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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. Again, people always strongly recommend whatever tools they themselves use (myself included). Basses, amps, DAW software, whatever... we like to feel that whatever we’ve chosen for ourselves is the right choice Always, the truth is that what best suits one person might not equally suit another. The comments in this thread as are testament to that. Basing your decision on “experienced guys” might not be as savvy as it seems if you’re an outright beginner and - like me - aren’t keen on the learning curve associated with some DAWs. Now that you’ve missed all the holiday sales (!)... my recommendation would be to demo the DAWs that sound like a good fit before you commit to buying any one of them. This is advice I wish I’d heeded myself many years ago when I started out making computer music in my late teens! It would have saved me time trying to learn softwares that I ultimately wasn’t so compatible with. Try one DAW out per evening, or whatever, even for just an hour. You’ll get a much better impression of the differences between them that way. Or just dive in on impulse like everyone else! (PS: Reaper is no bad place to do so) Good luck, have fun and don’t forget to share your creations here once you’re up and running...
  2. Love: Rhodes piano. Loathe: Bagpipes. Just STFU already.
  3. See I’m the opposite - maybe because I work in graphic design for a living, so I like things to look pretty I find Reason’s interface much more intuitive to use than other DAWs; and that in turn benefits my workflow. It’s fun... and that’s a rare quality in any software. For the same reason I tend to avoid Waves plugins, for example. Sure they do the job (I own their mastering suite), but shifting little grey faders on little grey boxes just feels... dull. If I can achieve the exact same result with a GUI that looks great - such as the Softube plugins - then that’s going to be my choice every time. PS: surprised you found Reason to be CPU heavy. Not sure which version you’ve tested, but IMO it’s one of the leanest DAWs available. Perhaps not as lean as Reaper mind you... last time I used that it could run comfortably from a USB stick!
  4. I think therein lies the root of your perspective on this topic. If you judge instruments purely as tools, then absolutely there is no benefit to playing a vintage bass that can’t be replicated by a modern counterpart. I myself am very much of the IKEA furniture mindset in this regard If you impart an instrument with other less practical qualities - heritage, nostalgia, mojo, a sense of comfort, etc - then it becomes something more personal. If we could ask Nile Rogers why he still plays the same Fender Strat he’s been playing for 40+ years... when a modern Strat would be equally as good (if not better)... then I’d wager his answer would be based on emotions and other undefinable fluff, rather than anything practical. But I’d also wager that particular guitar brings out the best in his playing - not because it’s a better tool for the job, but because of how it makes him feel.
  5. What makes old *anything* more desirable to some people / more valuable / worth preserving? In a word I’d say it’s ‘heritage’. Today we can generally manufacture products to a far higher standard than in the past: be it dining tables, buildings or even bass guitars. What we can’t do is imbue these items with history and heritage and authenticity... only time can do that. And that’s ultimately what the antiques market is based on. A skilled joiner can build a Victorian style table to the exact same standard as his Victorian counterpart; just as a skilled luthier can replicate a ‘66 Fender Jazz right down to the pickguard screws. But the items will have no true heritage. And heritage is something we humans hold dear - not just in dining tables and bass guitars, but throughout all of our many different cultures. You won’t boil the value of heritage down to a clear and convenient answer in this or any other context (suffice to say it’s part of the ‘human condition’). But it makes for a fun discussion
  6. I have certainly been suffering some shiitake over Christmas.
  7. Why do people like antiques? Is it nicer eating your dinner off an old Victorian dining table than an IKEA equivalent? The food will taste the same; but that doesn’t mean all other things are equal
  8. Our first challenge of 2018 is now underway! Here’s the image for your inspiration, chosen by November's winner, Mornats… Click on the 'Spoiler' button below to read the usual rules and caveats: The deadline for entries is midnight on Wednesday 24th January. ...have fun(gi)!
  9. Well done Lurks and Clan! A really nice family effort and a good way to end the year The new challenge will be posted in the 'Rec forum shortly... Happy New Year all.
  10. Skol303

