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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. ^ There might be a way to package the tracks from each month and make them available as a digital download via Bandcamp or similar. This could be done free of charge or with the option of donating an amount to Basschat. Back on topic: nice pic! And suitably post-Festive. Has got me thinking already...
  2. [size=4][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]While I'm here... I feel I should address the previous comments about November's voting. I was going to let it lie but they keep cropping up, and being the person who won I can't help thinking they're aimed at me. Plus it'd be a shame if they continue to dog these challenges in future. I'm surprised that some of you seem baffled why November's challenge attracted much more attention than other months. It stands to reason that a big prize = more publicity = more people listening = more people voting. I'm fairly sure the sponsors of such competitions hope this will be the case too. Me, I plug the competition each month to the same group of people: on Basschat (in the general forum) and externally to the [url="https://soundcloud.com/groups/basschat"]BC SoundCloud group[/url] and on [url="https://twitter.com/skol303"]Twitter[/url] (I have a Facebook page but it's useless - you can see for yourselves [url="https://www.facebook.com/skollob"]here[/url]). Each time I've won, the % of votes I've received has been fairly consistent: around 32% in September and October (the latter jointly with Silddx), and 37% in November. So some people out there must like my music regardless of there being a prize on offer. Undoubtedly a lot of other people were promoting the competition in November and rightly so (if you weren't one of them, why not?). Some people may have been canvassing for folks to vote just for them - if so, it clearly didn't do them much good from where I'm standing.We ended up with the highest number of entries thus far, the most Facebook 'likes', the most Tweets and re-Tweets, etc, by a long chalk. I have no doubt it attracted a lot of new people to Basschat. And I think that's a good thing. I got 343 plays on SoundCloud last month and 77 this time round. So my message to anyone who helped publicise it because of the prize is: [i]don't slack off and please keep on doing so.[/i] I certainly am. November came down to a three horse race (similar to December) and in the final stages I think people weren't bothering to listen to each entry but instead voted for their favourite among the top three. That probably applied even more so to BC newcomers. While that sucks I'm unashamedly happy that it was mine that ended up favourite. If anybody here feels their own track was more deserving then come out and say so - I won't be offended. Otherwise all this talk of canvassing and unfair play is at risk of sounding like sour grapes. Peace and a happy new year to y'all. Paul[/font][/size]
  3. [size=4][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]Huge congrats to BobbyK! Well done mate. A cracking composition that I enjoyed listening to a number of times over Xmas. And you're a fellow Reason user too, so it feels like a win for the team Good work. I'll PM you about your prize of a BC polo shirt.[/font][/size]
  4. ^ Cheers Stephen! Sounds like we have a similar taste in basses :-) I'll definitely keep you updated on the build once Paul gets started on it. All the best for the new year mate.
  5. There's still 2 days left to choose your favourite and vote in this month's composition challenge. ...the perfect cure for a new year's hangover, cheeseboard overdose or mince pie comedown.
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1357047067' post='1916677']2 days left![/quote] Ah! Sorry mate I was obviously jumping the gun earlier... I'll put out another shout for votes.
  7. ^ Cheers to Nige, Bobby and others for words of encouragement this month - appreciated! Not sure if voting is still underway but it looks like we currently have a tie between [b]xgsjx[/b] and [b]BobbyK[/b]... both excellent entries and very deserving winners (Charic will no doubt make the 'formal' announcement in due course). I personally found it very hard to pick a favourite - some very strong entries and a great end to last year's monthly challenges. Here's to another year of making music! Best wishes to y'all
  8. BUMP ...only 9 tracks this month; about 40 mins of music. A perfect respite for anybody still stuck at their in-laws or getting tired of watching repeats on the telly. Or, y'know, just interested in new music made by fellow Basschatters ;-) Go listen!
