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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/310840-august-composition-challenge-voting/"][size=6][b]VOTING THREAD IS UP![/b][/size][/url]
  2. [color=#b22222][size=5][b]Voting has now started on August's Composition Challenge.[/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Here's the inspiration for this month's music, chosen by our previous winner, [b]lowdown[/b]…[/size] [size=5][/size] [size=5]…and here are the compositions. Please vote for your top THREE favourites:[/size] xgsjx [url="http://soundcloud.com/gxmix/pyramids"]‘Pyramids’[/url] Dad3353 [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/inexorable-what-goes-up-must-come-down"]‘Inexorable (What goes up must come down…)’[/url] Mornats [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/ta-seti"]‘Ta-Seti’[/url] lurksalot [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/es-a-giza-master"]‘E's A Giza’[/url] MoonBassAlpha [url="http://soundcloud.com/julian-moss-511168525/structure-devine"]‘Structure Devine’[/url] alittlebitrobot [url="http://soundcloud.com/alittlebitrobot/senusret"]‘Senusret’[/url] lowdown [url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/nomadic-adventures"]‘Nomadic Adventures’[/url] [color=#b22222][size=5][b]Voting ends at midnight on Thursday August 31st.[/b][/size][/color]
  3. Felt compelled to chip in and say that EVERY bass player should at least be familiar with how a compressor works, even if they choose not to use one on stage. Compression is so essential to bass. We have lengthy discussions about strings, wood types, pickup configurations, amps and cabs... and yet the most useful tool in the bass players arsenal gets frequently overlooked - apart from in this thread of course! Never ceases to amaze me.
  4. [quote name='WinterMute' timestamp='1502456058' post='3351598'] If I was going to choose kit for a home room now, I'd get a couple of decent mics, Sontronics or AKG or the like, a good interface, the fastest computer I could afford with a ton of RAM and some decent HD space and a decent pair of self-powered monitors, then do everything else in software. Hardware is brilliant, but it's expensive and requires a deal of knowledge. [/quote] +1 Although I must admit I do [i]love[/i] the few pieces of hardware that I own. Not just or the sake of them being 'real stuff' - and putting aside discussions of analog mojo - but because I find them so beautifully straightforward to use. Switch on > turn a few dials > sounds great, job done, on with the mix!
  5. Very easy to do! Some quick tips: 1) Everyone can contribute to the process, but you ideally want one person bringing it all together and controlling the 'master copy' of the mix. Otherwise it's easy to lose track of where the song is up to. Too many cooks, etc. 2) It's nice if you're all using the same software, but not essential. The advantage of using the same 'ware is that you can share project files with FX settings intact and fully 'tweakable'. But I've never found the need to do this myself... it's generally much simpler to share WAV files but keep everything as dry as possible, within reason - so that any post-production FX can be added the person nominated to be in charge of the overall mix. This of course doesn't preclude - eg. a guitar from recording something through their favourite valve amp fully cranked. What you want to avoid is that same guitarist then adding, say, reverb as an after effect and supplying the WAV with the reverb applied. 3) SoundCloud is useful because it allows everyone in the band to comment on specific parts of the track. For file sharing I personally use WeTransfer.com PS: if this thread takes off I'm stealing it and moving it to the Recording forum
  6. Is originality dead? For pub-band players of a certain age and disposition, quite possibly yes. For everyone else, no it's not. Next question...
  7. I reckon that picture is crying out for Mornats' DOOM array!
  8. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/309652-august-composition-challenge-get-writing/"][size=6][b]August challenge is now on![/b][/size][/url]
  9. [color=#800000][size=5][b]August’s Composition Challenge is now underway![/b][/size][/color] [size=5]We had three winners last month: [b]Dad3353[/b], [b]Mornats[/b] and [b]lowdown[/b] (congrats guys!), with this month’s picture chosen by lowdown on a first come first served basis [/size] Click on the 'Spoiler' button below to read the usual rules and caveats: [spoiler]By entering the competition you agree to the Basschat Terms and Conditions and Forum Guidelines, which are designed to help ensure the forum remains free of offensive and/or illegal behaviour and material. In a nutshell: [b]1) Please avoid any content that other forum users may find offensive.[/b] If your track contains explicit lyrics, then please warn other forum users so they can choose for themselves whether to listen to it. [b]2) Please make sure you have permission to use any 3rd party sounds included in your track[/b] (ie. sounds that you have not recorded yourself, such as samples of other people's music). The owners of Basschat accept no responsibility for infringements of copyright or other forms of legal ownership, which are solely the responsibility of competition entrants. [b]3) Entries should be no more than five minutes long and written/produced during the month of the competition[/b], taking inspiration from the photo provided. No cheating! If you have any questions, just ask.[/spoiler] [b][color=#800000][size=5]The deadline for entries is midnight on Thursday 24th August.[/size][/color][/b]
  10. [color=#800080][size=6][b]VOTING ENDS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! [/b][/size][/color] So y’know… pull your finger out. Have a listen. Chop, chop.