    Small monitors

    The rest of the house is her’s; but the garage is the one domain where I get to dictate the colour of my monitors! 😂 Nice choice! They certainly match the wallpaper Can’t go wrong with Yamaha in that price range. Solid value for money.
  11. Hard to pick favorites! But I won competitions with both of these... http://www.soundcloud.com/enterwolfsaga/keep-dancing-skol-remix https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/conrad-clifton-nitemare-remix-contest/submissions/a0663a9c-279e-11e7-8fab-0ee95250b769 Don’t use these to make a judgement about whether or not to opt for Reason, of course. All DAWs ultimately sound the same, all things being equal. I’d probably sound the same on Logic, Reaper or whatever. Just might take me longer to get there EDIT to say you can demo Reason before you commit to buying it. I’d strongly recommend doing that and trying out some ‘beginners’ tutorials on YouTube before you take the plunge with that or any DAW. ...no rush, but Reason currently has a $100 discount until the end of the year.
  12. Skol303

    Small monitors

    Haha! Well this is a somewhat unconventional quandary when it comes to monitors 😂 I honestly can’t think of any within your budget (or any budget) that don’t look like a pair of fairly bland, black bricks. So my tip would be to prioritise sound quality/flatness over aesthetics and knit yourself some funky covers as suggested by Douglas. Win:win 👍🏻
  13. VOTING ENDS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! Cast your vote while you can... and have a cracking New Year's Eve one and all
  14. Ditto. And judging from the honours list, there are many names far less deserving than Ringo; the usual political shills. Same as it ever was.
  15. Good luck! Might also be worth sending a quick email to the interface manufacturer to check on compatibility. Most companies are happy to offer whatever advice they can (at least in my experience).
  16. I have the same issue myself. Currently looking into upgrading my old 2010 iMac sometime this year (which will mean Thunderbolt 3 ports)... but want to keep using my equally old analog/digital mixer, which uses a FireWire 400 port. I’ve contacted Apple, the mixing desk manufacturer and various user groups. Consensus is that I my options would be to either: 1) Chain together a Thunderbolt 3 > Thunderbolt 2 > Thunderbolt 2/FireWire 800 adapter > FireWire 800/400 cable. It won’t look pretty but it will work for the interface I’m using. 2) Buy an OWC dock which will do the same thing in one box. BUT... there currently aren’t any reliable software drivers for the interface that are compatible with the latest Mac OS (High Sierra). So that’s the stumbling block for me. And that’s also partly why I’m now considering shifting everything from my mixing desk onwards over to analog, which isn’t plagued by the persistent need to keep pace with changing interface ports, software patches/drivers to anywhere near the same extent. But that’s another story
  17. Hi Dan, you should be able to use a FireWire 800/400 cable and then whatever other adapters you need. I’ve heard that even chaining Thunderbolt 3 > Thunderbolt 2 > FireWire 800/400 cable works in most cases. If you want ‘elegance’ then you’ll probably need to pay for the privilege Something like the OWC docks are very well regarded if you have money to spend, but I’m sure there are other cheaper adapter docks on the market too. Connecting stuff is usually relatively easy. What’s often more tricky is finding driver software to run your old interface on a much newer computer. If the driver software is available, then rest should be a cakewalk.
  18. Dammit! Freudian slip... “worth it”... definitely “Because you’re worth it”
  19. Indulge yourself with the Basschat End of Year Cover Song Challenge... “because you’re worthless”.
  20. Don’t sweat it ...both nice tracks and very few people have voted so far. Hopefully we’ll get some more as people start getting bored of TV and want something to do with their hands other than bring turkey sandwiches to their mouths.
  21. Get your headphones on and be this guy. Do it now.
  22. VOTING THREAD IS UP Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
  23. As is now tradition, we’re ending the year with a Basschat Cover Song Challenge: a selection of songs, all mercilessly butchered beautifully interpreted by members of this ‘ere community. If you ever needed an excuse to don a pair of headphones and blissfully ignore your relatives for half an hour over the Christmas period… This. Is. It. Listen at your leisure and then vote for your top three favourites: Dad3353 ‘Paradise Circus Waltz’ (original by The Alligators) MoonBassAlpha ‘Driving Aloud (Radio Storm)’ (original by Robyn Hitchcock) fingers211 ‘Silver Metropolitan Astronut’ (original by Neil Innes) christofloffer ‘Spinning Away’ (original by John Cale & Brian Eno) Mornats ‘Upside Down’ (original by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein) lurksalot ‘Wheels (OTB)’ (original by Verna Hills) Skol303 ‘3AM’ (original by Thundercat) xgsjx ‘Sonic Boom’ (original by Westworld) fleabag ‘In A Broken Dream’ (original by Python Lee Jackson) Voting ends at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
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