  9. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1356867627' post='1914394']...I was getting absolutley nowhere for ages , I took all day friday trying to mess with a drum midi and was on the verge of giving up , and thought I would try a drum loop program , and after a bit of fannying a lot of stuff just clicked . I have even just sussed out how to apply the plug ins , I have know idea what they do , but at least I am at the point where I can get started . and THAT is a miilion miles from where I was even a week ago . The reaper evaluation says I am on day 42 out of 60 , so it was getting a bit touch and go [/quote] It's a buzz when it all comes together, innit? Took me a good while to get my head around using music software, but you'll find it gets much easier very quickly once you're over the initial hurdle. Then the fun really begins! PS: you can continue using Reaper after the trial period - it's a very generous set up with no penalities - but I'd personally recommend supporting the developer and purchasing a license: it's great value for money at £50 or so.
  10. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1356814548' post='1914014']I know I am miles to late for this, but for a laugh and just to show how good the others are you can have a listen to[url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/chrimbo-jingle"] this [/url], it might put you off though[/quote] Hey Lurks...I've just fixed the link in the above quote. There was a # symbol in there that was messing it up. For everyone else it's here: https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/chrimbo-jingle Well done for having a crack at it! Certainly better late than never mate. And it's not half as bad as you make out. Welcome aboard :-)
  11. 2 DAYS TO GO UNTIL VOTING CLOSES! A quick thread to point y'all in the direction of this month's composition challenge... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195165-december-composition-competition-voting-time/"]HERE[/url]. There are some stunning entries this month - and a huge diversity of musical styles on show - so grab a mince pie and go listen. Cheers!
  12. Just finished re-listening to them all and voted (accompanied by a festive cheese board and a few glasses of sherry - very civilized!). Tough call this month. A sincere doff of my cap to fellow comrades who entered. The diversity of tracks is just huge and I found it especially tricky to pick a favourite. Hope everyone's enjoying the holiday and best wishes for the new year!
  13. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1356519936' post='1910646']Finally got mine to a reasonable state. There's some pretty sloppy playing which I'd redo with more time, but here it is, warts 'n' all[url="http://soundcloud.com/stevemcevoy/broken-future"]http://soundcloud.co...y/broken-future[/url][/quote] That's bloomin' great Steve! Really nice song. I think Lord Saus' nailed it with the "Floyd meets Manchester" comment - spot on. I didn't notice many warts myself mate... sounded good to me. Nice singing too. Loved it. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1356545715' post='1911041'] OK this is a bit more of a 'sentimental Christmas journey' than a dirty old Santa collapsing in an alleyway, though it gets a bit groovy in the middle and Vic lays down the bass vibes... in a spoken word type way - I'll let you guys decide if it works or not[url="http://soundcloud.com/munkio/bass-makes-no-music-featuring"] http://soundcloud.co...music-featuring[/url][/quote] VERY nice, Mike. Superb playing as ever, and the vocal is quite simply [i]lush[/i]. Good production too. Sounds great through my cans - I particularly like the glitchy drum work and break beats. Most of all it actually captures the festive spirit - in a positive way! Another cracking entry
  14. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1356337838' post='1909228']Well Skol I thought it bleeding rocked!!!! Love your talent![/quote] [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1356339260' post='1909237']Superb mate - brilliantly chaotic, suits the scene perfectly![/quote] ^ Thanks folks! Really appreciate the feedback. Thought I'd try something a bit different this month - glad you dig it
  15. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1356424402' post='1910076']Got a keyring with what looks like a pbass deluxe on it, and and pick. Otherwise, no. [/quote] I got one of those last year! This time round it's a tube of 'Fast Fret'. Better than socks at least
  16. Quick festive BUMP for this thread. I'm hoping to have a crack at it first thing in the new year...
  17. Ok, no schmancy songwriting from me this month. Instead I've bodged together a noisy electronic track that started out quite ambitious and soon got derailed due to me underestimating how long it'd take to make a decent job of it. So it's very much half-baked but the general idea is there - that being an attempt to recreate what it sounds like inside the head of festive drunkard (i.e. proper messy! ). It's mainly synth-based but has some 'real' bass playing in parts: a bit of mellow, octave pedal noodling half way thru and some angry, distorted Big Muff action at the rear end [i][insert pun here].[/i] It's definitely not "proper music" by most people's reckoning, so apologies in advance for any detrimental side-effects of listening... such as a deeply furrowed brow, compulsive tutting and a high risk of hernia while lurching for the off switch. https://soundcloud.com/skollob/xmess PS: here's wishing y'all a very merry Christmas and a cracking new year!
