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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. The 'fairest' competitions in my experience are those decided by judges, not voting. But then you need a good mix of judges to even out personal bias, etc. Pros and cons either way I suppose. It'd be a bit rich for me to complain...I was doing well in the poll!...but I totally understand the concerns being raised. I have no idea how many of the votes I'd received were from seasoned BC veterans, how many were casual BC'ers from the SoundCloud group or newcomers from Twitter, where I've been plugging the challenge since the composition stage (you can read my tweets here: www.twitter.com/skol303). I can only hope that the folks who voted for me had judged my track (and everyone else's) on its merits. Ultimately, if we have a problem with the system, then it needs changing. Maybe we need a poll for that? ;-)
  2. I'm not sure but I think SoundCloud only clocks a 'listen' once you've played a certain portion of the track...so if you skip thru it might not add it to the total number of plays. But I could be wrong. Still not a reason for why people wouldn't listen to a track in its entirety, but I guess there's no way to regulate that sort of thing. Although it is a shame. Anyway, what the heck has happened to the poll?? Shall we just call it a draw and say everyone wins
  3. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1354039990' post='1881317']nope, love beards, just got a lot of washing up [/quote] You should see mine mate...it's currently a stack of dishes that puts the North Face of the Eiger to shame! I'd best get started on it... [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1354040939' post='1881336'] Great, I'll get some 'friends' in, and we can seal your reputation once and for all. The dishes will still be waiting for you when we're all done. [/quote] To quote from Withnail & I: " Don't attempt anything without gloves!" ;-)
  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1354035000' post='1881224']Or do the washing up. Your choice [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1354039111' post='1881299']I've chosen. Next Thursday OK for you..? [/quote] Sure thing... I've been called a scrubber in the past, might as well live up to the reputation! [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1354039593' post='1881305']Hey folks, can someone do me a favour and check if the link to my tune goes to the vocal mix or not.[/quote] I'm just about to leave work but I'll check when I get in and let you know mate, unless someone beats me to it...
  5. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1354035614' post='1881244']erm... washing up lease, I'll pm my address [/quote] Aww, Steve! It's the beard, isn't it? My missus has been wanting me to get rid of it for ages... ok, I'll just grab my Marigolds and be right over...
  6. Just sent out another plug for votes on [url="https://twitter.com/Skol303"]Twitter[/url] as well as on SoundCloud. As Nige has said elsewhere, we already have more votes than both previous months combined - and it's only Tuesday! Great stuff. Keep 'em coming folks. It'd be great to break the 100 mark this month. PS: I feel it'd be rude not say a [i]massive[/i] thanks to those of you who've voted for me thus far. I know it's early days but I'm genuinely gobsmacked. Huge boost to my confidence whatever the outcome. If I knew where you lived, I'd come round and give you a sloppy kiss! Or do the washing up. Your choice
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1354018726' post='1880812']I wanted to call mine Savilecore, to find that already existed [/quote] ^ Read that and thought to myself "eh??"... typed it into Google, which came up with 'Explore savilecore on SoundCloud'...now I'm thinking "WTF!?"... clicked the link and it took me to your track! If that takes off as a genre title, then I'll know who to point the finger at mate!
  8. You should check this out: [url="http://mapofmetal.com"]http://mapofmetal.com[/url] For this month's composition challenge I decide to label my track as 'Sadcore' - thinking that would be sorta funny - and it turns out there is already a genre with that name When I worked a music journo years ago I invented the genre 'folkstep' as joke in one article. That's now a genre too! I guess people are just suckers for labeling things - gives them a sense of identity, etc. Although some of the names do make me laugh. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1354010694' post='1880661']Unfortunately, such things exacerbate conflict because people end up supporting bands simply because they play a particular 'genre' as defined by some aspiring music journo.[/quote] ^ Ha ha! Yup, that was me at one time. Only my aspirations never quite transpired...
  9. [indent=1]Just heard from Charic that voting closes on Friday at midnight...[/indent]
  10. Just heard from Charic... voting closes on Friday at midnight.
  11. So [i]that's[/i] how Skynet starts... damn, I'm going to start digging my bunker... "Sarah Connor?" "Yes...?" "I'm here to play Moondance"
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1353965059' post='1880393'] When does voting close?I mentioned it on Twitter yesterday and will mention it again when I know the closing date.[/quote] I think voting closes on Friday or Saturday - not sure which. I'll PM Charic and ask... will let you know.
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1353949815' post='1880137'] ...with the added bonus of getting that warm fuzzy feeling when your filly takes the biscuit..! No cost, no downside; every one is a winner..! More fun than voting for crime commissioners or such, in any case. Recommended... [/quote] [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1353952439' post='1880196'] I voted yesterday and can confirm that there are some excellent compositions....it is your duty as a BCer to support this... [/quote] ^ Cheers guys! I like the horse-racing comparison. I often feel one step away from the knackers yard on Mondays... Be great if we could get the number of votes above 100 this month, but we'll see. I've given it a plug on a Twitter and on the BC SoundCloud group, so here's hoping the community comes out of the woodwork and votes.