  11. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/309279-july-composition-challenge-voting/"][size=6][b]Voting is up![/b][/size][/url]
  12. [b][size=5][color=#800000]Voting has now started on July's Composition Challenge.[/color][/size][/b] [size=5]Here's the inspiration for this month's music, chosen by our previous winner, [b]lowdown[/b]…[/size] [size=5]…and here are the compositions. Please vote for your top [u]THREE[/u] favourites:[/size] [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/slow-slow-quick-quick-stop"]Dad3353[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/tango-approximata"]Bilbo[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/gxmix/she-danced"]xgsjx[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/the-tango-of-bognor-regis"]lurksalot[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/nigel-jewell/janet-and-john-were-dancers"]fingers211[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/theboysings/turning-heads-1"]the boy[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/julian-moss-511168525/tango-triste"]MoonBassAlpha[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/the-big-bossa"]Leonard Smalls[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/adamgx/charangatangorock"]adamg67[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/the-tango-culture"]lowdown[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/east"]Mornats[/url] [size=5][color=#800000][b]Voting ends at midnight on Monday 31st July.[/b][/color][/size]
  13. Traveling so I haven't yet caught up with this properly, but will do so when I finally come to a standstill. Looks great!
  14. I'm in Manc and will get the word out amongst fellow musos. Fingers crossed.
  15. Well I took the plunge and renewed my SC subscription. Word on the web is that £40 million is apparently "chump change" for potential buyers and SC's reach/user base is seen as having value, given that its widgets are integrated all over the 'net. TL/DR: I definitely work in the wrong profession.
  16. Don't go counting chickens, but online rumours suggest they're NOT going to close. Also from the SoundCloud Twitter: "*airhorn* Spread the word: your music isn’t going anywhere. Neither are we."
  17. In a word... no. There's no way to remove just the bass from an original track without affecting the song overall. Unless of course it's a song written by your band and you have the individual studio files available, in which case it's very easy - just mute the bass track! The best you can do is use an EQ and/or High-Pass Filter (HPF) to reduce the bass. Trouble is, bass frequencies extend much higher up the frequency range than we tend to think, so you [i]will[/i] end up eating into the mid-range and pretty much every other instrument in the process. But you can certainly have a stab at dampening the bass sufficient for a play-along video, no problem. ----- [i]As an aside: there's a neat trick that can be done with vocals if you have an instrumental copy of a song as well as the original. Assuming both versions are identical, you can use the instrumental version to completely isolate the vocal part by inverting the waveform of one and mixing them together.[/i]
  18. [quote name='fftc' timestamp='1499329795' post='3330732']...I'm loving it, but not from a bass perspective.[/quote] That's [i]exactly [/i]the point with Thundercat. You either like his music or you don't, irrespective of his approach to bass playing. I think a lot of bass players hear about him being "one of us" and stroll up expecting some guy thumping out funky fingerstyle grooves, or whatever, and are surprised to find out that he's doing something completely different. If you're concerned by Thundercat's noodling, then rest assured this isn't some "new direction for bass players", far from it. I imagine the vast majority of young bass players are still practicing the same old stuff that many of us play in pubs and bars every weekend. Personally, I dig Thundercat's music and find him very refreshing in lots of ways. But he's not my go-to bass player when I want to hear a bass player
  19. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1499280221' post='3330528'] If anyone's interested in how my DOOM Array is sounding let me know and I'll pop a thread up about it. [/quote] Yeah count me in! Be interested to hear about that I haven't played any of the recent DOOM games but I was weaned on the original back in the '90s, which had a really great soundtrack (co-produced by Nine Inch Nails if I remember correctly... or was that Quake?).
  20. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1499162365' post='3329567'] Odds-on you kettle will draw more current when it boils than your studio ever will. [/quote] Definitely this. We have an energy Smart meter at home and it barely registers when I'm making music, but goes bananas when I make a brew. Our music room at home is a converted garage and when the electrician visited, I asked him to install a pair of 4-socket power outlets (making 8 sockets in total), which more than cover what I need. For 'hungrier' devices, such as my practice amp, I tend to use just one socket per device. For low power devices, including my computer and some outboard stuff, I have no problems running between 4-6 devices off a single socket using an extension cable. Ultimately, the fuses in your devices and the fusebox itself will soon let you know if things are overloaded But generally speaking you'd have to make a concerted effort to start blowing fuses with [i]most[/i] music gear. [i]PS: that's not a challenge![/i]
  21. Stonkingly good performance. Had me grinning like a loon and almost tearful at times. Jerry Barnes was great and got everyone talking about his playing. Which other bass players managed that at Glastonbury this year... maybe Thundercat? Yeah. And I bet he yanks the same chains
  22. Breakfast finished. July Challenge is up! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/308079-july-composition-challenge-get-writing/"][size=8][b]GO, GO, GO....[/b][/size][/url]
  23. [color=#800000][size=5][b]July Composition Challenge is now underway![/b][/size][/color] [size=5]Here’s the image for your inspiration, chosen by last month's winner, [b]lowdown[/b]… [/size] Click on the 'Spoiler' button below to read the usual rules and caveats: [spoiler]By entering the competition you agree to the Basschat Terms and Conditions and Forum Guidelines, which are designed to help ensure the forum remains free of offensive and/or illegal behaviour and material. In a nutshell: [b]1) Please avoid any content that other forum users may find offensive.[/b] If your track contains explicit lyrics, then please warn other forum users so they can choose for themselves whether to listen to it. [b]2) Please make sure you have permission to use any 3rd party sounds included in your track[/b] (ie. sounds that you have not recorded yourself, such as samples of other people's music). The owners of Basschat accept no responsibility for infringements of copyright or other forms of legal ownership, which are solely the responsibility of competition entrants. [b]3) Entries should be no more than five minutes long and written/produced during the month of the competition[/b], taking inspiration from the photo provided. No cheating![/spoiler] If you have any questions, just ask. [color=#800000][size=5][b]The deadline for entries is midnight on 24th July.[/b][/size][/color]
  24. Give me Sleaford Mods any day of the week
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