  18. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1356140654' post='1907450'] [url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/as-violet-braces-myrrh"]https://soundcloud.c...et-braces-myrrh[/url] Quickly trimmed down, not really how I'd planned it but I won't get time to improve it so here it is. The title is actually cryptically christmasy, a shiny internet cookie for anyone who figures it out. [/quote] Brilliant! Reminds me of Eno (as mentioned above) and the likes of Vangelis. Very good work for guitar/bass and FX. The track following it on your SoundCloud page is frickin great too - you've definitely got a knack for ambience PS: can't figure out the title reference. You'll have to spill the beans once this is over!
  19. [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1356045064' post='1906302'] Right then, here's my effort, make of it what you will. See the description on the Soundcloud page for the idea etc... [url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbie-k/so-peaceful"]https://soundcloud.c...e-k/so-peaceful[/url][/quote] Really enjoyed this composition - skillfully put together and nicely produced. The piano really fills out the track and your vocal is great. I dig the ending too, which adds to the melancholy. In all, very good work! [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1356127344' post='1907322']Here's my entry, if easily offended dont listen. Not had any time to do anything so knocked this out for a laugh this afternoon, think it fits the picture well, hope you get the humour! [url="http://soundcloud.com/9thaspect/i-quit-bass-chat-competition-1"]http://soundcloud.co...t-competition-1[/url][/quote] Good one Stephen, very funny! It's as though your Jimmy from last month has put on a santa suit Lyrics had me genuinely LOL'ing in places. I particularly like the line "Peter wants a bag, Julie wants a cat, Steven wants everything the little t***!".
  20. Good job Bilbo! Nice to hear a story that genuinely warms the cockles at this time of year Goes to show what can be done with enough dedication and practice. I'd love to be able to play an impromptu gig like that one day. Although I have probably 9000 hours or so of practice to catch up on first... best look busy.
  21. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1356093055' post='1906691']Download Reaper.[/quote] ^ +1 ... and be prepared to be patient when you first try using it! It can be a bit daunting when you start out (it was for me anyway), but you can work out the basics of recording, adding drums, other instruments, etc, quite quickly. Plenty of good tutorials on YouTube and plenty of folk here happy to help out. No excuses SpaceChick... go for it!
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1356017847' post='1905791']...doesnt make any difference to me if they prefer wax cylinder.[/quote] Quick festive factoid: did y'all know that the first ever recording of Jingle Bells was recorded on a wax cylinder in 1898 as part of a Christmas medley entitled "Sleigh Ride Party" (god bless Wikipedia). You can listen to it here: [url="http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Edison_Male_Quartette/Voices_of_Christmas_Past/03_-_edison_male_quartette_-_sleigh_ride_party_jingle_bells_1898"]http://freemusicarch...ngle_bells_1898[/url] PS: sounds [i]waaay[/i] better on MP3!!
  23. Isn't it simply a case that [i]music is an art[/i], whereas [i]sound[/i] [i]is science[/i]? One highly subjective, the other measurably objective. The characteristics of sound and of different musical formats and playback devices can be described in scientific terms (specifically the laws of physics). So while science can't easily determine what sounds better - only your own ears can do that - it can determine what has the most potential to sound better, based on things like frequency range/response, etc, etc. At least I think that's the point people are trying to make here. More importantly, which is better: ice cream or custard? We all know it's custard, right?
  24. My favourite colour might be red. Somebody else's favourite might be blue. I can't prove why red is better than blue. That's a matter of opinion. But I can scientifically explain the frequencies of light that make up each colour and compare them that way. That's fact.
  25. [quote name='Crazyeelboy' timestamp='1355784763' post='1902823']Is it too late to submit our Jingle Bells version? It's on our SoundCloud: [url="http://www.soundcloud.com/frenchwhorenamedbabette"]http://www.soundclou...orenamedbabette[/url][/quote] Not at all, welcome aboard! Deadline for entries is 27th December.
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