  14. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1353853188' post='1878951']has this thread been highlighted anywhere else on the forum, try and suck some of the others in to vote even if they didnt take part?[/quote] ^ Good idea, Rob. I've just set up a thread in General Discussion encouraging folks to vote (maybe Charic or one of the other mods can pin that sucka for the duration of the voting period?). I've also posted a message on the BC SoundCloud group which might drum up some more interest. If you haven't already, make sure you join that group and share your track on it - details here: http://soundcloud.com/groups/basschat [i](click on the link marked 'share to group' - displayed above each track - to share any of your music with this group)[/i] I think we've already had more votes than any other previous month, which is great. Hopefully plenty more to come...
  15. [b][size=5]It's the final day of voting on this month's Composition Challange, so please go listen and vote if you haven't done so already! Voting ends at midnight.[/size][/b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192756-november-composition-competition-voting-time/"]VOTE HERE[/url] Please do listen to each track before voting. Cheers
  16. Can't make it myself but I'll get the word out among fellow Mancs and PM you if anyone I know is interested.
  17. I've previewed them all as they've been added but now genuinely looking forward to a proper listening session with a couple of cold ones (or warm flat ones as is my preference...). I think it's fair to say this month has brought out the best in everyone. I'm genuinely chuffed to be a part of all this - best music community on the Interweb for sure - and here's offering a grizzly a hug and slosh of raised glasses to all involved! Cheers y'all! :-)
  18. No worries mate, just dropped you a PM. That pedalboard of yours is obscene! :-D Looks like you need a pilot's license to operate something like that. Bloody awesome sound - I've got an old OC2 that I've started playing around with at home - actually inspired by your good selves! - so I'm planning to produce some DnB or dubstep myself using a 'live' bass rather than the usual synths and subs. Nothing started yet but I'd appreciate your feedback once I have something recorded. Sounds like you've got plenty of projects on the go which must be great for keeping things fresh. The international collaboration you mention sounds particularly interesting. Massive market for UK bass music in the States so well worth pursuing that. Keep us posted mate. Truly awesome sounds :-)
  19. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1353697083' post='1877664'] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I had time to join in, and looks like i just made it in time.https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/jims-in-the-scooby-doo-doo Garry [/quote] Nice track Garry! Really top notch production. Out of interest where do you get your sounds from? They're ace.
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1353669790' post='1877141']Mine is mixed solely on headphones too.[/quote] Good to know I ain't the only one! Yours sounds great, Nige. A really clean mix with a solid low end and not too thin on top. Monitors are for wimps [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1353670023' post='1877145']'I didnt have a Scooby how she did it', great line! Like it and like the backing vocal additions, love the manc ring to it. Well put together, nice one! [/quote] Cheers Steve! Glad you dig it mate.
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353669009' post='1877127']I really did have no hope [/quote] That's what I've thought to myself each month! There's some mind-boggingly good talent on display in these challenges that I'll never be able to match. No reason not to get stuck in though, eh?
  22. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1353655072' post='1876963']Love the sound, well worth waiting for![/quote] Cheers Ed. Good to know it sounds ok. It's never ideal mixing on just headphones, but it's what I'm stuck with. A bit like painting in the dark, or something! Paul [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1353663978' post='1877048']That's great mate! Great tune and I like the vocals, especially the harmonies. There's some nice melody and harmony going on in the music. Really like it Paul! Full of personality too, I totally get that it's very personal.[/quote] Thanks Nige! I sound like a Bee Gees tribute act when the backing vocals are solo'd but they seem to sound ok when dumped in with the rest of the mix. Must say I didn't plan the harmonies at all - a happy accident there. Definitely a personal song, but had fun trying to work in Savile, Scooby and Mexican festivities. We didn't make it easy for yourselves, did we mate??
  23. ^ Cheers for the heads up Elvis! Link is now fixed. Off to bed myself now… been a long day
  24. Ok I'm done. Found it tricky deciding how to approach this month's challenge, but settled on a dreary little number about how people can be deceptive, and how when relationships turn to ruin it spoils the memories associated with them - just like it has done with Savile, a once national hero but now a figure of hate (I used to love Jim'll Fix It as a kid…). It's very much based on a past relationship of my own, in which I had a chunk of years ruined by the discovery that my then betrothed was in fact a cheating swine. I found the only way of moving on was to let those memories fade and die and be happy about doing so (a nod to the Mexican day of the dead festival, where the second photo comes from). 'Twas a long time ago and I've since happily got hitched to Mrs Skol. But I still found it very cathartic to write about. Anyway, enough of that old bollocks… have a listen: http://soundcloud.com/skollob/bad-riddance PS: it's mixed solely on headphones, so I'm keen to know how it sounds on your own systems. Most likely either either a tinny wreck or a muddy soup, but hopefully somewhere between the two.
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