quote] No worries mate. And very happy to spill any beans! I'm a notoriously messy eater... and mixer
  8. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357550415' post='1924174']Is there anyone else looking to drop a mix in here or shall I set up the poll with what we have?[/quote] I think everyone who's been posting in this thread has submitted a mix, so I'm happy for the poll to run - but equally happy to give it another week as suggested by Rob. Flip a coin!?
  9. Wow, nice playing Bill. Funky as a motherfunker. Reminded me of Ronnie Jordan in parts. Good work!
  10. Nice clean playing! Slap bass generally isn't my thing but I enjoyed these videos
  11. Gotta love Matisyahu! Definitely the coolest Hasidic Jewish rapper I know of Seriously though, great track. Good work on the accompaniment mate. Nice tone on your bass and you seem well 'in the pocket' throughout. Nice one!
  12. Sweet playing Mike - me likey ...now I feel an inexplicable urge to practice unti my fingers bleed. Always an inspiration mate. Paul
  13. Sorry dude, but the audio on that video is pretty poopy - I can't hear much of anything!
  14. Sounds like I need to check out Spotify - it sounds great. Me, I've always been obsessive about buying the music I listen to. Hence a record collection that is the bane of Mrs Skol's dream of a tidy home That said I've almost exclusively switched to digital music these days - in fact I haven't bought any vinyl for a number of years (apart from the occasional car boot sale purchase). If I want to learn a song that's not in my collection, I use YouTube or I just buy it on iTunes. Not being all righteous here, that's just my preference.
  15. Ok, I'm done! Could have spent much longer messing with this, but it sounds about as finished as it's ever going to be… https://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/second-chance-by-tacsi I haven't done the K-meter thingymabob yet, so it probably sounds quite loud by comparison. Happy to sort that out though (Si: give me a prod if you want me to do so). Really enjoyed this process and now looking forward to listening through the other entries hopefully later tonight. This is the first mix I've ever done with someone else's material (other than the odd remix), and it was real eye opener (ear opener? Whatever). The mix was produced using [url="https://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason/"]Propellerhead Reason[/url] using the software's own plug-ins, plus a couple of others (namely [url="http://www.softube.com/fet_compressor.php"]this one[/url] and [url="http://www.softube.com/trident_arange.php"]that one[/url] that I got on special offer last year - love 'em). Only the original stems were used with no overdubbing… although I was sorely tempted to dub the drums at one point! Let me know what you think. PS: this song has really grown on me! Good thing too
  16. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1357352240' post='1921622']'Dubstep' is a great byword for 'total dogshit'. [/quote] [i]"Every generation wants to be the last. Every generation hates the next trend in music they can't understand. We hate to give up those reins of our culture."[/i] Chuck Palahniuk
  17. Nearly finished mine!... but it's late and I need to sleep Haven't checked out anyone else's yet as I don't want to colour my own idea of the track before it's finished. Should have something ready to upload tomorrow or Sunday.
  18. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1357330270' post='1921296'] RedX's is more the kind of thing I had in mind (I think I voted for his actually, definitley my kind of thing) I'm probably gonna end up using delay pedal glitch's more than anything, this is a quick test I knocked together, it's the kind of thing I'm aiming for:[url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/glitch-loop-test"] https://soundcloud.c...litch-loop-test[/url][/quote] Sounds frickin' great to me Very Aphex.
  19. Skol303

    BC Awards 2012

    Any news on the awards? I'm sitting here with popcorn awaiting some Gwyneth Paltrow Oscars breakdown moments
  20. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1357279660' post='1920235']...I'm setting myself a slight challenge of only using a bass, guitar, and pedals to generate sounds, which should be fine except for the glitchy drum beat I have planned, that could be a bit of a ball ache.[/quote] ^ That is a [i]nice[/i] idea, I like it (not the ball ache part, the rest of it ). You could maybe try creating a drum pattern by slapping'n'tapping - not necessarily playing it 'live', but creating some suitable thumps and pops that you could then sample and arrange to create a drum pattern. It's got me thinking anyway! Something I'll have to try myself in future. BigRedX did something similar-ish in September - not using a bass, but creating a drum pattern and other sounds out of samples. Worked very well. You can listen to it [url="https://soundcloud.com/bigredx/bigredx-september"]here[/url] if you missed it first time round.
  21. Nice! I like Here's a similar vid featuring Pinn Panelle playing a live cover of Skrillex's "Nice Sprites...". Same crazy bass MIDI action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuunY8BTqNs
  22. [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1357244012' post='1919830'] Of course, it doesn't have to be political at all (maybe I shouldn't have mentioned where it came from) As that fella on [i]Catchphrase [/i]used to say.... [b] [i]say what you see!![/i][/b] [/quote] The first rule of the photo is: we don't talk about the photo Seriously though, I didn't think 'politics' when I first saw it - but it did spark a bunch of other things. Like the eternal struggle of replacing a duvet cover.
  23. It's cool, Nige. No sweat. Good to air these things anyway. I really hope these challenges attract similar sponsors in future. Because with them come more listeners - and I hope I don't sound big headed or ungrateful by saying that the music we all make deserves more than 40 or so keen and dedicated voters each month. I very much agree with your principles regarding canvassing and was careful to avoid doing so while plugging the competition via my own limited contacts (I'm s*** at social media but I try!). That said we should maybe explore other ways of managing the voting in future when prizes are at stake. Be a shame to embargo promotion of the competitions as I feel we should all be shouting about them as much as we can. Anyway... Thanks for the kind words mate and I'll keep y'all posted on the build. I'm waiting to hear back from 13 Guitar Co with news on a design - will post in the Build Diaries thread as it develops. Cheers bud.
  24. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1357229039' post='1919435']Paul, I don't know if my comment looked like it was directed at you, but it wasn't.[/quote] No worries Bluejay! Seriously. I don't feel under attack by anyone here, I just wanted to try clearing the air given that the issue of November's massive voting count keeps cropping up... and being the winner I felt compelled to say something. You do a sterling job of helping to plug these monthly challenges on Twitter. And I know that between us we put out a good half dozen Tweets each in November. Given the number of people who voted, I personally feel like it was a job well done and will hopefully encourage other sponsors to get involved in future. That can only be a good thing in my opinion. In future, it might be an idea to set up a more transparent voting system when big prizes are on offer (or shortlist entries to a final vote by a judging panel). I totally understand people's concerns regarding canvassing, but there's a big difference between that and promoting the competition and I'm certainly going to keep doing the latter. Anyway, cheers again for the continued support - and maybe you should roll up your sleeves and get stuck in sometime this year?? *hint hint*
  25. Only just got back home after Xmas travels... ^ will listen to yours later tonight when I switch on the 'puter and get working on my own Will have something to upload over the weekend.
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